Tag Forever Mine

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Tag Forever Mine Page 5

by Catherine Charles

  I look over at her, moisture pooling in her eyes, the slightest blink and twin tears will roll down her cheeks. I kiss her nose and quickly dry her tears before she rests her head on my shoulder, holding tightly onto her hand.

  “Well damn.” Martinez says while hitting his thigh. “So much for needing thirty minutes. You two get it. It took me years and two marriages to figure it out. As long as you two remember to respect one another, then I think you’ll be just fine.”

  Both Presley and I let out a sigh of relief as coach grabs a couple of papers off his desk and comes back over to us.

  “So, this first month Robert, you will have team practices and will be listed as a relief pitcher. There are eight pitching spots, you’re the newest, so congratulations, you’re number eight. As you progress you have the possibility of moving up the roster. After your first month, you can challenge the pitcher listed above you for his place. Whoever wins, gets the position. Do you understand?”

  “Yes sir.”

  “Do either of you have any other questions or concerns?”

  Presley and I look at each other and she shakes her head no.

  “No, I think we’re good.”

  “Alright then. Presley you are always welcome to attend any game you want to. You will always have a ticket at Will Call, and you call me if he ever gets out of line, you understand?”

  Presley smiles and gives me a devilish smirk. “Yes sir. Thank you.” She gives my hand a quick squeeze and rests her head on my shoulder briefly, her sign she’s tired and ready to go.

  “I think we’re actually going to head out sir, it’s been a long couple of days, but thank you both for everything.”

  “Yes. Thank you. Dinner was delicious. Could you tell Laura I’ll give her a call soon?” Presley wears her best polite Southern smile while coach shows us out his private office door.

  “Absolutely. You both have a good night. It was good meeting you Presley. Y’all take care and Robert, I’ll see you at practice tomorrow. Get some rest.”

  I help Presley climb into the truck, her head falls back against the head rest and she lets out a deep sigh.

  “You okay?”

  “Yea. Just tired. Can we go home?”

  I smile at her use of the word home. We finally have a home together. “Absolutely.”

  Chapter Six

  Robert’s had nine games and three practices since our dinner at the Martinez’s house. I’ve been to every single one in an attempt to get in as much viewing time as I can before I leave for school, of course I have Laura’s nagging voice in the back of my mind as well, even though I have yet to see her show up for anything.

  “Their players are the main concern.”

  Today the team is visiting the Children’s Hospital in Phoenix before tonight’s game, so I’m home today to get things ready and cleaned up before Liv and Trey show up this afternoon.

  Robert won't be able to come home in between, so the three of us will walk over to the stadium later.

  There’s a knock on the door and I look at the clock. It’s too early for Liv to be here. I look out the peep hole and am shocked to see the man from the grocery store, Carter Hail, I believe. There is no reason for him to be here and I want nothing to do with him. I try to stay quiet in hopes he’ll just leave, but he doesn’t. The ringing of my phone breaks the deafening silence and frightens the crap out of me, giving away my presence in the apartment. Stupid phone. I sprint for the kitchen to quickly turn it off, but it’s too late. I look down at the screen, Olivia. Whatever she wanted better have been important.

  “Open up Presley. I know you’re in there.”

  I make my way back over to the door and look through the peep hole again. “What do you want Carter?”

  “Come on cutie. Open up. I promise I won't bite.”

  I shiver at the wicked way he says cutie. “Go away Carter. There’s no reason for you to be here.”

  “Robert sent me.”

  That’s all it takes. I crack open the door the slightest bit. “What do you want?”

  He just stands there. I feel his eyes travel the length of my body and I feel incredibly dirty under his lust filled gaze. I attempt to close the door on him, obviously Robert didn’t send him, but he catches it with his hand and forces it open, slowly moving into the apartment.

  “Come now. That isn’t the way to treat the man who could end Robert’s career before it even gets started. Why don’t you be a good girl and do as I say.”

