Viridian Nova

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Viridian Nova Page 14

by Dragon Cobolt

  The door into the room opened and Tasha sprang up to it. “Are you two ok-whoa!” She turned beat red and held up her hands, her feet squelching on the purple moss that rolled out past the entrance. “Right! Sorry! Hah.” She whispered, her hands slowly dropping as she watched Aiden start to push himself up, every inch of his exotic, ridged cock slurping out of Sarah’s well fucked cunt. Sarah pushed the metal shards off her head with her spines and shook her head a bit.

  “Yes,” she said, her voice tight. “Everything is juuust peachy.” She sighed, then looked down at her hands. Her claws gleamed. She imagined the same strength she had just felt rushing through her – but used on a corporate security goon. She tried to remember every time some corpsec asshole had been cruel to her. She remembered being a baseline and the corpsec guy who kept calling her a ‘spic’ and jeeringly shouting ‘no habla espanola’ at her every time she had been chatting with her friends in the patois of Portuguese and Farsi that had been popular in the baseline district.


  Even when she did, the idea of ripping his throat out made her feel sick. And excited. Like, actually a tiny little bit horny. Which made her feel even sicker . But the horniness had stuck around – hence shooting Aiden a smoldering look, a look the transman had been more than happy to deliver on. But now she was left just feeling queasy again. She sighed and curled her legs up against her as she sat in the wreckage of the table.

  “So, uh,” Aiden said. “Did that help you think?”

  “No,” Sarah said. “I mean, I have some ideas. But then I picture what acid tipped flechettes do to a human and-”

  “Wait,” Aiden said, holding up his hand. “Wait, wait, wait.” He placed his hand on her shoulder. “You don’t have to kill Dallas. You just need to beat his army.”

  “Which...” Sarah paused. She sprang to her feet. “Wait, no, you’re right. Most of the people we’re gonna be fighting are gamma AI forks, remote controlling combots and tanks and stuff...” She blinked – and like that, the design began to take shape in her mind for a creature. She closed her eyes and touched her fingertips together, focusing on her connection with the hatchery. She felt the larva within beginning to form into their cocoons, then beamed as she opened her eyes, looking at Aiden, who was standing up and stretching in a very casual kind of way that still somehow managed to show off his lean, exotic body to great effect – which was making Tasha look even redder. Not that Tasha looked away or anything.

  “Come on!” Sarah said.

  The trio came to the hatchery and spent a few minutes making small talk, watching the cocoons that the larva had formed pulsate as they grew. Only three of them were currently forming – though one was growing larger and larger every few seconds, the purple moss surrounding it growing thin and gray as nutrients were sucked out of it greedily. “So,” Sarah said. “That one should hatch right...” She pointed at the smallest cocoon. “ Now !”

  The cocoon exploded open and...out came two copies of Dr. Bowers. Well, the alien that Dr. Bowers had been turned into in her first flailing hours of being a hybrid Commander. She felt a pang, remembering how poor Larry had been shot dead. Sarah tried to focus, instead, on the sleek conformation of the lithe, dog-like critters that crawled around, pawing at the ground, their wicked scythe-like back arms stabbing at the air. “Awww!” Tasha crooned. “Look at the good boys!”

  “They’re fucking murder dogs,” Aiden whispered to her.

  “Still dogs,” Tasha whispered. Sarah stepped over and one of the doglike creatures wuffed and sniffed at her palm. She caressed its head and smiled.

  “This is a...bladeling!” Sarah said, nodding.

  “Because of the blades?” Tasha asked. “Oh! You should give them love marks. Uh, those are these symbols on their flanks that represent their special talent, which...ponies...” She trailed off, then coughed. “N-Nevermind.”

  Sarah, grinning, said: “Should they be pink too?”

  “Only Cotton Candy is pink!” Tasha said. “The rest have lots of colors. Starlight Sparkle is purple, and-”

  “I don’t think Sarah cares,” Aiden said. “What’s that one?” He nodded to the second cocoon, which was growing taut – ready to bust. Sarah hurriedly stepped away, followed by the pair of bladelings. They just barely got away from the cocoon before it exploded in a spray of gore and skin. When the spray had finished, a hulking beast stood there. Where the bladelings were the size of large dogs or small horses, the creature that writhed its way out of the cocoon and slithered out before them was almost two heads taller than a human being, and almost the same amount broader. It had a muscular torso with brown skin drawn taut over armored ridges of bone that covered the center of mass. They had no arms and their bodies were nagalike – forming into a massive, muscular tail that they could use to slither with at a remarkable speed. Their mouth was a four part mandible, which opened to reveal a dizzying array of sharp teeth. Greenish drool dripped past their muzzle as they let out a churring hiss .

