Bodie 3

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by Neil Hunter

  A trip to High Grade could easily turn out to be profitable. He’d be paid for hiring out his gun to the girl, and if there were wanted men in High Grade that would mean some extra bounties. Bodie stared up at the ceiling. Why not take the job? Money was money, and he was getting short. Tarrow was only going to bring in nine hundred dollars, which wouldn’t go far. The money Bodie had earned from wiping out Linc Fargo and his bunch was long gone. Bodie enjoyed the luxuries money could buy and never regretted spending it. But he wasn’t too keen on not having any at all. And he needed money to survive.

  He lay for a while longer, considering Angela Crown’s offer. Abruptly he got up. He strapped on his gun, picked up his hat and left his room. On the boardwalk outside the hotel he took a casual glance up and down the street, seeing nothing out of place. Satisfied he made his way across the street and entered the store he’d seen Angela Crown go into.

  “May I help you?” the pink-cheeked man behind the counter asked.

  “Is Miss Crown still here?” Bodie asked.

  The man shook his head. “She left some little while ago. On her way to the livery stable to look over the wagon she’s just purchased. I believe she just wants to make sure everything’s all in order for her trip in the morning,” the man said. “As I said to the two other gentlemen asking for her, a very thorough young lady.”

  Bodie’s eyes fixed on the man. “When was this?” he snapped.

  “Not more than ten minutes ago. Why, I …!”

  Bodie left the store at a run. He turned along the boardwalk, long legs covering the distance to the livery in the shortest possible time.

  The livery stable and its complex of corrals stood at the far end of Ridgelow, some way removed from the last building on the street. As Bodie rounded the large, main corral, he became aware of the silence surrounding the place. He had that instinctive gut feeling that told him something was wrong. Approaching the main stable he saw that the big double doors were slightly ajar, and a motionless figure lay in the straw-littered dust just inside the doors. Bodie recognized the old man who ran the stable. There was a ragged, bloody gash running across the man’s bald head.


  Bodie stepped inside the stable, eyes adjusting to the gloom. He heard a muffled sound from somewhere deep in the cavernous building. Following on the sound came a sharp protest: a woman’s voice. And then a man’s excited giggle. Bodie moved quickly along the rows of stalls. He knew his instinct had been right. It never failed. It had warned him there was bound to be trouble.

  Chapter Three

  It had been Billy-Jack’s idea to ride into Ridgelow and Pike hadn’t needed much persuading. He was fed up himself, just sitting about up in the hills above the town, waiting for the Crown woman to leave. And when Billy-Jack pointed out that she was on her own it all added up to a heap of fun for the pair of them.

  They were both sick of their own company. It was five days since they’d left High Grade. Five days in which all they’d done was to trail the Crown woman down out of the mountains, clear to Ridgelow. Jonas Randall’s instructions had been clear enough. Follow her, and if she gets up to anything likely to cause trouble for me, make sure she doesn’t get back to High Grade. It was a simple enough task. The trouble was Randall hadn’t been aware that Billy-Jack and Pike were men with little loyalty or dedication. He had hired them along with half a dozen others, buying their guns but not their common sense. If he’d gone into their backgrounds he would have found out that both Billy-Jack and Pike were unreliable when it came to the kind of job he had set them.

  As the pair rode down out of the hills, easy in their saddles, feeling the sun warm on their bodies, they were both looking forward to their intended encounter with Angela Crown. They had seen her around High Grade, following her movements as she had passed them in the street; watching the natural flow of her shapely young body, expressing to each other what they would like to do with her, given the chance.

