Second Chances

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Second Chances Page 8

by Aaron Brinker

  Michelle and Dave both looked at each other and smiled. Dave then looked at Denise. “That’s very admirable. I like that you are willing not to take things too fast.”

  Michelle looked at Denise. She stepped toward Denise and placed her hand on Denise’s shoulder. “I am glad you decided to keep contact after he was released from the hospital. Dave and I were just talking about the situation.”

  Denise’s brow furrowed inquisitively. “The situation?”

  Michelle removed her hand from Denise’s shoulder, walked to the other side of the island, and took a sip of her coffee. She looked up and smiled at Denise. “Yeah. Since you have been coming by, we’ve noticed Chaun is more open and like his old self around you.” Her smile sank to a frown. “When Kat was around he acted like someone else. It was like he had to be someone else around her to make her happy. We loved Kat, but we could tell it was hard for Chaun to be with her. He didn’t seem truly happy.”

  Denise’s brow remained furrowed, but her eyes transitioned from questioning to sadness. “I hate that he had to experience that. No one should have to change to make another person happy. Especially when that person is their spouse.”

  Dave turned the page on his paper. “I couldn’t agree more.” They all heard footsteps coming down the stairs. All three turned their heads to see Chaun walk down the stairs and enter the kitchen.

  “Good morning everyone.” He saw Denise holding the cold compress on her leg. He rushed over to Denise. His brow rose, and his eyes widened when she removed the cold compress to reveal the scratches. “What happened?”

  She looked at him still in total confusion as to how the scratches were left on her leg. “I don’t know. I somehow got scratched during the night.”

  “Have you still been clipping and filing your nails?” Michelle asked. Her tone calm.

  Chaun looked up at her and nodded. “Religiously. You know I’ve always been compulsive about my nails. I can’t stand having jagged edges on them.” Chaun looked at the scratch marks on Denise’s leg again. “I don’t think toenails did this. The spacing is too far apart.”

  Dave looked down at Denise’s calf. His brow rose, and his lips pursed. “He’s right. Those scratch marks aren’t close enough together to have been made by toes. Did you scratch or claw at something on your leg last night?” Dave looked up and made eye contact with Denise.

  She shook her head. “No, I slept sound through the night. Speaking of which...,” she looked at Chaun, “How did you sleep last night?”

  Chaun looked up at her. He tilted his head and nodded. “Better than I have in a long time. I haven’t told anyone else before, but I’ve been waking up since the accident with horrible nightmares.” He looked at Denise. “I didn’t lie to you last night, though, I do think that not having someone there was making the sleepless nights worse, and adding to the stress from the nightmares.” He patted her hand. “Having you next to me was comforting. Thank you.”

  She placed her hand on the side of his face. A soft frown caressed hers. “You’re welcome. Why didn’t you tell anyone about the nightmares?”

  Chaun looked at everyone in the room. “I knew everyone was stressed and worried enough. I didn’t want to make it worse.”

  Dave gently grabbed Chaun’s shoulder. “Son, that’s why we are here. If you’re having problems let us know about them so we can help you. We want you to be as stress-free as possible. You don’t have to live in fear or worry around us.” Dave said.

  “Thanks, Dad.” He looked back at Denise apologetically. “I should have said something earlier.”

  She leaned in closer to him while nodding her head. “Yes you should have, that’s why I’ve been asking you how you’ve been doing. I’ve been around for you to confide in if it was needed. That includes nightmares or anything that may seem minor. I want you to feel free to tell me anything.”

  Chaun stood up and hugged Denise. “Thank you, and I’ll do my best to be more open…” He released Denise and looked at his parents. He looked at Dave and Michelle. “with everyone.”

  Sam began to cry. “I’ll go get her,” Michelle said. As she walked upstairs, the three left the kitchen and sat down in the living room.


  Michelle walked into the living room carrying Sam. She laid out a baby blanket on the floor and placed Samantha on it. She sat down in her usual chair and looked at Chaun and Denise. “Are you guys dating? You guys would make a really cute couple.”

