A New Time

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A New Time Page 3

by Donna Steele

  “No. He spoke to me of his intentions and I gave permission. Will your mind talker live?”

  “His body will mend. A higher concern exists, regarding his mind. That is where your mind talker may assist.”

  Braxal seemed to muse this briefly, then nodded. “Use him as you will. Our project might have reached an impasse.”

  “True. I have discussed this with Ledda.” Gsark waited for Braxal’s reaction, surprised to find it muted. Was he coming to terms with the idea of a sentient female? Possibly accepting Gsark’s mate for the advisor she could be?

  “What was her reaction?”

  Gsark held his own reactions close. Braxal asked for his mate’s opinion. He was growing. “She was pleased neither you nor I suffered injury. She also has several thoughts on how to continue.”

  “Continue?” Braxal’s full attention was riveted on Gsark now.

  “If we are to lure the Guardians out . . .”

  ~ ~ ~

  Guardian Enclave

  The Elder settled herself and began to speak. “The Essence was in existence long before the Guardians formed to observe the beings of the galaxy. The first Guardian grew to believe the Essence was the reason for our being. She created us.”

  Cael stared at the Elder. “That tiny human child?”

  Aghast at her forwardness, she cast her eyes down. Of course, the Essence had only taken on her appearance as human for now.

  “She is much more than she appears. She is neither tiny nor human, as you know upon contemplation. As to why she chose to manifest corporally on the planet you observe, that is known only to her. Never before has there been direct contact of this sort. Even the first Guardian never communicated directly with her. Only you have, my child.”

  Cael drew back, stunned. “I did not know . . .”

  “Of course not. I did not know as well and I am much older than you.”

  “But, why? Why now and why me?”

  The Elder allowed a smile. “Excellent questions. The Elders have meditated on this. Of course, we have theories only. I should advise you there were prophecies she would one day visit the realm we reside in. I never expected to witness a manifestation in my lifetime. I am honored to be living now and to be working with you, my child.”

  Cael immediately protested. “Prophecies? I know nothing of them. I was not aware there was an Essence prior to this assignment.”

  “True, and that lack is negligence on our part. We grew complacent the Essence would remain distant. Of course, we have never known her mind. Regardless, we should have made her a part of every guardian’s study. If the Eldest was correct, she is the very reason for our existence as well as the energy which allows us to observe, and on occasion assist, the different life forms of the galaxy. This omission on the part of the Elders will be corrected immediately.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Home World of the Malveks

  Gratitude filled Braxal when Gsark reclined on the shelf. After sharing his mate’s thoughts, he waited, giving Braxal time to muse. The suggestion, coming from a female, was difficult for a warrior such as he to absorb, the very concept of the idea foreign.

  “Mount an invasion we have no intention to complete?”

  “Our goal from the beginning of this endeavor was to make contact with the Guardians. They have shielded the planet mentally from our mind talkers and therefore us. I believe this would not have occurred if they were unaware of our interest. They discerned our mind talkers made contact and chose to sever the link.” Gsark waited a beat for Braxal to comment.

  “Our mind talkers affected the inhabitants through these ‘dreams’ of theirs for spans, while the guardians did nothing,” Braxal observed.

  “Ledda speculated we may inadvertently have made progress in areas which disturbed them. As we do not know their minds, we have no way of knowing what area or areas those would be. Note they did not harm us as a species. The minor injuries to our individual mind talkers could have been unintended. Had they not been actively scanning at the time they might not have suffered injury. You and I felt what happened. If we had not been in the presence of the mind talkers, I do not know if any effect would have been discernable. I have heard of no one else distressed by the occurrence.”

  Gsark shifted to a warmer spot, adding, “With their power, they could have wreaked much more harm upon us. They merely swatted us away like insects.”

  Braxal growled, his neck ridges flaring momentarily. That analogy did not sit well.

  “They are aware of us, Braxal. Since their home location is still unknown to us, the planet they now shield is our only contact. If we were to mount a non-violent excursion to the planet, they might be provoked to contact us.”

  “Non-violent? You truly mean to approach the planet and not invade?” Braxal leaned forward, anxious at the turn in conversation.

  “The planet itself would do us no good. We cannot thrive on such a world in its current state. To harm or destroy it would only anger a species capable of doing possibly immeasurable harm to us.”

  “So, you would approach and wait to attract their attention?” Braxal questioned.

  “I can discern of no other way to draw them out. If they see we intend no harm to their pet planet, they might be curious enough to contact us.”

  “It would consume many resources for no gain,” Braxal pointed out.

  “I propose only two ships, your flagship and my own. I agree there is no need for more. Conquering the planet is not our goal.”

  “A novel idea. I need to muse on this.”

  “Of course. This is far from our customary actions. I will leave you to your musings. Ledda sends her thoughts to you.”

  Braxal blinked several lids, then nodded. “And mine to her.”