  “T-That is less cute,” Tasha whispered.

  “This...” Sarah said, putting her hand on the creature’s shoulder. “Is a hydralisk! They use hydraulic compression in the chest region to fire an acid coated flechette out of their mouth. If I got the design right, the range is about the same as a combot’s average weapon, and it should do almost as much damage.” She beamed at them. Aiden whistled, while Tasha frowned. She rummaged around in her pants – being the only one of the trio who still wore them. She fished out her handheld and tapped away at it.

  “Sorry, that’s copyrighted,” she said. “Disney.”

  “Fuck!” Sarah hissed. “We’re going up against StarCon, I do not need to get Disney involved.” She paused. “Uh...this is...a spitty?”

  “That’s terrible,” Aiden said. The spitty rubbed up against Sarah, bumping against her with the broad ridged crest of its head, reaching out with a tongue to lick her cheek.

  “Spitty it is!” Sarah laughed, then squeaked as some acid spittle dripped onto her shoulder – buzzing against her pleasantly. “Ooh. Uh, wow. Okay, that feels ni- weird!” She gently pushed the spitty away as it tried to lick her eager, puffy nipple. “Go slither over there, spitty.”

  The spitty slithered across the ground to join the two bladelings, who were chasing one another, yipping and yowling happily. Aiden frowned. “Wait, we’re breaking the laws of god and man and you’re worried about Disney?”

  “Only an idiot fights a war on two fronts,” Sarah muttered. She turned to the last cocoon. It was now the size of a small house. She stepped back a few feet. “T-This one took a pretty big chunk of radioactives. Basically, uh, it needs to, well, there’s a power source and-” The cocoon exploded and, as it turned out, none of them had gotten far enough back. A wave of black gore splashed across Tasha, Aiden and Sarah’s faces, while the bladelings were washed off their feet and the spitty hissed in displeasure. When Sarah had wiped the gunk from her eyes, she beamed as she saw that her big boy had been birthed into the world just as she had hoped.

  The big boy was about the size of a large truck, with six massive legs, each one devoted to supporting the bulbous, beetle-like carapace that made up almost seventy percent of its body. Blue steam escaped from around the edges of the carapace and even from here, radiant heat made the already jungle-like temperatures of Trappist-1a feel distinctly more uncomfortable. The creature’s head was, relative to its body, quite small – but it was also the center of a wild mane of long, filament thin wires, each one tipped with a glowing bead. Sarah pointed to those. “Those are radio emitters!” she said, beaming. “It should have a range of orbital tracking, if the target’s big enough.”

  “You built a bug that tracks orbital movements ?” Aiden asked.

  “I based it off the comtrees!” Sarah said. “So, that part was really, well, the only hard part was fitting it into the digestive tract. It has to get brought food by drone tenders. Speaking of!” She snapped her fingers several times and a trio of constr
uction drones smoothly zoomed over and began to cluster around the huge beasty. “Now, lets see if the butt works.”

  “What does the butt do?” Tasha asked, sounding faintly nervous.

  A bright light flared from around the edges of the immense bug’s carapace. Heat built. Then the carapace snapped open and a massive sphincter nearly prolapsed itself as the entire bug clenched . The mane frilled outwards, revealing the trio of eyes the creature used for its mundane senses. Despite being the size of dinner plates and pure black, an expression of intent concentration filled them, even as a ball of roiling plasma shot from the creature’s behind and arced smoothly in the sky. Every bit of metal on Aiden’s vest tugged towards the plasma at once, and the few buildings that were only partially covered by the purple moss rattled, metal tugging upwards. But then the plasma ball was beyond the treeline and a slowly growing mushroom cloud of blue-white light roiled into the air.

  “Jesus Christ Sarah!” Aiden gasped out.