  Denise blushed a bit. She looked at Chaun. They both shook their heads. “No. Last night was just to see if having someone with him would help him sleep.”

  “I agree with your mom. You two would make an excellent couple. Honestly Chaun, you’ve needed someone like Denise all along,” Dave held his hands up to show he meant no offense. “but that’s just my opinion.”

  Chaun smiled. “I agree. I have needed someone like Denise for a long time. She has told me though that she will take things at my pace. She won’t make a move unless I do first.”

  Michelle smiled, “That’s good and very respectable.”

  Denise gave a sheepish smile. “Thank you, Michelle. I know if I take things on my time and rush Chaun, it may cause problems later on.”

  “That’s true. It is always good to take your time at these things anyways.” Michelle crossed her arms as she started shivering. “Did someone turn the temperature down on the thermostat?” She looked as everyone one of the others shook their heads. In her peripheral vision, she caught sight of something unnatural. Michelle turned her head to see Sam sitting in the middle of the living room floor unassisted. Those dark irises stared back at her once again. Her breath misted the atmosphere in front of her face. “Denise, please refresh my memory. It isn’t normal for a six-month-old baby to sit on their own is it?”

  All four stared at Sam. Their faces portrayed absolute shock. Though only seen through everyone’s peripheral vision, she shook her head. No one could take their eyes off of Sam. The eyes that looked back at everyone bore black orbs on white almond shaped canvas. The skin tone around Sam’s eyes and on her cheeks were dark gray. “No. She shouldn’t be sitting unassisted for at least another month or two.”

  Michelle’s mouth, like everyone else’s, hung open. “That’s what I thought. Dave, the eyes are exactly as they were before.”

  “I see that Michelle.” Dave pushed the feeling of shock to the back of his mind. He leaned forward attempting to take control of the situation. He hoped the others would follow his example and find strength to take charge of the situation. “Who are you and what do you want?”

  The voice that emanated from Sam made Chaun and Denise gasp. It was the same stammering, high-pitched voice that Dave and Michelle heard in the car the day they brought Sam home from the hospital. “Who I am… is not important. You… will know that… when I decide, it’s time. I… am here… for retribution.” Sam’s head turned towards Chaun. The Entity stared into the depths of Chaun’s soul. Chaun was paralyzed. No matter how hard he tried, he could neither move nor look away. Only the feeling of immense fear held him in place.

  Dave spoke again, “Was it you that moved the items onto the entertainment center?”

  The head turned, and the eyes bore into Dave’s. “Yes.”

  Dave nodded while mentally running through the right questions to ask. “What was the significance?”

  “That… you will know… when I reveal my identity.” She turned back to Chaun. “Moving objects… are only the beginning. I will make you suffer… far more… than just discomfort.”

  Denise spoke up. “Was it you that scratched me?”

  Sam snapped her gaze to Denise, her mouth open. The sound she released was half snarl half hiss. The lights dimmed, and frost began to form on the glass objects throughout the room. “Shut up! You… are nothing more… than a slut. Don’t speak to me. You’re only after Chaun… for his money… nothing more.”

  “That’s not true.” Denise was beginning to cry and cower at the r
age of the entity. Denise crossed her arms, hugging her stomach.

  Sam growled, “Silence! This is everyone’s warning…I will not ease up. I will make your lives… a living hell… until I see fit that vengeance has been redeemed.”

  Michelle said, her voice trembling, “Why have you chosen to possess the baby?”

  Sam looked at Michelle. Her face relaxed and a softer, much calmer tone. “She… is the easiest way… to speak with everyone at once. You can rest assured Michelle… the baby will be unharmed. As much as I want my vengeance… I will bring no harm… to this child.” The Entity laid down on the floor, the room warmed, and Sam was moving sporadically like a normal baby of six months. Dave stood up and walked over to Samantha. He looked down to find her normal blue eyes looking up at him.


  The Entity made good on its promise. Over the following weeks, items, instead of just being relocated, were thrown and broken. The scratching increased. Dave and Michelle had a party for the fourth of July. It was just the family. Denise was technically the only other person outside of the family present. Denise arrived about five in the evening. Michelle met her at the door and helped her carry the food items she was carrying in from her car.