  I swallow hard. End his career? Robert just said he was a recruiter for the franchise, nothing more. “You need to leave now.”

  “But honey, I—”

  “She’s no one’s honey, and I believe she asked you politely to leave.” Trey stands in the doorway, some-how seemingly bigger since the last time I saw him and almost intimidating looking. Liv must have been calling to tell me they would be early.

  “This doesn’t concern you, so fuck off.”

  “See that’s where you’re wrong. She’s my best friend’s girl and she asked you to leave. Now go or I’ll have no issue kicking your sleezy ass.”

  Carter lets out a sinister laugh, “You might want to ask his girl just who I am before you start acting tough. I can ruin him if it comes down to it.” Carter’s eyes once again run the length of my body as his snake-like tongue slithers over his bottom lip.

  “Trey,” I say quietly.

  He reaches out and slides a strand of my hair between his fingers bringing his lips close to my ear, my heart racing while my body stays frozen in place allowing him to touch me, “See you around, Presley.”

  I shiver at his touch.

  His lips curl up in a small smile before leaning in to whisper into my ear, “Look at that, already reacting to me like the good girl I know you are. You’ll do anything to keep Robert safe won't you?”

  I feel physically sick, my stomach doing flips and my lunch threatening to spew all over the prick standing in front of me.

  “Get the fuck out now asshole.”

  Carter winks and makes his way out of the apartment, roughly bumping Trey on the shoulder as he passes by. Trey watches him disappear around a corner, and I finally relax when the door closes, collapsing on the couch, struggling to fight back tears.

  “Umm, who’s the psycho?” Liv asks.

  “He’s a recruiter for the league.” Tears make their way down my cheeks as Liv wraps an arm around my shoulders.

  “So what? He thinks he’s untouchable?”

  “I should have never opened the door.”

  “Don’t you dare do that Presley. Don’t you dare blame yourself for his behavior. The guy was an A plus creep.”

  “Robert told me to stay away from him. I should have known he would never send him over here. But I was stupid and all he had to say was Robert sent him and I just opened the door.”

  “Sweetie that’s because you only see the good in people.”

  “And what if you two hadn’t shown up when you did. What then Liv? I was honestly afraid of him and what he could do. If Robert loses this opportunity because of me—”

  “I’m sure he would lose it anyway if he was in jail for murder because that’s exactly what would have happened. Robert would give all this up in a heartbeat if he knew he was putting you at risk.”

  “You don’t know that Liv.” The apartment is quiet, and I wipe away my tears. “Would you guys mind going to the stadium a little earlier? There’s someone I need to talk to.”

  They both agree and I quickly send Coach Martinez a text message asking to meet with him before the game. He responds and tells me where.

  I spend the rest of the day replaying everything that happened with Carter and kicking myself for being so stupid. There was no questioning what he wanted, but why? Would he show up in Tucson unexpectedly? Or would it just be here that I would constantly be looking over my shoulder. Laura mentioned he was bad news, I guess I hadn’t really taken into consideration what “bad news” meant.

we get to the stadium I give Liv and Trey their tickets and excuse myself, letting them know I’ll meet them at our seats, and I set off to find coach. I’m worried at any moment Robert will see me and will worry something’s wrong. I keep quiet until I’m seated in Coach’s office and the door is closed.

  “You said it was important. What’s going on? Does this have anything to do with Robert?”

  “Umm, no, yes, maybe. I don’t want to get anyone in trouble, and I haven’t told Robert about this yet, but I will, and I figured I should give you a heads up. Laura told me about the confrontation between Robert and Carter, and well…he showed up at the apartment today. I didn’t open the door at first, but then he said Robert had asked him to stop by, and—”

  “And you opened the door.” His hand runs down over his face and then back through his hair.

  “It was stupid, and I know I shouldn’t have, but I did, just a crack and then he forced his way in.”

  He sits straight up in his chair. “Did anything happen?”

