Tag Forever Mine

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Tag Forever Mine Page 12

by Catherine Charles

  The reality is, Liv’s idea of fun is a fake ID and tequila shots. Coach told Robert on day one the league would not spend one dollar of PR money on him and I didn’t want to put myself in a position that could affect him. The excitement around him was only intensifying and this was his moment to shine. He didn’t need to worry if I was out getting drunk on a Thursday night at a bar. He was working toward our future and so was I.

  “Good night Liv.”

  “Yeah, yeah, love you too.”

  “Trey, if she gets drunk, she’s your problem.”

  “I’ll take good care of her. Don’t worry.” He waggles his eyebrows and gives me a wink.

  “Ewe. I don’t need to know about your bedroom life.” Trey laughs and Liv scowls at him.

  “You still want to go to the batting cages tomorrow?”

  “Yea. I should be done by twelve-thirty if that works.”

  “Works for me. Night Pres.”

  They close the door and I go back to studying. Robert’s last game on the road is tonight so I have the TV on low, looking up every now and then to see how things are going. I never once dreamed this would be my life, but I can honestly say I am falling in love with baseball.

  A couple hours later I’m done studying and decide to go to bed. My first test is at eight in the morning and I always do better if I’m well rested. Just as I settle in and get comfy in bed, tip toeing the line between just barely awake and asleep, my phone rings and I groggily answer it.


  “Hey beautiful. Did I wake you?”

  “I wasn’t completely asleep yet.”

  “What time are you done tomorrow?”

  “Umm. I think I should be done by three. Are you coming home?”

  “I sure am. The bus is supposed to get in around five. Why don’t I come down as soon as I get in?”

  Forget the feeling of tiredness that had almost consumed me. I was now wide awake with anticipation and I immediately shout out that I was coming up to see him. I hear his warm chuckle on the other end of the phone, and it speeds up my heart rate.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Absolutely! I don’t have anything major due Monday or Tuesday, so my weekend is pretty clear. Besides I can leave right after class and be there by the time you get back. I don’t want to wait any longer to see you.”

  “Okay. I’ll see you tomorrow night then. We can go out to dinner afterwards. Good luck on your test. Sweet dreams, princess. Can't wait to kiss you.”

  A ‘thank you’ and an ‘I love you’ are said through a deep yawn before he tells me he loves me too; and we hang up the phone.

  The next day I breeze through both of my tests and finish up early at the batting cages. Today I was hitting pitches at forty miles per hour; I want to be up to at least eighty miles per hour by the spring.

  It’s just shy of four-thirty by the time I pull into Surprise, so I decide to stop by the apartment, take a quick shower and then throw on a cute outfit. The Arizona sun has done wonders for my Casper-white Montana skin, I finally have a tan for the first time in over a year, so I opt for a pair of jean shorts and a baby blue strapless blouse and sandals.

  I make the familiar walk to the stadium since Robert’s truck is already there and I don’t want to spend another minute away from him. I also know he won't be able to keep his hands off of me in this outfit and I’m okay with that as well. I get to the stadium about five minutes before the bus is expected and see Laura waving me over to a group of other women who eye me up and down as I approach them.

  “Hi there,” I offer a smile and sweet wave.

  “Ladies, this is Presley. She’s Robert’s girlfriend.”

  They all smile and give the “I know all about you” look.

  Out of the corner of my eye I see the bus coming down the street, so I excuse myself from the group and go and sit on the hood of Robert’s truck. The bus pulls in and I can see him from the window. He gives me a devilish grin as he shakes his head and the truck roars to life under me. I know that look, it’s the one that lets me know my devil is ready to play.