  “Heh,” Sarah said. “I was inspired by bombardier beetles. T-This one should be able to hit suborbital distances...I...kinda hit a limit on scaling laws, so...anything bigger would have to be, like, a building.” She blinked. “Oh! If I could work out a swivel on the sphincter, it could work as a turret...”

  “Can we not call it a sphincter?” Tasha asked, sounding faintly queasy.

  “Let’s get to breeding!” Sarah said, clapping her hands together.

  Synth emerged from one of the buildings, looking frazzled. “I nearly crashed !” She shouted. “What the fuck was that!?”

  She stomped over, her feet squelching on purple moss.

  “A bug’s fart,” Aiden said.

  “A magnetic bottle containing an anti-starship plasma blast!” Sarah said at the same time.

  Synth closed her eyes. Her eyes whirred behind the eyelids. “I almost want to ask to be hobbled again, Jesus...”


  Texas Dallas was five hours away. They could see the deceleration burn of the Excalibur ™ just by squinting. Eggs were growing in time with the collection of resources, new bladelings, bombardiers and spitters were emerging from the hatchlings and mustering in the grounds beyond the base. And Sarah was in what had once been her room, trying to not worry herself into a coma. The room stank of slow starving and late nights stressing about bills and debts. The windows were covered with the moss, blocking out the view outside. But if she wanted to look at her slowly approaching doom, all she had to do was close her eyes and tap into the comtrees.

  She wanted to be in the dark.

  Except it wasn’t dark. Her strange, alien eyes could see every detail in the room. She could see the shitty cot she was sitting on. She could see how small and bare the wall was – since every poster or bit of nicknacks she could have gotten would have bitten into her budget. She sighed, slowly. She had saved it all to get a chance to her see her parents again – but…

  Would they even recognize her?

  “No, wait, lets worry about surviving first,” she whispered.

  The door to her room hissed open. The dim emergency lights from beyond showed the curvy shape of Synth. The sex robot’s eyes glowed faintly, adding an almost ominous edge to her face. But the light from her eyes just barely reached her plush, artificially inflated lips, and the smile that she wore lessened that ominousness. A tiny bit. “Hey,” she said. The door shut as she stepped forward – and once again, Sarah’s night vision took over. Synth still wore nothing, but since Sarah was pretty sure she hadn’t worn pants for the longest period of her life since she was out of diapers, Sarah had no room to complain if a former sex-bot wanted to let her artificially perfect titties fly free.

  “Sup,” Sarah said.

  “I...never really did get to thank you, you know?” Synth murmured, her feet padding softly on the floor, the faint whirr whirr whirr of her knees ringing in Sarah’s ears. IN that moment, the tiny reminder of her artificiality struck Sarah as...bizarrely erotic. Her cheeks heated and she felt her own body responding to the soft murmur of the robot’s voice. Except now, all the fake, cheesy porniness of Synth’s voice had been replaced with earnest porniness. Like. Sarah had heard the line ‘i never really got to thank you’ in a load of erotic vids she had downloaded entirely by accident, but…

  Synth lowered herself to the bed and placed her fingers on Sarah’s thigh. They slid along her skin, slowly, gently. “And you are a woman that deserves a lot of thanking,” Synth crooned. “I am pre-loaded with an aesthetic knowledge of essentially the whole range of human aesthetic taste.” She paused. “Well. At least, the taste of the kinds of people who buy me. I know what they like to fuck. And baby...” She leaned in close. Her voice was neither hot nor warm. She didn’t breathe. She simply spoke – and the words she spoke left Sarah blazing. “You’re eminently fuckable.”

  “F-For a freaky space monster,” Sarah whispered.

  “Duh, that’s why you’re eminently fuckable, have you not taken a single internet history course in your life?” Synth chuckled. Her hand slipped forward and her fingers found the folds of Sarah’s cunt – caressing her heat, her slickness. Sarah bit her lip. Hard. She had never been with a girl before. She had no idea what to do. How to do. Why to do. Where to do. All the do’s had gone right out of her head, leaving her resting on a tingling edge of nervous tension, a tension that Synth stoked with fingers that felt like rubber and plastic, teasing her slickness. Synth nibbled on her ear, and still spoke clearly, her voice coming from a voicebox in her mouth, not from her lips, not from movements of air. “So, Sarah, how about I- what the fuck?”

