Rescue Or Recovery

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Rescue Or Recovery Page 28

by Dave Hazel

  “Then,” Diaz continued. “When it was also reported to him that we lost nine men to the gorillas, which viciously ripped the men apart and bit two of their faces off, he lost his cool and blew up and said we were not going back there. I guess he blamed Major Chick for supporting our efforts to rescue the girl. Major Chick told me that Colonel Fisher jumped all over him and said he better not bring it up again, so please Mykal, and the rest of you for that matter, please do not repeat that. That was supposed to be between just Major Chick and myself,” Diaz said and shook his head as if he said too much and wished he had kept his conversation confidential. “I only say that because I want you to know how serious this is.”

  “Okay. I’ll go have a talk with Colonel Fisher,” Mykal said and tried to think of how he was going to present the importance of rescuing Princess Doninka again.

  “Can’t do it Myk,” Finley declared firmly and shook his head. He folded his arms across his chest not in a defiant manner, but as a mode of defeat. Finley wanted to go back to the other side of the world to avenge the Green Berets he lost.

  “Colonel Fisher made it clear to Major Chick that he wasn’t budging on this and he will not speak to anyone,” Captain Diaz replied. “He told Major Chick that he will go to his quarters and he will not be taking any visitors. He also said,” Diaz huffed and paused because he felt he was stirring up trouble and creating more problems by relaying information that was supposed to be between himself and Major Chick.

  “He also said what?” Mykal asked angrily.

  “He also said that he increased the number of armed guards around his quarters to prevent any intrusions or unwanted visitors. I’m not trying to imply or start something Mykal,” Diaz said and looked at Mykal’s heated angry features. “But he emphasized the words ‘armed guards’ who will not allow any intrusions or unwanted visitors.”

  “I’m gonna kill that piece of shit,” Mykal snarled and gritted his teeth in regret and wished he wouldn’t have voiced his threat in front of so many people. They all just looked at him and then they looked at each other. “First of all, he will speak to me and we will be going back. I can guarantee that,” he added and his tone sounded like a continuation of his threat. “We will be going back today,” he declared and emphasized the word ‘today’ as if he dared any of them to argue with him

  “Mykal, he is the commanding officer,” Diaz said and spoke for the group. “If he says we can’t go, then our hands are tied. We can’t start a mutiny just because we don’t like his position on any certain situation. He is the ranking officer and the commanding officer of our base, or little detachment. It is not that he is putting lives in danger and we are stepping in to take control of his command to save lives. He believes he is protecting lives by banishing us from the other side of the world.”

  “But he is endangering lives,” Mykal replied harshly. “All the lives of everyone here in the Pass are at risk, especially all the people under King Loankore’s rule. If we rescue Princess Doninka then the King won’t be put at risk.”

  “I agree with you Mykal,” Lieutenant Finley replied calmly. “Believe me, I’m angry and ready to go right now due to all that has happened to my Green Berets, but we have to understand that if we initiate a mutiny, once we stand before a military tribunal, the court will not see it that Colonel Fisher was putting lives in danger. Due to his rank they will side with him.”

  “That is a legal battle that we can’t possibly win,” Captain Diaz added.

  “Alright, alright, I understand. But listen to me. First of all, we made contact with Doninka. We’re gonna go there and get her and get outta there even if it’s just me and Towbar going there to rescue her. Am I right Towbar?” Mykal asked and turned to the giant.

  “Yes my friend. Now that we have made contact with her, we will be able to locate her. It will make our journey a much different journey.”

  “It’s not gonna be a wild goose chase,” Mykal professed in preparation to his next question. “If Colonel Fisher gets back on board, and ends up being okay with us going back, are you guys still willing to come with me and Towbar?”

  “Yes, for sure,” Finley said quickly. “I have unfinished business that I would like to try to address if we get the chance.”

  “I’m in full agreement as well,” Captain Diaz replied. “We can’t just throw our military careers away and risk a court martial by disobeying the commanding officer’s orders. As long as Colonel Fisher has a change of heart I will gladly go with you Mykal,” Captain Diaz said to make clear Fisher had to give his blessing on the travel back to the other side of the world. “As a Christian, I must obey the orders of those handed to me from those on high.”

