The Academy of Underachievers: Year One

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The Academy of Underachievers: Year One Page 13

by Alex Dafney

  A choked sob escapes me as I dangle over the edge, pinching my eyes shut as I await impact with the ground. Suddenly I’m crashing to my side, the rough grit of the shingles burning along the left side of my body. Sucking in a deep breath, I’m relieved to find I’m no longer in the fog that consumed my mind.

  “What the actual fuck, Briar?!?!”

  My entire body shakes as Jet pins me to the roof, staring down at me with an angry gaze. Shaking my head wildly, my whole body trembles with fear.

  “What the hell were you trying to do? It’s just a freaking dorm room!”

  I open my mouth to retort but can’t utter a single word — only a strangled sob coming from me. Jet hauls me to his chest, clutching me tightly as my breaths come too quickly in short spurts.

  “Calm down, Briar. You’re going to hyperventilate. Slow, deep breaths.”

  I force myself to mimic his exaggerated breaths while my heart still pounds.

  “It’s just a room, babe. We can fix everything. There’s no reason to jump off the damn roof.”

  The angry tone of his voice causes me to stiffen. Jesus. He thinks I was trying to kill myself over a stupid room. As my heart rate slowly returns to a somewhat average pace, I place my hands to his chest, pushing away from him. His hands remain locked around my arms, a twisted look on his face.

  “I didn’t want to jump.” My eyes move up to his, flooding with tears. “There was a voice…” I bite my bottom lip, blinking rapidly. “A voice in my mind that led me up here against my own accord.”

  In the chilly night, I watch as his face pales, his eyes beginning to dart around us as he rises, pulling me up as well. “Let’s get inside.” Without hesitation, he lifts me effortlessly, moving toward the door that will lead down from the roof.

  An extreme wave of fatigue hits me, my head lulling to the side against his warm chest.

  “I’ve got you. Just go to sleep.”

  I vaguely hear a door close as darkness consumes me.

  Chapter Twelve

  My heavy lids seem to protest as I try to open my eyes, not having any idea how long I’ve been asleep, but still feeling extremely tired. Lifting my hand, I rub my fists against my gritty eyes before slowly forcing them open. I’m relieved to find myself in Jet’s bed, snuggled in the warm comfort of his blanket.


  I jolt at the loud voice, turning toward the bathroom where Lana steps into the room.

  “I didn’t think you’d ever wake up again. Those spells must be some hardcore shit.” She sinks onto the bottom of the bed as my forehead furrows in confusion.

  “How long have I been asleep?”

  She holds up her hand, indicating two fingers. I sit back against the headboard, dropping my head back.

  “Two hours isn’t that long.”

  “Try two days, Briar.”

  My head snaps forward, my eyes widening in shock as I watch her nodding her head slowly.

  “Jet has practically lost his mind worrying over you. He’s consulted every teacher with any knowledge of spells.” She snorts out a half-laugh. “He even had Mistress Penelope make some fancy goo that they put on your head. You should probably wash that shit out of your hair.”

  Lifting my hand, I place it to my head, pulling back a sticky hand of purple gunk and staring at it in disgust. “Why have I been asleep so long? And who the hell puts slime on someone’s head?” I fling the covers back, swing my legs over the bed and start to stand, stumbling with weakness.

  Lana grabs my arm to steady me, giving me a small smile. “Let me help you.”

  I begrudgingly agree, allowing her to lead me into the bathroom with her arm wrapped around my waist to steady me.

  “I’m starving.”

  She gives a half-hearted laugh as she helps me prop against the counter for support. “How about a bath? It may be easier on you than standing in the shower.”

  I nod as she turns the faucet on. “I don’t care. I just want this crap off my head before it makes me go bald.”

  She snickers while testing the temperature of the water with her hand. “Can you get undressed, or do you need help?”

  I shake my head when she glances over to me, pulling the t-shirt over my head and covering my chest with my arms.

  Lana reaches to the shelf that sits above the toilet, grabbing a plush navy colored towel and handing it back to me without looking. “Wrap the towel around you, so this doesn’t turn into a fantasy of every guy at this place.”

