Destiny Rising

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Destiny Rising Page 15

by Lachlan Wells

  Hancock shook his head as his eyes followed Tomas as he travelled deeper into the library. “He seems to do that quite often. And for some reason I trust him. It’s like I knew him before. It’s like he’s a gap in my life I didn’t even know I had.”

  Adrianna bit her tongue. “We should see what we can find out about the Crimson Army.”

  “Yeah,” Hancock nodded. “I’ll see what Myra is up to and try to get my hands on another one of those...Player Guides.”

  Adrianna was then left to her own devices, brimming with excitement that drowned out all of her emotions of confusion. Finally a chance to be around information and books. There was always something new to learn. New to explore.


  The first minutes Adrianna spent running around the House of Knowledge. The Bookkeeper had taken it upon itself to start giving her a tour of the place.

  “This is the reading room,” it waved. “Before I kicked them out, the Crimson Army would use this room to determine what information to keep and what information to destroy. The years spent collecting all of these works only to be undermined by some self-righteous zealots.”

  Adrianna didn't really say anything in reply. The stork was always talking and she wondered if that is what she sounded like to some people. She, personally, didn’t mind, but she could see how that could get annoying. Questions nagged at her mind.

  “Okay, so I know I’m supposed to be researching the Crimson Army,” Adrianna looked up from one of the many books she had grabbed. “But my uncle was really the one who wanted to come here, and there’s a lot of information to sift through and not enough time or focus to actually do anything with it.”

  “Ah, yes, I knew you were the one,” The Bookkeeper nodded its beak. “Yes, yes. What questions do you have?”

  “Well my first one is, what would it take for an NPC and a Player to have offspring?”

  The stork tilted its head and reached far over her head to the next floor to grab a book. “Here. Yes, yes, the interconnectedness of the Quell and humanity itself is not as black and white as many believe.”

  Adrianna cracked open the book and the pages seemed to fall exactly where she needed them. She began to read.

  “The relationship between NPCs and the Players that populate the Quell are symbiotic. We need NPCs, just as much as they need us to exist. The Quell seems to have taken into account the various jobs and tasks players wouldn't want to do and made them into NPC jobs, especially after a third of the original population vanished without a trace. My theory that the energy displaced by that third is what allows the Quell to be the way it is. It’s converted energy. Not created energy.”

  She closed the book to look at the title: Extended Studies of the Quell and Beyond: Theories of the True World.

  “Why do they call it the ‘True World’?” Adrianna wondered.

  “Some believe that the Quell is simply an illusion masking over what is really happening in the world around us,” the Bookkeeper ruffled its wings. “One global fantasy if you will.”

  “Is it?”

  The Bookkeeper looked down at her. “Tell me, little Seeker, does that book feel real? What about this ground? What about me?” It breathed over her and Adrianna could smell something akin to smoked wood and old ink on his breath. “One may believe what is and isn’t real, but there are some things that are irrefutable. The Quell is very real and it can very well kill you if it pleases. The forces that guide it are not benevolent.”

  Adrianna didn’t really like the sound of any of that, so she flipped through the Tome and cleared her throat. “What about Elves?”

  “Elves are a different sort of NPC,” the Bookkeeper caught on fast to the subject change. “In fact, they are not exactly NPCs at all, but a new Player race--a by product of the Quell’s transformation for those not within the pockets of safety.”

  “What transformation?” Adrianna frowned.

  “Long before you were born, the Quell decided it needed to change a few things, so it did,” the Bookkeeper sighed. “Yes, yes. The Quell could shape the very foundations of the earth, but it cannot and never will be able to manipulate the will of humanity itself. A choice party taught me that a long time ago.”

  “You knew my parents,” Adrianna concluded.

  “I did.”

  “Who were they,”

  “That is a promise I am to keep,” the Bookkeeper shook its head. “There are many prophecies and destinies that surround a being such as yourself, but you are not the only one whose parentage tried to dictate your fate. You can ask your cleric friend about that little bit.”

  Adrianna sat for a moment. “I never really cared what my parents were like until now,” she whispered. “My birthday happened and it didn’t even really matter to me. It was just another day. So much has happened and I don’t even know if I’m grateful for the adventure or angry at the situation for all the pain it’s decided to put me through. I wish things weren’t so stupidly complicated.”

  “You sound just like them,” Tomas’ voice carried across the hall and Adrianna looked up from the pile of books she was in. He had a grave look on his face, his hand gripped around the staff, tightly. “Come, Adrianna, I want to share something with you and your party.”

  Chapter 31: Beginning of the End

  Myra and Hancock were already there, each with their respective treasures of knowledge.

  Hancock had a fresh Book of Survival--Player’s Guide--under his arm, and Adrianna wondered if the lack of those books led to the death of his previous friends.

  Myra carried a little green book in her hand. Adrianna couldn’t quite make out the title, but she knew it had to be some sort of important literary art for her to want it so badly. She seemed to hold it with a ginger tenderness Adrianna had never seen before.

  “I know this is not your quest, but in order to save the Quell, we have to destroy the heart of the army,” Tomas explained, taking out a book and flipping through the pages, before landing on one. “‘It can only be destroyed by a sacred weapon.”

