907100 Documents on the Origin of the War, Selected From Official German White book, (Deutscher Verlag, Berlin), these are documents (482) from March 29, 1919 to September 3, 1939 between German and British officials relating to the last phase of the German-Polish crisis, 18-19
909Udo Walendy, Truth for Germany, the Guilt Question of the Second World War, (The Barnes Review Books, Washington, DC, 2003), 134-155
910Emil Revyuk, Polish Atrocities in Ukraine (United Ukrainian Organizations of the United States, New York, 1931), 9-10
911Ibid. 9-10
912Emil Revyuk, Polish Atrocities in Ukraine (United Ukrainian Organizations of the United States, New York, 1931), 435
913100 Documents on the Origin of the War, Selected From Official German White book, (Deutscher Verlag, Berlin), these are documents (482) from March 29, 1919 to September 3, 1939 between German and British officials relating to the last phase of the German-Polish crisis, 19-20
914Hans Schadewaldt (compiler), The Polish Atrocities Against The German Minority in Poland (Order Of The Foreign Office and Based Upon Documentary Evidence, Berlin, Germany, 1940), 31
915Ibid. 31
916Georg Bönisch, Jan Puhl and Klaus Wiegrefe, Death in Marienburg, Mystery Surrounds Mass Graves in Polish City, January 23, 2009, http://www.spiegel.de/international/europe/death-in-marienburg-mystery-surrounds-mass-graves-in-polish-city-a-603131.html
917Udo Walendy, Truth for Germany, the Guilt Question of the Second World War, (The Barnes Review Books, Washington, DC, 2003), 134-155
918Richard Tedor, Hitler’s Revolution, Ideology, Social Programs, Foreign Affairs, (Chicago, Illinois, 2013), 122-123
919Ibid. 122-123
920A. V. Schaerffenberg, Hitler: Bungling Amateur or Military Genius?, (Preuss Printing, Giddings, Texas, 2003), 44-45
921Robert Smyth, The Gleiwitz Incident, Nazi Plot or Allied Cover-Up, (Steven Books, London, 2011), 3
922A. V. Schaerffenberg, Hitler: Bungling Amateur or Military Genius?, (Preuss Printing, Giddings, Texas, 2003), 38-39
923Donald Day, Onward Christian Soldiers, an American Journalist’s Dissident Look at World War II, (Noontide Press, Newport Beach, California, 1984, 2002), 80-83
924Robert Smyth, The Gleiwitz Incident, Nazi Plot or Allied Cover-Up, (Steven Books, London, 2011), 2-3
925Richard Tedor, Hitler’s Revolution, Ideology, Social Programs, Foreign Affairs, (Chicago, Illinois, 2013), 123-124
926A. V. Schaerffenberg, Hitler: Bungling Amateur or Military Genius?, (Preuss Printing, Giddings, Texas, 2003), 38-39
927Hamilton Fish, FDR, the Other Side of the Coin, How We Were Tricked Into World War II, (Life and Liberty Publishing, Murrieta, Georgia, 2005), 87
928Richard Tedor, Hitler’s Revolution, Ideology, Social Programs, Foreign Affairs, (Chicago, Illinois, 2013), 124-125
929A. V. Schaerffenberg, Hitler: Bungling Amateur or Military Genius?, (Preuss Printing, Giddings, Texas, 2003), 42-43
930Eric Samuelson, What About Those Pilgrims in response to our inquiry as to whether the Pilgrim Society of the United States and the English-Speaking Union were formed by Cecil Rhodes’ Milner Round Table Group as part of its purpose to federate the English-speaking peoples and to bring all habitable portions of the world under control of a British and American Commonwealth, http://watch.pair.com/pilgrim.html
931Elizabeth Dilling, The Red Network, A “Who’s Who” and Handbook of Radicalism For Patriots, (Self-published, Kenilworth, Illinois, 1934), 269
932A. V. Schaerffenberg, Hitler: Bungling Amateur or Military Genius?, (Preuss Printing, Giddings, Texas, 2003), 39-40
933David Hoggan, The Forced War, When Peaceful Revision Failed, (Institute for Historical Review, Costa Mesa, California, 1961/1989), 60-61
934Alfred Schickel, World War 2—made in Washington?, Germany and Poland in American secret documents, http://shoabloger.wordpress.com/2013/08/29/world-war-2-made-in-washington; viewed 8/31/2013
935Mark Weber, President Roosevelt’s Campaign to Incite War in Europe: the Secret Polish Documents, (The Journal of Historical Review, Summer 1983, Vol. 4, No. 2), 135-172
936David Hoggan, The Forced War, When Peaceful Revision Failed, (Institute for Historical Review, Costa Mesa, California, 1961/1989), 60-61
938Robert Smyth, The Gleiwitz Incident, Nazi Plot or Allied Cover-Up, (Steven Books, London, 2011), 2-3
939Ibid. 2-3
940Lynn Picknett, Clive Prince, Stephen Prior, with additional research by Robert Brydon, Double Standards, the Rudolf Hess Cover-up, (Time Warner Book Group, London, 2002), 92-94
941David Hoggan, The Forced War, When Peaceful Revision Failed, (Institute for Historical Review, Costa Mesa, California, 1961/1989), 60-61
942Hugh R. Wilson, Diplomat between Wars, (Longmans, Green, New York, 1941), 115
943David Hoggan, The Forced War, When Peaceful Revision Failed, (Institute for Historical Review, Costa Mesa, California, 1961/1989), 60-61
944Richard Tedor, Hitler’s Revolution, Ideology, Social Programs, Foreign Affairs, (Chicago, Illinois, 2013), 135-136
945David Hoggan, The Forced War, When Peaceful Revision Failed, (Institute for Historical Review, Costa Mesa, California, 1961/1989), 79-80