  The closer he got to Ridgelow the greater became Billy-Jack’s sexual excitement. He was already having difficulty controlling himself. The more he tried to avoid direct thoughts concerning Angela Crown the greater was his awareness. By the time they rode in along the street Billy-Jack had a full erection and the constant action of the saddle between his legs did little to help ease his feelings. It was a problem Billy-Jack had been troubled with for a good few years, right from the time he’d first become aware of girls. He only had to look at one to start having erotic thoughts, and the outcome was always the same. In the right place and at the right time it didn’t matter and there were plenty of girls who found such an instant response flattering. But there were times when it caused Billy-Jack a lot of embarrassment. He didn’t figure it was going to do that today. Billy-Jack wasn’t bothered over Angela Crown’s feelings. The only thing mattered was getting her some place where they wouldn’t be disturbed and where his aching hardness would be a vital factor. Hell, he told himself, she might even like it! There was no telling with women! They were so damn contrary.

  No way a man could keep track of the way they might be thinking. He glanced across at his partner, grinning at Pike’s dark scowl. That was Pike’s trouble. He took everything so damned serious. Even the prospect of having a woman like Angela Crown left Pike sour-faced.

  Though he wasn’t showing it outwardly Pike was anticipating the confrontation with Angela Crown. The thought of her lying naked at his feet, helpless, was almost too much to contemplate, and Pike thrust the image to the back of his mind. It didn’t do to become too self-indulgent. Not at a time like this.

  “Hey, Billy-Jack,” he said, in an effort to clear his mind. “Where we goin’ to find her?”

  Billy-Jack glanced round. His lean young face, with its small, always angry eyes, looked flushed. “Jesus, Pike,” he snapped. “It ain’t that big a town. An’ there’s only the one hotel.” He reined in outside a salon. “Let’s get a drink. We can watch the hotel from here.”

  Pike nodded. As he climbed down from his horse he noticed the way Billy-Jack was acting. A grin touched Pike’s lips. He peered at the front of Billy-Jack’s pants, his grin widening.

  “Hey, Billy-Jack,” he called softly, “I figure your pecker’s done gone an’ died, ’cause it’s awful stiff!”

  Billy-Jack threw him an angry look, eyes glittering, his thin mouth working silently. He tethered his horse at the hitch rail. “Pike, shut your mouth!”

  Chuckling softly to himself Pike followed Billy-Jack’s slim figure inside the saloon. Billy-Jack made for the bar and ordered a couple of whiskies. They took their drinks and sat at a table by the front window. From their position they were able to look down and across the street to the hotel.

  They weren’t forced to wait for very long. Billy-Jack spotted Angela Crown coming out of the hotel. He watched her cross the street, then he stood up. He reached the saloon door and stepped outside in time to see her vanish into a store. As Pike joined him Billy-Jack pointed out the store.

  “She’s in there,” he said.

  “Can’t do much while she stays on the street,” Pike mumbled and returned to his drink.

  Billy-Jack followed him and they argued the matter back and forth between the two of them, keeping their voices down in case anyone in the saloon might be listening.

  “Shit,” Billy-Jack said suddenly. “Sittin’ here arguin’ like a couple of old squaws! I’ll bet she’s gone!”

  He got to his feet and made his way out of the saloon. With Pike trailing behind him, Billy-Jack sauntered down to the store. They eased their way inside. The store, stacked high with goods, was empty except for the owner. He stood behind the counter, smiling at them.

  “Can I help you?”

  Billy-Jack nodded. “I guess. We’re looking for a friend. A lady. Miss Crown? We were told she was in here.”

  “You only just missed her,” the man said. “She’s gone down to the livery.”

  Billy-Jack smiled, nodding. “Obliged,” he said, and left
the store with Pike behind him. “My, my,” Billy-Jack said as they stepped out of the store, “she is makin’ it so nice and easy for us!”

  They strolled casually down the street, cutting across towards the distant livery stable.

  “Let’s make sure she’s alone,” Pike cautioned.

  Billy-Jack spat in the dust. “What the hell do you think I am? Some kind of asshole?”

  As they approached the livery the old man who ran the place showed himself just inside the big doors. He raised a thin, wrinkled hand in greeting.

  “Howdy there, boys,” he said. His voice was thin, reedy. “Something you need?”

  Billy-Jack put on his smile again. “Lookin’ for Miss Crown,” he said.

  The old man jerked a thumb over his shoulder. “She’s inside lookin’ at her wagon.”