  “I understand,” Mykal acknowledged and smiled. He was confident he would get Fisher to change his mind or he would force him back to the real world.

  “I want to go back with you Mykal,” Gunnery Sergeant Ratner announced. “So I hope you can get Colonel Fisher to change his mind. I feel bad for that poor girl,” Ratner added and gave a sad smile. “By the time I retire I will have close to thirty years in the Corps. I can’t just throw that away. As much as I agree with you and want whole heartedly to go, I can’t do that to my family Myk.”

  The others agreed as well. All of them were enthusiastically in agreement if they could get a green light from Colonel Fisher, otherwise they would have to decline going back. They were bound by military law.

  “Great. That’s what I wanted to hear, cuz I will get him to change his mind. If he doesn’t change his mind I’ll honestly go there by myself,” he added without making his previous threat, though the threats were flowing through his thoughts.

  “I would go with you my friend.”

  “I know you would Towbar,” Mykal said and had to laugh. He was trying to make a point and Towbar didn’t understand that. “But I would go by myself, especially now that we made contact with her. If I have to, it’ll be me, Towbar, the Elves, the Dwarves and Towbar’s soldiers. But I would prefer to have yous guys come cuz of the experience and the weapons yous have and I know yous guys know your shit. I will get him to change his mind,” he added as if he was trying to convince himself that he would be able to get the colonel to change his mind without force.

  “But he did say he’s not going to talk to anyone Myk,” Lemon said. “I, too, can’t throw away my career by being disobedient to a direct order.”

  “Don’t worry about that,” Mykal responded. “I would never put any of yous guys in any type of situation that is gonna cause yous any kind of harm to your careers. Yous guys have all done more than I could ever ask, and yous don’t know how thankful I am for that. But if yous guys are willing to help I promise you that Colonel Fisher will change his mind and he will personally come out and tell everyone he changed his mind,” Mykal added and realize his New York accent was coming out because of his anger. “I promise you Colonel Fisher will come out himself and give the green light,” he repeated with a slight snarl that he tried not to show.

  “But Myk, he’s not taking any visitors,” Sergeant First Class Lemon said to remind him.

  “Are you kidding me?” Mykal asked and looked surprised. “You’re talking to me,” he added playfully and slapped his own chest to get Lemon to look at him.

  “Yeah Sarge,” Roy Jr. finally spoke and looked at Lemon. “You’re talking to Mykal Graves here. You think some little pipsqueak colonel is gonna shut him down?” He laughed which caused them to laugh with him. “Well, I know he’s not a little pipsqueak,” Roy Jr. playfully corrected his assessment of Colonel Fisher. “To be honest he’s a pretty buff dude. The dude works out a lot. But still, you’re talking about Mykal Graves here. He’s fought Sosos, giant spiders, babies that turn into doggies, zombies, AFAs, UBAHs and all kinds of other crazy shit this world has to offer and he’s still standing. So do you really think one lil ol’ colonel is gonna be able to shut him down? C’mon now Sarge,” he laughed and generated a playful response from the others.

But you’re right, I’ll get in to talk to him and when he understands that we made contact with Doninka, I really think he’ll change his mind,” Mykal said with a friendly smile and all the while he was thinking of the different ways he was going to threaten Fisher. “Besides, I don’t think he understands how bad this would affect his relationship to King Loankore if he forces us to stop while his baby girl, his daughter, the Princess Doninka is being held by the evil Supreme Ruler Zizmon-Tarl. Can you imagine what would happen to our relations with Towbar’s people if the girl gets killed and we had a chance to rescue her? Or conversely can you imagine what our relations with Towbar’s people would be like if we bring her back here safe and sound?”

  “Yes my friend, the King would be eternally grateful if we brought Doninka back here,” Towbar answered for the group.

  “Captain Diaz, can I ask you to get your Christian friends together and pray about this? That Colonel Fisher will change his mind when I present all the facts to him?” Mykal asked though he was seriously contemplating abducting and injuring Fisher severely. Then he would take Fisher back to the real world to get him out of the way.

