Tag Forever Mine

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Tag Forever Mine Page 2

by Catherine Charles

  “All of you have a target on your back the minute you step out onto the field for the first time, yours is just a little bigger than most. You’re fresh out of high school, and you’ve already got a few players nervous. Now you brought a girl with you didn’t you?”

  “Yes sir. Presley.”

  “Is she staying with you?”

  “Yes sir. I hope that’s alright. She starts school at U of A in a few months.”

  “Good. You’ll need her to help you stay grounded. This journey isn’t gonna be a walk in the park for either of you, West. She’s gonna need your support just like you’re gonna need hers.”

  The line is silent for a moment. I guess I hadn’t considered what this move would mean to Presley.

  “Why don’t you two come over for dinner tomorrow night. Nothing fancy. We can grill out and Presley can meet my wife, Laura. The sooner she can make some friends here, the easier it will be on her.”

  “Thank you sir. Sounds great. I’ll see you tomorrow at noon.”

  “Don’t bother driving, West. I’ll send a car for you. You’ll get your permits and access information tomorrow. Be ready by eleven thirty.”

  “Yes sir. Thank you.”

  Hanging up the phone, I head back into the bedroom, admiring the tranquility Presley has been able to create for us. The bed looks as if it were a soft billowy cloud and I’m overcome with a desire to lay down, tempting the fates responsible for sleep.

  I hear the bathwater turn off, a tune is hummed quietly followed by a deep sigh; knowing Presley, she’ll be in there for a while.

  I grab my truck keys off the kitchen counter and make my way to the nearest grocery store. I want to get her some flowers as a thank you for everything she has done for me, as well as a few necessity items we’ll need. I make my way up and down the aisles of the local Safeway, tossing random items into the cart, a purple and green toothbrush for Presley, paper plates and plastic utensils, a rotisserie chicken, fruit salad, a frozen bag of green beans, and a small container of mashed potatoes from the deli. It was now my responsibility to take care of her, but as I stood in line at register three, staring at the contents of my shopping cart, the sheer magnitude of everything hit me full force.

  We were two teenagers on our own. Money would be tight until I was signed to the Rangers, and I really didn’t want to ask for much assistance from our parents. I had a small amount in savings, enough to last a couple of months, a year maybe if I was smart about it.

  I pay for everything and head back to the apartment, Presley was still in the bathroom, so I put dinner in the fridge and scatter the rose petals on the floor from the door to the bed, light a small sandalwood candle and shuck off my clothes from the last two days. We opted to spend last night at a campsite instead of a hotel to save money but woke up in a hurry when it had started to rain at five in the morning. Presley’s laughter through all of it was all the reassurance I needed to know we were doing the right thing. In the midst of a downpour, when she could have complained, she was laughing as we tossed the pillows and blankets into the toolbox on my truck, stopping to kiss me before climbing in the cab and turning the heat on full force.

  I pull back the thick comforter and settle in against the plush feather pillows, completely relaxed and happy. Sleep doesn’t stand a chance at staying away and I fall victim to it with each slowing blink.

  Chapter Three

  Presley’s body is pressed tight against mine as my arm wraps securely around her waist. The room is pitch black with the exception of the candle on the nightstand, its flame throwing shadows around the room. I’m vaguely able to make out the time on the microwave clock, twelve thirty I think. I pull her tighter against me, her smooth velvet skin fuses with mine, a light scent of honeysuckle fills my nose as I kiss between her shoulder blades. Her back arches against me, while my hand aimlessly roams over her naked body. My desire for her is unrelenting as I feel myself hardening against her. Tiny moans break free from her each time I press my lips against her skin. She rolls onto her back, as I remove my boxers and reposition myself on top of her, settling in between her open legs, my cock brushing against her sex ever so gently as she wraps her arms around me, raking her fingers through my hair as my lips find hers, tongues swirling together, grasping tightly to the other with each languid stroke.

