Tag Forever Mine

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Tag Forever Mine Page 15

by Catherine Charles

  I fidget with the ring I still wear on my left hand. “No.”

  “Single then?” Mr. Chiseled jawline asks.

  I shake my head no. “Very much unavailable.” We sit in silence for a few seconds before I stand and face the two men behind me. “So do we have a deal?”

  “You’ll get him on any minor league team in a month or I don’t have to pay you?” the grumpy man ask.

  “I get him accepted to any team.” I correct the arrogant man. “If he chooses not to sign, well, Mr.?”


  “If he chooses not to sign Mr. Scott, well, that’s your issue.”

  The grumpy one looks me up and down and extends his hand, “Donovan, we have a deal.” We shake on it and before I can head down to the field Mr. Attractive and chiseled stops me once more.

  “And what about mine? Or is your deal only conducive to minor league teams?”

  I turn slightly towards him, my curiosity peaked. I never considered looking at pro players. “You want one to go pro?”

  “Badly! He’s been in the minors for four and a half years now. He had a shot and pissed it away. He hasn’t been the same since.”

  “What’s his name?” I ask cautiously.

  He chuckles. “Honey, I doubt you’d know his name.” I roll my eyes at the term honey.

  “First, I’m nobody’s fucking honey. Second, try me.” Adrenaline courses through my veins, but the little term of endearment immediately tells me they don’t take me seriously even though I just schooled them on Brice Allen. I hate how men think just because they have a dick swinging in between their legs they have the right to be chauvinistic pigs. That a woman is somehow less than.

  “Robert West.” Any lingering attraction towards Mr. Handsome is suddenly gone just like my breath.

  Of course I know all his stats, how his pitch speed dropped thirty-five percent within the first two months of me leaving and has been on a steady five percent decrease the last three years. I know all about how his strikeout percentage went from eighty-five to fifty percent, and how he can only throw two balls, a fast and a curve. My traitorous heart pounded a little stronger for two quick beats before returning to normal.

  “Sorry. Just gonna handle minor league right now.” I give a sympathetic smile and turn to leave.

  “Bummer. I’ve got to do something with this guy soon. The league keeps hoping he’ll get back to his old self. If you ask me, someone fucked him over.”

  Someone fucked him over? He crushed me. He made me feel as if I was worthless. He ruined my life. Screw him. God I’d like to screw him. Just once. Raw. Angry. Sex. Stop it Presley!

  “Mr. Scott, have your client meet me on the field tomorrow morning. Nine sharp.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  In the last three years I’ve built a name for my twenty-four-year-old self and the Donovan West Agency has taken off. My portfolio consists of fifteen ballplayers, nine football stars, three hockey players, three basketball forwards, and I’ve just finished my first soccer rehab. My waiting list is a mile long and it continues to grow by the day. Teams and recruiters alike are willing to pay upwards of five figures for my services. The day I shook hands with Mr. Scott I never imagined right after graduation I would begin a jet setting career and find a love that would never hurt me. I was finally at a point in my life where I could say I was once again genuinely happy.

  The expressions I get when I enter a boardroom or field house are priceless. My company name offers the element of surprise. Not only do I have recruiters interested in hiring me, but pro teams as well. I’ve done placements for all the major sports divisions, baseball, football, basketball and hockey, but my one true love will always be baseball, and so they take precedent.

  My days are usually spent on the field and my nights are spent in a cheap hotel room combing through numbers and stats over take out. It’s hard to imagine just a few years ago I was the girl that looked at numbers as if they were written by aliens. Now I live for them. I guess Robert was right when he told me I just had to find a way to make them make sense to me. Make them come alive and be relevant to me.

  I get at least one request a month for me to work with him and every time I do it’s an instantaneous decline. Just as I hit send on the most recent request, I take a deep breath, and push down the feelings I still have for him.

