Game Over (On the Wild Side #1)

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Game Over (On the Wild Side #1) Page 5

by Cheryl Douglas

  She coughed, before reaching for her coffee mug. “Deke, that’s more than I make teaching, and I have twenty-two kids in my classroom!”

  “Perfect. Twenty-five it is.”

  He grinned while reaching for his coffee. There was no better feeling in the world than being able to do nice things for her. He’d been flat broke when they dated before, and he had no idea whether he’d ever have more than two nickels to rub together, so while he’d always fantasized about being able to spoil her he didn’t have the means. Now he did.

  “That’s too much.” She shook her head. “You’re already letting me stay in the apartment… salary plus expenses, that’s way more compensation than any other nanny working for you would get. And I don’t want special treatment.”

  “How can I not treat you as though you’re special?” His voice was low, intended for her ears only. “You are special to me.”

  “I… you…” She shook her head. “Sometimes I don’t know what to say to you.”

  There was so much he wanted to say, so much he wanted to do for her, but this wasn’t the time or place. “And if it makes you feel better about the compensation, I wouldn’t mind if you threw cooking in as part of the deal.”

  Cooking and baking had always been her thing, and he’d eaten way too much take-out over the years. While he tried to at least grill for his nephew most nights, they were getting tired of the staples.

  “Of course.” Her face lit up. “I’d love to cook for you guys.” She wrinkled her nose. “Cooking for one is no fun.”

  “What about Jude?” he asked, plowing through his pancakes. “Don’t you cook for her?”

  “She works ‘til nine most nights, so she just grabs something from the deli next door.”

  “Huh.” Sounded like she was alone in the apartment a lot, so making the move to his building shouldn’t be a hard sell. “You said something about picking up some of your things from the apartment today. Does that mean you’ve decided to take me up on my offer?”

  “I need to talk to Jude about it first, but I thought I could stay for a few days at least, until I get on a good schedule with Drew. Beyond that, we’ll see.”

  He wasn’t stupid enough to push when she’d already bent over backwards to accommodate him. Damn. He would give anything to bend her over and…

  “Penny for your thoughts,” she whispered, her eyes sparkling with amusement.

  “You don’t want to know what I was thinking.” He licked the cream residue off his lips, wishing he could enjoy the full flavour of another sticky substance on his tongue. “It would probably break another one of your rules.”

  “I have no doubt.” She smiled, shaking her head. “If I’m going to be cooking for you guys I should go shopping this afternoon. You have the staples, but I’d like to pick up a few more things, if that’s okay?”

  “By all means.” He couldn’t think of a single thing he would refuse her. “I’ll transfer two grand into your account later this morning. That should cover the expenses and groceries for the month. Hey, why don’t I just pre-pay you for the month while I’m at it? That would be easier than the weekly thing, right?” And it would mean she was committed to them for at least the next month.

  She opened her mouth before snapping it shut again.

  “What were you gonna say?”

  “Just that it’s hard to get used to this.” She raised her hand, gesturing to him. “This grown-up version of you, who has it all together. Is finally independent, responsible—”

  “You like it?” he asked, knowing damn well she did.

  Her lips twitched before she acknowledged, “I have to say I do. It’s pretty sexy.”

  “Sexy, huh?” He couldn’t wipe the smile off his face if he tried. “I’ll take that.”

  “I bet you will.” She turned to the sink and filled it with soap and water before adding the skillet and mixing bowls. “Busy day today, boss man?”

  He chuckled before cleaning his plate and wiping his face with the napkin she’d set out. “Yeah, I’ve got a few clients. Two pieces I’ll be able to finish today. The other is one of three sittings for a back piece.”

  She turned to face him, looking adorably uncertain as she bit her lip. “Um, you ever cover tattoos?”

  “Sure, sometimes.” He had a friend who was a master at creative designs that incorporated existing pieces. He sometimes called on her for inspiration. “Why do you ask?”

