Magic & Memory Loss

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Magic & Memory Loss Page 5

by Eleanor Rousseau

  A small squeak came from the darkness.

  “I’ll miss you.”

  In a sneak attack, the tiny creature leapt at my face, rubbing himself against my cheek and wrapping his wings around my head. I giggled and reached up to rub the spot between his wings.

  He chirped in glee and flapped his wings, inadvertently slapping my head.

  “Ow, stop,” I said, though I was still laughing.

  “You okay down there?” Murray asked.

  Trip squeaked and leapt back into the darkness under the bed. “I’ll miss you too, love you.” I blew a kiss his way before climbing out from under the bed.

  I smoothed down the skirt of my dress and brushed back my hair.

  “I’m ready... right?” I glanced at him.

  He held up my phone, which I must have left in the living room earlier. “Just this, and your toothbrush.”

  “Right! Thanks.”

  Five minutes later I was ready to go. Murray had already taken down my overnight bag so I headed down, to find Julie already waiting with Beth in the kitchen.

  “I’m ready,” I declared.

  “Do you have your phone?” Beth asked.

  “Yup.” I pulled it out to show to her.

  “Good. Call if you need anything, and I mean anything. Julie says you’re taking the train, so make sure you keep an eye on your bags and don’t lose your tickets.”

  I laughed softly. “Beth, we are going to be just fine, you don’t need to worry.”

  “Honey, I am always going to worry, that’s a fact.”

  I rolled my eyes but hugged her so she wouldn’t see.

  “You know, I think it’s good you’re going out,” she declared as I pulled back.

  “You do?”

  She nodded. “You need to get out more, see the word a little, have fun. Just not too much fun,” she said with a wink.

  I laughed softly. “It’s just a couple days, how much trouble could I get into?” I teased.

  “Oh, girl, you have no idea.”

  And, on that cheerful note, Julie and I headed out. She was driving us to the station where we’d catch the train. Another new experience. “So, are you excited yet?” she asked as we climbed into the car.

  Smiling, I nodded. “I’m getting there.”

  “WOW, THERE ARE SO MANY shops here,” I said, part in awe and part intimidated, as we stepped into the shopping centre. Just how much shopping did she expect us to do?

  “Come on, you need an outfit for tonight.”

  “What’s wrong with my outfit?” Beth had taken great pleasure in putting together a wardrobe for me when I’d first moved in with her. She was big on floral patterns and dresses.

  “Nothing, it’s just not eveningwear and it isn’t really...” she paused, glancing up thoughtfully, “you.”

  I pursed my lips, not necessarily because I thought she was wrong, just because I didn’t really know what look would be ‘me’.

  Luckily, she didn’t pick up on my conflicting emotions. “Your clothes are cute, pretty even, but what you want is something sexy,” she declared.

  I brushed a hand against my lips, my mind dragging up the memory of how it had felt to be kissed. Sexy, I’d like to look sexy, at least for a little while. “Mmhmm.”

  “Now, you have a great figure, so you don’t need any help in that area,” she began, linking her arm with mine.

  Did that mean I’d need help in other areas?

  “I’m thinking something short and tight, how much skin do you want to show?” she asked, leading me into a store with brightly coloured dressed in the front window.

  “Um, this much?” I gestured to the dress beneath my coat. The skirt stopped just above my knee and had a U neckline that showed a small portion of my breasts.

  She rolled her eyes, like I was being unreasonable. “This isn’t the fifties, live a little, girl, show your assets.”

  I rolled my eyes but chuckled.

  Soon enough, she had picked out three dresses, hung them over my arm and directed me to try them on. And that was just from the first rack we came across. Letting out a breath, I obediently stepped into the dressing room.

  Two hours and countless dresses later, she squealed in delight. “That’s it! That’s the one!” she declared.

  “I thought the teal one was the one,” I commented.

  “I mean, it is, just not for tonight. This dress, this is for tonight. Burgundy is more of an autumn colour than teal anyway.”

