Red Willow (Crime Kings Book 3)

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Red Willow (Crime Kings Book 3) Page 5

by May Gordon

  “I love you too.” And every time she says those words to me my heart flutters. I can't believe someone as pure and good as her does, and unconditionally. She amazes me, and my love knows no bounds for her. “Now finish washing me.” I give her a little smack on the ass, making her yelp, in response to her sass.

  We spend the next few minutes laughing and washing. Finally, we get out and dry each other off. I help Willow into one of my shirts, then into bed. I’m about to climb in myself when my phone rings. I answer right away when I see who it is.


  “My intel was good.”

  “That was fast,” I comment.

  “You’re complaining?”

  “Fuck no!”

  “Good, then meet me at this address,” he says before rattling it out.

  “I’ll be there in thirty minutes,” I hang up.

  “You're going out?” Willow asks with a pout.

  “Sorry, baby.” I lean over and give her a kiss before adding, “I’ll call you later. Sleep for now.”

  “Okay but be safe.”


  I quickly get dressed and text Ted to come to the main house to watch over Willow, then Luke to stand by with the men as he informed me earlier they were armed and ready when needed.

  It doesn’t take long to get there, and when I enter the building, which is a warehouse, I’m shocked to see Lawson and Quinn.

  “What the fuck?” I ask.

  “They were already here when I left your house,” Foster grunts.

  I give them each a hug and ask, “You guys so eager to go into battle?”

  “For you? Anytime,” Quinn smiles.

  “And we know this is close to home for you,” Lawson comments.

  I nod slowly, not denying it.

  “We were also hoping maybe you’d finally gave us the full story,” Quinn admits.

  “It could help us understand,” Foster supplies.

  “And maybe get some stuff off your chest,” Lawson adds.

  I take a deep breath, knowing they’re right. All I told them was that my family is dead due to Kent and I took him down because of it, and Foster doesn’t even know that.

  “Don’t we need to move?” I ask Foster, trying to avoid this conversation a little longer.

  “We have time and I want to know the whole story.” Foster, the bastard, knows what I'm doing.

  I look at the others and see they’re just as serious. Yeah, I get it. It’s time to come clean.

  “I’ve told you because of Kent my family is gone.” They all nod then I add, “What I didn’t tell you is I’m the one that killed them.”

  With that confession they all suck in their breaths, their expressions full of shock and confusion, and then I tell them everything.

  Chapter 12


  I wait.

  I just told my three best friends the deep, dark secret only two other people know. I hope they understand like Willow and Ted did. None of them have spoken yet, but are just looking at me.

  “I can’t believe you’ve been holding on to that all this time,” Lawson is the first to speak.

  I shrug, not really wanting to talk about this anymore. It makes me uncomfortable.

  “I understand,” Foster tells me. “Davis is out for blood and needs to be stopped.”

  “Agreed,” Quinn says. “I just wish you would’ve trusted us with this, man. We would’ve understood. You didn’t need to have this weight on you for so long.”

  “I didn’t deserve to feel better,” I tell them honestly. “It wasn’t until Willow that I opened up and realized how much I needed to share this with someone. Or maybe just her.”

  “I’m glad you have her,” Lawson smiles. “We all are.”

  “Thanks,” I nod to all three before changing the subject. “Can we stop the sappy BS now? What's the plan?” I ask the last of Foster.

  He gives me a quick chin lift before saying, “I have an inside man on Davis’ team. There’s a raid planned on one of your supply warehouses late tomorrow night. So, we’ll strike while they’re gathered before they hit you.”

  “That’s a good idea,” Quinn pipes up. “How many men do you have?”

  “Over a hundred,” I tell him. “But sixty are ready to go right now.”

  “Those are large numbers. What are Davis’?” Lawson asks.

  “Same, though they won't be as well trained as Novak's because they’re street wannabees. Nothing to be concerned about,” he explains.

