Saving The Dark Side: Book 1: The Devotion

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Saving The Dark Side: Book 1: The Devotion Page 44

by Joseph Paradis

  With calm purpose, Cole walked towards the priests, bladed hair clinking with every step.

  The red priest let out a shrill laugh. “How brave! Do you mean to fight us all, child? Ha! Very well, let’s see how you fare against your own Fear!” He flung out his crooked fingers, blasting Cole with a misty bolt of olive magic.

  Cole felt something brush against his mind, a fleeting thing, weak and crying. It was more of an annoyance, like the wails of a hungry baby. The sensation flared and burned to ashes before his Rage. He placed one clawed foot in front of the other, the wooden stage creaking and splintering under his feet.

  The priest winced as his spell broke and died; he stepped back and regarded Cole with a confused look. He signaled to the priests at either side of him and they readied their spells. Fingers dripping with the same black foulness that had felled Eliza and Sitra, they whipped their arms out, showering Cole with a putrid rain. The droplets covered Cole from head to toe, but he didn’t break stride. The black shroud protected him, inside and out.

  The red priest readied another spell, but before his hands could weave it he looked down to see Cole’s arm buried to the elbow in his chest. The priest crumpled to the stage. The others wasted no time, circling around Cole with their spells at the ready.

  “Where is he?”

  “He’s only a human, find him!”

  “He was right here not two seconds ago.”

  “He couldn’t have vanished.”

  Bursts of violence added to their confusion as severed limbs joined their leader on the stage. The priests barely had time to react to one attack before one of their number met a bloody end from the other side of the group.

  “He’s too fast! I can’t-”

  “Dammit! How many are there! There he is! Grab-”

  The priests’ conviction dissolved commensurately with their number. Through the growing gaps in the circle, flashes of black armor and clouds of blood could be seen, but Cole was too quick for them. In the confusion, several of their spells missed, hitting their allies instead. When only three priests remained, they lost all resolve and fled for nearby alleys.

  Cole watched them go, Rage building and throbbing in his muscles. He panted, not in exertion but in frustration. He had wasted precious time dispatching the priests and Kreed was now far above him, barely visible. He would not be denied. Crouching, Cole dug in his claws and readied for the jump. He bent down low as his blood lust rose. His legs snapped straight with an explosion of power, but he didn’t rise an inch. Confused, he saw splintered wood tumble upwards as he himself began to fall. The staging couldn’t handle the force. He landed on all fours, hitting the bloody soil. He loosed a furious roar before jumping again with all his might, smashing through the broken flooring. The wind whistled over his ears, his bladed hair tinkling as he flew.

  He was only a heartbeat above the stage when he knew he had missed his mark. He missed Kreed by a wide margin, sailing right past him with all his useless Rage and power. As he fell he saw Kreed’s hollow eyes staring at him, sooty lips pulled tight in his manic broken grin. Cole fell like an unbalanced axe below the tops of the smoldering towers, arms and legs flailing to right himself. He smashed against the top of a stone building, landing on his back in a shower of crumbling rock and mortar. The square reverberated with Cole’s screaming, drowning out the morbid chorus of the three towers. The fall did not harm him, but Kreed was now too high for him to see. He swiped at the base of the stone building, carving out a large chunk as the entire wall fell away.

  The Rage continued to build. The magic demanded challenge. Kreed was too far away now, no longer an option. Cole’s blackened eyes darted about, searching for an outlet before the magic destroyed him. He considered the wall he had just collided with. That could work, but what purpose would it serve? The towers? They were important for a reason Cole couldn’t recall. Was he supposed to destroy them, or rescue someone? He crossed the distance in two long strides, skidding to a halt and covering the thrashing bodies with dirt. The stench of burnt meat was thick enough to taste. The things on the towers were no longer worth saving, that much was certain. They were charred beyond recognition, beating their flailing arms at everything they could reach while their scabbed vocal cords cried for revenge. Cole saw a flash of white above him; the torso and head of a priest passed between brutal hands. Cole recognized the woman as one of the priests who had escaped his wrath on the stage. She must have run too close to the towers in her haste.

  The Rage flared again, stretching and burning. His muscles popped with hot power. It was too much. He needed an outlet now. The towers would have to do. Hopefully they would be enough. He planted a foot behind him and prepared to charge through the base.