  She did have a point about the colour, and this one did do nice things for my breasts. “But I would be able to wear a bra with the back on this one.”

  “That’s fine, we’ll get you some tape.”

  I glanced at her face, just to check she was serious. She was. I gulped.

  “Now, time to look at shoes.”

  Dear lord. She was older than me, how did she still have the energy for more shopping? The woman was like a machine.

  “Okay, but first... do you think we could break for lunch?” I asked hopefully.

  She turned to me. “Fine, thirty minutes, and then it’s back to work.”

  Chapter Nine

  Later that evening, stepping into the ballroom was like stepping into another world. Chandeliers glittered overheat, lighting the space just enough to create an atmosphere that was mysterious and alluring.

  I’d once seen an episode of the Bachelor with Beth and this was a little like that. All beautiful people in fancy clothes, perfectly made up. And it wasn’t just the way everything looked, it was like the air sizzled with something I couldn’t name. A presence? Or maybe an aura.

  I didn’t know what it was, but I kind of liked it.

  “You look beautiful,” the deep voice caressed my senses, almost like a physical touch.

  I blushed as I turned to see Adam. “Thanks,” I said, feeling awkward.

  “Thank you for coming,” he said, wrapping an arm around my waist. The guy was looking rather dashing in a tuxedo and seeing him made me glad I’d bought the dress and put in a little extra effort. His eyes sparkled with admiration as he took me in. “I wasn’t sure you would.”

  I smiled. “I just happened to be in the city and thought I should swing by,” I told him.

  “Well, I’m very grateful,” he said as he guided me towards the bar with a hand at the small of my back.

  “What is all this in aid of?” I asked curiously.

  “This is where the city’s magical elite get together to discuss business,” he told me.

  “Wow, really?” I glanced around. Of course, I didn’t recognise any of them but at second glance, some of them did look a little more than human.

  He nodded. “Impressed?”

  “A little, why are we here?”

  “I have business to discuss with the mages but that shouldn’t take long. Let me get you a drink.” He gestured the bartender over and ordered me a drink with a weird name before getting himself a whiskey.

  I wasn’t a big drinker, in fact to the best of my knowledge I’d never had a drop of alcohol. Even at Werewolf Christmas, the most I’d drunk was an inordinate amount of fizzy cola. I sipped carefully at the drink when it came. It was nice, very fruity.

  “Adam, may I have a word?”

  I glanced up at the blond man who had just appeared at Adam’s side. He was smiling but his pale blue eyes were hard, they reminded me of chips of ice.

  Adam smiled, although it wasn’t a good smile, too smug. Clearly, they didn’t like each other all that much. Maybe this was a business rival. “Of course,” agreed Adam readily. “Please excuse me for a moment, Elsa.”

  Blondie led Adam away and I didn’t really know what to do with myself so I took another sip of my drink. I tugged lightly at my hair as I waited patiently at the bar.

  “Are you enjoying the event?”

  I turned to the new face, the man was older but still handsome, he carried himself like an alpha and something about his eyes told me he was more than human. He was... somethin
g, though I’d bet good money he wasn’t a Werewolf.

  I’d gotten pretty good at spotting those.

  “Yes, I don’t often get to go to parties, especially ones so...”

  “Austentatious?” he filled in the blank. “That’s Darko senior’s doing. You’d think a being so old would have learned to adapt but no, he’s still stuck in the twenties.”

  I blinked, did he mean the guy’s choice of decor was stuck in the twenties or was he implying that there was a man here who was truly that old? Maybe he was a vampire. Surely, Adam would have mentioned if there were going to be vampires here.

  Maybe I shouldn’t have worn red. I sipped my drink to soothe my suddenly dry throat.

  “Anyway, I better leave you to it, looks like your date is returning, lovely to meet you.” He winked. Then, as he turned away, the golden pin on his lapel caught my attention. I only glimpsed it for a moment but that was enough to recognise it as a Griffin.

  I glanced around again, seeing things with a new perspective. Just what kind of party was this?

