The Mike Black Saga Volume 1

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The Mike Black Saga Volume 1 Page 7

by Roy Glenn

  The phone rang.

  It was Freeze. He had just heard what happened with Shy. Bobby answered the phone, “What’s up, Bobby? Where’s Black?”

  “Hold on, Freeze. I’ll see if lover boy can come to the phone.”

  Mike grabbed the phone out of Bobby’s hand. “Asshole.” He turned his attention to Freeze. “What’s up, Freeze? Did everything go all right last night?”

  “Yeah, yeah, all that’s cool. But your girl Shy got robbed again this morning. This time some girl died.”

  “Shy all right?”

  “I guess so. I haven’t got the details yet. But before you say it, Jap is on his way over there now. He’ll call me when he finds out what’s up.”

  “Once he finds out all the details, you have him stay with her, but stay out of sight. Just make sure she’s safe.”

  “You got it. I’ll find out if she’s all right and call you back.”

  “No. Where are you?”

  “Rolling down Webster.”

  “Come down here. I want to see Angelo today. Call him and set it up.”

  Mike explained to Bobby what happened. Bobby didn’t say much. Once Mike had finished talking, Bobby said, “Mike, are you sure you want to get involved in this? Whatever’s going on with her and her business is her business. I know you like her, but we don’t need to get into no covert drug war. I gotta get out of here, but you think about this. Whatever you decide, I’m down with you. But make sure it’s a war worth fighting and one we can win.”

  “That’s why I’m going to talk to Angelo.”

  “You want me to go?” Bobby asked, hoping he’d say yes.

  “No. You take care of Pam.”

  Bobby left the office and Mike waited for Freeze to get there to drive him to Yonkers to see Angelo Collette. Mike and Angelo were in the same homeroom in high school. Back in the day when they both were freelancing, they did a few jobs together. Freeze arrived at Cuisine and he and Mike drove out to Yonkers. They pulled up in front of a small private club and were met at the curb by two large gentlemen.

  “Here comes that fuckin’ Jimmy. I hate that fat bastard, Black. I’d like to cut that fat mutha fuckas throat,” Freeze said as Jimmy and his associate approached the car. In the old days, Jimmy would talk big shit to Freeze. Jimmy used to call him ‘Black’s little errand boy.’

  “Don’t let him get to you, Freeze. Jimmy still fucks with you because he knows it gets to you. Go ahead, you get out first. Make him show you respect. And remember who runs shit and who’s always gonna be the errand boy.”

  “What’s up, Jimmy? Black is here to see Mr. Collette.”

  Freeze would rather shoot him than talk to him. Jimmy looked at Freeze but didn’t say anything.

  Mike got out of the car. “Jimmy, how are you?” he said as he and Freeze followed Jimmy inside the club.

  “I’m okay, Black, where’s Bobby? He always cracks me up.”

  “He’s having dinner with the wife,” Mike said handing Jimmy his guns. He patted down Mike. Freeze sat down at the bar without offering his weapon.

  “Angelo’s in the back. He’s waiting for you.”

  “Thanks, Jimmy. Good seeing you again. How’s the wife and kids?”

  “Helen’s good, we just had our sixth,” Jimmy shouted as Mike went in the back. Mike knocked on the door to Angelo’s office.

  “Come on in, Mikey. Sit down. Hey, Joey, get Mr. Black a drink. Remy Martin VSOP straight up, right? Then, get out.”

  “Greetings and much respect, Don Collette,” Mike said as Joey left.

  “I ain’t no fuckin’ Don, Mikey. And if you try to kiss my fuckin’ hand I’ll shoot you. We go too far back for all that Don stuff. But I appreciate the respect.” Angelo stood and shook Mike’s hand.

  “How’s it going, Angee?”

  “A little older, but I’m good.”

  “How’s Carmine? How’s his health?”

  “Not good, Mikey. You should go see him. He always liked you. So tell me, Mikey, it’s been over a year since you come to see me. You could come by and take me to a ball game or something.”

  “Come on, Angee, you should be taking me to the game. You guys got the skybox at the MetLife Statium. Remember?”

