Red Willow (Crime Kings Book 3)

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Red Willow (Crime Kings Book 3) Page 3

by May Gordon

  She smiles brightly and replies, “Okay, thanks for keeping me company.” She walks until she’s standing in front of me again and kisses me before returning to her car and getting in, waving as she drives off.

  As I watch her go, I feel the same pain in my heart as last time. It seems to be getting worse, and I wonder if she feels it too. God, I hope so, then maybe we can both stop fooling each other and be together because at this rate I feel like I'll die of a lonely heart.

  Chapter 6


  I park outside my apartment building and take a sip of my coffee only to find I drank it all already. I just did a double shift at the restaurant, covering for one of the girls. To say I'm dead on my feet is an understatement, even though I was off yesterday and spent it at the beach. I hear my phone ding, and pull it out of my purse to see its Novak and a smile spreads on my face instantly. We’ve been texting all day, mostly random and stupid things, but its more than we’ve done in the past.

  Novak: Just stepping into a meeting. I’ll call you afterward.

  Willow: Have gun. Or as much as you can :P.

  I head upstairs after replying and notice my front door is ajar. I know I didn’t leave it open. Against my better judgment I slowly open it only to see my whole apartment is trashed. I can't believe someone stole from me, it's not like I have anything of real value. And I live in a decent area, so not a lot of crime goes on around here.

  “Hello? I called the police, they're on their way.” I lie though I don’t hear anything and I'm guessing they’re long gone.

  I walk in further but don’t hear or see anyone. God this place is a mess. I enter my bedroom only to be knocked in the face, causing me to fall to the ground, my purse and its contents spilling everywhere. I try to scramble up but am punched in the face again, then kicked in the ribs, and flipped onto my back. The man gets on top of me and wraps his hands around my throat and starts slowly choking me. I punch, scratch, and claw at him, desperate fighting for my life. I reach behind me for something, anything to help me stay alive, and feel one of my bookends on the ground and pick it up and bash it on the guy’s head. He falls and I sputter, choking and gasping for air as his hands leave my throat. He's out cold and blood bleeding from the goose egg I gave him. I stand on shaky legs and stumble out of my apartment.

  By the time I make it downstairs my legs have steadied some, but my heart feels like it’s going to burst out of my chest. I don’t have my cell or purse with me as I left them behind. I know I need to think fast because I don’t know who he is or if he has friends with him. I look down the street and see Java Bean and half-hobble toward it.

  I burst through the doors, finding it busy for an early evening. I get some stares, but duck my head and go straight to the back where the kitchen is.

  “Willow?” Cindy, the owner, pops her head out when I enter. She takes one look at me and is at my side in a second. “What the hell happened?” She guides me into her office to her couch.

  It’s then I realize I'm crying, the tears falling down my face, and I start shaking. I guess now that I know I’m safe, it’s starting to hit me and I’m breaking.

  “I’m calling the police,” Cindy says.

  “No!” I yell and grab her hand before she can get up. “Don’t, please,” I beg her.

  “Well, what happened?” She asks again.

  “Someone broke into my apartment and were still there when entered. He attacked me before I could get away,” I explain to her.

  “And why can't I call the cops?” She asks, confused.

  I just shake my head because I don’t know why myself, but my gut says to keep them out of it. All I know is that I must call Novak. I want him, need him.

  “I need to use your phone. Please,” I say.

  She lets out a breath and hands it to me. “Who are you calling? Are you sure you don’t want the police?” She asks me.

  “I’m calling a friend who’ll help. And yes, I’m sure.”

  “Okay then. I’ll get you some ice and will be up front. Come to get me if you need anything else.” Then she brings the ice and leaves.

  At this moment, I'm so grateful I memorized Novak’s number two years ago when he gave it to me on a napkin. I dial it and hold my breath while it rings. I don’t know why but I won’t feel better until I hear his voice.

  “What?” Novak snaps out, sounding angry. Regardless, I’m so relieved I can’t control the sob that leaves my throat.