  “Nothing major. Our friends showed up and Trey got him to leave. But he told me he would see me around. Am I in danger here?”

  “You were right to come to me; I’ll get this handled Presley. I’m sorry you had to deal with this today.”

  Just then there’s a knock on the door interrupting us.

  “Shit,” he sighs. “That’s Robert. I forgot I asked him to come see me before the game. Keep quiet and I’ll handle this.”

  I nod my head and run my fingers across my lips as if I were zipping them closed.

  “Come in.”

  “Hey coa—Presley! What are you doing down here?”

  I look over at Coach.

  “I was just telling her the good news. You’re pitching today. I heard you had friends in town and I’m sure they would rather see you on the mound instead of sitting on the bench.”

  “Oh wow! Thanks.”

  “Now go warm up.”

  He comes in and kisses me on the cheek. His scent gives me a just the slightest amount of comfort.

  “I’ll see you afterwards.”

  I smile back at him, “Go get em tiger.” Robert turns and closes the door behind him, and I look back to coach.

  “Don’t worry about anything Presley, I’ll get things taken care of.”

  “Thank you.” I give a pathetic excuse for a smile and shrug slightly. “I guess I’ll go find my seat now. Good luck out there.”

  I leave coach’s office, shocked to see Robert leaning against the cinder block wall. “Hey, you,” I say in my best singsong voice as I wrap my arms around his neck. “I wasn’t expecting to see you.”

  “I could say the same thing about you. Is everything alright?” There’s no mistaking the concern in his voice.

  I nod my head, afraid the lump in my throat would give everything away. “Coach just wanted to tell me you were pitching.”

  He cocks his head and looks down on me. “Presley?” his voice is stern. “I’ll believe that for now, but we’re talking when I get home.” He pulls me tighter into him, and I savor the safety of his arms. “I missed you today.”

  “I missed you too,” I say while resting my head on his strong chest. “Now get out there and show them why you’re here. Prove to them you’re the best they have and don’t let them forget your name.” My encouragement is slightly selfish; maybe if Robert makes a big enough impression it won't matter what Carter says.

  “Let me at least walk you out to the stands.” I give him a firm nod and full smile. “Where are y’all sitting?”

  “Right behind home, just like you like.”

  “Don’t be such a distraction tonight.”

  “I promise to only distract the other pitcher.” I give him a wink and one final kiss before making my way my seat.

  * * *

  We won our game tonight, twelve to four. I pitched seven innings before I was pulled.

  Trey is sitting outside when I get home.

  “Hey man, what are you doing out here?”

  He chuckles and shakes his head. “Keeping my sanity.” I laugh and open the side gate that lets into our patio area. “The girls are talking design. It’s not safe in there, man.”

  “Ahh. I think I’ll stay out here with you then.” I sit down on the new patio furniture and he hands me a Gatorade.

  “Hey, I just want you to know I’ll keep an eye on her while she’s at school.”

  “Thanks. I really appreciate it. I think it will be easier on me if I know she’s safe.”

  “You won’t have to worry about creeps coming around her again.” Trey leans back against the cushions and takes a drink.

  “What are you talking about? Again?”

  He looks at me from the corner of his eye, “It’s nothing. Never mind. Forget I said anything.”

  “Trey? Presley was down in coach’s office before the game. What aren’t you telling me?”

  He rolls his eyes and sits up straight. “It’s just—well—some guy was over here when we showed up. Presley asked him to leave, but he wasn’t moving. She said he worked for the league.”

  “That mother fucker!” I hop over the patio fence and barge through the front door. I can hear the girls giggling in the bedroom. “Presley Elizabeth Donovan!” I turn the corner and see her and Liv sitting on our bed.

  “I think that’s my cue to leave.” Liv hurries out of the bedroom and closes the door behind her as I stare sternly at Presley, the memory of Christmas break comes flooding back to me.

  “Was Carter Hail here today?”

  “Yes, but—”

  “Was he in this house?”