  Chapter 8

  Washington, D.C.

  Dusty hoped the visit with Dee’s father would help. He liked and respected the man. Ben was happy enough for the both of them and hadn’t noticed at first things weren’t the same between them.

  Unfortunately, Ben was too perceptive for that to last.

  His awe and delight in Erica seemed to be reciprocated by the baby, who watched him with old eyes and accepted his devotion as she had Dusty’s. Though only a week old, she easily recognized those who doted on her.

  Dusty told himself everything was normal. Dee tired easily. Erica still hadn’t reached seven pounds and nursed every three hours. That didn’t lead to long restful sleeps and gave them both an excuse to be apart.


  Not having heard Ben approach, Dusty tensed. His mind was too often on other things now. “Yeah. Coffee?”

  “I’m fine. Are you?”

  Dusty forced a smile. “Tired, but good. I wonder how people handle twins and triplets.”

  Ben shook his head and sat at the counter. “Has something happened?”

  “I don’t—”

  “Don’t bullshit me, Dusty. Did you two have a fight? What I’ve seen is not only tiredness. And it’s not the way I’ve always seen the two of you in your relationship. Even in the beginning, you were both more together. It doesn’t appear the same now.” He leaned forward as though willing Dusty to talk. Nothing would get by this man.

  “We haven’t fought, I swear.”


  “Things are a little strained. You know Dee acted . . . different before Erica came.” Dusty tried to choose his words carefully.

  “She seemed distracted.”

  Dusty gave a sad chuckle. “Distracted.”

  “What?” Ben pushed.

  Dusty glanced over at the clock. “Dee will get up any minute. Erica’s getting hungry. We’ll talk the next time she goes down.”

  “How do you know Erica’s hungry? I haven’t heard a peep.”

  “She lets us know. Don’t ask me how. I’ll get her up and you watch. Dee will be out before I get her changed.”

  Ben’s brow furrowed. He didn’t stop Dusty from heading to the nursery.

  Dee waited in the living room when Dusty emerged. Ben observed them both. Great.

  How did he have a discussion with his father-in-law that he couldn’t manage with his own wife?

  After feeding Erica and settling her in Ben’s arms, Dee rose and stretched. “I think I’ll take a shower. She should be content with her two devoted men around her.” Dee said it lightly, but she didn’t meet anyone’s eyes, brushing her hand across the light red dusting on the baby’s head as she left the room.

  ~ ~ ~

  This man’s arms were warm and sure, confident. He was connected to her through Momma. ‘Granddaddy’ was the term they used for him, though he wasn’t as connected to Daddy. She would understand soon, no doubt.

  Erica could feel worry coming from him, despite holding her with confidence. Her daddy emanated worry as well. There had been a time when she would have known what caused their worry. This body didn’t yet allow that, and at times her impatience overwhelmed her. The cacophony of noise, which disturbed her at times, did indeed come from her occasionally. So far those were the only sounds she could make. It was aggravating.

  All three of her people were happy when they held her. If she could stay awake longer, maybe it would help. She’d have to try to adjust. There were things she needed to do.

  She only needed to remember what.

  ~ ~ ~

  Malvek Home World

  Braxal returned to his private chambers to contemplate his conversation with Gsark, whose mind talker still had not regained life. Braxal was aware his mind talker attended his injured co-worker daily after completing his assignments.

  He and Gsark were nearly thrown off their feet from such power, despite being physically nowhere near Earth. With that sort of power, every planet could be Malvek.

  In the near past, that would be a goal he sought. Malvek always needed to grow and expand its might.

  Many of those other worlds would be useless to his kind, as Gsark pointed out. To work with the Guardians toward identifying planets where spawning could increase without invasion and the death of soldiers . . .

  Such a leap.

  Chapter 9

  Washington. D.C.

  “Mom?” Dee had put off this phone call longer than she should.

  “Dee, is everything okay?”

  “Yes. I wanted you to know Erica has arrived.”

  “She’s here?” Her mother sounded breathless.

  “Yes, and she’s beautiful. I think I see red in the fuzz on her head, though I can’t call it hair yet.” Dee gazed down at the newborn in her arms with affection. “She’s six pounds two ounces and nursing well.”

  “You’re nursing her?”

  “Of course.”

  “Good. I hear it helps get your figure back quicker.”

  Dee made no response to her comment, shoving the irritation aside.

  “Where did the name Erica come from? I would have thought you’d go with a family name.”

  A dig? Dee wasn’t in the mood.

  “If we had, we would probably have chosen Dusty’s mother’s name, Ellen. We investigated names and this one seemed to fit her best. Erica Dawn. Erica means Always Ruler and of course Dawn is a new day. She is strong and the name reflects that.”

  “I’d love to see her.”

  “Of course.” Dee paused. “Dusty and I do not want to see Roger.”

  “Dee, I can’t leave him alone.” Her mother sounded outraged at the thought.