  “Novak,” I manage to get out.

  “Willow? Where are you? What happened? Are you okay?” His voice changes in a split second, and now he sounds in a full-blown panic.

  “That coffee shop near my apartment, please come and get me,” I barely get out, unable to control my tears.

  “I’m on my way,” he promises then hangs up.

  I’m instantly relieved and lay down, my eyes closing. I fall asleep and dream of my white night coming to my rescue.

  Chapter 7


  I jump out of my chair with such force it falls back, causing Ted, Luke, and a few of my other men to look at me with concern.

  “I’m on my way,” I tell Willow and hang up.

  “What happened?” Ted asks, shocked because I usually keep a cool head even in the most tense situation.

  “I need to go. Willow is in trouble,” I tell them.

  I grab my jacket and head for the door. “Luke, Ted finish the meeting.” I yell over my shoulder. I race to my car and drive toward her, calling my security team on the way. They tell me she entered the apartment then left a few minutes later. I explained what happened and tell them to scout her building. I park then run inside where I see an older woman behind the counter who gives me a weird look.

  “Willow called me,” I tell her still in a panic.

  “She’s in my office.” She’s worried too, it’s clear in her voice.

  I dart around the counter toward the back, and see Willow sleeping on the couch. I run to her and get on my knees in front of her. Her face and neck are red, and a bruise is already forming. Rage and anger instantly bubble inside me at her attacker.

  Willow barely stirs as I gather her in my arms, and walk out of the office. As I pass the owner I say, “I got her now. Thanks for your help.”

  “Have her call me so I know she’s okay?” She asks, and I nod, letting her know I will.

  I drive home as quickly as possible, contacting the doctor on my payroll on the way, telling him to meet us there. Next, I call Luke and Ted to give them a heads up.

  When I arrive, she stirs a bit as I lift her out. “My god what happened?” Ted asks with concern as he opens the front door.

  “My god what happened?” Luke asks in panic.

  “Don’t know, but I’ll fucking find out and kill whoever did it,” I growl, pissed to no end.

  Once I get to my bedroom, I lay her on the bed and she slowly opens her eyes. She looks scared for a split second but relaxes instantly when her gaze lands on me.

  “Novak,” she breaths in relief. “Thank you.”

  “What happened, Willow?”

  “My apartment was trashed, and the guy was still there when I walked in and he attacked me. I managed to get away and called you,” her voice is weak as she explains.

  “Shhh.” I stroke her hair. “Rest. I have a doctor coming soon.” I lean in and kiss her lips softly as I add, “If you feel well enough you can use the shower if you want to.”

  I walk to my dresser and pull out a t-shirt and shorts for her, laying them on the bed. “You can wear these afterward.”

  “Thank you,” she whispers before closing her eyes and going back to sleep.

  I leave her to rest and head to my office where I find Luke and Ted waiting for me.

  “Is Willow okay?” Luke asks.

  I pace, my rage consuming me as I growl out, “Someone broke into Willow’s apartment and attacked her.”

  “She badly hurt?” Ted wants to know.

  “Doc is on
his way, so we’ll know more soon,” I tell them. “Luke, I want you to meet the security team at her place and see what you can find. Look at security footage for anything that’ll get you a lead on this son of a bitch and report back.”

  “You got it, boss,” he agrees then leaves the room.

  “Ted, take point on the other meetings tonight. I want to focus on Willow and her recovery.”

  “Sure thing, son. Let me know how she is,” he says, looking concerned.

  I nod and assure him, “Will do. Thanks, Ted.”

  I make a few phone calls before heading back to Willow. She’s on the bed drying her hair with a towel, wearing the shirt I left out for her, but stands when she sees me. I shut the door behind me, once again blown away by her beauty though I can still see the marks on her face and neck. Thankfully, she stopped crying.

  “Feeling better?” I ask, walking up to her.

  “Much. Thank you,” she smiles at me. She seemed to calm down.

