
Home > Other > Alien > Page 1
Alien Page 1

by Steve Skidmore


  Mission Statement


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44

  Chapter 45

  Chapter 46

  Chapter 47

  Chapter 48

  Chapter 49

  Chapter 50



  If you liked this, you’ll love…

  Mission Statement

  You are the hero of this mission.

  Each section of this book is numbered. At the end of most sections, you will have to make a choice. The choice you make will take you to a different section of the book.

  Some of your choices will help you to complete the adventure successfully. But if you make the wrong choice, death may be the best you can hope for! Because even dying is better than being UNDEAD and becoming a slave of the monsters you have sworn to destroy!

  Dare you go up against a world of monsters?

  All right, then.

  Let’s see what you’ve got…


  You are an agent of G.H.O.S.T. — Global Headquarters Opposing Supernatural Threats.

  Our world is under constant attack from supernatural horrors that lurk in the shadows. It’s your job to make sure they stay there.

  You have studied all kinds of monsters, and know their habits and behaviour. You are an expert in disguise, able to move among monsters in human form as a spy. You are expert in all forms of martial arts. G.H.O.S.T. has supplied you with weapons, equipment and other assets that make you capable of destroying any supernatural creature.

  You are based at Arcane Hall, a spooky and secret-laden mansion. Your butler, Cranberry, is another G.H.O.S.T. agent who assists you in all your adventures, providing you with information and backup.

  Your life at Arcane Hall is comfortable and peaceful; but you know that at any moment, the G.H.O.S.T. High Command can order you into action in any part of the world…

  Go to 1.


  You are crouching in a dark cellar, hunting down a monster. You don’t know what type of monster it is, but you have to deal with it before it deals with you!

  You look at your MAAD — Monster And Alien Detector — on your wrist. It starts to flash red. There is an alien in the vicinity.

  Your finger tightens on the trigger of your BAM gun. BAM stands for “Blasts All Monsters” — when the detector reveals the monster, you will be able to blast it!

  You gasp in horror as the monster comes into view but there’s a BIG problem — there’s not just one monster, there are two!

  To use your MAAD again, go to 8.

  To use your BAM, go to 32.


  You set the BAM to single shot setting and fire at the first ALF. The alien disintegrates in a puff of smoke.

  You aim again and a second ALF is vaporised.

  However, the remaining ALFs turn their alien weapons on you. A volley of shock grenades and plasma bolts comes your way!

  You see a flash of light as a fireball engulfs you and then there is nothing but blackness…

  Sometimes a full-on attack is the only way to go! Go back to 1.


  “That’s what they’ve signed up for,” you tell the general. “I’ll take half a dozen.”

  You and the soldiers step through the portal and into the wormhole. It feels as though your body is being ripped apart as you travel through time and space.

  Then there is a flash of light and you and the troops pass through the alien portal and into a huge metal chamber.

  “I’ll use the MAAD to check out if there are any ALFs about,” you tell the troops. You switch it on and it immediately flashes red. “That’s strange,” you say. “I can’t see any ALFs… Detect!” you order the MAAD.

  A laser beam shoots out and lights up on the troops one by one!

  “Death to humans! Death to humans,” chant the soldiers.

  The troops are contaminated!

  Before you can react, one of the troops hits you with his gun and you pass out.

  Go to 44.


  “Okay, the debrief can wait. Let’s see what G.H.O.S.T. has for us.”

  Cranberry switches on the comms screen to reveal a stream of images and text.

  “So, the rumour that Area 51 is home to Alien Life Forms is true,” you say.

  Cranberry nods. “G.H.O.S.T. have been working with the US government for many years, researching alien technology. How do you think we gained the knowledge for all the weapons that you use? Most of the ALFs at Area 51 have been happy to work with us, so this incident is extremely puzzling.”

  “It looks like some of them wanted out,” you say.

  “Yes, but why?” he replies

  “That’s what I’ve got to find out. And then deal with them!”

  To head to Area 51 on your own, go to 42.

  To take Cranberry with you, go to 19.


  Sometime later the prisoners are with you in the portal chamber. A troop of enemy ALFs stand with their weapons pointing at you, but they dare not attack in case you set off the bomb.

  “Thanks for the delivery,” you say. “Now, everybody out of the room, and we’ll just head back over to Earth.”

  The ALF captain laughs. “Our master is already on Earth. It is only a matter of time before you are all under our control.”

  You wonder who or what the ALF is referring to.