  “For a weekend?”

  “He’s her grandfather too. He—”

  “No,” Dee snapped. “Roger is no relation to my daughter. I’d love for you to meet her. If he can’t be left alone, he still will not be welcome in our home. We could meet somewhere, a park.”

  Silence bloomed from the other end of the phone. Dee waited. She would stand firm and Dusty would back her on this.

  “I’ve told you things are better now.”

  “Because he has no use of his right hand.”


  “I do not want him around Erica.”

  “He would never hurt her.” Mom sounded shocked Dee would even consider it.

  Did she not remember how he acted the night they met, that he had grabbed Dee, resulting in his injury? She had never met her stepfather prior to the fateful dinner. He’d been no part of her life in the original timeline.

  Another of the changes resulting from our visit to the past.

  Her mother’s memory of the three of them living together was false as well in this reality. There was no way to explain it.

  “He called me a liar when I told him I was expecting her.”

  The quick indrawn breath told Dee she’d hit a target.

  “I have to go, Mom. Erica needs to be changed. We’ll talk soon.”

  “Dee . . . yes, I’ll check in soon.”

  “Goodbye.” Dee broke the connection quickly. She didn’t need this stress on top of everything else. Normally she would turn to Dusty after such an unsatisfying conversation. Right now, that wasn’t an option.

  Depression draped over her.

  ~ ~ ~

  Dee stood in the doorway of her bedroom, observing how Erica basked in her grandfather’s attention, totally content in his arms.

  She should join them, visit with them. Instead she retreated to her room. Her father was too intuitive and if he didn’t already know she and Dusty were having problems, he soon would.

  At least her mother hadn’t picked up on it when she called to announce the birth. Dee didn’t blame Dusty for turning that particular chore over to her.

  It could have been worse.

  Chapter 10

  Home World of the Malveks

  Axal settled into his usual space beside Sark. His friend’s mind still hid as his body continued to live. It was up to Axal to bring him back. These healers had no idea how such a deed could be accomplished. They were not mind talkers. They could only aid his body, not the real Sark.

  He linked their claws and began his search.

  Darkness, nothing but darkness. Sark was here, hiding. Axal didn’t fault him. The strength at which the shield so abruptly severed their connection to the planet had been unimaginable. Sark suffered the majority of the impact. Even so, Axal had been felled and the memory of the pain caused shudders to ripple through his body.

  Their warriors, Braxal and Gsark, had staggered and nearly gone down and they weren’t in connection with the link.

  “Sark, I am coming to get you. You can return to life.”

  By being in the lead, in front of Axal in his turn for that scan of the planet, the full blast struck Sark.

  Sark had saved him.

  Axal would never accept being unable to find him and help him return. He had become too important.

  ~ ~ ~

  Guardian Enclave

  The Elder spoke.

  “According to the First Elder, the Essence formed as the first conscious entity in the galaxy. Prior to her emergence, no thought existed in the universe. Alone, she observed. Eventually, over millennia, she saw changes, as galaxies formed, suns and planets were born and died, and other entities began to emerge. None other were like her, none could communicate, as she watched them grow and mature, evolve and die.”

  Cael shifted to meet the eyes of her Elder. “Did she create them?”

  “No, she merely observed. That is still the way of the Guardians from the edicts she finally shared with the Eldest.”

  “But I—”

  “Yes, you,
with our blessing, did more. We have, in the past, changed minor things on other planets through the manipulation of time. I have not been given insight for the unanimity on this occasion. It is rare all seven of the Elders agree on anything.” A small smile formed on her face. “I believe the Essence was behind our decision. For some reason, which is known only to her, this species—humans—became important to her.”

  “She was at the beginning?”

  The Elder nodded. “Her knowledge is beyond anything we can comprehend.”

  “She does not interfere.”

  “Before this, I know of no direct contact, even with the Eldest.”

  “Then she is timeless?”

  “Yes. She was old before the Eldest, our first elder, came to be. I have known many millennia using your Earth’s time, still I am only a child to her.”

  “I have much to mediate on. Why would she communicate with a mere Guardian or put herself in such a limited body?”

  “Unless she tells you, we will probably never know.”

  Chapter 11

  Washington, D.C.

  When both Dee and Erica were asleep, Ben confronted Dusty in the kitchen. “Okay, tell me what happened.”

  Dusty turned to the refrigerator. “Beer?”

  “Will I need one?”

  “I do.” Dusty handed him a bottle, taking a long draught of his own. He settled into a chair at the table and Ben joined him.

  “Explain, Dusty. No judgment.”

  Dusty nodded and began talking. Maybe it would help.

  ~ ~ ~

  “So, you’re telling me Dee got in her car, dismantled all safety and communication devices, and drove to Braddock’s Crossing while in labor.” Ben’s hand played with the empty bottle.

  “Succinct, but yes.” Dusty finished his second beer.


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