  In that moment I can't control myself any longer and pull her in for a kiss. I should feel like a jerk mauling her after she was attacked, but I don’t. All I want is her, to make sure she’s okay, that she’s here with me. She kisses me back, weakly at first but soon turns just as frantic as I am. Her hands squeeze my biceps as mine roam to her tight ass. Fuck! I don’t want to stop, but I have to, need to. I keep telling myself this, yet I continue kissing her, and am grateful and pissed at the same time when the knock on the door interrupts us. I’ve noticed when it comes to Willow, I have no control and I'm starting to think that’s not necessarily a bad thing.

  Chapter 8


  Novak steps away to answer the door and I see an older man on the other side.

  “Doc, I'm glad you could make it.” The man enters once Novak lets him in.

  “Willow, this is Dr. Frill. Doc, this is Willow.”

  “Hello dear,” he greets me with a kind and gentle smile.

  “Hi there.”

  “Willow was injured during a burglary attempt earlier and I’d appreciate it if you could look her over,” Novak says, filling him in on the situation.

  “Of course.”

  After he’s done, he informs us that I was lucky because I don’t have any severe injuries, though I am bruised and banged up a bit. He leaves a few minutes after that and Novak and I find ourselves alone again.

  “Well, at least now we know which puts me at ease.”

  “I feel a lot better now Novak, I promise.” I smile up at him, then give him a light kiss.

  “Don’t start again or I’ll never be able to stop,” he growls in warning.

  “You won't hear me complain. I want it too.”

  “It?” He clarifies.

  “You,” I giggle.

  He smiles and envelopes me in a hug just as my stomach decides to announce that it’s hungry.

  I laugh and blush a little. “I guess I'm hungry.”

  “I’m sorry Willow, I should be more aware of your needs,” he apologizes with a peck. “Put on those shorts and we’ll go downstairs.

  Once they’re on, he grabs my hand and we walk through the house. I realize, now that I’m awake to see it, how big and beautiful it is. It has a fantastic view as it sits on a cliff that overlooks the ocean. When we enter the kitchen, Ted is there.

  “I feel like it's been forever since I’ve seen you.” I give him a hug and ask, “How’ve you been?”

  “I should be asking you that, dear. How are you feeling?” He strokes my hair and looks me over carefully.

  “A lot better now, I swear. Just shaken up and hungry.” I smile at him.

  “How does one of my famous grilled cheese sandwiches sound?”

  “Okay, okay, break it up,” Novak demands as he pulls me away from Ted and against his own chest as he guides me to a chair.

  “Calm down, boy,” Ted chuckles then starts cooking. “She’s not going to run away.” he adds with a wink which makes me laugh.

  Novak just rolls his eyes and sits next to me as Ted tells me stories of Novak as a young child, along with some about himself. After handing us our plates, I take my first bite and swear I'm in food heaven.

  “These are amazing!” I praise him.

  “I’ll make them for you anytime you want, dear.”

  With a big grin I say, “I’ll definitely take you up on that offer.”

  Luke enters the kitchen soon after.

  “Luke,” I greet him as he joins us, “it's so good to see you again.” I stand to give him a hug, but Novak stops me with a hand on my wrist.

  “You don’t need to hug him. You saw him a month or so ago,” he scowls at me.

  I pinch his cheek playfully then kiss his lips. “Don’t be jealous.” Novak rolls his eyes in response.

  “Willow, I'm glad to see you’re all right,” Luke says with a brotherly smile. “Boss, I need to speak with you and Ted,” he tells Novak, the smile suddenly gone as his eyes drift to me.

  “We’ll talk in my office,” Novak informs him then turns to look at me after standing. “I’ll only be a moment,” he vows with a kiss before walking out with Luke and Ted following him.

  I have a gut feeling it has to do with me and hate that Novak is keeping it from me. I’ve put up with him being closed off in the past, but we’re getting closer because something is happening between us which means we can’t keep stuff from each other if this is to work. I stew in my thoughts for a few minutes before gathering my courage and following them. I stop as I reach the door and hear them talking.