946Alfred Schickel, World War 2—made in Washington?, Germany and Poland in American secret documents, http://shoabloger.wordpress.com/2013/08/29/world-war-2-made-in-washington; viewed 8/31/2013
947Alfred Schickel, World War 2—made in Washington?, Germany and Poland in American secret documents, http://shoabloger.wordpress.com/2013/08/29/world-war-2-made-in-washington; viewed 8/31/2013
948Richard Tedor, Hitler’s Revolution, Ideology, Social Programs, Foreign Affairs, (Chicago, Illinois, 2013), 137-138
949Robert Smyth, The Gleiwitz Incident, Nazi Plot or Allied Cover-Up, (Steven Books, London, 2011), 2-3
950David Hoggan, The Forced War, When Peaceful Revision Failed, (Institute for Historical Review, Costa Mesa, California, 1961/1989), 79-80
951David Hoggan, The Forced War, When Peaceful Revision Failed, (Institute for Historical Review, Costa Mesa, California, 1961/1989), 79-80
952Ibid. 99-100
953FBI, Cleveland, Ohio, File 62-0, October 13, 1943, Declassified July 11, 1989, letter from Charles M. Scott, Informant, a circular letter containing alleged Semitic propaganda, Scott received a copy of the document in her capacity as a stenographer for Fisher Cleveland Air Craft Division, General Motors Corporation, Plant #2, Her supervisor had her make a copy of it and Scott submitted it to the FBI, the letter of explanation was signed by Leland V. Boardman, the Special Agent in Charge
955Francis Neilson, The Makers of War, (C. C. Nelson Publishing Company, Appleton, Wisconsin, 1950), 176, 202-203
956A. V. Schaerffenberg, Hitler: Bungling Amateur or Military Genius?, (Preuss Printing, Giddings, Texas, 2003), 38-39
957Richard Tedor, Hitler’s Revolution, Ideology, Social Programs, Foreign Affairs, (Chicago, Illinois, 2013), 124-125
958Hamilton Fish, FDR, the Other Side of the Coin, How We Were Tricked Into World War II, (Life and Liberty Publishing, Murrieta, Georgia, 2005), 87
959Richard Tedor, Hitler’s Revolution, Ideology, Social Programs, Foreign Affairs, (Chicago, Illinois, 2013), 124-125
960Alfred Schickel, World War 2—made in Washington?, Germany and Poland in American secret documents, http://shoabloger.wordpress.com/2013/08/29/world-war-2-ma
de-in-washington; viewed 8/31/2013
961David Hoggan, The Forced War, When Peaceful Revision Failed, (Institute for Historical Review, Costa Mesa, California, 1961/1989), 60-61
962Ibid. 99-100
963Alfred Schickel, World War 2—made in Washington?, Germany and Poland in American secret documents, http://shoabloger.wordpress.com/2013/08/29/world-war-2-made-in-washington; viewed 8/31/2013
964David Hoggan, The Forced War, When Peaceful Revision Failed, (Institute for Historical Review, Costa Mesa, California, 1961/1989), 99-100
965Hamilton Fish, FDR, the Other Side of the Coin, How We Were Tricked Into World War II, (Life and Liberty Publishing, Murrieta, Georgia, 2005), 87
966Official German White Book, 100 Documents on the Origin of the War, (Deutscher Verlag, Berlin, these are documents (482) from March 29, 1919 to September 3, 1939 between German and British officials relating to the last phase of the German-Polish crisis), 10-11
967Hamilton Fish, FDR, the Other Side of the Coin, How We Were Tricked Into World War II, (Life and Liberty Publishing, Murrieta, Georgia, 2005), 86-87
968Mark Weber, President Roosevelt’s Campaign to Incite War in Europe: the Secret Polish Documents, (The Journal of Historical Review, Summer 1983, Volume 4, No. 2), 135-172
969Richard Tedor, Hitler’s Revolution, Ideology, Social Programs, Foreign Affairs, (Chicago, Illinois, 2013), 124-125
970Alfred Schickel, World War 2—made in Washington?, Germany and Poland in American secret documents, http://shoabloger.wordpress.com/2013/08/29/world-war-2-made-in-washington; viewed 8/31/2013
971Mark Weber, President Roosevelt’s Campaign to Incite War in Europe: the Secret Polish Documents, (The Journal of Historical Review, Summer 1983, Volume 4, No. 2), 135-172
972Francis Neilson, The Makers of War, (C. C. Nelson Publishing Company, Appleton, Wisconsin, 1950), 197-206
973Udo Walendy, Truth for Germany, the Guilt Question of the Second World War, (The Barnes Review Books, Washington, DC, 2003), 134-155
974James J. Martin, The Man Who Invented Genocide, the Public Career and Consequences of Raphael Lemkin, (Institute for Historical Review, Torrance, California, 1984), 32-33
975Donald Day, Onward Christian Soldiers, an American Journalist’s Dissident Look at World War II, (Noontide Press, Newport Beach, California, 1984, 2002), 80-83
976Richard Tedor, Hitler’s Revolution, Ideology, Social Programs, Foreign Affairs, (Chicago, Illinois, 2013), 124-125
977Joseph Stalin, The Organization of Collective Self-Defense, Stalin’s Report, March 10, 1939
978Alfred Schickel, World War 2—made in Washington?, Germany and Poland in American secret documents, http://shoabloger.wordpress.com/2013/08/29/world-war-2-made-in-washington; viewed 8/31/2013
979Robert Smyth, The Gleiwitz Incident, Nazi Plot or Allied Cover-Up, (Steven Books, London, 2011), 3-5
980Richard Tedor, Hitler’s Revolution, Ideology, Social Programs, Foreign Affairs, (Chicago, