Cancer: Murders of the Zodiac

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Cancer: Murders of the Zodiac Page 8

by Alathia Paris Morgan

  “She came walking into my home like she owned it. I had a safe place and when I could escape did so. We had never talked about my connection to the FBI when we dated so I knew the safest place was back here at my brother, Adam’s house.”

  “What he’s not telling you is that, he’s an amazing profiler and has already done some of our work for us this time.” Adam interrupted, pulling up the map I’d made of Mary Ann’s journey.

  “Adam told me that you had figured out four or five deaths you think might be connected. I’ve got fifteen listed. I would have made number sixteen.”

  “That’s amazing, but are you sure that she didn’t follow you here?” Someone asked with a snicker.

  “I’m certain. Anyway, I’ll be around if you have any questions.” I sat down ignoring the looks from a few of the other agents who’d heard of me from back in the day.

  Agent Watson sent a quieting glare in the direction of those who were still whispering, “Thank you, Galen. Now, I’m going to have Ryan come up here and tell you what he and Detective Boxe found yesterday.”

  Ryan stood and made his way to the front of the room.

  His aura was surrounded by a white light that normally meant a heroic deed was in his near future. There were hints of worry around his eyes as he faced the room.

  “The Zodiac Master sent both Detective Boxe and myself two puzzles a few nights ago. There weren’t any clues until we ran the picture through the data base and traced the cow tags to a farm just outside of the Dallas area.”

  “It led us to a woman that we believe may have known the Zodiac Master. From her description of his actions as a teen, he fit the profiles of a budding serial killer. His name is Henry J. Stevens.”

  “He left the farm almost fifteen years ago and hasn’t had any sort of contact with his mother since that time. She was actually relieved because she thought he might come back to kill her.”

  “Martha, I’m going to need you to start doing a search for all of the Henrys listed in the area. We think he may have changed his name over time and wouldn’t be as easy to find if that is the case.”

  Ryan started to sit down, but Detective Boxe jumped up to join him which made him uncomfortable for some reason. This was interesting and might lead to a talk with Adam about them.

  “His mother was certain that he’s learned how to blend into society. She thinks he’s taken on the mannerisms of someone who has emotions. The things we would normally be looking for in a serial killer may not be present in this man simply because he’s changed his stripes to blend into society.” Leslie added to what Ryan had been saying.

  An agent burst into the room, “Agent Watson, you’re going to want to watch the news, sir.”

  He pulled up the daily news report, “We are coming to you live from the scene of a grisly murder in Wyoming. Early this morning a man was murdered at his cabin in Sheridan, Wyoming. At this point there doesn’t seem to be a motive to connect this specific person, but this symbol was left in the man’s blood.”

  The Zodiac Cancer symbol flashed on the screen along with the words, I’ll get you.

  “From the message, we can assume there will be another incident and officials are working on it right now. Members of his family arrived on the scene to find his body chopped into parts.”

  “She’s escalated when she didn’t get me last night. All of her other kills were well planned and tied up as packages for the police to find. This time, she’s mad and doesn’t care who knows it. Can you rewind and pause the footage of that scene?”

  “There. Look at the blood splatter, it’s not nearly as much as it would be if she had used a chain saw. She wouldn’t have left a wall or any space that didn’t have blood spatter.” I walked over and pointed to the very obvious strip on the ceiling, “See this is much smaller than what it would have been if she’d fired up the chainsaw. She used an axe instead. For whatever reason, she’s switch weapons. Granted they are both used to cut wood and Cancer signs have a greater infinity for mother earth.”

  “So what we’re dealing with is a pissed off ex who has decided that she’ll do the Zodiac Master’s work for him, but she’s gone off the script. He’s not going to like that.” Ryan summed it up for everyone.

  “Actually, he might. He wants to keep us off balance and by doing this kind of thing that is exactly what would happen. He wasn’t counting on the fact that one of her ex’s was a former FBI agent. This should work in our favor.” Leslie chimed in with a grin.

  “I don’t know all of her ex’s or people that have pissed her off. I can help you find out where she might be headed next though.”

  “Don’t let us stop you. We’re all ears.”

  “It’s a good thing you’ve only got one mouth.” I muttered under my breath.

  “Here’s the map of where she’s been, which I’m sure you have something similar, but I’ve marked all of the main logging camps in these areas. I think she’s going to stay with where she’s more familiar.”

  “I would agree.” Leslie pointed to the three camps that hadn’t had someone go missing yet. “She would have had these on her list, but now there isn’t really a specific place we can count on her being.”

  “She’s a loose cannon. I hate to say it, but we’re going to have to see where she lands next.” Adam sighed in frustration.

  “From what I’ve gathered, she is driving from point A to point B for most of these. Granted they’re within hours of each other in several of these states, but I don’t think she likes flying. It’s too close to being in a confined space. She likes open spaces and being close to nature.”

  “Okay, we can put her picture out there to law enforcement discreetly, but until we have a better understanding of where she’s headed, we’re going to keep it quiet. The Zodiac Master has more information about what we’re planning then we’d like for him to these days.” Agent Watson dismissed everyone else to get started on the man or rather woman hunt.