  “What else did you find?” Novak’s growl is easy to make out.

  “Just the photos and message which was clearly for you,” Luke tells him.

  “It has to be related to Davis,” Ted comments.

  “So, he’s going after Willow because of his vendetta against you?” Luke asks.

  Photos of what? Who is Davis and why is he after me? I burst through his door, wanting answers to my questions, surprising all three of them.

  “What the hell is going on?” I ask while staring at Novak who seems slightly annoyed by my interruption. When he doesn’t say anything I try again, “I was attacked because of you? Why?” He flinches at my words but remains silent.

  I feel something building in me. It’s not anger but terror, I’m afraid of what may happen to me, of the unknown, and one of those is Novak. I’m in love with him, need to know everything about him, and I’m fed up with him playing his cards close to his chest.

  “Novak!” I yell. “If you don’t tell me everything right now, and I mean everything, I will leave you,” I bluff, my voice shaky.

  That gets his attention as his entire body stiffens, and he lets out a growl of frustration. He's clearly angry, but there’s something else in his eyes…fear.

  “Luke, gather the men, see if you can track this guy down. Ted, call Foster and see what he’s gathered info wise,” Novak orders.

  They both seem reluctant to leave, but eventually do. Once they’re gone his whole face changes and he looks as if he’s in absolute hell. He paces for a few minutes then sits on the couch before gesturing for me to join him. I do as he says but keep some distance between us as much as it kills me to do so.

  “I’ll tell you everything, Willow,” he vows, “but I won't allow you to leave me.” His words are like an oath, and now I’m scared too. Not because of what he said, but at the fact he thinks whatever he’ll share will make me want to go.

  Chapter 9


  I’ve never been this scared before, but the thought of Willow leaving me is terrifying. That can't happen, I won't let it, even if I need to keep her against her will so she’ll understand. Since I don’t know where to start, I just dive in.

  “Willow, do you know what I do for a living?”

  She looks at me, then says, “You’re a businessman,” though she doesn’t sound that sure.

  “Yes, but I’m also the Kingpin of California.” Her eyes widen, and she sucks in a breath
after I drop that bomb on her.

  “And that’s why people are after me?”

  “Partly,” I pause, honestly not wanting to tell her the rest.

  “Novak,” she snaps out, losing her patience.

  I take a deep breath then let it out before continuing. “My father was an accountant for Kent Booth, the previous mob boss here, for many years. He did the books for all his businesses, legal and illegal.” I give her a moment to make sure she’s still with me then admit, “I guess you could say I grew up alongside the mob life, not fully in, but close to it. When I was fifteen, my dad asked me for a favor, a huge one.”

  “What was it?”

  “To start working closely with Kent and report back to him.”

  “Why would he ask that of you?”

  “Because he’d turned informant for the FBI.”

  She gasps in shock and asks, “What happened?”

  “I spent the next four years doing all kinds of bad shit for Kent, then telling my father about it. In that short amount of time I’d worked my way up the chain until I became one of his top enforcers. Then one day I was called to the warehouse and found my parents and younger brother, beaten and restrained.” My voice gets heavy and tight. “You see, my father always said if shit went down to blame it all on him and save myself.”

  “And?” Her voice is shaky.

  “Kent told me my father was a traitor, that my family was already considered dead, they were just being tortured slowly first. He then said I could prove my loyalty if I did as he told me. So, I killed all three of them.” I feel my eyes burn with tears, my body shaking with hate, mostly for myself. I can't even look at her now, not wanting to see her expression, until I feel her hand grab mine, and my gaze flies to hers.

  “I’m so sorry Novak. I can’t imagine having to go through that.” She looks heartbroken which is not what I thought her reaction would be. I expected disgust or outrage, anything other than what she's giving me now, and I count it as a blessing. “Then what?” She asks softly.


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