  Billy-Jack made a play of peering into the livery stable’s shadowed interior. “Whereabouts?” he asked.

  “Hell, boy, you want to borrow my eyeglasses?” He cackled softly. “I can see better than that!” He turned, pointing, still chuckling. “There she is ...”

  And that was when Billy-Jack took out his gun and laid the barrel across the old man’s bald head. Blood welled up out of the pulpy gash as the old man slid silently to the ground.

  “You didn’t see that!” Billy-Jack crowed.

  They walked into the livery, making hardly a sound on the hard earth floor. At the far end of the building stood a long freight wagon and Angela Crown could be seen walking slowly round it.

  Billy-Jack nudged Pike with his fist. Pike grinned, his broad face shining with sweat. He rubbed a hand across his dry lips.

  “You want to toss a coin? See who goes first?” Pike asked.

  Billy-Jack giggled. “It don’t make no difference. She’s goin’ to get it one way or another!”

  They moved silently through the stable, past the row of stalls, and on to the far end. Angela Crown, engrossed in her inspection of the wagon, did not become aware of their presence for some time. When she did, turning slowly, her face registered surprise and then recognition.

  “So Mr. Randall did send a couple of his little errand boys after me!” she said, a mocking tone to her words. What’s it to be this time? Another warning? Or more threats?”

  “You got too much to say,” Billy-Jack said. “A mouth like that could get you hurt. Maybe even get you dead.”

  Angela placed her hands on her hips, facing them squarely. “Are you man enough to do it?” she asked.

  Billy-Jack colored, anger flashing in his eyes. Then he regained control of himself. He giggled softly. “Me and Pike don’t like the idea of killin’ you, honey! See, what we had in mind was somethin’ personal…you know,” and as he spoke he reached down and began to unbutton the front of his pants.

  A cold shock held Angela’s body rigid. She took a step back, then felt the rough wood of the wagon side against her shoulders. Her eyes flickered back and forth as she sought some way of escape. But the only way out was blocked by the two men. She glanced back at them. Her heart raced. Billy-Jack, his thin face gleaming with sweat, was moving slowly towards her. The front of his pants gaped open and his right hand was clutched around his erection. Billy-Jack began to grin, thin lips peeling back from his teeth.

  “Go give it her, boy!” Pike urged, moving in from the side.

  Angela gave a strangled cry, lunging away from the wagon. She almost made it by Billy-Jack, but his hand shot out, fingers clawing at her dress. Angela tried to pull herself free. Cloth tore with a rasping sound, exposing her arm and shoulder. She felt herself stumble. Billy-Jack gave a grunt, grabbed hold of her by the hair and yanked her towards him. As her body came round, Angela rammed her right knee up into Billy-Jack’s exposed groin. He yelped, tears filling his eyes. In a moment of hurt anger he lashed out, the flat of his hand catching the side of her face, spinning her against the side of the wagon. Angela caught hold of the wagon to support herself. Peering through the hair that had fallen across her face she saw Billy-Jack advancing towards her. He was doubled over, clutching at his groin.

  “You bitch!” he rasped. “Stupid bitch!”

  And then he threw himself at her, ripping and tearing at her dress, shredding it away from her body, exposing her full, white breasts. A soft cry of pain escaped from her lips as he dug his fingers into the soft flesh, deliberately squeezing the tender nipple. She kicked and struggled, knowing she was losing against his superior strength, and felt herself being forced down on the ground. Billy-Jack’s weight was sprawled across her. He thrust one hand up the tangled skirt of her dress, tugging and jerking at her thin undergarments. Angela fought in silent desperation. She tried to pull away as she felt his clawing hand on her naked belly, fingers probing, exploring. Then his hand slid down to the junction of her thighs, fingers plucking at the soft tangle of pubic hair. She heard him laugh, high, and excited, triumphant sound.