  I roll my eyes while wrapping the towel around me tightly, then taking Lana’s outstretched hand to step over the side of the tub. Sinking into the warm water, I let out a content moan.

  “Easy there. That moaning doesn’t help the situation.” She laughs as I wave a hand toward her, sliding further into the water. “Lean under the water, and I’ll attempt to get this gunk out of your hair.”

  My eyes remain closed as Lana runs her fingers through my hair, lathering the soap into my scalp. As the water runs the bubbles from my hair, she lets out a groan of sorts. “Um, I don’t know how to tell you this, but-.”

  Her words are cut short as the bathroom door flings open, Jet rushing in and sliding to the floor next to her.

  I don’t have time to react before he’s pulling me to him, the wet towel squishing between us. “Holy shit! Don’t ever scare me like that again!”

  I croak as he squeezes me tighter. “Can’t breathe.”

  He lets out a tense chuckle as he draws back, keeping his hands on my arms firmly. His eyes widen with surprise as he looks at me, before moving his gaze over to Lana, who wears a concerned expression.

  “What?” My eyes bounce between them, both of them staring at me. I lift my hand, half expecting not to feel my long hair, but let out a relieved sigh as my fingertips graze the wet locks.

  Jet pushes himself to standing, water dripping to the floor from his soaked shirt as he moves back toward his room. “I’m, uh, going to get you something to wear.” His back bumps into the doorframe before he darts out of the doorway quickly.

  “Chicken shit,” Lana mutters as she helps me to stand.

  I pull my hand from hers, allowing her to take the soaked towel from me before she passes me a dry one. “I’m fine now. Thanks for your help.”

  She gives me a nod as she moves out of the bathroom, pulling the door closed behind her. Stepping over to the sink, my eyes widen to the size of saucers, my mouth dropping open as I stare at my reflection.

  Lifting my hand, I pull a damp lock of hair out, hardly believing what I see. My once blonde hair is now a bright pink, even while wet. Dropping my hand, a growl escapes me as I jerk the door open, clutching the towel that’s wrapped around me as I stalk into the room.

  Jet seems to notice the look on my face as he bounds from the couch, holding both hands out in front of him as he backs away from me. “I didn’t know what to do, Briar! Mistress Penelope thought it would ease the bounds of the spell you were under.”

  I step right up to him, shoving a finger in his chest. “My hair is bright pink!”

  The corner of his lip twitches as he tries to hide a smirk. I let out a low growl as I spin away from him, snatching the pile of my clothes Lana holds out to me.

  “I think it’s kind of badass.”

  I glare at her, letting her know I’m not amused. She lifts her hand, making a gesture as if she’s zipping her lips.

  With a long sigh, I walk back into the bathroom, slamming the door closed and starting to dress as I turn my head side to side, taking in the unnaturally colored locks.

  By the time I’ve dressed and dried my hair, the shock of my newly colored hair is beginning to fade. I mean, I really shouldn’t be concerned with a funky color when I could’ve easily been splattered along disappointment drop-off drive.

  My breath leaves me in a whoosh as the events that led to this whole ordeal come back to me. The voice in my head, almost jumping off the roof.

  I turn toward the door at a quiet knock.
  “I got you something to eat.”

  The mention of food has me pulling the door open, even though I’m still angry with the both of them.

  Lana gives me a small smile as she stands in the doorway, holding a tray piled high with an assortment of things. Her eyes move to my hair before jutting her head toward the sitting area. “I really do like it.”

  Rolling my eyes, I follow behind her, sitting slowly on the couch next to the tray she deposits in the middle.

  My stomach grumbles as I grab a French fry, shoving it in my mouth. “What the hell happened?”

  Jet stands across the room, his eyes boring into mine as he rests back against his desk, his large arms folded over his chest.

  Lana flops down on the opposite side of the couch, reaching over and snatching a chicken finger from one of the plates as I swat at her, having no desire to share.