  I wait as the bus comes to a stop and a couple of minutes later Robert comes running around the back-end of it towards me. His shoulders seem broader, his neck more muscled, and the way his biceps flex with each swing of his arms brings a burning sensation low in my stomach. His shirt is pulled tight across his chest and loose around his waist, while his jeans shit low on his hips, tight over his thighs and as his shirt moves slightly, I notice how his waist tapers. The man is one hundred percent sex on a stick and I’m suddenly wondering when this change occurred. I wait until he is the perfect distance away and I jump off of the hood of the truck and into his arms, wrapping my legs around his waist, my fingers interlaced behind his neck and kiss him passionately. His tongue dancing with mine as he holds the underside of my thighs.

  I manage to hear several of the women scoff at us all while the guys give out cat calls and whistles. It’s such a double standard. I get looked at like a slut for being affectionate, while Robert gets praised at how freely I give him my attention and affection.

  Oh well. He’s home now and that’s all that matters.

  * * *

  Presley said she was going to try and be here for the bus arrival, but she didn’t get out of school till three and it’s just over a two-hour drive here. Obviously I’d love it if she were able to make it in time, but I’m trying not to get my hopes up.

  As we near the stadium parking lot the guys all begin to look out one side of the bus and start going crazy, probably a groupie fan trying to get taken home. I don’t know why I never assumed they were an actual thing, but after three weeks on the road even I have desperate groupies.

  Pitcher number six, Kyle Walker, lets out a deep, “Damn!” and growls out while biting his knuckle. Whoever it is has nothing on what I have waiting at home for me.

  “West! Man…you’ve got to check out this chick.”

  I shake my head and continue looking out my window. “I’m good man. Y’all enjoy the view.” I’ll have Presley soon enough.

  “No dude. Come on. You don’t know what you’re missing. This chick is a hottie. A solid ten for sure.” Other players chime in with him and I laugh at their feeble attempts to pull me over.

  “Guys. I’m good. Really.”

  I pull my keys out of my backpack ready to turn on the remote start as soon as the truck comes into view.

  “Wait! West, man! Isn’t that your truck?”

  I instantly I make my way across the aisle just in time to see Presley sitting on the hood of my truck, legs outstretched and waving as the bus drives by. Well that explains the pissed off faces on the other wives. I smile at her and shake my head. Little minx looks ready to play and she’s done a damn fine job at getting twenty-five grown men riled up. I press the start button on my truck and watched her jump as the engine roars to life.

  A silence washes over the bus as they all realize what happened and Martinez gives me a wink. “Excuse me boys. I’m going home to my girl.”

  I’m the first one off and collect my duffle from underneath the bus. I’m mere inches from turning the corner and setting my eyes on Presley when coach calls out to me, stopping me short of my freedom. “West!” I look back and see coach heading towards me. “Why don’t you and Presley come out to dinner with Laura and me.”

  I really don’t want to, especially seeing Presley dressed the way she is, but I know to get more playing time I need to play nice with those in charge of me. “Sounds great,” I lie through my teeth.

  “Wonderful. We’ll take our car. Go drop your stuff off and grab Presley. I see she’s made quite an impression.” He laughs as he strolls away. I hate she caught the attention of the other guys on my team.

  “Will do.”

  I emerge from around the bus and see Presley with the biggest smile on her face. Her white skin is now a beautifully glowing bronze; beauty practically surrounds her. I run up to her and she jumps into my arm
s, wrapping her body tightly around me as she attacks me with forceful kisses.

  “Welcome home, baby. I missed you so much!”

  “If this is the kind of welcome I get, I’ll make sure to leave more often.”

  “Don’t you dare. No leaving unless you absolutely have to. You ready to go home?”

  I ease back from her and set her firmly on the ground. “About that; we’re having dinner with coach and Laura.”

  Her mischievous grin doesn’t budge as she runs her finger down my stomach and loops it underneath my belt, looking up at me, “But I thought we could—”

  “Trust me, we will, but I’ve got to do this first.”

  She playfully pouts as I throw my duffle and backpack in the cab. “Fine. But we’re not staying for dessert.”

  “Coach insisted on taking their car.”

