Cancer: Murders of the Zodiac

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Cancer: Murders of the Zodiac Page 2

by Alathia Paris Morgan

  “For tonight only, I’ll give you my baby momma rate.” I winked at her suggestively.

  A smile lit up her features, “You know that’s how we got in this mess right?”

  “I’m a little fuzzy on the details so you might have to show me so I’ll know for the future.”

  Neither one saw the man on the other side of the table listening to everything they were saying before he faded quietly out of sight.


  For some reason this first doctor visit was making me extremely nervous and I wasn’t having anything done to me.

  Shea acted like she’d done this several times already or maybe it was just normal for expectant mothers to start learning the art of being calm all the time.

  When the nurse called her name, I jumped up partly startled.

  “Honey, you need to calm down just a smidge.” She smiled at my enthusiasm. “This is just a normal doctor visit and there’s nothing to be nervous about.”

  “No, normally the doctor isn’t going to be poking around on my future child.”

  The kind nurse who had probably dealt with tons of prospective fathers spoke up, “Don’t worry, the baby won’t feel a thing. At this point they are just learning the sound of your voice and are perfectly safe in your wife’s stomach. Think of her as the protection shield that keeps out all of the pain and hurt.”

  “Thank you, he’s just nervous and we’re engage, but not married yet.” Shea sent a wink in my direction.

  “Laugh all you want, but I’ve heard the horror stories about child birth and the things that can happen.” I frowned knowing I shouldn’t be taking this quite so seriously.

  “It’s perfectly normal for first time fathers to be nervous. The internet can be a great resource, but just remember that not everything you read on the internet is real.” The nurse took Shea’s vitals before handing her a gown, “Just put that on and the doctor will be in shortly to do the ultrasound.”

  “You’re going to have to take a seat and stop pacing.” Shea giggled as I tried to walk back and forth.

  “I’m sorry,” I came to stand next to her place in a kiss on her forehead, “I didn’t even realize that I was doing it. I’ll behave.”

  “It’s okay. I think you’ve taken all of my nervous energy and it’s making me feel better knowing that you’re worried. I’ve seen you be the tough cop for so long, that seeing you as a dad is going to be so much fun.”

  “Well, I’ve been a cop for years. Being a dad comes with all sorts of new pitfalls. What if I walk in the other room and kid rolls off the couch? Or chokes on a cheerio?” I started to pace again, but stopped when I realized what I was doing.

  “Honey, all new parents worry about these types of things. You just have to take things one day at a time. Something will happen and you’ll respond just like you would if you were on the job. It will be a little more personal, but you’ll do the right thing for that situation. I have full confidence in you.”

  “I’m glad you do because I think I left my confidence at home.”

  A knock announced the doctor’s presence.

  “Hello perspective parents, how are we doing today?”

  “I’m doing wonderful, but my poor fiancé is having a lot of doubts about his parenting skills.” Shea grinned throwing me under the bus.

  “Ah, not to worry. It’s normal. Let’s see how this baby is looking shall we?” He took the gel from the nurse and proceeded to do the exam.

  “Everything looks great. I see here that you think you’re about two months along?”

  “Yes, I started to suspect I might be at the end of April.”

  “Well, the good news is that you won’t have to wait nearly as long to become a father. I’m going to say that this baby is going to be a Halloween baby.”

  “Wait that means I’m five months pregnant?”

  “Closer to four months, about 22 weeks.”

  “Wow! Does that mean we can find out the gender?” I was so excited.

  “Yes, if you both want to.” He smiled when Shea nodded and gripped my hand tighter.

  “First do you hear that sound? It’s the baby’s heartbeat which is strong and steady. Here’s the face and right there between the legs, can you see it?” The doctor pointed at something on the screen and we both leaned forward to get a look.

  “I don’t see anything.”

  The doctor chuckled, “Exactly, you’re having a girl. Congratulations.”

  “We’re having a girl.” I sank into the chair that was next to the examination table. “A baby girl.”

  “I have to apologize for him, he’s a little overwhelmed.” Shea looked at me with a concerned expression.

  “Are there any special instructions? Do we need to take a Lamaze class?”

  “Nope, just the normal things you would expect. Don’t use alcohol or drugs, cut back on caffeine or any other non-prescription medications. Your birthing plan is completely up to you. If you want to take a class, it certainly wouldn’t hurt and I always recommend it for first time parents.” He picked up the card the nurse had placed in the chart. “This has our number and an emergency service if there are any complications. I suggest going to the ER if it’s after hours and then they’ll let me know so I can meet you there. Otherwise, you should be just fine until our next monthly visit.”

  “Thank you sir. I think I’ve got it covered unless nervous dad over here thinks of something.” Shea sat up prepared to leave.

  “Just remember there’s never a stupid question. Congrats.” The doctor left closing the door so that Shea could get dressed.

  “Can you believe it honey? We’re going to have a baby girl.” I whispered.

  “Correction, I’m going to have this baby. Then once she’s born you can help all you want. For now, can you help me off this thing?”

  Shea’s feet were about a foot and half from the floor. I’d never really thought about her height might be a problem, but that was probably because she wore heels so often.