  She smiled at her as she grabbed one of the bags. “You didn’t have to bring anything.”

  Denise closed the front door with her elbow. “I wanted to.”

  “It looks delicious. What is the dessert?” Michelle said as she set the container on the island.

  “It has whipped cream, angel food cake, French vanilla pudding, and crushed peanut butter candy bars.” She grinned.

  Michelle stared at the dessert drooling. “That sounds divine. How are things going? I know we don’t get to talk a lot woman to woman.” Michelle leaned against the counter and Denise against the island. “Coffee? Dave drinks it at any time of day.”

  Denise glanced at the coffee pot then back at Michelle. “Yes, please. I’m doing well. I’ve been thinking of looking for a job closer to here, but it seems like no one in this area is hiring.”

  Michelle poured the coffee and handed Denise the cup. “Yeah, jobs aren’t the greatest in this area. That’s why Chaun had to go all the way to Indianapolis when he was working. Most of the museums around here are ran by volunteers.” She sighed and smiled. “The joys of small town life. How are you and Chaun doing? He really doesn’t talk much about it.”

  Denise seemed to light up. She nodded, smiled, and stood up straighter. “We’re doing good, still taking it slow. Other than cuddling in bed, the most he does is hold my hand while we’re out.”

  “Well that’s good,” Denise frowned. Michelle placed her hand on Denise’s arm. “just give him time sweetie. He’ll come around sooner or later.”

  Denise nodded and leaned back against the island. “I know he will. We really haven’t talked about the issue.”

  Michelle grinned, “Like I said hon, just give it time. I know Dave’s been hinting at him. Dave thinks that Chaun may be hesitant to move on so soon after Kat’s death. He believes that it may add to Chaun’s guilt and make it look like he really didn’t love her.”

  Denise looked down at the floor and nodded her head sullenly. “That would make sense. I’ve kind of got that impression of him over the last few months. I can tell he wants to, but he’s holding back.” She looked up at Michelle. She gave Michelle a forced a smile as a tear rolled down her cheek. “I will continue to give him time.” She wiped the tear from her cheek. “He’ll take the next step when he’s ready. He’s worth the wait.”

  Michelle stepped over to Denise and hugged her. After a moment she stepped back. “Well, that’s all you can do. Let’s go see what the boys are up to. They are out on the patio.” Michelle walked out of the kitchen as Denise followed. As they stepped out onto the patio, Michelle looked at Dave. “Do you need anything from inside?”

  “No, I’m good.” Dave looked up and smiled when he saw Denise. “Hey, Denise. How are you?”

  She forced a smile. “I’m good. How are you?”

  “Couldn’t be better.” Dave winked at her.

  Denise walked up and hugged Chaun from behind while he was still in the chair. “Hey you.”

  He reached up and touched Denise’s arm. “Hey. Have a good drive here?” Chaun asked.

  “Yep, I sure did.”

  “That’s good. You ready for some fun tonight? Good food and fireworks.” He smiled.

  Chaun felt her head nod next to his. “Yes, I am. Due to the arid climate, we didn’t get to have fireworks too often in Colorado. It varied from year to year.”

  “Well, it’s a rarity here that you don’t get to have fireworks on the fourth.” Denise let go and sat down next to Chaun.

  She took a sip of her coffee. “Well, that sounds promising.” Denise looked across at Sam sitting in her high chair. “It looks like she is enjoying being outside today.”

  Chaun laughed. “Yeah, she’s been happy outside. She could have got that from either one of us.” He looked down and then back at Denise a moment later, his expression apologetic. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have brought that up.”

  Denise placed her hand on Chaun’s forearm. “It’s fine. You don’t have to apologize for anything. I’m not Katrina. You don’t have to worry about bringing up people from your past around me.” Chaun nodded in response.