  It also struck me as odd that the guy hadn’t asked my name, nor had he offered his. I was still musing on these thoughts when Adam returned, though the man he’d gone to speak with was absent now. “Was he a Mage?” I asked curiously, glancing in the direction he’d disappeared.

  He shook his head. “He was something else, even I’m not entirely sure what.”

  “Then what did he want?” I asked curiously.

  “Nothing much, just to talk. Come dance with me,” he said, taking my hand and offering me a charming smile.

  “Okay,” I said softly as I let him lead me to the dance floor.

  He pulled me close, looping his hands loosely around my waist as we began to move to the music. It was a slow song, nothing too exciting. “I’ve wanted to ask you out for a while now,” he told me.

  “I should let you know I’m not really ready for a relationship.”

  “That’s fine, I don’t need anything set in stone, we can be anything you want us to be,” he assured me.

  I smiled. “Thanks.”

  It was nice being with Adam, he was so- relaxed. At times Vince felt so intense, but with Adam it was easy. He was just a guy, he was normal, uncomplicated. He didn’t have kids, he didn’t look at me like I held the secrets of the universe.

  He leant down to kiss me softly. I let him. I’d been starved for affection and I wanted to be kissed. The one with Vince had only served to deepen my craving but this kiss was soft, gentle and persistent.

  It was nice.

  Though I hadn’t had much, the alcohol was warming my stomach and there was a chance it was also impairing my judgment but, for the moment, I didn’t mind. I didn’t think about what I was doing, or how much I might regret it later.

  I just felt his lips on mine. Magic sparked between us, literally, and I felt him use his power to caress my senses and my body. I sighed softly as I pulled back. Whatever magic he had, he clearly wielded it well.

  He smiled. “Come on.” Lacing his fingers with mine, he led me back through the crowd and out a door to the hallway at the back of the building.

  Suddenly, he was kissing me again, pressing my back against the wall. This was good. I could absolutely have a meaningless one night stand with Adam. A girl does have needs after all. He was a handsome guy with a good body, the perfect candidate.

  His hand slid slowly up my waist to cup my breast. I sighed softly as he kissed my neck. This was so easy, so uncomplicated, I didn’t have to think, I just felt. His magic washed over me again, teasing my nerve endings until I felt like I’d melt into a puddle on the floor.

  One hand slid down to my thigh, as if he was about to curl my leg around his hip. My excitement spiked, this was the kind of thing steamy romance novels were made of.

  But his weight was abruptly pulled from me and I stumbled, my back hitting the wall. It took my mind a minute to catch up with reality. Adam was a few feet away now and Vince had appeared... he was also holding a big ass sword to Adam’s throat.

  “The hell?”

  “You shouldn’t interfere, Urie,” growled Adam.

  “Leave,” snarled Vince, his eyes turning completely black.

  I jerked back.

  Adam sneered. “You think you could take me?”

  “Don’t test me, Warlock, leave, now!” Vince swung the sword and Adam disappeared suddenly.

  Vince sheathed the sword and turned to me. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” He walked closer. The door to the party opened but I couldn’t drag my eyes from Vince to see who it was. “Just, please, give me a moment,” he said and it took me a moment to realise he hadn’t spoken to me.

  I finally glanced over, to see the blond man who had spoken to Adam.

  “I don’t understand.” I frowned.

  “I’ll give you five minutes,” said blondie, before walking back into the other room, though he paused in the doorway. “Don’t make matters worse, I only let you intercede because he was using magic to help seduce her.” Then he left.

  Vince stepped closer. “I’ve missed you so much. I love you.” He kissed me and I melted in his arms despite my shock, my body still craving release. “It’s okay, everything's going to be okay,” he promised, wrapping his arms around me and pulling my body flush against his.

  “I don’t understand,” I repeated breathlessly.

  “I know and you won't but that’s okay.” He kissed my forehead, my nose, my lips. “I love you, little wife, and I always will.”