  The voice sounded familiar. Familiar enough to give him reason to pause at least. Shaking with agonizing restraint, he turned his head towards the source.

  “Cole! Over here!”

  With a sudden jolt, he found Lileth, Sitra, and Eliza trapped by the stage, their heads poking out of their own stone tubs. His Rage became purpose and his purpose became action. He charged towards the urns, moving so quickly that his feet barely touched the ground.

  “Is that…What’s wrong with him?” Sitra asked, slurring her speech.

  “It’s him,” Eliza said. “His Rage has severed our bond, but I’m sure it’s him. I just hope he knows who we are.”

  The magic boiled Cole’s bones, his vision flashing red and black as the Rage tore at his flesh. He recognized these people, but the magic demanded violence, demanded he kill them. He gnashed his munisica together in an attempt to tear his own hands off. His eyes flicked back to the stage, reveling in the bloody fruits of his new power. The Rage was intoxicating, and he wanted more. His munisica stretched and creaked longer by the second.

  “Cole! Look at me!” Lileth shouted, grabbing hold of his wandering gaze. “You know us. You know who we are. Use your strength to free us. The poison still blocks our magics. You must free us from the stone.”

  Her echoing words barely reached through the maelstrom of his Rage, but they were enough. Without a word Cole kicked at each of their rock tubs, careful not to follow through and injure them. They all emerged from their prisons with a drunken stumble, backing away and putting space between them and Cole. They looked at him as if he were some wild animal who might lunge at any second. Cole considered the strangers for a moment before lunging for a man trapped between two massive wheels. The man was important as well. Cole had to free him before his dwindling clarity succumbed to the Rage.

  “Don’t you dare smash the wheels,” Roth growled. He almost looked soft without his shroud and bladed hair. “Steady your munisica and remove the tubes from my arms first. Gentle now, or I’ll remove your hands.”

  Cole knew this person. He was important. Cole would save him before giving into the demands of his Rage. Rubber lines ran from a tank on the yoke to the man’s chest and arms. A dingy yellow liquid flowed through the tubes, each buried into a large vein. Cole’s bladed fingers clinked on the metal needle, tugging slowly. Cole stopped, eyeing the man. The needle was barbed, hooking the vein from the inside.

  “Do it,” Roth ordered.

  Cole felt an odd sense of danger at his hesitation. He jerked the needle out, blood squirting over his shoulder. He pulled out five more needles, turning the man into a fountain of blood. With a pang of worry Cole recognized the man before him.

  Roth threw his head back and filled the air with a thundering bellow. The bleeding stopped abruptly as Roth’s shroud flowed over the wounds. The ebony armor covered his upper arms and thighs, transforming his hair and eyebrows into straight blades.

  Roth lowered his head wearing an amused grin. “Back up. Or don’t. This wouldn’t hurt you anyway.”

  Roth flexed his arms and legs, snapping the yoke in half as the two massive wheels rolled forward. Cole had already jumped back and was scanning the area for another outlet. His Rage was in control, bloc
king out all thought and reason.

  The wheels smashed together twice; the second time, Roth’s arms and legs came free from the mangled scrap. He landed on his feet and shot straight for Cole, stopping in front of him.

  “You have a master’s power but you lack a master’s control. Release it,” Roth said, bringing his hulking frame in between Cole and the towers.

  “No,” Cole growled as he eyed Roth’s unarmored torso. “Get out of my way.”

  Roth smiled a little wider. “Fine then, let’s have it.”

  Cole didn’t know what Roth was talking about, and he didn’t much care. The demand for violence was too great. There was no alternative. He would break those towers, and then the buildings. And if anyone got in his way he would break them too. He shot forward, diving in between Roth’s legs.

  His momentum came to a crashing halt as two dragon’s claws wrapped around his chest, squeezing and crushing. Roth’s munisica couldn’t harm him, but they were enough to stop him. Cole’s roar echoed off the surrounding buildings, drowning out even the tortured screams from the towers. Sparks flew from Roth’s bladed hands as Cole broke free, landing like a cat. Cole bared his teeth in a grin. He had his outlet.

  Quick as lightning, Cole snatched a bladed finger from each of Roth’s hands, wrenching them inwards and bringing his master to his knees.