  “Are you going to be staying with us, Agent Dalca?”

  “For the time being. I can’t really return home until she’s locked up or dead. We’ll see how this goes before we discuss my returning to the FBI.” I didn’t want to get anyone’s hopes up. I just wasn’t sure that I had anything to offer anymore.

  “Well, whatever you decide, just know that we are always willing to have you back in a full-time capacity if that’s what you want.”

  “Thank you, sir. I’ll keep that in mind.”


  Chapter 9


  The hairs on my neck had stood up when Galen Dalca turned up and told us about his ex, Mary Ann. We’d known that there was a killer out there, but we finally had a face to go with the name.

  Even though we didn’t know exactly where she was going to be next, it was a good bet that we’d be heading out to go over the crime scene in Wyoming.

  I kept feeling that someone was watching me, but every time I turned around the only person I spotted with any kind of interest in me was Galen.

  Was I sending out unconscious signals to him? What was his deal? I had a hard time reading him, but trusted Adam completely. If he vouched for his brother, then I was going to have to believe that it was the truth.

  “Leslie, you and Ryan are going to be heading out shortly. We’ve got you on a flight and I have the nearest agents standing by to pick you up when you arrive. Check in when you get there and let me know what you find.” Agent Watson stopped to make sure I knew he’d taken care of everything.

  “Thank you. We’ve got our bags in the car and are about to head to the airport. Let us know if Martha gets any clues about the information that we provided. I have a feeling that he’s used many names over the years and we just have to dig deep enough to find the correct one.”

  “I think we’re on the right track, but this takes precedence for now. The time it’s taking us to find the killer and then track them down is getting shorter. We need to have a plan to give us a bigger jump on the Zod
iac Master in between months.”

  Adam joined us putting his own two cents in the mix, “I know you’ve been having problems with the control of your gift. I’d warn you to be careful when walking into that crime scene. She had a lot of anger and that will be residing in the walls of the house.”

  “I wouldn’t have thought about it because I’ve been in so many crime scenes over the years with no issues. I haven’t been having any readings at all the past few weeks though so we may be worrying about something for nothing.”

  “With the amount of energy you’ve had and the emotional roller coaster over the past few months, I’d say to be very cautious.” Adam advised.

  “Adam maybe you should go with them. If what you told me about her encounters last month are true, she’s going to need you around for support.” Galen suggested.

  “You just got here. Plus, I haven’t seen you in years.” He protested.

  “That’s never stopped you from working a case. Adam, you need to go. I’ll be around for a few weeks. You won’t have to worry about losing time with me.”

  “Hi, guys. I’m still in the room.” I waved my hand to get their attention, “Is there something I don’t know about?”

  “No,” and “Yes,” they both said at the same time.

  I crossed my arms wanting to tap my foot at them for acting like children. “Anything you want to tell me?”

  Adam shot Galen a dirty look, “Galen is under the impression that when you used your gifts last month, it unconsciously freaked you out. He says that your shield is up and your holding onto it so hard that the least amount of pressure from an outside source such as Mary Ann’s anger could cause a huge problem.”

  “Stop projecting what you’re thinking onto my thoughts,” Galen rubbed his temples in frustration. “It’s been so long since I did this, I’d forgotten how tiring it could be to have you around.”

  “Sorry. I fell into old habits so quickly. You’re right. I’ll go with Leslie and let you poke around here while we’re gone. We’ll need to talk about boundaries if you’re sticking around for more than a few days though.” Adam apologized.

  Ryan hadn’t said anything, but I could tell he was uncomfortable with the undercurrents running through the room.

  “It doesn’t matter if you’re coming or not because we have to head to the airport now. Make up your mind and either come or don’t, but we have to go.”

  We were the only ones left in the room after the briefing.

  I hadn’t even thought about the fact that they were discussing psychic stuff in a public space.

  “Are both Adam and his brother, ‘gifted’?” Ryan whispered behind his hand to me as we made our way to the parking garage.

  “Without being able to use my extra senses, I’m going to say from the tension between them that Galen is also gifted with extra abilities. Because they’re brothers, it’s possible they have similar abilities or simply that they tap into each other. I think there is more going on with them then they think under the surface.”

  Ryan frowned as I headed toward my car for my bags.

  “What? You didn’t think people with abilities don’t have the same problems with their families that ‘normal’ people do?” I grinned at his assumptions, “These guys were brothers first with all that baggage and then FBI agents together. It’s a competitive field but when you add in two brothers in the same unit it equals problems. I think a case went bad and that’s the reason Galen left the agency.”

  I closed the trunk after placing my luggage inside and got in the passenger seat.

  “You may say that your gift isn’t working, but honestly you still have more insight that cops that have been on the job for years longer.”

  “Eh, it’s not part of my gift really. Flora suggested that I try to expand my cop skills while the other part isn’t functioning. Listening and watching for those small nuances are second nature for us as cops. You do the same thing, but don’t realize it.” I tried to make him feel included.