  My eyes widened and my mind began to clear of the lustful haze. Wife? He’d been the one all along, he’d been right there. How could I have missed it? I wrapped my arms around his neck, this was what I had been missing, he was the one I should have wanted. And I did want him, desperately.

  I kissed him deeply. “It’s you, I should have known it was you. I’m so sorry.”

  “Don’t apologise, love, just give me these few minutes.”

  “What does that mean, why didn’t you tell me?” I murmured.

  He cupped my face and kissed me, his mouth commanding and firm. “You have to choose me, chose me and I’m yours,” he breathed, kissing me before I could even consider a response.

  He hoisted me up against him and I shuddered in pleasure at the feel of his hard body against mine.

  “It’s time,” said the blonde man.

  “No, just another minute,” pleaded Vince, pressing his lips to my neck.

  “You’re only making it harder for yourself, Avon.”

  “What’s going on?” I asked softly, still feeling light-headed from the kiss.

  I glanced at blondie and he smiled at me. “It’s okay, sister.” He stepped closer and rested his hands on either side of my head. “We miss you, but should you ever need us, we won't be far,” he promised, kissing my forehead.

  My vision went blurry and then everything went dark. The last thing I felt was Vincent’s arms wrapped around me.

  Chapter Ten

  I woke up with a headache and a dry mouth. It was the first time that had happened to me, and I didn’t much care for it. “Good night?” asked Julie as she brought me a cup of coffee.

  I sat up, rubbing my face. I’d slept on the apartment’s sofa, which was comfy enough, though it probably didn’t help my mood. “It was alright, nothing to call home about. I think Adam ditched me to talk to some Mages about some business venture, or something. I wasn’t there for long,” I told her, yawning.

  She handed me the coffee. “Well, once you’re dressed, you and I are going shopping again. I could use a new cookbook and I want to grab a gift for Abi.”

  I smiled. “Okay, I shouldn't be too long.” I drew my fingers through my hair as I stumbled to the bathroom and on the way I made my obligatory check-in call to Murray.

  “Hey, pup,” he answered.

  “Hey. I’m still alive, are you impressed?”

  “Wildly impressed,” he assured me. “How’s the city?”

sp; “It’s nice enough, but I’m not sure it’s my scene.”

  “Really? You miss us too much, don’t you?” he teased.

  I rolled my eyes. “Sure, that’s it,” I said, voice thick with sarcasm. “Though I am missing Trip, is he doing okay?”

  “He’s... fine.”

  “Why did you pause?” I asked, suddenly alarmed.

  “No, he really is fine, he’s eating and he has even ventured out from under the bed,” he said, sounding more convincing.

  “Okay, well, you can tell him we’ll be back by tonight.”

  “Glad to hear it, you better hurry ‘cause Wilson’s being going through your underwear drawer.” There was a quiet thud, then a curse.

  “Beth asked me to put your laundry away,” a new voice said.

  I rolled my eyes, I knew that he wasn’t the type to be creeping in my bedroom while I was gone. Him assaulting Murray in order to explain himself might have been overkill, but I figured that had less to do with me and more to do with sibling rivalry.

  “Don’t worry, I-”

  There was a smacking sound, then a thud, as if the phone had been dropped. Laughing softly, I hung up. I didn’t have the patience to wait out a Werewolf wrestling match. Switching on the bathroom light, I began to prepare myself for another day in the city.

  THAT AFTERNOON, WE were heading back to the train station when our path was blocked by a fight between a man and a werewolf. The Werewolf was in human form but I recognised him because he was part of Murray’s pack.

  I wondered idly what he was doing in the city, and why he was brawling in plain public view. Sometimes, Werewolves lost it and attacked people, but Murray's wolves were too well adjusted to allow that to happen. Besides, this seemed more like a bar brawl than a wolf attack.

  “Hold my bag,” I murmured to Julie.

  “Elsa, wait!”

  I jogged forward, ignoring her protest. “Michael, what are you doing?” I snapped.

  “Stay back, Elsa, this is between me and him,” growled Michael, shoving the other guy back, and away from me.


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