Dr. Robert Brock, the publisher of The Holocaust Dogma of Judaism: Keystone of the New World Order, in his foreword of that book argues that the taxpayer-funded Holocaust Museums constructed in America violate the Constitution as they give preferential treatment and promote one religion above others. They also insinuate that the alleged suffering of one religious and/or ethnic group excels and is more historically significant than other groups, such as the millions of black slaves seized in Africa and brought to America by Jewish slave-trade promoters before the Civil War. 1586 Public, government-paid teachers in America teach the Holocaust, again accorded a special status by the government, as historical fact and no student dare question or dispute its history despite scientific evidence.
In October 1988, President Reagan spoke when they laid the cornerstone of the building, designed by James Freed, a Jew born in Germany in 1930. Though he immigrated to the United States in 1939, people still consider him as a Holocaust survivor. Construction began in July 1989. According to author Peter Novick, “Israel and the Holocaust are the twin pillars of American Jewish ‘civil religion’—the symbols that bind together Jews in the United States whether they are believers or nonbelievers, on the political right, left, or center.” 1587 Holocaustianity, a new religion, could now become even stronger in America. Officials dedicated the USHMM on April 22, 1993 with special speeches by President Bill Clinton, Israeli President Chaim Herzog, Chairman Harvey Meyerhoff, and Elie Wiesel. Distinguished leaders of nations from around the world attended. 1588
Michael Berenbaum, a professor, rabbi, writer, and film-maker, specializes in the study of the memorialization of the Holocaust. He was the Deputy Director of the President’s Commission on the Holocaust, Project Director of the USHMM (1988-1993), and Director of the USHMM’s Holocaust Research Institute (1993-1997). He played a major role in the creation of the government agency and the content of its permanent exhibition. He claims that Germany was a “genocidal state.” I wonder what he considers the United States, which has participated in every overt and many covert wars, bombed numerous cities in Japan, bombed Germany back to the Stone Age and since 1973 has sanctioned the killing of 55,000,000 million innocent children under the pretense of freedom of choice.
By the time that the Soviet Union collapsed, the Israeli state was overtly strong and viable, propped up by billions of reparation dollars from Germany and taxpayer money from the United States, with $233.7 billion in aid (after adjusting for inflation) since the state was formed in 1948 through the end of 2012. 1589 Ernst Zündel interviewed David Cole, a young Jew who joined the revisionists in the 1990s. He said, “Zionism had a negative effect… as earlier Jews assimilated as opposed to the Russian Jews who came later with all of their customs and traditional clothing. Many Jews did not favor taking over Palestine, or moving to a desert where there was a war going on and leaving the relative comforts that they were accustomed to but the Zionists took over the public dialogue. 1590
Cole said, “But it was the Holocaust, the bludgeoning with the Holocaust; we have to have this or the holocaust will happen again; we have to get out of Europe because Europe only wants to kill us. It was the Holocaust that made most of the anti-Zionist Jews rethink their position and give way towards Zionism.” The holocaust story provides self-definition and is even more important now then the Torah. For secularized Jews, the holocaust became far more important and a “defining factor” in one’s Judaism, “a history of persecution, hatred of Nazis, hatred of Germans, and hatred of anti-Semites.” Those characteristics are what makes one a Jew. 1591
Cole went on to say that because people cannot always define Jews by their physical features, “Jews need Jew-haters to define them so they create anti-Semites. They love having lists of anti-Semites, because these anti-Semites allow them to have the definition of being separate and a Jew without a Jew hater is nothing. Jews need their anti-Semitism which is why Jews invest so much in finding anti-Semitism and calling attention to anti-Semitism and literally, anything, any criticism of Israel or Israeli policies or criticism of what Jews might be doing will be labeled as anti-Semitism or Jew hatred because Jews flourish from pointing to what they call Jew haters and anti-Semitism. It is more than just a fundraising tool for them; it is part of their identity to have enemies. Their enemy’s list defines them.” Now Jews can be a race or a religion, or by their allegiance to Israel. Jewish groups can now target any one of those three groups or all of them. These groups can now market their concepts. 1592