  “Yes Mykal. I will do that.”

  “I’m confident we will be going back today,” Mykal declared. “Please make sure all those who do want to go back with us, that they all have all their stuff together and that they’re ready so we don’t have to hunt them down afterward.”


  Mykal and Towbar walked toward Colonel Fisher’s tent, but Mykal had turned himself invisible. He knew Colonel Fisher said he wasn’t going to speak with anyone, which he knew was code for not speaking to Mykal and that was fine. Mykal wanted the giant to draw the attention of Fisher’s guards to his location at the front entrance so he could sneak in through the back way.

  “We are almost there my friend,” Towbar whispered and tried not to move his lips when some of the guards caught sight of him and moved to intercept him. “Is there anything in particular that you would like me to do?”

  “No, just create a disturbance and get all the guards out to this side of the tent,” Mykal whispered back. “I’m going in through the other side and I will kill this jerk if it comes down to it. Well, I won’t kill him cuz the others heard me make that threat. But I promise you if he doesn’t change his order I will get him outta here today. I’m leaving buddy,” he added since he knew Towbar couldn’t see him turn away.

  “Hi Mister Towbar,” one of the guards said when the giant approached the front of the large tent quarters. “Is there something we can do for you Sir?”

  “I would like to speak with Colonel Fisher.”

  “I’m really sorry Sir, but that’s not possible at this time,” the Marine Corporal answered and he looked slightly unnerved. With his right hand he gripped tighter onto the shoulder strap of his rifle. He knew Towbar was considered a VIP, but he had his orders not to allow anyone near Colonel Fisher’s tent.

  “Why is it not possible since I am the commander of our forces here in the Pass?” Towbar asked but it sounded like a demand. He was trying his best to create a scene without going overboard per Mykal’s instructions. “I speak as one who speaks for the King, King Loankore the third. I request a meeting with Colonel Fisher.”

  “Sir, if I may,” Gunnery Sergeant Yarza stepped in. Yarza was the senior man under Fisher’s tight nit crew of Marines. His personal crew of bodyguards. “Colonel Fisher is resting at this time and he was informed by the medical personnel that he needed to lay down and get some much needed rest. He became very ill and at this time he is under doctor’s orders not to be disturbed, while he recovers,” Yarza replied like a fine tuned diplomat and looked to those with him as if he had just made that up. He looked to be lying. “Sir, I will gladly leave a message for him to find you as soon as he is feeling better.”

  “Do you understand who I am?” Towbar’s booming voice nearly shook the hardened Marines where they stood. All the Marines had to look up into his face that seemed to be growing angry. He was playing his part to create a distraction for Mykal.

  The seven Marines standing there looked to Yarza for direction. Suddenly another six Marines came running from the other side of the tent when they heard Towbar’s loud voice.

  Mykal wanted to laugh because now he was all alone on the other side of the tent. He thought it was comical that Towbar would speak in such a manner because that was not Towbar’s nature.

  “Yes Sir, Towbar,” Yarza said weakly but he knew he had to obey his orders. “We do know who you are Sir, and what your important position is here in this land, in this kingdom Sir. I am only doing what we were commanded to do because of the doctor’s orders to insure Colonel Fisher will get better. But I will get a message to--”

  “I do not think you understand who I am, or what my position in this kingdom is,” Towbar barked and looked as if he felt awkward. He knew they just declared they knew who he was and how important he was. “Would you act this way if King Loankore himself stood here before you and asked to speak with Colonel Fisher?”

  “Sir I’m, I’m sorry Sir. I really am sorry Sir,” Yarza replied softly and removed his hat from his head out of respect. Removing his starched camouflaged cap showed Yarza shaved his head and kept his skull bald. Yarza remained calm and looked like he didn’t want to escalate the situation with the giant. “Please understand Towbar, we would never be disrespectful toward you or your position. But I have my orders Sir. Orders from both Colonel Fisher and the doctor whose care Colonel Fisher is under.”