  “I love you, Presley,” I whisper as I pull back breathless from her. Our foreheads resting together, breath strained as her hips slowly circle against mine, her moisture tempting me to enter her, to claim her in every possible way.

  “I love you too, Robert. I’m ready,” she whispers while wrapping her legs around mine, opening wider and allowing my head to graze against her slit.

  I reach for a condom I stored in the nightstand drawer, and ease back onto my heals as she opens the package with her teeth, rolling it down my swollen shaft before laying back against the mattress before my body covers hers. Inch by inch I press into her, allowing her to adjust to my size before easing out a little and then giving her more. Each torturous minute only magnifies my desire to be buried inside of this perfect woman. The minute my hilt brushes against her clit we halt our movement as I look down into her green eyes, her opening pulsing slightly around me.

  “You’re absolutely beautiful, Presley. So wet for me just like a good girl.”

  She smiles, her eyes locked on mine as I gradually begin to rock inside of her. Her nails digging hard into my biceps with each thrust until her pleasure filled cries engulf the bedroom as I buck against her. Her legs tighten around me as she eagerly accepts each focused thrust, crying out with every pleasurable stroke. Her back arches off the bed as the first pulse of her orgasm shatters her body and I feel my release begging to fill her. Quick, rapid-fire pulses shoot through me as the pleasurable throbbing of her aftershocks holds me captive and I find my release, collapsing against her sweat glistened body. Neither one of us moving as our orgasms wash over us in waves.

  Our first time together, hell our first time period, and it wasn’t just a random moment because we were finally alone, but tonight I made love to my best friend and the woman I would one day marry.

  She winces as I pull out from her and I make my way over to the bathroom to dispose of the condom. I turn the sink on and find a washcloth, soaking it in hot water before making my way back over to our bed. Her eyebrow arched as she props herself up on her elbows and looks at me quizzically.

  “What’s that for?”

  “I just want to make sure you’re okay and clean you.” I gently nudge open her legs and lay the washcloth over her, gently whipping her sweetness before placing a kiss over it and crawling back up to her as I sit propped up against the wall, her head resting on my chest while her fingers brush figure eights against my abs.

  “Thank you Robert,” she says quietly. The smile in her voice forces the corners of my mouth up in a smile as I squeeze her tighter.

  “How do you feel?”

  “A little sore, but mostly intoxicated. There is no questioning my addiction to you.”

  I chuckle. “The feeling’s mutual. I’m glad I can make you happy, Presley.”

  She squeezes my waist while turning to take my nipple in between her teeth, her tongue quickly flicking over the sensitive area before she releases it.

  “Easy girl,” I growl out.

  She turns to look up at me through hooded sultry eyes. “What are you gonna do about it? Hmm?”

  She is certainly a playful little thing.

  “I’m going to feed you first, and then we can revisit what happens when you disobey.”

  The smile on her face spreads from ear to ear as she stretches her neck to kiss me.

  “Put some clothes on and meet me in the kitchen,” I say as I roll out of bed and put my boxers back on.

  She sits on there, the sheets pooling at her waist, her bare breast tempting me, perfect erect pink nubs begging to be suckled. I lean over her, taking one into my mouth as she dips her head back and arches into me. She lets out a
helpless moan while grasping at my hair. The tip of my tongue quickly flicking over her bud before I bite down on her, shocking her senses. She lets out a cute little yelp. I smile and kiss her cheek. “Come on, princess. I know you’re starving and you’re going to need your energy later.”

  She smiles and swats my ass as I head out of our bedroom and into the kitchen.

  Dinner is plated and in the microwave by the time she emerges from the bedroom in a pale pink see-through sweater and white lace cheeky panties. This woman is going to be the death of me. She smirks at me just before sitting on the counter, legs spread wide begging me to find my place between them.

  The microwave dings and I pull the steaming plate out, setting it on the counter next to her before putting the second plate in and pressing the button for two minutes.