  “Don’t hold back,” Roth chuckled through a grimace.

  Cole’s Rage ignited into an unrestrained inferno. He roared again, locking claws and pushing Roth back a few paces, twisting his fingers all the while. The fingers wouldn’t break, so he roared again, releasing them and shooting his munisica for something without armor. Roth’s hands came down, catching Cole’s just in time.

  “A low blow, but I would have done the same thing.” Roth’s bladed hands set like vice grips over Cole’s. “Now stop screaming like a child and let your Rage out! Let’s have it boy!”

  Cole thrashed, flexing his arms with everything he had, but his claws were locked in Roth’s. He dug his bladed feet in and pushed, shoving Roth through the marble pavement like a plough. Throwing his legs up, Cole planted his bladed feet into Roth’s unarmored chest. Gripping Roth’s claws, Cole thrust his legs with all his might, intent on ripping his master’s arms off. They remained locked for a moment, Cole’s feet cutting deeper and deeper. Cole pulled again and again, each time with less force than before as the Rage expended itself. Eventually Cole stopped fighting, slowly bringing his legs back down to the broken marble. Confusion and shame replaced his Rage as the shroud receded.

  Roth cocked his head. “Better?”

  “Yes.” Cole’s eyes snapped wide as he beheld the damage to Roth’s chest. Ribs and muscle poked through the skin. “Master Roth, I’m so sorry! Are you ok?”

  “I’m fine. It’s been awhile since someone’s done a job like that on me. Don’t worry, if you were doing any real damage I would have thrown you out of the City. And don’t be sorry. Being sorry has never helped anyone. You should be proud.” He stood, bringing his head up towards the sky. “We’ll talk about this later. Decreath’s stink is still in the air, and from what I overheard there’s a Colossus on the way to collect the towers. We don’t want to be here when that happens. Not to mention Grotton and Sorronis could be here any minute. Release the rest of your Rage, before it boils up again.”

  Cole looked down at his body. His cloth armor was nearly disintegrated and the shroud had flowed from his belly and chest. He relaxed his mind as Chiron had taught him, feeling the tension uncoil as the Rage dissipated. He swayed as his hands and feet returned to their normal state, feeling drained and drunk.

  “You gonna make it?” Roth asked.

  “Yeah. I think so.” Cole looked to his master, who was busy healing the wounds on his chest with snow-colored webs from his munisica.

  “Go grab Habbad while I find Valen and Storn. The girls look stable enough for now,” Roth grumbled, stitching the final laceration closed.

  “Master Roth, Storn… He’s…” Cole’s eyes fell, his silence saying exactly what Storn was.

  “You’re positive?” Roth asked.

  Cole nodded at the ground.

  Roth made a noise Cole had never heard before. Cole looked up, but he was already walking away.

  “Go, grab Habbad,” he barked over his shoulder.

  Cole didn’t hesitate.

  Cole ran up the broken stairs of the stage. Habbad was still there, trapped in his stone tub, eyes peeled back and bloodshot.

  “Habbad?” Cole stepped slowly into his view, bringing his eyes to his line of sight.

  Habbad didn’t move. His eyes remained locked at the bottom of the left tower.

  “Habbad, I’m going to get you out of here, just hold your head still. I don’t know how to remove that magic on your face so let me know if I’m hurting you.” Cole summoned the Rage, surprised at how quickly it came. He throttled it back as much as he could, stopping the shroud at his wrists. He hacked at the stone tub, breaking off chunks until Habbad was free to move. “You’re good bud, you can climb out now.”

  Habbad didn’t move. Cole bent down and retracted his munisica, scooping Habbad out of the broken stone. Habbad’s head rested on Cole’s shoulder as he came free.

  “I will never forgive you.” Habbad’s voice was hoarse and weak, but his words were crystal clear.

  Cole’s vision blurred as a wave of shame broke across his heart. “I know.”

  He carried Habbad over to Eliza, Sitra, and Lileth, who were huddled together in an alcove, waiting for the effects of the Corpulant’s flies to wear off. He placed Habbad gently next to them, hiding his view of Lexy’s thrashing body. There was no saving her now, she was no longer the sweet girl they once knew.

  “What’s wrong with him?” Eliza asked. “Was he poisoned as well?”

  “It’s not the poison.” Cole’s jaw trembled as his stomach lurched. “It’s Lexy, his sister. Kreed made us watch her burn. She’s still over there. I can’t even tell which one she is anymore.”

  “Oberon help him.” Eliza reached for Habbad, but recoiled as if something had stung her hand.

  “Where’s Roth?” Lileth asked.

  “He went to find Valen,” Cole replied, rubbing his fingertips into his temples. “Can any of you use magic yet? My mind feels rotten and weak right now. I don’t know how we’re going to get out of here.”

  “No, the venom from the Corpulant’s flies still taints our blood.” Lileth took a hesitant step closer to him. “How did you manage to overcome the Rage? The shroud, you were covered from head to toe. Even your eyes…Cole, you mastered it. You mastered Rage. Not even Roth…” Her voice trailed off as her eyes darted between his. “I’ve never seen anything like it. For a moment I thought you were going to kill us.”

  Cole wrapped his fingers around her arm, gently squeezing her taut skin. “I’m better now, I promise. When Roth gets back we’ll make for The Sill. He’ll know what happened to me.”

  Lileth’s face softened and she gave him a weak smile, placing a hand over his. “You were incredible.”

  Cole lost himself in her stare. Guilt clawed at his insides as he recalled the lust of the Rage, how it had consumed his every thought and desire. He’d been very close to killing them all.

  “There you are.” Roth’s hulking form appeared at the mouth of their hiding spot. Valen hung over his shoulder, unconscious but breathing. “Unless you feel up for another fight I suggest you get off your asses and follow me.”

  They stumbled to their feet and started after him. Cole scooped Habbad off the ground and carried him. They rounded the corner and followed Roth to a three-story building a few blocks away. He kicked down the door and cast a sparkling ingot of white light into the darkened room.

  “Head to the roof,” Roth said as he pointed with a claw. “The baileen should be back any minute. Hopefully Decreath’s too busy with the towers to notice us slipping off.”

  They wound their way up the flights of stairs, R
oth’s ball of light bobbing over their heads. Habbad grew heavy in Cole’s arms and he fell behind. Eliza took him instead, whispering soft words into his ears as he hung like an infant in her arms. Roth smashed the final door off its frame and they stepped out onto the roof.

  “We’re too late.” He snarled, snuffing out his light with a clawed hand. “The Colossus is here. Dammit, that’s the biggest one I’ve ever seen.”

  They crouched down on the roof, trying to stay below the half-wall that bordered it. Cole peeked over the edge, wondering what the hell a Colossus was supposed to be. His mouth fell open. An impossibly monolithic figure strode through the cityscape. The surrounding buildings looked like low shrubs, barely coming up to its knees. Its size belied how fast it moved. It grew measurably larger with every stride, sending faint shockwaves into Cole’s feet.

  Roth called out to the sky opposite the towers, cupping his claws around his mouth, “Move your fat leathery ass!”

  An urgent keen echoed from over a mile away. The baileen flapped its tail with a burst of speed. After a few seconds, however, the beast dropped its tail and slowed to a dead stop, blasting a terrified cry. The Colossus was in the Devotion square now, knocking over buildings as if they were made of porcelain. Cole craned his neck, dumbstruck by the enormity of the giant. It didn’t seem to have noticed them yet.

  “The coward won’t come any closer,” Roth barked as the baileen swam in circles a few blocks away. “There’s no time.” Without a word, Roth planted a foot and launched Valen at the baileen, his limp form spinning slowly through the air.

  “Master Roth, No!” Eliza cried as she attempted to wrestle out of Roth’s grip.

  “Don’t worry, he’ll catch you,” Roth said before casting her off like a shot put. Ignoring their protests, he tossed Sitra and Lileth as well.

  Cole balled his fists and whooped as each of his friends landed safely on the baileen. He thought he could make out Goran on its back too. He reached for the link with his furry friend, but something else crept out of the shadows in his mind. His heart quickened with his breath as a stench of rancid flesh wafted up his nose. The groans from the towers became muffled, as if something had blocked them. Cole turned, feeling as if someone were watching him. The hand of the Colossus rested against the roof next to his feet. Cole yelped, jumping behind Roth.


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