  The laugh abruptly changed, a new sound rising in Billy-Jack’s throat. Now he was choking, gasping for breath, his face, only inches from Angela’s, dark, the features taut. She stared at him, bewildered, and then she rolled her head to one side, staring up as a dark shadow fell across her. And then she knew …

  Chapter Four

  Bodie’s right foot drove forward, the hard toe of his boot catching Billy-Jack in the side, lifting him clear of Angela Crown’s body. Billy-Jack began to choke, struggling to draw air back into his lungs, and even as he was doing this, Bodie had turned, facing Pike who was rushing towards him. He saw Pike’s raised arm, the heavy fist driving at his face. Bodie ducked under the blow, then sledged his own right deep into Pike’s stomach. Pike grunted, mouth open in shock, hands clutched over his hurt body. Bodie stepped away from Billy-Jack. He caught hold of Pike’s shirt and yanked him, upright. Then he hit Pike full in the mouth, driving him back against the side of the wagon. Blood spurted from Pike’s pulped lips, dribbling down his chin. He stared at Bodie through glass eyes, not registering the manhunter’s approach. It was only when Bodie hit him again that he became aware of what was happening. Bodie’s hard fist clouted Pike alongside the jaw, rolling him along the side of the wagon. Pike stumbled, his legs suddenly weak. He hit the ground hard, spitting blood and fragments of broken teeth.

  Billy-Jack was halfway to his feet, fumbling for the gun on his hip, as Bodie swung in his direction. A half smile had twisted Billy-Jack’s mouth into a grotesque shape. The smile was still there when Bodie reached him. He slapped the gun out of Billy-Jack’s hand, then took hold of his wrist and swung him away from the wagon. Unable to stop himself, Billy-Jack hurtled across the ground and smashed face first against the stable wall. A blinding sear of pain engulfed his face and blood spurted wetly from his crushed nose and a long gash over his right eye. Bodie had followed Billy-Jack, and as the man sagged away from the wall, Bodie punched him across the jaw. He hit Billy-Jack a half-dozen times in half as many seconds. The brutal force of the blows drove Billy-Jack along the side of the wall, then stretched him his full length in the dirt.

  Staring disgustedly at his bruised knuckles Bodie stepped to where Pike lay. He slipped Pike’s gun from his holster, picked up the one he’d knocked from Billy-Jack’s hand, and then moved across to help Angela Crown.

  “You hurt?” Bodie asked her.

  Angela shook her head. She seemed more interested in pulling the remnants of her dress across her breasts. Which seemed a shame, Bodie reflected idly. He slipped off his jacket and draped it around Angela’s shoulders. Her eyes lifted, caught his interested stare, and her mouth hardened slightly.

  “Keep looking at me like that, Mr. Bodie, and I’ll begin to think I might have been safer with those two!”

  Bodie helped her to her feet. He watched her as she slumped against the side of the wagon, her face pale.

  “You sure you’re not hurt?” he repeated.

  She shrugged. “Only my dignity. Honestly, Mr. Bodie, I’m all right.”

  “Shall we go?”

, Mr. Bodie?”

  “First to see the marshal.” Bodie indicated Billy-Jack and Pike. “Unless you want this pair let off!”

  Angela rounded on him with feline rage. “Let off ? After they almost…after what they’ve just done? Oh no, Mr. Bodie, I certainly don’t want them let off!”

  “Back off,” Bodie said. “I’m on your side.”

  Angela relaxed a little, but there was still an anger burning in her eyes. She brushed stray hair away from her face. “If you had any doubts concerning my story, this incident should clarify the situation.”

  “Why do you think I’m here?” Bodie said.

  “You mean you knew about these men?” Angela asked.

  “I was looking for you. So were they from what I learned.”

  “So it seems I am in your debt, Mr. Bodie.” Angela smiled. “Thank you for what you did. I won’t forget it.”

  Bodie drew his gun as he crossed to where Billy-Jack and Pike lay. None too gently he prodded them into movement with the toe of his boot, eventually getting them up off the ground.

  “We’ll take a walk, boys,” Bodie said. “Up the street to the marshal’s office. See if he’s got a couple of quiet cells were you can lie down.”


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