  She takes my hand and pulls me in between her legs, my hands resting dangerously high on her thighs as she feeds us both from her plate. First me and then her. I’d never known this level of intimacy before, and as we shared our dinner, things finally felt relaxed.

  She was laughing and smiling, each of us placing pecking kisses here and there in between bites of chicken and potatoes and when she finally said she was glad to be here; my heart beat a little easier.

  * * *

  I watch Robert move about the kitchen as I sit on the bed, a rewarding ache between my legs and all I can think about is how I want more of him. Liv was right when she said Robert would never hurt me, that the feeling was euphoric and other worldly. I had been self-conscious about my appearance ever since I found out Heather and Robert had messed around; she was a ten, and well there was nothing spectacular about me, but Robert looked at me as if I was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. I felt loved, cherished, and like a goddess. It didn’t matter if it was my first time, my body knew what to do, and as he slid out of me, teasing me, waiting for me to beg, it didn’t matter if I only slept with him my entire life, he was created for me and I couldn’t wait for more of him.

  Quickly I throw on as little clothes as socially acceptable for the kitchen and make my way out to him. The nerves which inhabited my body for the last forty-eight hours seemed to disappear the moment he looked at me and I was ready to commit myself to him, to this journey, to our future, three hundred and eighty seven percent. Sure the last two months had been difficult, but it was time to move forward again. I couldn’t focus on what I had lost out on, but instead focus on what I had gained; I was in Arizona with the man I was completely head over heels in love with, sitting on the kitchen counter in our apartment, eating my first semi-decent meal since leaving home, and I was completely, stupidly, happy.

  “Pres, I’m really glad you’re here with me. I don’t know what I would have done without you,” he says as I make my way into the kitchen, taking a seat on the counter.

  “I’m glad I’m here too, and not just because of what happened in there.” I motion to the bedroom struggling to hold his proud gaze. His teeth graze the sensitive skin on my neck, raising goosebumps before the stinging sensation of his powerful bite leaves me excited and wanting more.

  “I’m glad you enjoyed everything.” He smiles, and for the first time ever, I think I detect a reddening of his cheeks.

  “Robert West. Are you blushing?” I giggle as my fingers trail up the smooth planes of his chest.


  “Yes you are.”

  “Pres,” he says sternly.

  “Oh. My. God! You are!”

  “Presley.” His fingertips grip hard into my thighs while his thumb forcefully brushes against my clit, causing all rational thought to disappear.

  I melt into him as he bites and laps down my neck and across my collar bone. Bitey, hungry, man.

  “That’s better,” he growls in my ear, “I think I’m ready for dessert.”

  I nod my head as I let out a soft, “Mmhmm.”

  He drops down to his knees, pulling me to the edge of the counter before I can comprehend what’s happening. My legs are spread wide as he viciously sucks against my opening, the friction of my panties trapped between his tongue and my clit is enough to finish me. My head rests against the upper cabinets, my eyes clenched tightly closed as fire courses through my body. “Robert. I’m—”

  “No you’re not,” he growls out in between assaulting my apex, “I didn’t give you permission.”

  Oh fuck. I bite my bottom lip as I grip the counter’s edge, nodding my head in understanding.

  “Use your words, Presley. Do you understand me?”

  “Yes. Not until you say.” High pitched whimpers fill the kitchen as Robert pushes my panties off to the side and plunges his tongue deep inside of me. Three strokes and a forceful suck against me and I’m begging for my release. Legs shaking, breath panting, throat dry. The rhythm he sets is punishing and I find myself begging for more. “Please Robert.” The sound of ripping fabric sends shivers down my spine as he stands in front of me. I shove his boxers down his muscular thighs. His cock springs free, swollen and ready as he quickly slides into me. Stretching and filling me completely. I cling to him as he thrust ever harder into me. The sound of slickness, flesh hitting flesh fills the kitchen as I bite the curvature of his neck.

  “Come with me, Presley,” he pants out through dominant grunts.