  “Yes, but just let—”

  “Is that why I saw you in Martinez’s office?”

  “Yes, but Robert, just let me explain.”

  “There’s nothing more to be said. That fucker has crossed the line.”

  “Robert, wait!”

  I pull my phone out of my pocket and hit the speed dial for coach.

  “Martinez here.”

  “I’m done playing games. I want Carter Hail gone! He threatened me at the clubhouse and now he’s going after Presley! I will not have her constantly looking over her shoulder wondering if and when he’s going to show up. Either he goes or I do.”

  “He’s already been taken care of.”

  I’m shocked at how calm he sounds.

  “I called in a favor. His recruit was offered a minor league position with the Yankees and Carter just so happened to get a job at a prestigious management company in Ontario. I’m glad to see you have your priorities in line. Have a good night and enjoy your day off tomorrow; you earned it.”

  “Thank you. Good night, sir.”

  Presley looks at me with worry in her eyes. “Why did you do that? Robert, I won't have you losing your job over me. I’m fine. Nothing happened. Call him back and apologize.” She begs me through her tears.

  “Presley, it’s already done.”

  “Done! What are you talking about Robert? They can’t cut you. This is your dream. I’m so sorry.” She’s breaking and all I want is to hold her pieces together. She’s sacrificed so much for me and continues to do so on a daily basis. I sit on the bed, pull her into my lap and stroke her hair.

  “Presley. For ten years mom and I were constantly looking over our shoulders, wondering when my father would show up. Even after he died I was still on edge for months. I don’t want that for you. If my job ever puts you in harm’s way then I’m quitting. Your safety has always been and will continue to be a priority for me. Do you understand me?”

  She nods her head and I give her ass a moderately hard swat. She flinches a little and her expression changes. “Use your words, Presley.” I lift her chin to look me in the eye. “Now, do you understand me?”

  Quietly she whispers. “Yes.”

  “What do you understand?” I ask, standing her up, slowly undressing her.

  In a hushed tone she answers, “I come first.”

r />   Her chest is flush the minute I remove her shirt, goosebumps appearing across her skin as my fingertips brush against her. Her breathing shallows as my mouth cherishes every inch of her. A single flick of my thumb and forefinger and her bra is easily removed, tossed in a pile along with her shirt.

  Gently I pull her back towards me, sitting on the bed I stand her between my spread knees, taking her breast into my mouth, my tongue flicking against her perfect pink bud while I make quick work, unbuttoning her shorts and pushing them and her panties down her thighs until they pool at her feet. My hand strokes her already wet center and I massage her clit with my thumb as I dip one, then two fingers into her.

  She opens wider for me and lets out a sharp gasp before attempting to fold over me. My free hand grips firmly on her waist forcing her to remain upright. “Shhh. We have company.”

  I move over to her other breast, giving it equal attention as her hands roam aimlessly through my hair, gripping and pulling when I do something she likes. Her whimpers slowly increasing in strength as she nears her climax. “Hang on baby. Not yet.”


  I pull from her, quickly removing my jeans as she frantically pulls my shirt over my head before I sit back against where the headboard should be. I pull a condom out of the nightstand and slide it down my engorged shaft. She watches my every move intently waiting for me to usher her down onto my cock. She throws her head back in ecstasy as she slides down slow and begins to ride me. My hands gripping her ass, guiding her rhythm until she takes over and I give into her.

  “Presley baby, I need you to come for me.” She nods and I flip her on her back. Hips raised as she meets me. Three intentional rooting thrusts and she pulsates around me as warm jets explode from me, collapsing against her as tremors surge through our bodies. Her mouth finds mine, tongues lapping at each other as she succeeds in pulling me tighter to her until her body relaxes. I pull back from her in time to see a tear leak from the corner of her eye as she tries to hide in my chest.

  “Hey now. Shhh. Talk to me Presley.”

  “I only want you. I only want you.” She repeats over and over into my chest.


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