  Her playful pout turns into an intense glare. “Robert Lucas, you’re gonna pay for this.” Her words leave a sting and I’m unsure if she’s playing or not, but something tells me I’m about to find out.

  We ride to dinner, Presley and I are in the back of coach’s car, her hand on my thigh, fingers drawing little circles up and down it, each time inching higher and higher.

  “So Presley, were you surprised to see Robert?”

  “I was. Thank you so much Laura. It was a wonderful surprise.”

  “You know he played a hundred times better after he came back. I think you may be his good luck charm, Presley.”

  “Well, I just do whatever I can to try and support him.” She is the picture of calm while talking to coach and Laura while teasing my cock.

  I bury my head into her neck and nip at her, “Presley, what are you doing, princess?”

  She leans into me, running her tongue up the side of my neck before whispering in my ear, “I told you, you were gonna pay for this.”

  “What was that dear?”

  Laura turns around in her seat and Presley rests her arm nonchalantly across my lap disguising my erection.

  “I was just saying it’s such a beautiful day today. I was honestly surprised at how cool it was here. I was expecting more one hundred-degree days than there has actually been.”

  “It is a perfect day. You two should come over after dinner. We can have dessert out on the patio.”

  I look at Presley who offers a polite smile.

  “Hun, I’m sure they want to get home and it’s been a long day.”

  Laura pats coach’s arm and she turns back around in her seat.

  We get to the restaurant and follow the hostess to a table in the back and put our drink orders in. Once again I feel Presley’s hand on my thigh working its way up to my cock. She looks at me, smiles and gives me a small wink before excusing herself and heading towards the restrooms.

  “So Robert, how did you like your first time on the road?”

  “It was good. Definitely an experience, but I’m glad to be home.” I readjust myself discreetly and then excuse myself as well.

  I head to the restrooms when all of a sudden a door opens, and Presley pulls me in. Her lips instantly on mine before the door is locked and she quickly works to get my jeans pulled down. Her shorts are off and she is only in a light blue lace thong to match her blouse. She hops up on the edge of the counter and brings me over to her, lining me up to enter her in on smooth motion. Holding firmly to the back of her neck, I enter her, muffling her moans with my mouth. I work quickly, my strokes are hard and fast as her core tightens around me. Three hard strokes and warm jets pulse from me as I spill into her. I sip her lips until her aftershocks subsided and pull out gently.

  “So much for making me pay.”

  Her cheeks already a light shade of pink, turn slightly redder. “I couldn’t wait any longer.”

  “I couldn’t either. I wanted to take you the minute I saw you on the truck.”

  She smiles and fastens her shorts just before pulling open the door to the family restroom and makes her way back out to the table.

  Throughout dinner I notice Presley seems to grow tired by the second. The pink in her cheeks never subsided and her skin is covered in goosebumps. Luckily Laura noticed as well, and we leave shortly after dinner is done. Presley managed a few bites of food before politely pushing it back.

  By the time we get home, Presley is shaking, but tries to keep up a good front. She pushes whatever is going on down, claiming it as nerves as we head to the front door and she follows me inside.

  I flip on the lights and am taken back by what she’s done with the place. “Pres, this looks incredible.”

  “You like it?”

  “I think this might be my second favorite place you’ve given me.”

  She looks confused as she tries to figure out what I’m saying. “Second? What’s your first?”

  I look her over and her color has returned to normal and the goosebumps are gone as well. She smiles at me and whatever seemed to be bothering her, has disappeared. I get a devilish grin and she instinctually backs away from me.

  “Robert,” she giggles, “Robert, don’t you dare.”

  I lunge for her as she runs around the apartment giggling and moving away from my advances. “I haven’t had you in two weeks woman. Four minutes in a public restroom isn’t gonna cut it.” I chase her around the dining table and into the bedroom where I tackle her on the bed.

  Her heart’s racing and she seems way more out of breath than what she should be.

  I lay on my side, covering half her body, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. “Much better.” I lean over her to give her a kiss and she pushes me off of her, covering her mouth and running to the bathroom.

  “I’m gonna be sick.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  I spend the rest of Friday night curled up in a ball in the bathroom. My body sore to the touch, every smell assaults my senses and Robert’s presence only seems to make it worse. I felt terrible the minute I yelled at him for rubbing my back and even worse as he watched me from the doorway. He looked completely helpless, struggling against his desire to comfort me and knowing the best way to help me was to stay away from me. After I continued to empty the contents of my stomach the majority of the day on Saturday, Robert took me to the walk-in clinic not far from the apartment.

  It turned out to be an early case of the flu. I was instructed to go home, get plenty of rest, letting the virus run its course. The doctor credited my intense workload and lack of sleep as the culprits for my compromised immune system, he stated I should be fine in a couple of days. Robert was the picture-perfect boyfriend, trying to comfort me, not caring about the fact I was more than likely getting him sick as well. He moved the television into the bedroom and as we laid in bed together watching some home renovation show, I felt terrible about the way our first weekend together went. By the time I started to feel better our time together was quickly drawing to a close. Once again it would be a while before we would see each other.

  “I know this isn’t how you had planned to spend this weekend, but I really appreciate you taking care of me.”

  He kisses my hairline and pushes back the loose strands of wet hair. “You’re more than welcome, Presley. I actually enjoyed taking care of my little patient. You’re mean and adorable when you’re sick, just like a panda, soft and cuddly one minute, and violent the next.”

  He laughs as I take a swat at his chest. “See what I mean?”

  I roll my eyes and turn away from him.

  “You sure you don’t want me to drive you back? I don’t mind taking the bus home.”

  “No. I think I’ll be fine. I haven’t thrown up in twelve hours so that’s a plus.”

  He becomes silent, stroking my hair as we finish up this last episode.

  “Pres. I don’t want to scare you by saying this, but when you first got sick, it seemed so sudden. You picked at your food and I seemed to make you worse until I showered. There was a little part of me that wondered if you were pregnant. I was excited and scared all at the same time, but
then I was terrified you wouldn’t want it because of what it would mean, for us, for you.” His hand settles low on my stomach.

  I guess I hadn’t even considered it.

  My doctor had told me my birth control was effective immediately, so I guess I never imagined the possibility of something happening. I had it put in because I wanted to focus on school and Robert, but now a part of me wondered what I would have done if something had gone wrong and I indeed was pregnant. The idea alone scared me, so I pushed it to the back and gave my best reassuring smile. “One day, babe. But I like that you think about stuff like that.”

  It wasn’t a lie. I did want children with him, just one day, in the future, when we had our careers established and could devote the time to raising a baby.

  I look at the clock and it’s nearly six in the evening. I take a deep breath. “I guess it’s my turn to leave now. Just knowing you’re only two hours away makes it a lot easier to go.”

  Robert stares off into the distance. I know he has a few away games coming up, but this seems to be more than that. “Pres, I got a call from Coach a few days ago. He asked me to come back after the season was over to help get the high schoolers ready for next year. He’d put me on as an assistant for December and January. We’d drive back home together for Thanksgiving, but then I would stay in Montana until I needed to be back here the first part of February. I’ll only do it if you agree to it, but I’d be getting paid. This will still be our home, but I can live at home and make some money for us.”

  I feel as if the oxygen has been sucked out of my lungs and out of the room. Two and a half months away from each other. “Wow,” is all I can muster as I think about what he’s really asking me. I try not to allow my emotions to get the best of me and focus on the logical. “I guess I’ll have finals after Thanksgiving I’ll need to focus on.”

  “Exactly! And then you’ll be home for almost a month for Christmas.” He seems excited that I’m at least trying to think about things rationally. “Really it will just be a couple of weeks in January we’ll be apart.”


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