  As they were talking, Michelle had gone back into the house to prepare some of the other side dishes for dinner. She was in the middle of chopping an onion and singing her favorite song. The knife stopped mid-slice, she stopped singing, and her irises turned black all at the same instant. Her mouth eased back to form a wicked grin. She walked over to the mirror and looked at the reflection. “Hello, Michelle. I’m going…to borrow your body for a while.” The entity laughed. Unlike the Chaplain the entity allowed Michelle to see what was happening while she was possessed.

  The entity looked down at the large knife in her hand. “Nah… don’t want to get messy this early.” Michelle’s head rose to see the fireworks lying on the side table just inside the patio door. “Perfect.” They walked to the door and rummaged through the bag of fireworks. They came across two strands of firecrackers. The entity pulled them out and exposed the fuses on each. “Hmmm… not long enough.” It began looking through the bag. “Where are… the fuses? I know Dave… usually keeps… extras. He always was… safety conscious.” It found a box with the fuses inside. “Ah… here we are.” The entity opened the box and broke off a length of fuse that would burn for a second or two. It added each of these to the current fuse on the strands of firecrackers. The entity slowly slid the door open and stepped outside. The firecrackers held with fuses touching in her right hand and the lighter held in the left. It eased up behind Chaun and Denise, lit the fuses, and threw one under each person.

  Dave looked up just as the firecrackers began detonating under Chaun and Denise. He noticed Michelle’s eyes fade from black to her usual brown. The instant her eyes regained their normal hue, Sam began laughing a high pitched, shrieking laugh. He turned to see Sam’s eyes, black, looking with pride at the scene unfolding. Denise and Chaun were screaming and hollering, and were already out of their chairs. Chaun turned to Michelle, “What the hell were you thinking mom?”

  Her expression was one of complete shock. Her mouth was open and her eyes wide. Chaun’s comment hit a chord causing her eyes to mist. “It wasn’t me.”

  “Sure it wasn’t mom.” His voice rising to almost a yell.

  Dave spoke up, “Chaun. Don’t talk to your mother like that. She’s telling the truth.” He turned his head and looked at Sam. “Isn’t she?”

  Everyone turned and looked at the entity looking at them with a smug look. “I told you things would get worse. I wasn’t lying. I promise you, things will continue to get worse before they get better.”

  “How have I wronged you to make you do this?” Chaun said with a look of total concern.

  Sam’s brow raised then lowered. “If you don’t
know…then maybe I shouldn’t restrain myself. I think…no. You will find out in due time.” With this, the entity left Sam and was gone for the time being.

  Chaun looked at Michelle. His expression was flat except for his jaw hanging open. “I’m sorry mom. I thought you had thrown the firecrackers under us as a prank.”

  “It’s okay honey. You should know by now that I wouldn’t do such a thing. Your father, on the other hand, would definitely do something of that nature.” Her eyes squinted. “There was something weird, though.”

  Chaun asked, “What do you mean?” His brow furrowed.

  “When I was possessed…” She paused for a moment while thinking of how to describe what had occurred. “the entity allowed me to see what was happening and hear their thoughts. It knows us.”

  Chaun’s voice almost mocking due to his perception that Michelle was stating the obvious. “Of course It knows us. That’s why It’s haunting us.”

  “No I don’t mean knows us as an acquaintance. It knows our habits.” She raised her hand towards Dave. “It knew your father always bought fuses to attach to fireworks for safety. The Entity knew it was a habit of his every year.”

  “That is odd. I don’t know what to say or do, other than to give it time. It will let us know who it is when it’s ready or when it dawns on us.”


  The doorbell rang throughout the house. It was four in the afternoon. Dave walked to the door. “Who the hell is here? We weren’t expecting anyone.” Dave opened the door to find Jake standing on the other side. He smiled wide and offered his hand. “Jake, how the hell are you?”

  Jake grinned and shook Dave’s hand. “I’m great Dave. How are you?”

  Dave stepped to the side and gestured for Jake to enter. Jake stepped into the house. Dave closed the door then turned and placed his hand on Jake’s shoulder. “Not too bad. I take it you’re here to see Chaun?”


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