  “I have a tattoo that I might like to cover eventually.” She sighed. “It was stupid. I never should have gotten it. Now it’s going to cost me a fortune to cover it, I’m sure—”

  “Where is it?” He’d gladly do it for free if it made her happy. “I can take care of it.”

  She pointed to her lower back, right above the swell of her bottom. “It’s, uh, my ex’s name.”

  Red hot fury swept through him, mixed with irrational jealousy. He had no reason to be angry or jealous, but there it was. He wanted it to be his name inked on her body, not some other dude’s.

  “Why don’t we step into the bedroom? You can show it to me?”

  She glanced at Drew, who was still engrossed in Arthur. “Ok, as long as you promise not to judge. The work isn’t the best and—”

  “I don’t care about the artist’s work, Harper.” He only cared about what it would take to get rid of it and how fast he could make that happen. “Come on.” He snagged her hand and dragged her towards the bedroom. “Just let me see it.”

  She gave him her back and undid the button-fly on her skirt before peeling it down to her hips.

  Damn. She was wearing a black thong and he had to move that out of the way so he could inspect the ink. He tried to remain cool and professional, but this was Harper, and there was just no way.

  “So, what do you think?” she asked, looking over her shoulder. “Can you cover it?”

  “Yeah.” It was a banner surrounded by four pink roses with that cheating bastard’s name taking up precious real estate on her perfect body. Deke had never seen a more vile sight. “I’ve got a friend who’s great with cover-ups. She’s an amazing artist. You mind if I snap a pic and send it to her? We can consult on the design and you can let me know what you think.”

  “Sure, thanks.”

  He walked over to his dresser and grabbed his phone. He’d much rather be taking half-naked pics of his ex for an entirely different reason, but if it meant correcting this travesty, he was the man for the job.

  He snapped a few pics and zoomed in on them to make sure he got the detail he needed before firing off a text to Rylee. “She should get back to me soon. I’ll let you know what she thinks.”

  “Thanks.” She turned slowly while fastening her skirt. “I wasn’t sure I could bring myself to ask you about it. I didn’t want it to be awkward.”

  She was biting her lip, a sure sign she was worried.

  He gripped her chin, freeing that luscious lip from those perfect white teeth. “Relax, I got this. No big deal.”

  She stepped closer, curling her hands around his biceps. “It is a big deal.” Rolling forward on her toes, she kissed his cheek. “Thank you.”

  “My pleasure.” She had no idea how much pleasure it would give him to erase that guy’s name from her body and his existence from her memory. One day at a time, he reminded himself, one day a time before she was his again. In every way.

  Chapter Six

  Harper passed by their apartment first because she wanted to talk to Jude before she left for work at noon. She didn’t want to pack an overnight bag and plan to spend a few days, or more, away without running it past Jude, and assuring her she would still pay her share of the rent.

  “Hey, you!” Jude’s eyes lit up when she saw her. “Did you and Deke have a sleepover last night, or what?”

  Harper could feel herself blushing when Drew stepped in the door behind her. “Hi,” he said, with a little wave.

  “Hi.” Jude’s jaw dropped. “Uh, you’re, uh, Deke’s nephew, right?” She
gave Harper the WTF look before smiling at Drew. “You’re too cute. You’re gonna be a little heartbreaker, just like your uncle.”

  Harper could definitely vouch for the heartbreaker part. He sure had done a number on hers. “I’m going to hang out with Drew this summer while his uncle is at work,” she said, smiling when the little boy slipped his hand into hers and leaned into her side. “We’re gonna have tons of fun, aren’t we, buddy?”

  He grinned. “Yeah! Harper’s taking me to the park and out for lunch and then to the library today.”

  Jude pouted. “You get to have all the fun. And I have to go to work.” She folded her arms. “No fair!”

  Drew giggled and did a little half-turn while still holding her hand, making Harper smile.

  “Honey, I’ve got some really cool art supplies in my room,” Harper said, bending down so they were eye level. “Think you’d like to draw me a picture while I have a little chat with my friend, Jude?”