  Sarahs’s eyes widened – and for a few moments, she tried to figure out what was happening. She still felt Synth’s hand on her. But Synth wasn’t touching her cunt. Synth’s hand had closed around, tight and shocked, something thick and hard and achingly sensitive. It throbbed. It pulsed in time with her heart beat. And it provoked a quiet chuckle from Synth as her hand slithered down, the faint seams of her fingers adding a delicious exoticness to the caress. “Did you know you could do that?”

  “N-No,” Sarah whimpered.

  “Mmm, well, at least you’re not cocky ,” Synth murmured, then lowed her head down and took the tip of Sarah’s brand new, just grown, entirely untried girldick between her lips, then smoothly pushed forward. Built without a gag-reflex and designed from the ground up to suck cock, Synth did not pause, hesitate, or even slow down as she slipped herself down and forward, though her voicebox made simulating choking noises – wet, slurpy, slick noises that struck Sarah as utterly obscene and, thus, utterly fucking incendiary . She nearly came from that sound alone . Her fingers and her claws dug into the sheets as she clenched her jaw, her head-spines drawing taut to her scalp.

  “HolyshitSnyth!” Sarah whimpered.

  Synth chuckled, despite the fact her head was now engaged in sliding up and sliding down, her mouth closed fast around Sarah’s cock, her tongue swirling around her again and again. “You think this is good? Just wait until-” She started to humm . The sound of it buzzed through Sarah’s whole body, starting from her prick and emanating outwards, like a gong. A gong of fucking bliss . Sarah would have been able to hold on if she hadn’t already been on a hair trigger. As it was, she reached up and gripped Synth’s head with one hand, her clawed fingers tugging taut against the sex-robot’s pink hair as she thrust her hips upawards and let out an eager, mewling sound that was as desperate as anything she had ever made before. Hot, thick, alien spunk spurted from her cock, filling Synth’s mouth, spurting out around the seal that Synth made on her cock. Some emerged from the robot’s nose, dripping along her artificial lips, even as Synth’s eyes closed and her body rocked, as if she was climaxing as well.

  Sarah thrust again, using her hand and her hips to use Synth like her own personal fucktoy. Cum continued to pour from her, shooting off in hot blasts. Then Synth was sliding back, Sarah’s nerveless fingers opening to release her. Synth chuckled, her tongue darting out to lick up the cum covering h
er face. “Tasty,” she whispered.

  The door started to open.

  Sarah, too spent to do anything but sit there like a big dummy, froze. Synth, though, casually rolled herself off the cot, then under it, concealing herself as Tasha stepped into the room. The human girl started speaking a mile a minute. “Sarah, thank you, for everything you did for Aiden and for me and I just wanted to come by and make sure you’re okay, because, like, there’s a battle tomorrow, and I want to...I...y-yo...” She trailed off. Her eyes had adapted to the darkness, even as the door slid shut. She was looking at Sarah’s cock. And, as the darkness resumed, Sarah noticed that her body was actually beginning to fluoresce . The bony ridges of her shoulders glowed with a pale blue light. The ridges of her cock shimmered as well. Her fingertips glowed. The tips of her head spines. The pale light shone enough to show Tasha’s wide eyes. Hard nipples. Cushy body.

  Sarah felt a slow sense of confidence building in her. She stood and her cock bobbed. Still hard. Still eager.

  “Tasha...” She murmured. “Did you wear panties?”

  “N...Aiden keeps...t-tearing them off, I’m...on my last suit, actually, I-” Tasha spoke as Sarah took step by step forward. Daintily.

  Sarah grabbed onto the collar of her jumpsuit. Tasha let in a quick little gasp, then squeaked as Sarah tore forward and down, the clothing peeling off like an orange. Sarah, her body thrumming with lust, cupped one of Tasha’s breasts, leaning forward. She sucked on her nipple, teasing her with the hard edges of her teeth, while her cock nestled between Tasha’s cushy thighs. The other girl moaned – then squeaked as Sarah lifted one of her legs up, hooking her fingers under her knee. She spread Tasha wide and adjusted her stance, sliding the hot, wet tip of her dick against her Tasha moaned, whispering. “Yes...yes, fuck me Sarah, yes, please-”


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