  The Marines under him looked unsure, but they knew they had to follow Gunnery Sergeant Yarza’s leading.

  “Would you do this to the King of these lands?” He asked again to keep stalling. “You are only guests here and I speak as one who speaks for the King. As I stand here before you, I stand in the place of King Loankore the third,” he declared and tried to sound as if he was getting angry, but per Mykal’s instructions he knew he had to be careful not to overdo his performance.

  “Sir, I truly understand your frustration. If you would just be patient with me I will get a message to Colonel Fisher. And I will personally ensure Colonel Fisher comes to you straight away once he is up and feeling better. I beg you Mister Towbar, understand, we are all soldiers obeying orders handed down to us. I believe I understand how you would react if you gave orders to your soldiers and if those soldiers happened not to carry them out for you, despite what the circumstances would be. This is the situation we are trapped in. I do not want to be disrespectful to you,” Yarza said and was obviously trying to be diplomatic about his position. “But please be respectful to my position as a soldier under orders.

  “As a great leader of men,” Yarza continued despite how it looked to those under him that he was ‘kissing up’ to the giant. “I know, and I understand what you would expect Sir, if you gave orders to your men. You would expect those orders to be carried out, and to be carried out to the fullest extent of their abilities without any excuse,” Yarza said and seemed to squirm where he stood. “That is what I am trying to do here Sir. That is the exact position I am in here Sir,” Yarza added in the hopes of drawing on the giant’s sympathies.

  Towbar stood there and looked down into Yarza’s face with a frown that instilled fear.

  “I give you my word, Lord Towbar,” Yarza added the giant’s title in an attempt to sway Towbar from escalating his anger. “That once Colonel Fisher is available, I will personally make sure he comes and sees you directly,” Yarza repeated and actually sounded nervous. He feared escalating the situation with King Loankore’s military leader, due to the importance of the alliance between the two sides working together. On an individual level he didn’t want to anger the mighty giant Towbar. “I, personally, am pleading with you Lord Towbar, to understand the position we, as soldiers, are caught in the middle of.” Yarza believed his act of self-effacing humility would get through to the kind, yet honorable, leadership position of the giant.

  Towbar stood there and stared
at the men without saying a word. It was clear he wanted them to fear him while he gave Mykal ample time to achieve his goal by reaching his destination on the other side of the large quarters. Towbar had not been swayed by Yarza’s contrite pleading. He was only putting on a show as a diversion for Mykal. Had he truly wanted to get through this human barrier, the standoff would have ended much differently.

  Mykal laughed quietly and hoped Towbar wouldn’t overdo it and get the Marines to buckle. Mykal took out the magical dagger he discovered on the other side of Towbar’s world. It was the dagger he allowed Jake to have, and thankfully Jake gave it back to him before Mykal returned to Towbar’s world. Jake told Pam to tell Mykal that he would need it more than Jake would need it back in the real world. As Mykal looked at the dagger it reminded him how much he missed his close friends like Jake, Larry and Sam. It also reminded him how much he missed his close friends who had been killed like Boris, Denny and Kurt.

  ‘Stop!’ He scolded himself in thought. ‘I’m not gonna allow my emotions to bring me down,’ he added as he stuck the blade into the canvas siding of the rear of the tent. He made a hole large enough to look into. It was Fisher’s bedroom and there wasn’t anyone in the room. He listened for any sounds and all he could hear was the sound of the generator running which was around the corner of the tent wall where he stood. ‘Yeah, this scumbag gets to live it up, but I don’t care as long as he changes his mind.’

  Mykal cut a large hole into the side of the tent. He made the slit into the canvas material large enough that he could slip into the colonel’s resting quarters. ‘For someone who is sick and on a doctor’s order to rest, his bed hasn’t been touched yet,’ he smirked. ‘And it makes me wonder how strong of a leader Fisher is if he has to be put on bed rest because of the loss of a few men,’ Mykal scoffed in thought. ‘He shoulda come up with a better excuse than he was emotionally devastated by the loss of men,’ he scoff inn thought again.


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