  Adam waved us down as we were leaving the parking garage.

  “Think I could get a ride with the two of you?”

  “Sure.” Ryan popped the trunk so Adam could toss his luggage inside.

  “I see that Galen persuaded you to join us.” I grinned.

  “We need a little space. It’s been years since I was around him this much and I forgot how annoying my little brother could be.”

  “Aw, but you’re glad to see him though.”

  “Yes, it’s just we’re kind of the yin and yang of our gift, but we both can read each other’s thoughts. Not other people which would be helpful, just his.” Adam groaned, “You have no idea how hard it is to have to listen to everything that your little brother is thinking.”

  “Yuck, I could barely handle my own thoughts growing up much less my younger sibling.” Ryan’s face scrunched in sympathy.

  “Imagine being able to hear a grown adult’s thoughts? Not as fun as it sounds.”

  “Do you really think I’m in danger going into crime scenes?”

  Adam moved to where I could see him from the front seat, “Until you know for sure, I’m just suggesting that you use caution.”

  “Got it. Caution is becoming my middle name.”


  I used the drive to the airport to text Chris and let him know what was going on.

  Me: Hey, I don’t know how this works when we’ve only had two dates. I’ve been called away, but I’ll let you know when I get back.

  Chris: No, worries. Thanks for letting me know. Work calls come first when it’s life and death.

  Me: When I get back, I’d love to go out again if you’re up for it.

  Chris: Certainly. I think we have a lot of things to explore. Winky face.

  Me: Agreed. Things were just starting to get interesting.

  Chris: We can always text date for a while and get to know each other better while we’re apart.

  Me: I like that idea. Most of my days will be full so don’t be mad if it takes a while for me to respond.

  Chris: When I’m in court, I can’t answer my phone either. Perks of our jobs, I guess.

  Me: I’ve got to catch a plane. Chat at you later then.

  Chris: Stay safe.

  A smile settled on my face as I thought about the possibilities of what a normal relationship without issues might look like.


  I normally slept while on the plane, but I kept thinking about all the different pieces of our puzzle.

  What if Henry Stevens was the Zodiac Master? From what his mother had said he had tendencies toward psychopathic behavior and not much emotional response to her. It would explain why he doesn’t have any problems killing twenty or thirty people each month. They’re all just pieces in a giant game to him that he can move around to suit his fancy.

  That was what had been bothering me the most, his absolute unemotional attitude. He deliberately did things that would cause us to react as humans while he watched us curiously. Like a scientist who did experiments on animals, he was trying to find out what made us tick.

  He wasn’t inherently evil, most psychopaths knew of the concept, but didn’t quite understand it. They just had a strong sense of self-preservation. Then again wasn’t that the idea of a psychopath, knowing right from wrong, but not have the sensors to keep them from doing it or caring that they did it?

  There was something he wanted, and he was willing to manipulate people all over the country to get it. The fact that his father was a powerful man and could be termed a psychopath as well, might be a good indication of what he was looking for, affirmation in all the wrong places.

  Genetics suggested that a psychopath was born not made and I was willing to bet that Noah was classified one as well. This was all an attempt to gain the notice of John Reed and prove that he wasn’t just the bastard son but belonged at his side.

  I wasn’t a profiler, but the idea resonated with me. Each month as he recruited another person to
join his ranks, was he actually looking for someone to connect to? Only one of the killers so far had fallen under the heading of a true psychopath and I still had the scars to prove it.

  This game wasn’t over yet, but I felt like I had a better understanding of my opponent. He was someone that didn’t care about the collateral damage he inflicted on the lives of others. That was what gave me the upper hand in this game, my connection to other humans. It was the emotional attachment that made me need to win so that other lives weren’t snuffed out in the process.

  He didn’t consider me as a person, but more as a toy that must be preserved for his amusement which is why he punished the recruit who had harmed me.

  My brain kept putting pieces together as I drifted off to sleep.

  “Why do you want his approval?” I asked the hooded figure at the top of the stairs.

  “I don’t need his approval, I’m going to take him and his business apart.”

  “Isn’t that an emotional response? How can you feel anything toward him if you’re a psychopath?” I questioned confused by the terms I’d labeled him with.

  “Just because something fits most of the check boxes doesn’t mean there aren’t differences in every case. I’m motivated by seeing your fear but wondering if you can overcome that given the proper motivation. What will it take to break through that tough exterior shell? Do I need to push you more for you to show me what you’re made of?”

  “No, but I’m not trying to stay strong to prove anything. I just can’t let you win. The cost will be too high. You must be held accountable for your actions. It doesn’t matter that your father never loved you or that he didn’t even know you existed, what you’ve done is wrong and it has to stop.”

  “Don’t talk about my father. He’s the one that should be punished for being a hypocrite. The way he takes one son into his business and leaves another by the wayside isn’t right. I’m the oldest of all his children and I deserved my birthright. I don’t need it. I don’t want it, but he should be proud enough of me to give it to me.”


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