  “Someone put a spell on you and almost had you dive over the edge of the roof.”

  A chill runs through me at Jet’s words.

  “Mistress Penelope and Mistress Aurelia both believe this is the doing of a highly powered witch. We just don’t know who or why.”

  I lift the cheeseburger from the tray, taking a large bite, audibly moaning at the flavor.

  “Again, with the groaning?” Lana makes a mock face of disgust before turning her focus to Jet. “I feel sorry for your neighbors. I can’t imagine how vocal she is while the two of you are getting your freak on.”

  I cough as my hamburger lodges in my throat, my cheeks burning with embarrassment.

  “We’re not-“ Jet exhales a long breath, shaking his head as he pushes off the desk, clasping his hands behind his back and beginning to pace. “We have to figure out who is behind this. And why this supposed witch attacked you. Mind control spells are extremely complicated and difficult to conjure. Whoever we are dealing with, is dangerous.”

  He stops, turning to face me fully as I shove another fry in my mouth, more concerned with my hunger than my almost death at the moment.

  “Which is why you’ll be staying by my side until we figure this out. I’ll accompany you to all of your classes, and you’ll be staying here. In my room.”

  I hold my hand up, swallowing, then picking up my drink and taking a sip of the dark soda. “Hold up, big boy. I’m not moving in with you.”

  He arches one brow, giving me a pointed look. “I stopped you from hurling yourself off a building. Whoever is behind this attack isn’t messing around.” He lets out a heavy sigh as he moves the few feet between us, dropping down to one knee as he rests his hand on my thigh. “I don’t even want to think about what could’ve happened if I weren’t there to stop you the other night. Please, don’t fight me on this.”

  I stare into his eyes that hold nothing but concern, before slowly nodding my head.

  His lips lift into a killer grin before he pushes himself to standing. “Wow. That was a lot easier than I thought it would be.” His tone comes out proud as I narrow my eyes at him.

  Lana scoffs loudly, folding her arms over her chest as she glares at us with a look of annoyance. “You lucky bitch. Why couldn't a crazy witch curse me so I could get put on house arrest with hunky mchandsome?”

  Jet laughs lowly as I roll my eyes at her.

  She pushes herself up to standing, starting to move toward the door. “I can’t handle the lovey bit any longer. Call me if you need me!”

  As the door closes, Jet drops on the couch across from me, snatching a fry from the tray between us. “You scared the shit out of me.”

  I let out a sigh as I sit back, resting my head along the sofa. “You should’ve been in my shoes. I had no control over what I was doing.” Lifting my head, I look over to him, noting the downward turn of his mouth. “I’ve never felt like that, and can’t say I ever want to again.”

  He lifts the tray from between us, sliding it onto the small coffee table before scooting next to me, enveloping me in a hug — my arms circle around him, the tension strumming through my body easing at his touch.

  “The entire faculty are looking into it. We’re going to figure out who did this, and turn them over to the PEA.”

  I nod lightly against him, my fingers curling into the sides of his shirt as I rest my cheek on his shoulder. “Who would hate me enough to have me launch myself off a building?” I don’t mean for the words to leave me audibly, but they do.

  Jet pulls back from me, looking down at me with concern. His lip tilts upward in a forced, crooked smile. “I’m confident the faculty and PEA will figure it out and apprehend the perpetrator. Attacking a first-year student is highly frowned upon. Even within the dark oligopoly.”

  I tilt my head to the side, pulling my cheek in with my teeth. I’ve heard of the dark oligopoly in passing, but I don’t know much about it.

  Jet seems to take in my confused state, removing his arms from around me and sitting forward, grabbing a bowl of grapes from the tray that he moved to the coffee table. He plucks one from the stem, popping it in his mouth as he tilts the glass container my way. I lift one of the green grapes, throwing it in my mouth as I watch him chewing intently as his eyes stay focused across the room.

  “The dark oligopoly is the equivalent of the black market to the normal world. Only dealing with paranormal goods, rather than a random kidney.”

  I quirk one brow upward, not satisfied with his vague technical response.

  He turns his gaze to rest on me, giving a one-shoulder shrug as he pushes the grapes toward me. “I’m not trying to be obscure. I honestly don’t know much about the underground community. It’s not something that’s taught until agency orientation.”

  I give him the side-eye as I snatch another grape, moving my eyes along the room that I’m calling home for the time being while this mess is all sorted. “Sooo, how is this going to work?”

  Glancing back to Jet, I find him pushing up from the couch. Stepping around the coffee table, he faces me head on, giving me a tight smile that leaves me feeling unsettled. “Your clothes are already hanging in the closet. I cleared the first two drawers in the dresser for you, and you can have the bed.”

  My cheeks instantly heat as I think about him putting my most intimate garments in the drawers.

  “Lana was kind enough to retrieve and wash all of your clothing, then put them away.”

  He leans over the table that separates us, offering a hand toward me. I place my hand in his warm embrace, pulling myself to standing. “The dean would like a word with you, but if you don’t feel up to it today, I’ll have it rescheduled.”

  My brows draw together in confusion. “Your dad wants to talk to me?”

  The grimace he makes would hardly be detectable, but I notice it at our proximity.

  “He’s only my father on holiday breaks when we fly out east to visit my mom.”

  I digest his words, wanting to ask so many questions about his family, but not having the nerve to do so at this time. Instead, I plaster a bright, fake smile on my lips as I look up to him. “Lead the way.”

  My palms sweat with nerves as we stop in front of a simple door on the top floor of the building. Pulling my hand from Jet’s, I rub them over the denim that covers my legs.

  As if sensing my apprehension, he steps in front of me, his back facing the door as he places his hands to my shoulders, looking down at me with a small smirk on his lips. “Stop fidgeting. Go in there and own the room like you’re so great at.”

  I roll my eyes as he removes his hands, turning and pushing the door handle down before pushing the door open.

  A man around my parent's age sits behind a large executive desk before a solid window. The door closes behind me, and I look over my shoulder, a wave of nervousness crawling through me as I find I’m alone in this meeting.

  “You must be Briar. Come, have a seat.”

  Swiveling my head back forward, I find his eyes still trained on the desktop computer screen, but his hand gestured to a lone chair that sits before his desk. I si
nk into the chair, clasping my hands and placing them in my lap, unsure if I’ve ever been this nervous before.

  “It’s come to my attention you are attempting to gain entry into the coveted Academy Bowl.”

  I nod my head, my nerves dissipating as I realize this meeting is of a business nature, not a personal one. He glances over to me, lifting his hand and pushing the glasses that rest on the end of his nose upward as he sits back, giving me his full attention.

  “Uh, yes, sir. Attending the Bowl would not only be beneficial to the school but potentially the participants. There’s a reward of-.”

  He clears his throat loudly as he sits forward, resting his elbows on the mahogany desk, effectively ending my rambling. I snap my mouth shut as he gives me a scrutinizing gaze.

  “It seems you have found yourself in our establishment by mishap.”

  I nod my head in agreement, swallowing over the tight lump in my throat as his eyes, the color of his sons, bore into my own. “My applications-.”

  He cuts me off before I can finish with a wave of his hand as he sits back. “I didn’t think anything would come of your dreams.” Sitting forward, he grips a piece of paper amongst the stacks on his desk, tossing it toward me haphazardly.

  I catch it before it floats to the floor, quickly reading the lines.

  The Academy Bowl would like to welcome their newest contender, The Academy of Underachievers.

  My lip tugs up to one side as I continue to scan the letter.

  “This is all fine and well, but I need you to stay away from my son.”

  My eyes pop up, a shocked expression coming to my face as I stare at him across the large desk.

  He pushes his chair back, rising, then turning his back to me and clasping his hands behind him as he stares out the large floor to ceiling window. “Jet was spoken for long before you arrived here. Long before we knew of his existence.”

  My brows furrow together as I bite the inside of my cheek, wanting to tell him off, yet wanting to hear what he has to say.


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