  The enemy aliens leave. You shut the door and blast the controls to make sure it stays shut.

  You send the friendly ALFs through the wormhole and then place the gamma ray bomb at the mouth of the wormhole.

  How long should I set the delay for? you wonder.

  To set the bomb’s delay timer to thirty minutes, go to 20.

  To set it to two minutes, go to 31.


  “Activate all defences!” you order.

  “Defence systems activated,” confirms the computer.

  The incoming missile ALF hits the jet’s defence shield and blows up.

  You contact Cranberry to tell him about the missile-riding ALF!

  “Strange,” he says. “You’ll need to be very careful.”

  “Thanks for stating the obvious.” You guide the jet towards Area 51’s landing strip.

  Go to 45.


  On reaching the command centre, you are introduced to General Walker.

  “I didn’t want G.H.O.S.T. involved in this,” he says. “We can deal with it ourselves.”

  “It doesn’t look like it,” says a voice from across the room. You turn and see a woman dr
essed in military uniform. She holds out a hand. “Dr Dekka. I’m the director of Project Wormhole in Area 51.”

  To find out more about Project Wormhole, go to 46.

  To find out more about the ALF situation on the base, go to 30.


  You point your MAAD at the monsters.

  “Detect!” you order. A red laser beam shoots out of the MAAD, targeting the monster on the left.

  In an instant you blast at the creature. Your aim is spot on! The monster explodes, sending putrid lime green slime and guts splattering all around you. At the same time, the monster on the right vanishes before your eyes.

  Go to 15.


  You set your ZAP (Zero Alien Presence) and BAM weapons to max power. As the ALFs come into view, you blast them, taking out the majority of the enemy. However, the surviving ALFs fight back. They bombard you with lasers and mini missiles that explode around you. You realise that you are in a serious battle!

  To find shelter, go to 48.

  To continue the fight, go to 23.


  “Take me to General Walker.”

  The captain points at a black SUV and you climb in. He sits in the driver’s seat and sets off.

  “Any ideas about why the ALFs attacked?” you ask him.

  “I know exactly why,” he replies. He suddenly slams his foot down on the accelerator, pulls the SUV into a tight turn and heads for a huge fuel tank!

  “What are you doing?” you cry out.

  “My masters will win. Death to humans, death to humans…”

  You realise that the captain has somehow been taken over by the aliens!

  To get out of the SUV, go to 40.

  To attack the captain, go to 37.


  You pull out your gun and point it at General Walker. “It all adds up to you being the wolf in sheep’s clothing.”

  “You’re making a big mistake,” says the general.

  “He’s right,” says Dr Dekka.

  “What makes you say that?” you ask.

  “Because I’m the master!”

  You turn to see Dr Dekka transforming into an ALF. Before you can react, her tongue shoots out from her slavering jaws and into your mouth. You feel your mind slowly slipping away…

  So near but so far! Go back to 1.


  “Our ALFs set up a wormhole portal here on the base, connected to their homeworld,” Dr Dekka explains.

  “And I’m guessing unfriendly ALFs came through it?”

  “Correct,” says Dr Dekka. “They took back all our ALFs through the wormhole, claiming they were traitors. They also threatened to destroy Earth.”

  “That’s what hostile aliens do,” you say.

  “But you’ve neutralised them. We should be okay,” the doctor points out.

  “As you said, there could be contamination of people on the base,” you reply. “And what’s to stop the enemy ALFs coming back through the wormhole? We should close it.”

  “We can close the wormhole this end,” says Dr Dekka more urgently, “but the ALFs have locked a location onto this planet. They could open up another wormhole through their portal and invade anywhere on Earth.”

  The general interrupts. “The portal has taken us years to develop, and we need it to stay open to get those friendly ALFs back here.”

  To ask for Cranberry’s advice, go to 24.

  To close the wormhole on Earth, go to 21.


  “Target missile and fire,” you order the weapons system. It responds immediately.

  A Poltergeist Sting Missile launches and streaks quickly through the sky. However, the alien simply spins the missile away, avoiding the Poltergeist. It continues its deadly course towards you.


  “Evasive action!” you order, but it is too late. There is a flash of light and an explosion and then silence…

  Go back to 1.


  You take out your BAM and point it at the ALF.

  As you do so, he smiles. “Goodbye, Earthling,” he growls and presses a button on a grenade. You are caught in the deadly explosion.

  Blast! You made the wrong choice. Go back to 1.