  “Are we going to tell people the gender?” I took her arm helping to steady her as she landed on the ground.

  “I don’t see why not. Then we can get the baby’s room ready.”

  “Do you want to go by the baby store and pick some stuff out while I’m available?”

  She hooked her arm through mine, “I’d like that.”


  I’d been so happy today with Shea as we’d gone from the doctor’s to the baby store and spent so much money. They had brought the delivery to the house after lunch and I’d called Agent Watson and told him I was going to be home for the rest of the day.

  Millions of screws and bolts later, the baby bed, basinet and high chair were all assembled, so when Shea suggested that we hit the bed early, and I couldn’t have agreed more.

  “Honey, I think I worked harder putting all of that stuff together than I do trying to find killers.”

  “Just imagine how exhausted we’ll be when the baby finally arrives and wants to eat every two hours.”

  “No, way. They eat that often?”

  She placed my hand on her stomach, “I’m afraid it’s worse. Not only do they eat that often, but they poop even more often.”

  “Seriously? How is that even possible?”

  “Oh, you have so much to learn about babies. It’ll become second nature and you’ll miss it when you’re gone. The feeding, the poop, and even the crying.”

  “Who made you an expert?” I rubbed my hand in circles over her stomach.

  “My sister has kids remember? I was there for the early years, but it’s different when they’re your own or so I’ve been told.”

  “You don’t believe that, babe?” I propped my head up on my elbow.

  “Oh, I believe it, but I loved her kids just as much as she did. Being an aunt didn’t change the way I felt and sure I’ll love our baby, but the verdict is still out on that.”

  I laid back on the pillow keeping my hand on her stomach.

t if that’s what we’re looking for the missing piece? The Zodiac Master had to have a family somewhere out there. Did they love him and he just went down the wrong path or were they abusive cause for his actions?

  He had to be responsible for some of it, not all serial killers came from messed up childhoods. What if I did that to my kid? Somehow I didn’t love her enough or sent her down the wrong path?

  “Are you stuck in that worry loop again?” Shea tapped my head with her finger.

  “Uh, yeah, sorry.”

  “Don’t worry, the future will take care of itself. We’re all just along for the ride.”

  “Look at you all relaxed.”

  “I know it doesn’t seem like it most of the time because I’m working so hard, but when you can’t do anything else then you have to take those moments and relax just as hard as you played before hand.”

  “You’ve been hanging out with Flora too much while I’m gone. I can smell the mumbo jumbo on you.”

  “Hey, now. Would you rather have a crazy pregnant lady on your hands?”

  “Nah, I like you when you’re relaxing. It’s better for the baby.”

  We lay there almost asleep when the doorbell rang.

  “I’ll get it, don’t get up.”

  “Mmmkay.” Shea mumbled sleepily.

  I grabbed the shirt on the back of the chair and went to see who was disturbing my rest.

  A package was sitting on the doorstep.

  Leaving it there, I went back inside and picked up the cordless phone. “Can I get a small unit out here to investigate a possible explosive package?”

  Chapter 2


  I’d been fooling around with the idea of using another dating site, but I didn’t want to run into Jerome again so I picked a user name that blended in better.

  WorkingGirl1986 wasn’t taken yet, so I grabbed the name and filled out the profile. I didn’t want someone to pick me because of the photo attached to my name, so I used a filter to sparkle things up and make it harder to see my face.

  Within minutes, the app was dinging and I had matches all over the metroplex. Plopping onto the couch I reviewed my options, Loverboy59 looked like he had prison tats. While I loved a good placed tattoo, I wasn’t sure that dating a felon was in the detective’s code of ethics.

  BigDaddy69 seemed problematic as well since he would be looking for a hook up, but LawyerGuy05 had some distinct possibilities.

  While the Zodiac Master was intent on running our lives, I was going to enjoy the time I could that was available before he took over again for another month.

  I hit the like button and it asked if I would like to send a message. Sure no sense waiting around for love to happen.

  “Would love to meet for coffee or lunch if you’re interested?”

  It dinged back with a reply, “Certainly. Where would be good? I was about to head over to Tony’s Italian Restaurant for dinner if you want to join me.”

  “Wow! That was fast, you’re not giving me much time for primping, but sure say thirty minutes?”

  Although there were always horror stories about dating, I had two things going for me: I was a cop and I knew the servers at Tony’s so if things got a little crazy, they would be wonderful back up.

  “Ask for Chris Guy, I’ll be wearing a light blue tie.”

  “Awesome, tell them to sit you in Leslie’s booth.”

  I raced to bathroom for one of the fastest showers and makeovers in history.

  The end of my hair were still slightly damp when I walked into Tony’s looking toward my normal booth. A man was sitting with his back to me, but that left my seat open so I could see everyone in room from my vantage point.

  When the server saw me, he waved and went toward the bar to get my normal drink.

  I slid into the booth putting my purse with my gun on the seat next to me. A girl could never be too careful.

  He started to stand up, but I was already seated before he could so instead he held out a hand. “Hi, I’m Chris Guy and you must be Leslie.”

  “Leslie Boxe and it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Which was most certainly true as I looked over his handsome figure.