  “All right. Let's start since this will take all night to organize,” Quinn suggests.

  “Let me call Willow and let her know I'm not coming home tonight. I’ll also get Luke and my top commanders to join us.”

  “Sounds good. You leaving Ted to watch over Willow?” Lawson asks.

  “Yeah, that’s the best place for him,” I reply.

  I step outside and dial Willow. It’s late so I know she’s probably not awake.

  “Hi,” Her sleepy voice comes over the line.

  “Sorry I woke you.”

  “Don’t be. I wanted to hear your voice.” I smile at that. “Are you okay?”

  “Everything is fine. We have his location and are hitting him tomorrow evening. But these things take time so we’ll be planning all night.”

  “They’re all there to help?”

  “Yeah, this should be a simple takeover, nothing to worry about.” I tell her.

  “Promise?” She sounds concerned.

  “Promise baby. Get some sleep. Ted and a few men will look after you until I get home.”

  “All right. Be safe. I love you,” she whispers, her voice sounding sleepy again.

  “Night baby. I love you too.”

  I dial Luke next, telling him and my commanders to get over here ASAP. Afterward, I take a minute to myself. It's finally happening which means it’s almost over, then I can put this all behind me, and start my life with Willow.

  Something I never thought I could have, and won’t deny now that I do.

  The following evening

  I double check my weapons, making sure they’re all locked and loaded.

  “You okay?” Foster asks me. “That’s the third time you’ve done that.”

  “Yeah, I just want this to go smoothly.” I place one in my holster. “I always feel weird not wearing a suit,” I grumble, making the guys laugh.

  We’re a block from where Davis and his men are setting up. I have eighty prepared to fight, and the rest on standby.

  “We’re ready,” I hear Quinn’s gruff voice say.

  “Don’t let me die or Cleo will kill you,” Lawson jokes.

  “Haha. Not funny,” I growl.

  We stand then slowly and quietly make our way to the old house. Once we’re closer, I ask my men to surround it, half going to the back and the others to the front.

  “Ready?” Foster asks into our comms.

  We hear confirmations then Foster states to breach on his count. “One, two, three.”

  He kicks in the front door, and we Davis’ men spread out as they look over the plan or clean their gun. All hell breaks loose as people start yelling when the bullets start flying and blood splatters everywhere.

  We clear the main level before heading upstairs. I take out eight and Foster gets at least ten himself. “Do you see Davis?” I ask.

  “No.” He taps his comm then asks, “Anyone have eyes on Davis? Check the bodies too.”

  We hear mumbles then get our answer after a bit. “He’s not here man,” Lawson says.

  “What the fuck is happening?” I ask.

  “No fucking idea,” Foster growls before yelling into the comm, “Find my informant!”

  “In the basement,” someone says. We make our way there and find his body.

  “He was severely tortured, Foster. Davis must’ve suspected something,” Quinn comments.

  “How did he know who it was?” Lawson asked.

  “He didn’t, he was fishing un
til he got something,” I say as I point to the pile of bodies behind us, all in the same shape as Foster’s guy.

  “Fuck!” Foster curses. “If he knew we were coming, why would he leave his men here to die?”

  “A sacrifice to keep us busy?” Quinn guesses.

  “Why? So he can run away?” Lawson theorizes.

  I think about it, wondering what Davis could be doing. He wouldn’t run when he had an attack planned nor after finally coming out of hiding after all these years. What the fuck is going on?

  Then a memory comes rushing back from when I killed Kent in front of him. Davis swore he’d kill who I loved most. I’d just laughed him off, telling him his father already had, but now I have someone I love more than anything in this world.

  “Willow,” I say in a panic. “He’s after her. We need to get to my house.”

  I run upstairs with the men close behind me. I’m so fucking stupid. I can’t believe I let this happen. I just hope I make it in time.