  The cellar lights flash on. You shield your eyes against the sudden glare as a voice booms out from loudspeakers. It is Cranberry, your butler and fellow G.H.O.S.T. agent.

  “Well done, Agent. You used the MAAD to reveal that the second monster was merely a virtual reality reflection of the first. That was a successful training session.”

  “Thanks, Cranberry.” You wipe the slime from your eyes. “How do you make this stuff?”

  “My special top secret recipe. It’s been passed down the ages from Cranberry to Cranberry. Now, it’s time for a debrief…”

  Go to 25.


  “I agree with the general,” you reply. “It will be better for me to go on my own…”

  Dr Dekka looks worried. “On your head be it,” she says.

  You take out your BAM and head to the wormhole’s entrance.

  “Good luck, Agent,” says Dr Dekka.

  You step carefully through the portal into the wormhole. It feels as though your body is being ripped apart as you travel through time and space.

  Suddenly there is a flash of light and you pass through the alien portal and into a huge metal chamber.

  “Surrender, Earthling!”

  You look in horror and see several ALFs pointing some very serious weaponry at you. They were expecting you!

  To fight the ALFs, go to 26.

  To detonate the gamma ray bomb, go to 29.


  “Are you okay, Captain?” you ask, reaching into your pack.

  “Yes, why wouldn’t I be?” replies the captain in a strange voice.

  You point the MAAD device at him. “Detect!” A laser beam hits the captain. He’s an ALF!

  The captain leaps at you. He holds you in a vice-like grip.

  “Death to humans!” he chants. The other troops raise their guns.

  To order the troops to open fire, go to 34.

  To fight the captain yourself, go to 43.


  You decide that you will try and rescue the captured ALFs and move out of the chamber.

  As you do so, you hear voices ahead of you and the squelching sounds of alien feet heading your way!

  To fight the ALFs, go to 9.

  To try and find a hiding place, go to 48.


  “I’ll need you to fly over with me,” you say to Cranberry.

  He shakes his head. “I need full access to G.H.O.S.T. data. If Area 51 is on lockdown, that will be difficult. I should stay here to co-ordinate the operation.”

  You realise that Cranberry is right. “OK, but keep me informed if you get any more info.”

  Go to 42.


  You set the timer and step through the portal. Once again you feel as though you are being ripped apart. There is another flash of light, and you find yourself back in Area 51.

  Dr Dekka, General Walker and the rescued ALFs are all waiting for you.

  “Well done, Agent,” says the general. “Did you set the timer?”

  “Yes,” you reply. “For thirty minutes.”

  “That’s too long,” replies Dr Dekka.

  You scowl. “Did Cranberry come up with the right time?”

  Dr Dekka smiles. “No… I did. Thirty minutes gave my people long enough to disarm the bomb, and follow you through the wormhole!”

  Suddenly the room is full of explosions as dozens of enemy ALFs pour through the portal, weapons blazing. The general falls to the ground, dead.

  The ALFs bow to Dr Dekka. “Master, your plan has worked.”

  “So you’re the—” But your words are cut off as Dr Dekka transforms into an ALF and her tongue shoots out from her slavering jaws and into your mouth. You feel your mind slowly slipping away… />
  Welcome to the alien race! Go back to 1.


  “I’m afraid those ALFs are lost to us,” you say. “We need to close the wormhole this end. Take me to it.”

  Despite their protests, the doctor and general lead you through steel-lined corridors to the huge vault containing the entrance to the wormhole.

  “We need to shut this thing down,” you say.

  “I can’t allow that!” cries the general. He grabs hold of you. You slip through his grip but stumble backwards and fall into the entrance of the wormhole.

  It feels as though your body is being ripped apart as you travel through time and space. You pass out.

  Go to 44.


  “The priority is to stop them getting to the weapons centre,” you say.

  You collect your equipment from the jet and head towards the weapons centre. Half a dozen ALFs are attacking the building. Area 51 forces are fighting back as best they can.

  You take out your BAM and prepare yourself for the fight.

  To try and pick off the aliens one at a time, go to 2.

  To try and destroy them all in one shot, go to 49.


  You continue to shoot at the enemy. One final blast with your ZAP finishes them off.

  As you move carefully past the lifeless bodies, your MAAD flashes red — one of the ALFs is still alive!

  To question it, go to 36.

  To use your BAM on it, go to 14.


  You call up Cranberry and explain the situation.

  “So we have to close the portal at their end,” he says.


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