Kagedan said that “revisionist thinkers have insinuated themselves into our political process,” implying that people who question the official version of history should not hold public office. According to him, voters should force such political candidates to step down. In one election in British Columbia, the Vancouver Sun revealed that a candidate had “links” to Ernst Zündel and thereafter, because of public pressure, abandoned his attempts to seek public office. Kagedan said that the Holocaust was “Western civilization’s greatest failure,” the “outcome of centuries of racism and of anti-Semitism.”1593 Despite the lack of scientific evidence, court, state and census documents refuting a holocaust, Kagedan says that Holocaust denial, a crime in many countries, undermines our civilization’s basic values. He said that achieving “our quest” of a “new world order depends on our learning the Holocaust’s lessons.”1594 Presumably, he was referring to the recognized Jewish objective of world dominance. Does this mean that the world’s population must categorically accept the Holocaust in order for them to impose their New World Order?” 1595
Norman Podhoretz, an ex-Trotskyite, in his many books, has admitted that the whole purpose of the Cold War was to weaponize Israel to fight the Arab nations. He belongs to the influential New York chapter of the American Jewish Committee, which publishes the “liberal-turned-conservative” magazine, Commentary. 1596 The Cold War era also allowed the Soviet Union to remain isolated, safe from prying eyes and ears, where assimilated Jews were safe. The Soviet’s records of terrorist activities lay concealed in the archives for nearly fifty years, sufficient time for criminals to either die or change their names and immigrate. That era allowed the Jews enough time to construct the Holocaust narrative which began in earnest in 1965 while Germany remained occupied, marginalized and indoctrinated about a Holocaust against the Jews.
Allegedly, the prophecies in the Torah require that six million Jews must “vanish” before the Jews can create the state of Israel. They can “return minus six million.” Tom Segev, an Israeli historian, declared that the “6 million” is an effort to convert the holocaust story into “state religion.” According to the Talmud, six million had to disappear in “burning ovens.” Robert B. Goldmann writes: “. . . without the Holocaust, there would be no Jewish State.” A simple consequence: Given six million Jews gassed at Auschwitz who ended up in the “burning ovens,” (the Greek word holocaust means burned offerings) therefore, the prophecies have now been “fulfilled” and Israel can become a “legitimate state.” 1597
The Morgenthau Extermination Plan
Theodore N. Kaufman, in his 1941 well-publicized propaganda book, claimed that Germany’s political leaders, like the Kaiser or Hitler, “were merely the mirrors reflecting centuries-old inbred lust of the German nation for conquest and mass murder.” He claimed that the German people were waging a war against the world, that these uncivilized barbarians were totally responsible and that, following the war, the German people must pay for the war. 1598 Scholar Karl Radl demonstrates that Henry Morgenthau Jr. adopted some of Kaufman’s ideas in his 1945 book, Germany is Our Problem, the ideological foundation for the communist-inspired Morgenthau Plan. 1599 Mimicking Kaufman, James Yaffe, in his book, The American Jews, argues that every German, alive during that era or not, or born thereafter, is guilty of the “evil of Nazism, and should “pay in perpetuity.” 1600
In 1918, Morgenthau’s father, a political appointee, wrote a book describing the Armenian G
enocide when he was the U.S. Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire, events that people rarely hear about. On January 28, 1940, a Congressional committee had cross-examined Treasury Secretary Morgenthau, a Felix Frankfurter protégé, and Pilgrims Society member, about his father’s relationship with Reginald Baliol Brett, 2nd Viscount Esher, also a Pilgrim, who directed the Ottoman Empire break-up, including that genocide of between one to 1.5 million people. Predictably, the newspapers were silent about this inquiry. 1601
On August 14, 1941, a few months before Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor, at the Atlantic Conference in Newfoundland, Winston Churchill, under the pretext of a humanitarian act, 1602 and President Franklin D. Roosevelt, accompanied by Harry Hopkins, a proponent of aggressive warfare against Germany, and under the pretense of “international security,” drafted a charter to clarify American support for Britain in the war against Hitler and Germany. On January 1, 1942, via a UN Declaration, the Allies of World War II pledged adherence to the charter’s principles. The Atlantic Charter defined the Allied goals for the post-war world and inspired other international agreements, such as the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.