  Chapter 13


  I finish the last stroke and take a step back. It’s finally done. Over the last month I’ve done nothing but paint, read, and cook. As much as I disliked the idea of house arrest when Novak first mentioned it, I’ve enjoyed the time by myself and with Novak. I never got to paint as much as I liked to but now, having a view like this, how could I not?

  “Wow, that’s a beauty,” Ted says from behind me.

  “You like it?” I smile at him.

  “What's not to like. I always loved this view at night.”

  “I didn’t realize how beautiful darkness could be.” I look back at my painting and the view.

  “You should get some sleep. It’s pretty late.”

  “I was about to turn in, I just wanted to finish this first.” I walk to the sink and clean my brushes.

  Not two days after I moved in, Novak created a studio for me. I love this space, it has an amazing view.

  “I’m going myself after checking in with the guards.”

  “Okay,” I smile at him. “Goodnight Ted.”

  “Night, dear,” he says over his shoulder as he leaves.

  I haven't heard from Novak since last night, but assume he's fine. Otherwise one of the guys would call me.

  I finish my brushes then put them away and head to the bedroom. I change into a pair of sleep shorts and a t-shirt and about to shut off the side lamp when it does it by itself. Weird. I stand and move to the window. All the outdoor lights are off as well, so it must be an outage. I walk to the hall closet and grab a flashlight and head downstairs figuring Ted might still be up.

  “Ted?” I call out once I’m at the bottom.

  I shine my light toward the door as I walk to it and peer out the glass. I don’t see anything, not even the guards that usually roam the front yard. I jump when I hear a noise from the kitchen, and again get no response when I say Ted’s name.

  Using the flashlight, I check the kitchen but see nothing when I’m suddenly hit from the side. I fall taking a chair with me then feel someone grab my hair and pull me back up.

  “Well well, look what we have here,” I hear a man’s voice say.

  “Get off me!” I scream.

  Suddenly the lights turn on and I’m shoved into a chair as another man ties my arms behind it and my feet together. I glance up and see the man who hit me. He’s tall, well-built, and has a scar running down his face.

  “Who are you?” I yell at him even though I have my suspicions.

  “I’m sure your lover must’ve said something,” he says. “He took everything from me, and I'm planning to do the same to him.”

  “You and your father already did,” I spit out at him.

  “He deserved that. His dad was a traitor, and so was he. Unfortunately, we found out that last part a little too late,” he says, his voice full of disgust.

  “What are you going to do?” I ask, mine shaking. I try to hide it, but I can’t.

  “Not sure yet as there’s so many options. I could kill you slowly. Maybe hide you so he’ll never find you,” he muses.

  His suggestions make me shiver with fear. “Where’s Ted? What did you do with him?” I ask, worried about him.

  Davis raises a brow then looks behind me when suddenly a gunshot goes off then another. I can feel the blood splatter and the two guards fall to the ground.

  “Fuck,” Davis shouts before pulling out his weapon and turning to firing. I have no idea who took the first shots or where they came from.

  Davis walks out of the kitchen and into the front entrance and I hear a few more shots ring out then see him Davis head upstairs. I feel someone touch my shoulder and let out a startled yelp.

  “Shhhh, Willow. It’s just me,” Ken, one of the guards, says as he unties me. “Ted is luring Davis away. I need you to head out back, take the steps to the beach, then run,” he orders me.

  “What about you and Ted? Come with me,” I beg.

  “No. You need a distraction and that’s us. Now go and don’t stop. Head to the safe house Novak told you about.” He helps me up and pushes me out the door.

  I run towards the backyard as Ken told me to. Novak's house overlooks a private beach, and there’s a set of stairs lining the cliff wall that takes you down to the beach. I’ve never taken them before because they’re steep and small. I manage to get halfway down before I need to stop and take a breather. My adrenaline is wearing off, the cold air and wind getting to me.

  “Oh god.” A sob raises in my chest but I hold it in, knowing I need to get myself together, and keep moving. I don’t know where Novak is, but my only hope is to make it to the safe house.