  * * *

  “Fuck!” I storm into the clubhouse after another minor league game. Six years. Six years and I’m still nowhere closer to getting my contract from the Rangers. I’m on the verge of giving up. Year after year younger recruits get their place on the team, and I watch as they get picked up by different teams. At this point I would take anyone. I’d even take being traded to another minor team over staying stagnant, but it’s almost as if I’ve been blacklisted. Fucking Carter Hail.

  I swing a bat at the cinder block wall and it easily shatters. Not a single player can match my size. I’m two hundred and seventy pounds of pure muscle. Shoulders wide enough to fill a door frame, every ripple, dip, curve and crevice shows just how much of a slave I am to the weight room.

  “Relax man. It’s just a game. The next one will be better.” Kyle has been on the team a year longer than me. He was my only friend after Trey backed off and now that his wife just had their first child things are different between the two of us. He isn’t as focused anymore on the game. Something about finding the real meaning in life and other bullshit mumbo jumbo.

  “I’m not getting better! I’m getting worse! Each fucking game I become worse! I’m surprised Martinez hasn’t cut me yet. I haven’t been good since—” I let my words trail off. The reality is I haven’t been good since Presley walked out on me.

  “Hey! Ask coach to call that Donovan West guy. Apparently he’s got the Midas touch.”


  “You haven’t heard of him? Dude! This guy guarantees a contract in front of any player within a month. Apparently, he can fix whatever is ailing a player in just a couple of weeks.”

  Why the hell haven’t I heard of him, “Martinez!”

  “What in the hell are you yelling for, West!”

  “I’ve got to get out of this town. I want this Donovan West guy. What’s it gonna take?”

  Coach laughs in my face which does nothing but fuels the rage inside of me. “For you? Who knows.”

  “What the hell is that supposed to mean?” I growl back.

  “We’ve been trying to get him for you, but every time we submit the request it’s a no.”

  “Why the fuck is it a no? Does he not know who I am?” Who the fuck does this douche bag think he is? I’m Robert fucking West. I was the kid with the godlike arm. How the fuck does he not know about me.

  “Dude why don’t you just go straight to the Rangers and prove yourself that way. The baby’s up all night right now and we’re off the next three days. Why wait on recruiters to do it for you? We’ll just drive down there, it will get me out of the house. Coach can you get us in?”

  Kyle and I both look at Martinez. “No can do. You’re a loose cannon with shitty numbers and they don’t want you without Donovan’s approval, and Donovan won’t touch you.”

  I’m fucking screwed. “Way to soften the blow, Martinez.”

  “Well now you know. It may be time to think about a different career path, West.”

  * * *

  Trey and I have been talking about getting married and I know it’s only a matter of time before he pops the question. Robert is still Trey’s best friend even though they don’t talk much, and Presley is mine. She is adamant about not telling Robert where she is and honestly with as much traveling as she does, I hardly even know where she is half the time. Robert asks about Presley occasionally, but Trey knows I will make his life a living hell if he mentions anything to Robert. It’s been five years now and enough is enough.

  “Daddy?” I say in a sing songy voice while waltzing into his study.

  “In here, cupcake.”

  “Daddy, I n
eed a really big favor.” I watch as Daddy looks over at Trey, his brow pitched high.

  “I know nothing, sir.”

  He sets down the oil pull maps he’s been looking at and leans back in his chair, “How much is this going to cost me dear?”

  “A whole bunch.” I say with a smile on my face, “but at the end of the day can you put a price on your only daughter’s happiness?”

  His brow furrows, “Why do I have a feeling I’m going to regret this?” He breathes in deeply. “What is it sweetie?”

  Trey takes a sip of his scotch while sitting in the chair across from my father.

  “I need you to buy the Rangers.”

  And Trey spits out his scotch. “What the hell, Liv. As in the baseball team?”

  “Mmhmm. That’s the one.”

  “And why would I do that, cupcake?”

  Trey takes another drink.

  “So I can put Presley and Robert back together again.”

  And once again Trey’s drink spews between his pursed lips. “Olivia! Have you lost your mind!”

  “No. Not completely. Look you’re going to propose soon and—”

  “Oh I am, am I?”

  “Yes, now keep up—”

  “And what if I don’t?”

  Trey makes another attempt at the drink in his hand.

  “Don’t even play with me. It’s happening. You already bought the ring. I went by Tiffany’s this week and the one I wanted is gone.”

  Again perfectly good whiskey goes to waist.

  “Jesus, Trey! Quit trying to drink right now! You’re wasting Daddy’s good scotch!” I grab his glass and down the remaining finger before handing a now empty glass back to him.

  “Now as I was saying. Trey’s going to propose one day and we’re going to get married. I would like it if the two of them could at least be in the same room together, hell even be civil towards one another.”

  “I’m still confused at how buying a ball team is going to get them together.”

  “Daddy buys the team. I bring her over one day for lunch and then we trick her into helping Robert.”

  “Liv you know as soon as she figures out it’s him, she’s going to say no. It doesn’t matter how much you pay her.”

  “Just let me work my magic Mr. Humbug. Daddy, let me know when the team’s been bought.”

  “Cupcake, the team’s not even for sale right now.”

  I shrug my shoulders and head towards the study door, “Then it looks like you’re just going to have to make them an offer they can’t refuse.” I call over my shoulder before turning the corner, practically skipping down the long corridor. I can almost see Daddy and Trey sitting there, just staring at one another wondering what the hell happened.

  God I love being me.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Today Daddy became the proud owner of the Texas Rangers. Two months was all it took for him to see what I was trying to do and to get on board with it, pay cash for the multi-million-dollar team. My plan to get Robert and Presley back together was finally beginning to take flight, now all I had to do was get our two key players in the same place.

  I lived for manipulating people for their own good and if I happened to benefit from it, then so be it. Trey and Daddy are down in Texas finishing up with the sale as I bask by the pool on this unusually warm spring day, feeling extra feisty and ready to ruffle some feathers. It was time to reach out to key player number one, and my best friend.

  “Donovan West speaking.” I roll my eyes hard enough to give myself a headache.

  “Quit the crap, Presley.”

  “Wow. Nice to hear from you too.”

  “When are you coming back in town?”

  “I don’t know.”

  Poor girl sounds exhausted.

  “Well I miss my bestie. Where are you anyway?”

  “I miss you too Liv, and honestly would you believe me if I said I have no clue?”


  “How’s everyone up there?” I hear papers rustling in the background. I know I don’t have her full attention yet.

  “Fine. You know how Montana is. The neighbor’s cows got out a couple of days ago.”

  Presley lets out a half-hearted laugh.

  It’s been entirely too long since I’ve heard her genuinely laugh. “I’m serious P. You should have seen Trey trying to help Mr. Montgomery get them back in.”

  “I miss home,” she says quietly.

  This may not be as challenging as I originally thought it would be. “Well home misses you. And I know Kringle misses you too. I saw your momma yesterday at the Piggly Wiggly. She says he just lays around the place acting much older than he is.”

  She lets off another deep sigh and I can envision her pinching the bridge of her nose, eyes closed. “Liv, what can I say, I stay busy. I’ll be back when I have a frustrating client.”

  “That’s not the kind of visit I’m hinting at Pres. When are you coming home to actually visit? When you’re here with a client you’re all work. You don’t even stay at the ranch and we don’t hang out.”

  “Liv, you know I can't risk seeing him. I come in, do what needs to be down, and get out.”

  “So what? You’re just gonna stay away and let that piece of shit still have control over your life? What about us Presley. Your mom, dad? Grams and Gramps? You know they’re not spring chickens Pres and you being chicken shit is just preventing you from spending time with them in their aging years.”

  “Liv.” I can almost see her eye roll.

  “Don’t ‘Liv’ me. You know I’m right Presley and it’s time you came home, really come home. No clients, just come to visit. The one who shall remain nameless hasn’t been home in five years either. If you ask me, you two still care about each other but are just too dumb and stubborn to admit it.”

  “Well it’s a good thing nobody asked you.” She lashes out.

  “Please. You know I don’t give two shits about what anyone thinks. I’m gonna do what I want and say what I want, and if I piss you off, then I’m happy about it.”

  “Was there a reason you called, Olivia?”

  Well shit, there’s no questioning her irritation with me. I need to keep her guard down if this is gonna work. “Right. What if I could guarantee he wouldn’t be anywhere around here.”

  “I’m listening.”

  “Well, what if I asked Coach to get him to help at a camp or something. Someplace far away.”


  “I don’t know, Hawaii?” She lets out a belly laugh. Well shit. Maybe Hawaii was too far. Do they even play baseball in Hawaii? Guess I should have planned this better.

  “I love you Liv. Okay. Yes. If you can get him to go to Hawaii I’ll come home for a few days. I’m in between clients at the moment.”

  “Great! See you in a couple of days. I’ll email you your plane ticket.” My lips turn up at the ends, a smile pulling tightly against the rounds of my cheeks. At least I won't have to go the kidnapping route, bummer, I had Marcus ready to help me.

  “You sound awfully sure of yourself.”

  “See you soon.”

  “Whatever you say, Liv. Bye.”

  One call down. How in the world was I going to get Robert to Hawaii? I hadn’t talked to him since he stopped by our dorm room, and even then I wasn’t nice to him. I remember calling him a slew of expletives and throwing expensive stilettos at his head. He deserved every bruise I gave him if not more. I dial one of the only people left up here Robert trusts.

  “Coach!” My hear races against my chest, my entire plan relies on this man.

  “Hey there Liv. This is a surprise.”

  “I have a huge favor to ask of you, and for all that is good and holy in this world, I need you to agree to it.”

  There’s a chuckle on the other end of the line. “Why do I feel like this has something to do with Robert and Presley?”

  “Because it has everything to do with them. This thing between them has gone on long enough and
it’s time for this momma bear to step in.”

  “What do you need, Liv?”

  I’m taken back in disbelief and almost forgot the reason I called him in the first place. “Really? You’re not gonna tell me to back out and let them figure it out on their own?”

  “I agree with you Liv. I’m not one to meddle, but those two are lost without one another. So what do you need?”

  “I need you to get Robert to Hawaii.”

  “Jeez, Liv.” He sucks air in through his teeth, “How do you expect me to do that?”

  “I don’t know. Make something up. A camp or clinic, or whatever ballplayers do. Just tell me how much you need, and I’ll give it to you. Oh and the sooner you can get him there the better.”

  He chuckles and I’m glad he’s on my side with all of this. “Give me a week. I’ll get him there.”

  “Thanks Coach.”

  * * *

  A week later and all my pawns are in their right places. Robert is on a plane to Hawaii, Presley is home in Montana, and I was playing puppet master to Daddy and Trey.

  “So does everyone understand what’s going on?” I look at Daddy and Trey as we all stand around the conference table in Daddy’s home office. Daddy has eyes on the prize, that being, a happy daughter, while Trey is more apprehensive.

  “She’s going to be pissed when she finds out Liv. You know as soon as she sees his stats she’s going to know what you did.”


  “She may never talk to you again. The woman holds a grudge. Look at her and Robert. It’s been five years. They were planning a future together. She changed her life for him—”

  “And I’m not him.”

  “Liv, she refuses to help him. She knows he’s struggling, and she refuses to help. She wants nothing to do with him. She knows she has the power to help him succeed and she is purposely choosing to watch him fail. I just want to make sure you understand what you stand to lose if this goes south. Seven years of friendship gone. Are you really willing to risk that?”


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