  “Maybe I’ll come get you one Sunday, Mikey, take you with me.”

  “Bullshit, Angee. I can see it now, me walking in the sky-box. I’d get shot on sight.”

  “Mikey, you just don’t realize how much respect you have in some circles. Vinchenso, God rest his soul, had respect for you and what you did. Getting your people out of the drug business, cleanin’ up your hood and all that. Enough bullshit, Mikey. You didn’t come here to tell me how pretty I am. So what gives?”

  “You know a woman named Cassandra Sims, calls herself Shy?”

  “Yeah, she does business. Why, Mikey, what’s your interest?”

  “Personal, for the time being.”

  “I understand, she’s a beautiful woman.”

  “Are you aware of the problems she’s been having lately?”

  “Been robbed a couple times. Why you asking me this, Mikey?”

  “Because Freeze can’t get a line on it.”

  “Get the fuck outta here. Fuckin’ Freeze is better than the fuckin’ Times.”

  “That’s my point, Angee. If Freeze can’t run it down, either it ain’t happenin’, or whoever’s doing it has excellent security. That’s why I came to see you.”

  “I get your point, Mikey. I don’t know anything about it. You have my word on it.”

  “I was hoping you’d say that, Angee. If I decide to involve myself in this, I don’t feel like messin’ with you. I didn’t want to bury you. No disrespect.”

  “None taken,” Angelo laughed. “Where’s Bobby at, Mikey? He still married?”

  “That’s where he is, out with the wife.”

  “You tell him that he cost me a couple a grand. I bet that it wouldn’t last two years. How long has it been, Mikey?”

  “Six years, Angee.”

  “Six years. Go figure. Guy like that married for six years. Who’d a thought? But anyway, Mikey, Shy’s a good girl. She runs a good operation. Nothing like her father, that scum bag.”

  Mike looked puzzled, “Her father? Who’s her father?”

  “What, are you kiddin’ me? You of all people should know. Chicago’s her father.” Mike looked at him in shock and his mind began racing. “Oh shit, Mikey, you didn’t know? Shy —Chi-town —Chicago, this ain’t rocket science.”

  “Angee, I must be slipping,” Mike said, obviously shaken by the information. His mind flashed back, and he could see those eyes that haunted him for years. “She told me last night over dinner that she got the name from her father, and I just didn’t put it together.”

  “So she doesn’t know. You gonna tell her?”

  “I need a drink, Angee,” Mike said, helping himself to another shot of Remy. “I oughta kill Freeze.”

  “Why? The only ones who know about that is me, you and André. And that bastard ain’t telling nobody. I never said anything about it and unless you told somebody, who would know? How would Freeze know that it was important enough to mention?”

  “You’re right, Angee. I mean she laid it all out. Said she went to see some of her father’s old partners. Carmine, most likely, who probably sent her to you.”


  “Said you gave her a lecture. I should of known it was you she was talking about when she said lecture.”

  “You were probably too busy looking at them titties. No disrespect to you, Mikey, but she is a beautiful woman.”

  “You know me too well, Angee. But actually, it was her eyes. And now I know why. I’ve taken up enough of your time. We both have work to do. Angee, thanks for everything.”

  “I’m serious about going to a game. But let me give you a little advice, Mikey. This should be a warning to you. Think and see this thing with Shy with your brain and not your dick. You know I’m right about this, Mikey. If y
ou can let a point like that slip by, what else have you Missed? You take care of yourself and, game or no game, you come see me,” Angelo said as he hugged Mike.

  “I will, Angee. You could come up to the Bronx every once in a while. Come by the club.”

  “Na, Mikey. Your new spot’s a little too high-brow for my taste. Not like the old days when you had the after hour spot.”

  “See ya, Angee.” Mike walked out of the office and leaned against the wall. He stood for a minute, his mind racing, flashing back to that day. Angelo was right, he let his feelings cloud his judgment. He gathered himself together and continued walking toward the bar. He saw Freeze standing by the bar with his back turned. As he got closer, he could see that Freeze had his gun pointed at Jimmy’s head. Everybody else in the room had their guns pointed at Freeze. Mike laughed and went back in the office to tell Angelo.