  “Can’t we just take the fight to the Red Sisters and take out their leadership?” Hancock frowned.

  “Oh no,” he shook his head. “You would die most violently. If not that, you could be swayed to their side. The Red Sisters have a certain influence over the minds of people. It’s stronger over the mind of a single person.”

  “Like a succubus?” Myra asked.

  “What’s a succubus?” Adrianna wondered out loud.

  “Demons that seduce their victims before killing them,” Tomas answered.

  “They probably have a hell of a good time while dying though,” Myra smirked.

  “Oh gods,” Adrianna groaned. “I can not believe you said that.”

  “Can we focus on the matter at hand?” Hancock turned back to Tomas. “So if not attacking the leaders, what then?”

  “Like I was saying, instead of going for the head, we have to destroy the Heart of the Crimson Army. Each of them, when they turn their coats to red they must go through a rite of passage. During that rite, they are told to touch a growing ruby, called the Heart. This connects all of the members of the Crimson Army so they always know each others whereabouts and they end up sharing various traits with one another.”

  “So,” Hancock summarized. “We kill this heart, we take out the connection that makes the Crimson Army strong and at the size it is.”

  “We don’t even know their full numbers,” Adrianna pointed out. “I think it’s a good idea. Where’s the Heart supposed to be?”

  He pulled out a map of a large castle that had illustrations of various symbols across it. “There’s a teleportation circle hidden within this building. It should take you straight to the Scarlet Castle.”

  “Was there anything they named that wasn’t related to the color red?” Myra murmured. “The theme really starts to get redundant.”

  Tomas pondered on it for a moment before shaking his head. “No, I don’t think they did.”

  “Oh, okay,” Myra made a face at Adrianna that made her laugh. “So we, what? Teleport into the castle, kill a heart and teleport out? Easy peasy?”

  “No,” Tomas admitted and Hancock sighed, sitting down on one of the stools. “You’ll face various Players, people who have decided the Quell is not a place worth keeping and want to get rid of the thing they call a plague. People who have lost loved ones, people who have been hurt by the Quell in unspeakable ways.”

  “The Quell is an unforgiving place,” Hancock said. “People would know this if they had the opportunity to read the Player Guides. Their anger wouldn’t be misplaced in the Quell. Their zealous heresy is going to get us all killed in the long run.”

  “But isn’t the Quell the reason we need the Player’s Guide anyway?” Myra argued. “Without the Quell, we would still be doing whatever it is they were doing, like, fifty years ago.”

  “What are you saying?” Hancock tensed. “You’d join them?”

  “I’m saying you can’t write off every person who joined the Army as a zealot who believed in the cause. Some may have just seen it as an alternate way of survival. A means to an end. A solution to a problem.”

  “She’s right you know,” Adrianna moved to face Hancock. “Not all of them are bad. Some of them just didn’t have many other choices.” Something was tickling the back of Adrianna’s head, but she couldn’t quite place it.

  “Ideally,” Tomas continued. “We would take the teleportation circle to Death Valley--”

  “Excuse me?” Myra choked. “The Crimson Army is based out of Death Valley?”

  “Is that a problem?”

  “Oh, yeah, no problem, let me just go grab my flask of endless water. Yes it’s a problem!” Myra tucked the book into her belt. “Hopefully you have an exit plan and you weren’t just gonna leave us to walk miles of desert for the next inhabitable place.”

  “Let him speak, Myra,” Hancock said and looked at Tomas expectantly.

  “Well, to put it briefly, once you’re there, you’ll have a small window to get to the heart without being noticed. Since all of them are more than likely mobilized to find me, I can buy you the time and the distraction you need. Use Shadow Weaver to destroy the Heart and find the nearest circle to you, which should be north.

  “Shadow Weaver?” Adrianna tilted her head and it all suddenly clicked into place at once. Hancock looked at Tomas with awe and astonishment.

  “You know the name of my blade,” Hancock trembled. “I didn’t even know that. Who are you, old man?”

  “A friend.” Tomas bowed slightly.

  “No, who are you really,”

  “You should just tell him,” Adrianna perked up. She really just wanted to know too but she didn’t want to seem too eager for their secrets.

  “Now is not the time--”

  Parrish suddenly stormed around the corner followed quickly by the Bookkeeper. “They’re coming. I don’t know how they found out we are here, but they all dropped down really fast. They’re coming this way right now, we need to go.”

  That was it. That’s what was bothering her this whole time. “You said all members of the Crimson Army are connected. Does that include former members?”

  Tomas deflated. “Yes.”

  “So, by you traveling with us, you’ve been leading them straight to us?” Adrianna swallowed, afraid of the answer.

  “Yes, Adrianna,” Tomas lifted his eyes. “Like I said before, find the circle. Destroy the heart. Find another circle.” He nodded to them all. “Good luck.”