  I had never been sure what it was about a clean cut guy wearing a tie, but it always made my heart pitter-patter just a little faster.

  “So I’m guessing by your username that you’re a lawyer?” I started off the introductions with a question.

  “Yes, criminal law to be exact. I like putting away the bad guys, but there are a few occasions when I wish that I didn’t have to use such a hard line. What about you? Besides looking fabulous, what’s your occupation?”

  Even though it had burned me with Jerome, I wasn’t going to start lying now. “I’m a detective with the Dallas police. At the moment, I’m doing a consulting job for the FBI until their case is completed.”

  “Oh, so we’re in similar professions. Guess, that’s what drew us to message each other. I’m newly single, my last girlfriend couldn’t handle my long hours or being called away during the weekends. I guess that’s a hazard of your job as well?”

  “Sounds like we’re very similar, I’ve been gone almost as much as I’ve been home the past few months. The FBI gig has be going all over the country at a moment’s notice. What made you want to start dating again?” I took a sip of the drink the server brought me as they handed Chris his order.

  “Well, it’s been three months and to be honest, I just wrapped up a case that was taking up all of my waking moments. When she walked out the door several months ago, I barely had time to say ‘have a nice life’ before I was stuck up to my ears in legal briefs.”

  “I’ll raise you that one. Mine last boyfriend showed up at a crime scene wanting to take me out to dinner. He couldn’t understand that I had a job to do.”

  “Aw man, that’s a tough one. He was completely clueless wasn’t he?” Chris shook his head at the horrible move.

  “I knew that no matter how I tried to explain what I did, he wasn’t going to understand. This is going to sound a little crazy, but I just want someone who is independent. I want them to miss me, but not have them unable to live their lives without me. You know?”

  Chris smiled at me, “I couldn’t have said it better myself. Someone who’s there for you, but not tied to you. It’s almost like being weighed down when you’re trying to swim the length of the pool and they won’t learn how to swim for themselves. They just want you to do all the work.”

  “Exactly. I thought maybe I would find someone who was willing to the homemaker, but that’s unrealistic because most men want to be the breadwinner.” I tried to gage his reaction to what I’d said.

  “Of course, what you’re doing is very important. You have to be good at your job if you’ve already made detective and are consulting with the FBI. It would be a shame for you to be stuck at home just because it stepped on his ego.”

  I laughed out loud, “You’ve pegged it. Where have you been hiding again?”

  “Oh, you know this little place called the D.A.’s office. Closer to the basement, but at least I get to prosecute a few interesting cases.”

  “Humorous and smart, what do you do when you aren’t swamped in the files?”

  He blushed just a little, “I like to watch the Bachelor and Bachelorette.”

  “Ha, there it is, the weak link in your armor. I’ll admit I like to watch shows with motorcycles and inked guys. The likelihood I’ll find one that hasn’t been to prison would be a miracle, but a girl can dream right?”

  “Now, that you mention it, I was going to save it for a second or third date revelation, but I do have a few tattoos. I have to keep them hidden, but it’s my way of bucking the system knowing that I have one.”

  “Oooh, look at you, you rebel. What are they?”

  “One says Mom in big letters on my shoulder and the other is lame too, it says Rebel with a Cause.”

  I put my hand up just in time to keep from spiting my drink out onto Chris.
/>   “That’s so sweet.”

  “Very funny. They sounded to cool when I was sixteen, but now well…”

  “They’re tough and manly.” I tried not to laugh as I said the words.

  “Now, I know you’re full of it. When you have a free night would you like to do this again?” Chris laughed as he asked me out.

  “I’d like that, but can you give me more than a thirty minute notice next time?”

  “That I can promise. Can I walk you out to your car?” He stood and let me out putting a few extra dollars on the table.

  “I’d like that.”

  When my regular server Steve started toward us, I waved him off. I was comfortable with Chris. I’d do my due diligence when I got home, but he appeared to be the real deal.

  Not one to let the guy always be put on the spot, I went ahead to make a plan for another date.

  “Tomorrow evening I’m free to see that new monster movie?”

  “Are you sure? We’re both just out of bad relationships.”

  “Do you know of any other way to forget the past and move on?”

  “Nope. I see enough death in my job and I tend to try and live in the moment. I can’t wait for something great to happen, or for the perfect situation to start a new relationship.”

  “Just wanted to give you a chance to back out in case I wasn’t what you were expecting.”

  “Are you kidding? I need another couple of dates so that I can your manly tattoos.” I leaned in to give him a quick kiss on the cheek.

  “I’ll take that as a challenge. Night, Leslie. I’ll meet you there at seven.”


  I’d developed a six sense warning system, but that wasn’t helpful when I couldn’t see anything because the light on my porch bulb was out again. I would have thought it was the killer, but I’d been having problems for months and as soon as I put a new bulb in it would work again. It was just more frustrating when it was night and I could have used the light to keep an eye out for anything suspicious. Like the box that had been delivered to my doorstep when I hadn’t ordered anything.

  While I didn’t think there was a bomb in it, I did give it a slight toss into the yard before picking it up. If it was going to explode from movement then that should have caused it to go off.


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