In 1941, Bernadotte Schmitt of the University of Chicago, talking to an audience of educators called for Allied officials to starve 30,000,000 Germans. In 1943, Collier’s Magazine, with a circulation of three million, published Emil Cohn’s article, How to Treat the Germans which included the idea of isolating Germans from everyone, backed by “a law” that would forbid Germans from leaving their own country. He suggested that the occupiers replace all German teachers by importing “hundreds of intellectuals.” He wanted to place all education and communications under the control of non-Germans. He also maintained that officials divide Germany into two countries and punish thousands of Germans. Professor Max Radin of the Law School of the University of California at Berkeley, wrote The Day of Reckoning, a fantasy report of the 1945 trial of Hitler and six of his key lieutenants. This did occur three years later minus Hitler. 1603
A conglomeration of 730 delegates from forty-four Allied nations held the International Monetary Conference, to build a new international monetary system, in the Mount Washington Hotel at Bretton Woods in July 1944. There were two factions, one wished to retain the BIS and one wished to dissolve it. Secretary of State, Dean Acheson (CFR), who represented Chase Bank, argued to retain the BIS. John Maynard Keynes, his most powerful ally, insisted that they should preserve the BIS until a new World Bank was established. 1604
On July 6, 1944, Henry Morgenthau temporarily relinquished his Bretton Woods Conference leadership. On August 6, with FDR’s blessing, he left for Britain, accompanied by Soviet agent Harry Dexter White, a son of Jewish Lithuanian immigrants, and others to consider a currency strategy to use during the American occupation of Germany. White, with the Treasury Department since 1935, was the chief international economist and liaison between the Treasury and the State Department on all foreign relations issues. Their trip integrated the discussion of what would become the Morgenthau Plan, a methodical extermination program, aimed at the Germans, inspired by White, 1605 one of the Soviet’s most important agents within the U.S. Government. People should have realized that White, although not a Communist Party member, was a principal Marxist influence within the government, a recognizable reality long before the McCarthy era. 1606
On July 10, 1944, General Dwight D. Eisenhower, at SHAEF headquarters in Hampshire, England, told Lord Halifax that the German leaders should be “shot while trying to escape.” Lieutenant-General Walter B. Smith, Eisenhower’s Chief of Staff, detested the Germans and believed that imprisonment was insufficient for their General Staff of about 3,500 officers. He suggested natural extermination—let the Russians have a “free hand.” Eisenhower asked, why just the Russians; the victorious powers should “assign zones in Germany to the smaller nations with scores to settle.” 1607
On August 7, Eisenhower explained these views to Morgenthau when the latter visited the Portsmouth command post. Eisenhower told Morgenthau, “The best cure is to let the Germans stew in their own juice.” The General was of the opinion that the United States “must take a tough line with Germany as we must see to it that Germany was never again in a position to unleash war upon the world.” 1608 On that day, Fred Smith, a Morgenthau aide, and White attended the meeting where Morgenthau and Eisenhower first discussed the postwar plan for Germany. White said, “What I think is that we should give the entire German economy an opportunity to settle down before we do anything about it.” The General responded, “I am not interested in the German economy and personally would not like to bolster it if that will make it easier for the Germans.” 1609 Both White and Morgenthau argued that Europe’s peace depended on the permanent destruction of Germany’s industrial power. Jewish economists, lawyers, graduates from Harvard and Columbia, outraged by Germany’s alleged treatment of European and German Jews supported Morgenthau. Israel Sieff, a British Zionist, also supported all of these men and their objectives. White directed American policy throughout Europe. Treasury officials assigned Colonel Bernard Bernstein, to General Eisenhower’s headquarters to coordinate Germany’s occupation at the end of World War II. 1610
On August 23, Morgenthau, a Soviet sympathizer, 1611 presented his rigid policy for postwar Germany to War Secretary Henry Stimson and John J. McCloy. Stimson, somewhat acquiescent to Morgenthau’s plan, agreed to consult with FDR who approved of the creation of a special committee composed of Morgenthau, Stimson, Harry Hopkins and Cordell Hull. McCloy, Stimson, Hopkins and William Bundy met on August 24 to contemplate the division of Germany and to determine how to proceed with criminal charges against Germany’s leaders as opposed to Morgenthau’s all-encompassing deindustrialization plan. FDR, adamant that the Germans be punished, was angry when he thought that the army viewed them as liberated instead of defeated. FDR, agreeable to Morgenthau’s plan, disapproved of the army-devised Handbook. He wanted to impose “collective guilt” because he thought the “whole nation had been engaged in a lawless conspiracy against the decencies of civilization.” 1612