  Chapter 32: The End Is Nye

  Current Status

  Name: Adrianna Swann

  Class: Seeker

  Level 6

  Speed: 40

  Armor Class: 15

  XP to next Lvl: 45

  Strength 10 (+0)

  Dexterity 16 (+3)

  Constitution 12 (+1)

  Intelligence 19 (+4)

  Wisdom 14 (+2)

  Charisma 13 (+1)

  Reputation: Nobody Special

  Proficiencies: Crossbows


  Keen Mind

  You remember everything you’ve read within the last 30 days.


  You have no penalties in using your off-hand

  Way Finder

  You gain additional experience when you discover a new place.

  Internal Compass

  You always know where you came from and which way is north.

  Careful Eye

  You gain a bonus to your Perception checks.

  Blessing of the Fates

  You may change your fate at the price of another’s fortune.

  Active Quest(s)

  Quest: When Blood Runs Red (Primary)

  The Crimson Army is ever so slowly rising. In order to keep their pagan god from rising and destroying the Quell and everything in it, you must find a way to crumble the Crimson Army.

  Success Conditions: Destroy the Crimson Heart and restore balance to the Quell.

  Reward: You get to live.

  Failure: The Pagan God is raised. The Quell is destroyed and the world as we know it ceases to exist once again.

  Quest: History of the Pseudodragons (Any)

  You’ve made a promise to collect and record the history of the pseudodragons. There are troves scattered around the Quell, waiting to be discovered.

  Success Conditions: Collect all 8 scrolls of the pseudodragon ancestors.

  Reward: Experience (duh). The approval and alliance of Gyanati the dragon. That might come in handy.

  Failure: You offered this quest. To fail is to break a promise. That may have lasting consequences. Perhaps Gyanati will be generous....perhaps not.

  Quest: Secrets of Joseph Parrish (Personal)

  You’re not certain, but you’re pretty sure Joseph Parrish is hiding something. Finding out other’s secrets seems to be a favorite pastime of yours. Who am I to deny you?

  Success Conditions: Get Joseph Parrish to tell you what he’s hiding.

  Reward: Experience. And you will get to know his secrets.

  Failure: You’ll never have that knowledge.

  The first war against the Crimson Army was a mere five years after the Quell rose from the husk of a transformed world and the voice in the sky changed the fragile fabric of reality.

  Their goal began as a noble one, the restoration and return of the world that they had lost. Loved ones and homes were at stake and the survivors of the Quell wanted to take back what little they had left. This goal quickly deteriorated with new leadership within the army. Suddenly, it wasn’t enough to restore the natural order, the Quell itself needed to be destroyed.

  The members in good faith began to find a way to destroy the Quell. Decades of research led to the fabled semi-omniscient being known as the All-Mother, a pagan god that could change the fabric of reality--not unlike what the Quell did so long ago. It is said that the All-Mother could arise with a mass of followers and the blood of a hero. Those myths were quickly proven to be myths, however, as the Quell didn’t recognize anyone within its embrace as a hero.

  The Crimson Army, named for their red robes and need for blood, discovered that they don’t need a hero to raise the goddess, but a unique person who would be equally of the Quell and of the Old Earth. It was revealed to Adrianna that she was half-human, and half-elf and she was now a target of the Crimson Army.

  Chapter 33: Runaway

  The Crimson Army was coming fast. She was shaking with anticipation. Adrianna knew that they were not going to simply knock on the door. “We gotta move guys!”

  “Never a time to rest,” Hancock murmured, shouldering his bag and summoning his sword.

  “Why is it that whenever we’re close to finding answers, we’re rudely interrupted by some catastrophe or urgent life or death thing,” Myra murmured, placing her book in her backpack.

  “Just our luck, I suppose,” Parrish frowned. “But there’s no time for that now.”

“I agree,” Tomas stood up. “There is a teleportation circle in the rear of the House. It will take you straight to the location you collectively concentrate on.”

  “You’re coming with us,” Adrianna held out her hand. No way was she about to lose her uncle again.


  “Don’t Adrianna me.” She snapped. “I did not just travel through thirty hundred miles of crap just to watch you protect me again!”

  “It’s you they are after, my dear,” Tomas put up his hand. “I would much rather not help them find you.”

  “Why??” She growled. “Why are they after me? Why do they want me?”

  “Your blood is a valuable asset to them,” Tomas explained. “They will use you to summon their All-Mother, even if it means your death.”

  “Because I’m half-elf?”

  “Because you are a living being of two worlds that should have never have been able to combine.

  “Are you saying I shouldn’t have been born?”

  “Ari, come one we have to go!” Myra grabbed her bicep. “You can be mad at him later.”

  “I will stay with Tomas,” The Bookkeeper, wings outstretched, stood over them. “Worry not, he will return to you.”

  “Adrianna please,” Hancock said gently. “I want answers just as much as you do, but we have to destroy the heart.”

  Adrianna clenched her fist and took a deep breath. Turning around, she forced herself not to look at the bird beast and her uncle as they walked towards the approaching sounds of the army.

  Their party ran as fast as they could, passing by shelves of books she hadn’t yet read and knowledge she hadn’t gathered. It made her heartache to leave the teachings she could use to help people and move on to the next adventure. The scrolls were tightly closed, books dusty, and she swore to herself she would return here...someday.


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