  I start running as I hit the beach, using the cliff as cover, and don’t stop. Finally, I see a road, but know it’s not smart to wonder the open streets. I walk along the side, the trees hiding me until I get to a house and notice an older car in the driveway.

  “Oh, thank god,” I say in relief. I’ve never been as grateful for Luke as I am in this moment. Over the last month he’s shown me a lot, one of which is to how to break into a car and hotwire it. Which is what I do.

  “I can't believe this actually worked,” I say to myself.

  I drive toward town and the safe house Novak told me to go to if I was ever in trouble, and this counts. It doesn’t take long to get there and I realize it’s an on old laundromat. I park in back and start banging on the door. I wait, but nothing happens, so I keep doing it. Then suddenly, an older lady in her sixties opens it.

  “Please help. Novak Norwood sent me. He said I’d be safe here.” I'm on the verge of tears, and cold since I’m still wearing my skimpy sleepwear.

  She doesn’t say anything, just looks me over slowly before letting me in. I follow her upstairs where she gives me a pair of shoes and a jacket and I put them on immediately.

  “What's happening?” I ask.

  “They know of this safe house and men are watching outside,” she tells me. “You must leave,” she says as she gives me a bag. “Here’s some money. Go now. Don’t stop. Don’t trust anyone.”

  I take the bag and run back to the car. I don’t know where I’m going, but I’ll keep driving until I hear from Novak. I know he’ll be looking for me. I just need to survive until then.

  Chapter 14


  I jump out of the car, my gun drawn, and enter the house before Foster even cuts the engine.

  “Slow the fuck down Novak or you’ll get yourself killed,” I hear Quinn yell behind me.

  “Willow,” I call out as I check each room and find two dead men in the kitchen.

  “Living room and office are clear,” Lawson yells out.

  “Up here,” Foster yells.

  We all race upstairs, finding Ken dead in the hallway, and enter my bedroom to see Ted bleeding out.

  “Fuck, Ted. Stay with me,” I say as I try to hold the wound.

  “Luke’s on his way with a team,” Lawson says.

  “Ted, where’s Willow? Davis?”
I shake him awake, getting his attention and not wanting him to close his eyes.

  “She escaped to the safe house,” he breaths out in a shaky voice.

  “Thank god,” I say in relief.

  Suddenly his bloody hands clutch mine as he tells me, “It’s compromised.” If it were possible, I’d be panicking even more at that news.

  “Fuck,” Foster growls out.

  “Boss?” We hear Luke yell as he comes running in. “Fuck, old man,” Luke says as he gets on his knees beside Ted, “You dying on me already?” Ted manages to crack a small smile.

  “Stay and help him. You're in charge while we go after Willow.”

  “Sure thing, boss. Don’t worry about Ted, I’ve got him.”

  “Davis followed her,” Ted weakly says.

  “Let's go,” I tell the others with urgency.

  We all pile into the SUV and drive to the location, only to find it deserted, no sign of Willow or Annie, the old lady on my payroll.

  “I’ll check security,” Lawson says. We learn Willow is driving a 2001 Toyota and heading east after he goes over the tapes.

  “I’m going after her,” I tell them.

  “We need to establish a plan,” Lawson says, stopping me.

  “We don’t have time. She’s less than two hours ahead of us, so we might be able to catch her,” I growl.

  “He’s right. We need to think,” Quinn says, backing Lawson.

  “Davis is already after her,” I remind them.

  “Novak and I will trail Willow. You guys stay here and devise a plan. We’ll keep in contact,” Foster informs them as he steps in.

  “Call Luke to send you a ride,” I throw over my shoulder as I storm to the SUV, Foster close behind me.

  We take off in the same direction Willow did. “Do you know where she could’ve gone?” Foster asks. I think, and something comes to mind.

  “I have an idea, but we need to hurry.” Then I press harder on the gas, hoping to god I can get to her in time.

  Willow - Four days later


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