Morgenthau, with the Treasury Department’s Interim Directive, persuaded FDR to exchange it for the army’s Handbook which offered a more moderate occupation plan for Germany. Morgenthau even considered the deportation of the “whole SS group” to another part of the world. He thought older children, over the age of six, should suffer banishment from their parents. The Treasury Department, as opposed to the army leaders, wanted the indiscriminate arrest and detention of every member of the SS, the SA, along with the majority of the leading officials in the field of education, law and industry. This would be catastrophic, and further undermine the recovery of Germany’s war-ravaged economy, the destruction of its major cities, and the widespread societal burdens resulting from the war. 1613
General John H. Hilldring thought that the army should receive a list of 2,500 Germans that the American soldier should shoot on sight—no questions asked. Churchill, according to Morgenthau, who was excessively bitter towards Germans thought that each soldier should have the authority to shoot those on an “official war crimes list,” while Stalin had a list of 50,000. Hull, a proponent of worldwide economic interdependence, under pressure from other politicians and the press’s insistent demands for retribution, sided with Stimson on the issue of prosecuting the Germans for war crimes. The AJC sent Hull a lengthy document describing the atrocities, the persecutions and mass killings that the Germans had purportedly committed against the Jews. The AJC wanted the State Department to “declare unequivocally that Nazi actions against the Jews would have a central place in the American war crimes program.” John W. Pehle, the executive director of the WRB, and a close friend of Morgenthau, and supporter of the UN War Crimes Commission (UNWCC), reiterated those demands in another memorandum. 1614
On August 28, 1944, after working on it for weeks, the Treasury sent the Morgenthau Plan to FDR, which encompassed the “pastoralization” program of
deindustrialization, a thorough approach to address war crimes, including capture, detention and immediate execution for top leaders, and the formation of slave labor units. Stimson also sent a memo encouraging moderation and an investigation and trial of the Nazi leaders rather than summarily executing them. Still, despite his preferences for swift retribution, FDR was unprepared to fully endorse any potential program for Germany until after he met with Churchill in September. 1615 The Marxist influence in FDR’s administration was largely responsible for the way in which America treated Germany. FDR and Morgenthau successfully marketed the plan to Churchill during the Second Quebec Conference, beginning on September 16, by proffering an additional $6 billion to Britain through the Lend-Lease agreement. Morgenthau told Churchill that he could either accept the plan, along with the loan, or declare national bankruptcy in Britain. 1616
By the time that Morgenthau announced his plan, Raphael Lemkin had already written Axis Rule in Occupied Europe. Morgenthau associates later attempted to credit Eisenhower for the plan. However, according to the Morgenthau diaries, White dominated Treasury affairs and consistently passed his ideas to Morgenthau who then submitted them to FDR. Morgenthau had more access to him than the other Cabinet members did. White and his colleagues enjoyed unprecedented influence. These Soviet agents devised and marketed the Morgenthau Plan. During later Congressional hearings, officials identified White and many of his associates, the policy architects at that time, as part of a Communist network. 1617
The plans for postwar Germany came directly from Moscow. On December 2, 1944, Edgar Snow, a correspondent for the Saturday Evening Post reported in his article, What Russia Wants to Do to Germany, that officials in Moscow laid the “real foundation” of Europe that past summer while the Allies were busy founding the United Nations at Dumbarton Oaks from August 21 to October 7, 1944. Snow said that Soviet officials decided the future of Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Bulgaria and Finland. Snow referred to Soviet newspapers which called for a division of Germany into three zones, along with the city of Berlin with Russia receiving a third. The Soviet Union expected to receive the services of 10,000,000 German workers for ten years plus $300 billion in reparations. 1618
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