  “Sure.” He paused. “Think I’ll have time to make one for Uncle Drew too? He loves my drawings. He always puts ‘em on the fridge.”

  Harper was afraid she was falling for Deke all over again and when his nephew made comments like that it made him even harder to resist. “Sure, and if you don’t have time to finish here we can always take them home with us, okay?”

  He nodded vigorously. “Cool.”

  “Be right back,” Harper whispered to her friend. She pointed to a small desk in the corner of her bedroom.” You have a seat right there. I just have to find the art supplies and sketch pad.” She still had a few unpacked boxes stacked up in a corner. “I’m sure it’s here somewhere.” She removed a bunch of framed photos from the top of the box, setting them on her bed, so she could get at the art supplies she believed were at the bottom.

  “Hey! Is this you and Uncle Deke?”

  Harper whirled around to see him holding a framed photo from her senior prom. Deke had already graduated, but he was adamant that he was taking her, and wouldn’t let her go solo, or God forbid, with some guy pretending to be her friend because he hoped to score.

  “It is,” Harper said, sitting on the edge of the bed as he looked through the pictures to see if he could find more. There was another one of them at the beach. She was wearing a black string bikini and Deke was standing behind her, his arms wrapped around her.

  She swallowed the lump in her throat. It had been a long time since she’d really looked at these pictures and she couldn’t deny they stirred up something she thought she’d buried when he dumped her.

  “Was Uncle Deke your boyfriend?” Drew asked, wide-eyed.

  “He was.”

  Drew grinned, showing off his irresistible dimples. “Think he’ll be your boyfriend again?”

  Harper laughed, thinking this kid was way too old to be five. “We’re just friends now, sweetie.”

  His lower lip jutted out. “If you were Uncle Drew’s girlfriend you’d probably live with us. That’d be really cool. My friend Tommy’s dad has a girlfriend and she lives with them.”

  “Is that right?” Harper didn’t know how they’d gotten so far off course, but it was time to right this ship. “Well, let’s get you set up so you can draw those pictures.” She fished through the box until she found what she was looking for. “Ta da!” she said, feeling triumphant as she pulled out a zippered leather case with a sketch pad, pencils, and artist’s colored pencils.

  She loved to draw in her spare time and almost any medium would do, but watercolor pencils were her favorite.

  “Those don’t look like mine,” Drew said, when she un-did the pouch and set everything out on the desk.

  “That’s okay, they’ll work just like yours, I promise.” Probably much better, but a little kid wouldn’t appreciate the difference. “If you need a sharpener there’s one in there, but just be careful not to unscrew the cap or all of the shavings will fall on the floor.”

  “I promise,” he said, looking serious. “I wonder what I should draw.”

  “How about your favorite animals at the zoo? Then when you’re finished I can take a picture with my phone and we’ll compare their likeness when we go for a visit.”

  “That’s a good idea!”

  She was quickly losing her heart to this kid… and his gorgeous uncle. But before she could stew about the ramifications of that she had to talk to her friend about the offer Deke made. “Okay, so you’ll be okay for a bit while I talk to Jude?”

  “Sure.” He was already sketching what looked like a bird in the centre of the page. Probably a parrot. “I’m good.”

  “You want a drink or a snack?”

  “No thanks, I can wait for lunch.”

  “Okay, just call if you need anything.”

  “I will.”

  Her heart squeezed every time she thought about how amazing it would be to have a little guy like this as her own. As a teacher it was a constant dull ache that wouldn’t go away, but it usually dissipated in the summer, when she was away from the classroom. Not this summer apparently.

  “Hey,” Jude said when she finally made her way to the living room. “What gives?” She pointed down the hall, whispering, “You don’t come home last night, and now you announce you’re watching Deke’s nephew all summer? That happened kind of fast, no?”

  Harper sank down on the armchair. She understood her friend’s concern. She and Deke had a lot of history and rushing into anything with him, professional or otherwise, could be a huge mistake. “It did, but you know I need a job.” She sighed. “And Deke needs a full-time nanny for Drew this summer. It seemed like a no-brainer. The kid is great, the pay and benefits—”

  “What kind of benefits are we talking about, girl?” Jude teased, nudging Harper’s leg with her foot.