  “Yo, Angee, it’s finally happened. Freeze finally stood up to Jimmy.”

  “I don’t believe it. This I gotta see.” Angelo got up and followed Mike out of the office.

  “Well, what have we got here?” Angelo asked grinning from ear to ear.

  “Looks like a New York standoff to me,” Mike said.

  “Yo, Black, I told you I’m tired of him fuckin’ with me,” Freeze said.

  “All right everybody, just ease off. Nobody’s going to die here today.” At Angelo’s command, everybody slowly lowered their guns, except Freeze. With almost all the weapons down, Mike crossed the room passing Freeze.

  “Jimmy, you all right?” Mike asked.

  Jimmy nodded his head, sweating like a pig. “Freeze, I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to go and you have the keys to the car. So give me the keys.” Freeze handed Mike the keys. Mike thanked him and walked out. Freeze finally eased the gun away from Jimmy’s head and started to back out the door. Jimmy didn’t say a word, he just smiled. Freeze walked out to the car and got in, started the car and pulled away. Freeze looked over at Mike. He smiled at Freeze. “He’ll respect you now.”

  Mike and Freeze arrived back at the supper club. Sylvia, Mike’s secretary, told him that Kenny called while they were gone. She told them that Kenny said he got some info on Leon Thomas. Nothing on why he was in New York, much less who hired him. Hopefully he’d be back in a few days. He said he would call tomorrow around five.”

  “Knowing Kenny, he’s partying too hard and doesn’t want you to give him more to do,” Freeze said as he entered Mike’s office.

  “Have you heard anything from Jap?” Mike asked Sylvia.

  “Not yet, but I can stay another hour or so if you need me.”

  “Another hour? Who’s gonna pick up your son?” Mike asked on the way into his office.

  “I’ll call my sister,” she said.

  “No, you go home. Take care of that man-child. But thanks for asking,” Mike said closing the door behind him.

  As he sat down on the couch the phone rang and Freeze answered it. It was Jap. He explained the details of the robbery to Freeze, which he in turn relayed to Mike. He said that Shy was pretty shook up about the girl who died because she felt responsible for it. Jap also let Freeze know that he was still on Shy. “Yo, Black, Jap wanna know how long should he stay with Shy?” Freeze asked.

  “Until I tell him otherwise,” Mike fired back. Freeze relayed Mike’s instructions and told him to check in a little more often and he might arrange some food. Freeze hung up the phone, putting his feet up on Mike’s Desk.

  “What you gonna do now, Black?”

  Mike looked at Freeze. He picked up a bottle and poured. “Nothing.”


  Mike paced aimlessly around his house. He couldn’t seem to sit still, wandering around the house like a nervous cat. He tried to go to sleep, but he was restless. He tried reading, but he couldn’t concentrate. He turned on the television and channel surfed for a while, but nothing is ever on cable anyway. He put on some music, Johnny Hartman on vocals backed by John Coltrane on sax and started to work out, but he couldn’t get motivated. Love songs aren’t exactly music to workout with, but that was the way he was feeling. He thought he might take a ride, but he didn’t want to leave the house. So he paced, always ending up back in the same spot. Standing in front of the phone, with the hope that he could make the phone ring.

  Maybe you should use the force.

  Back and forth he walked around the house. When the phone did ring, the name on the display of his caller ID always said Melinda. Mike wanted to talk to one person and one person only, Shy. He had dialed her number a hundred times in his mind. But he refused to call. His pride and his ego would not allow it. That was the same reason that he wouldn’t call Jap to find out where she was. He didn’t want Jap to know the deal. He felt bad that he had Jap following her. He didn’t want a spy, just a bodyguard. After Saturday night, he didn’t think that her boys could protect her.

  The phone rang and once again. Mike rush to the phone. It was Melinda again. He had to give her credit for being so determined.

  By this time most women would have given up.

  Mike turned off the music and went back to bed. The phone rang again, and once again, it was Melinda. Mike answered the phone this time. Melinda asked if he was all right because she hadn’t heard from him in a few days. Mike said that he was fine. But had a lot going on lately. Melinda said that she had something that she wanted to talk with him about.

  “So if you’re not doing anything, is it cool if I come by for a while?”

  Mike said that he wasn’t doing anything and told Melinda she could come over. He hung up the phone with the thought that maybe fucking Melinda would take his mind off Shy. For what may have been the first time in his life he was unsure of what he should do. This was not a feeling that he was accustomed to. One thing Mike was sure of was that he didn’t like it. He had been making decisions, tougher ones than this, since he was six. It was becoming clear to him that this whole situation had him far more shaken than was necessary. Things had gotten further complicated because there was now the matter of whether or not to tell Shy about what happened between him, André and her father.

  The doorbell rang. It hadn’t even been five minutes since Melinda called. Mike put on his robe and looked out the window to see who it was. It was Melinda. Mike thought to himself that she must have been around the corner to get here that quick. Since he had been at the window at least twenty times, he knew that she hadn’t been parked there all along. Mike opened the door. Melinda entered. As usual she was looking good, dressed in a leopard swing coat that hit about mid thigh and tied at the waist, bare legs and black fuck me pumps. Melinda sat down on the couch and crossed her legs.

  “Didn’t take you long? You must have been in the area?”

  “To tell the truth, I’ve been riding around for hours waiting for you to answer the phone.” After dispensing with the pleasantries, Melinda got right to it. “Who was that woman at your table Saturday night, Black?”

  “Her name is Shy; and the guys with her …”

  Melinda cut him off in mid sentence. “I really don’t care about them, Black. So who is she and what is she to you? She’s a dealer, so I know that you don’t have any business with her. Unless you’re planning on getting back in the game. Is that what this is about, Black?” Mike shook his head. “I didn’t think so. So what’s up with that? And don’t ask me how I know she’s a dealer.”

  It was as if Melinda was anticipating each answer as she went along.

  “So what’s your point?” Mike asked, not wanting to commit himself to anything until he knew where she was going with this. He didn’t even know where, if anywhere, he was going with Shy. If he knew it was on with Shy, he wouldn’t hesitate to tell Melinda that her ride was over.

  “You know what I’m saying, Black. Why you wanna play with me? Are you fuckin’ her?”

  “No,” Mike said confidently.

  “Are you going to?

  “I thought about it,” Mike said, trying to h
old back the excitement he felt just thinking about it. He had been thinking about what sex with Shy would be like since he first saw her. Would She be able to keep up the high standard that Melinda had set?

  “You thought about it,” she spit out angrily. “You thought about it. Well ain’t no law against thinking I guess. So where does that leave me?”

  “Honestly, it doesn’t leave you anywhere. Especially since it ain’t happened. If and when that it does happen, you will be the first to know.”

  “So you’re gonna cut the dick off; aren’t you?”

  Mike smiled and shook his finger at her. “What do you mean; cut the dick off? I can guarantee you that I’m not gonna cut my dick off. So, you planning something you wanna tell me about?”

  “Nothing like that, baby. I would never do that to you or my friend there. I just wanna know if you don’t wanna fuck me anymore?”

  “Do you really think it’s necessary to ask me that question?”

  “No. So what’s up? I ain’t had none since Saturday morning. You know what a junky I am. You know you are my fix.”

  With that Melinda stood up, untied her coat, and let it drop to the floor, revealing that she had nothing on under her coat. Mike was right. At that point he could think of nothing but penetration. Mike leaned back in his chair, took a deep breath and another swallow of his water.

  “You can’t tell me that you don’t want any more of this pussy, can you, Black?” Melinda started walking toward him until she was close enough to touch. “You know how good this pussy is and how wet it gets for you, Black. Don’t you want me, baby?” Melinda said using her body like a weapon.

  “You’re not going to hurt me are you?” Mike asked running his hands up and down her thighs.

  Melinda spread her legs a little wider. “I would never hurt you baby. I just want to feel your hands on my body.”

  As her legs opened Mike ran one hand on the inside of her thighs. He ran his hand up one thigh and down the other, barely brushing her neatly trimmed hair. He grabbed her ass with the other hand and pulled her closer.


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