  I find my release. My muscles spasm and twitch as I’m pressed tightly against him riding the tidal wave of pleasure, only to feel empty as he pulls out of me, spilling his seed against my stomach.

  I am completely sated. My body nothing more than the consistency of jello as I struggle to open my eyes.

  “Well that was—”

  “Amazing. Unexpected. Unbelievable. Shocking.”

  I hear him chuckle, “I was going to say incredible.” He softly kisses my lips; a saltiness lingers as my tongue sweeps over them to restore moisture. “And delicious.” I’m able to pry my eyes open just long enough to see him smiling at me. “Come on, princess. Let’s get you to bed.”

  I nod in agreement. My legs buckle underneath of me as I fail to stand. Robert catches me and carries me to our bed. Laying me down and sliding in behind me, kissing the crown of my head as I snuggle into my pillow.

  “Presley?” There’s a quiver in his usually confident timber.


  “That in there? Were you okay with it?”

  I roll over and look at him. I’m vaguely able to make out the worry on his face. “Robert, I loved every bit of it.”

  “I don’t want to scare you Presley, and I don’t want to hurt you either. But being able to dominate you, to control you, well—” he pauses.

  “Well what?”

  “Pres, there are going to be times when I want full control over you and what we do. I promise to always respect you and if you ever tell me no, I’ll stop, but—”

  “But nothing, Robert. I trust you. And yes, I enjoyed it. I know you won't hurt me. Just don’t forget to make love to me as well.” He kisses my hairline again and I’m able to make out a smile of relief.

  “I love you so much Presley.”

  “I love you too. Don’t hold back from me. I’m not going anywhere. It’s you and me.”

  We lay there in the silence of our quaint little apartment, Robert absentmindedly playing with my hair as my fingertips drag through the valleys between his pecs, down the center of his abdomen and around each slightly defined ab. The idea of being dominated by him scared and excited me all at the same time. If tonight was any indication of how things would progress between the two of us, I knew he would always make sure I was prepared for him. Maybe I should find some handcuffs tomorrow. The corners of my lips turn up at the thought. Breathing in his intoxicating scent, I snuggled against him a little tighter and prepared myself for some of the naughtiest dreams I have ever had.

  Chapter Four

  I wake up to the smell of pancakes and bacon. I can see into the kitchen from our bed. Presley is in a cute navy-blue spaghetti strap sundress with some type of stitc
hing on the front. Using the spatula as a microphone, she dances around the kitchen to an old Rod Stewart song, swaying her hips to the beat of the drums, completely lost in her own little world. Her skin looks sun-kissed, while her messy bun looks blonder than usual.

  She’s always been beautiful, never wearing more than a little mascara and petal pink lip gloss, I stare at her for a few minutes. Watching everything about her, trying to commit her body to memory. Soon she’ll be two hours away and my memories will be the only things to get me through our time apart.

  Last night she gave me everything and accepted every piece of me. No longer would my fantasies remain fantasies. I never intended to expose her to the hidden part of me so early, but she embraced it and took pleasure in it.

  I quietly roll out of bed, sneaking up behind her at the stove and wrap my arms around her waist, kissing her shoulders and up her neck until her lips find mine.

  “Morning handsome,” she says with a smile, “how’d you sleep?”

  “A hell of a lot better than I did the night before.”

  She quietly giggles.

  “How are you feeling this morning? I see you’re still here, so I guess I didn’t scare you off with my admission.”

  Removing the pancakes from the frying pan, she turns in my arms. “I told you I was in this. You’re not going to scare me Robert. I trust you.”

  “And what would you do if I said I wanted you right now, wanted to take things a little further than last night?”

  A devilish smile crosses over her face as she pushes against me and makes her way over to the opposite counter, digging through a grocery bag and pulling out a pair of grey plastic handcuffs, dangling them out for me to see. “I’d say these will have to work for now.”

  I don’t know whether to be impressed or shocked at her bold move, but either way, I take the plastic cuffs and slowly ease her back into the bedroom.


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