  “Not like that.” She rolled her eyes. “Would you get your mind out of the gutter?”

  Jude giggled. “I can’t help it. This is Deke we’re talking about. The man practically sweats sex.”

  Harper couldn’t deny it. Everything about him made her want to get horizontal… not that vertical wouldn’t do in a pinch. “But this is a professional arrangement. We have rules.” She gave Jude her stern teacher face, one perfected after years of dissuading kids from eating glue. “No touching, for one.”

  Jude threw her head back laughing. “You’re too cute. No touching. Like that’s gonna happen. I saw the way Deke was looking at you last night, like you were a double scoop of peanut butter chocolate and he wanted to lick you all over.” She stuck her tongue out, wiggling it, while making obscene noises.

  “You’re sick.” Harper threw a pillow at her, trying to hide her smile. “And would you keep your voice down? There’s an innocent kid just down the hall. I don’t want to corrupt him this summer.”

  “If he hasn’t already been corrupted by Deke than I doubt there’s much you could do to traumatize the kid.”

  Harper smiled. “You should see them together. Omigod, adorable. One thing I know for sure, Deke loves that little boy.”

  “Uh oh.” Jude sat up, wide-eyed. “I know that look. You’re falling for him again.”

  “No, I’m not.” She threw in a snort of derision for effect. “Don’t be ridiculous. He’s my boss…” Time to tell her is now or never. Buck up, buttercup. “And possibly my landlord.” She winced, waiting for the screeching.

  “You’re what?”

  Here it comes. Wait for it… “My landlord.” She plucked at the beads on the pillow in her hand. “Maybe.” She shrugged. “I mean, he’s offered me the apartment next door for the summer, while I’m watching Drew. It’s just a matter of convenience, since I have to be there in the morning anyhow and I’m going to cook for them—”

  “Cooking for them?” she asked, smirking. “That’s part of the deal?”

  Harper shrugged. “It’s no big deal. You know how much I love cooking and that poor kid is getting tired of the same old, so it’s the least I can do, for his sake.”

  “Right, for his sake,” Jude
said, rolling her tongue in her cheek.

  “Besides, he’s paying me more than I make at my regular job, plus expenses, so it’s not like he’s trying to take advantage.”

  “No, Deke would never take advantage of you, I know that.” Her naughty grin spread. “He’d want you to be a willing participant, for sure.”

  “Oh shut up!” Harper knew her best friend was going to give her grief over the arrangement, but it didn’t make her question her decision. She was doing this because she needed the money and genuinely liked Drew. “Enough about me. What happened with you last night?” She was hoping for the g-rated version, knowing little ones had big ears.

  Jude sighed contentedly, resting her head on the cushion behind her head. “Let’s just say it was worth the wait.”

  Harper raised her hand, smiling. “Enough said, for now. You can give me more details later. But seriously, I’m glad you finally got what you wanted. Enough to get him out of your system?”

  “Hell no. We’re going out after work tonight, Late dinner and drinks.”

  “Good for you.” It had been a long time since her best friend had a good man in her life and she couldn’t be happier that she was finally getting to live out one of her fantasies. Even if it didn’t evolve into the great love of her life, she could finally get him out of her system and move on.

  “Yeah, so about you moving out on me…”

  “I didn’t say I was. I just told you Deke offered me the apartment. I wouldn’t make any decisions without talking to you first. You were nice enough to let me stay here and I know the extra money helps you.”

  “Well…” She bit her lip, looking uncharacteristically nervous. “You know Jason’s been staying in his parent’s loft apartment since the divorce, right?”

  “Uh huh.” She could guess where this was going. “And?”

  “It’s kind of bringing him down. He’s been on his own for a long time—”

  “And can’t wait to get out of there?”

  “Right.” She licked her lips, avoiding eye contact with Harper. “But he doesn’t want to spend a lot because he’s saving up for another house.”


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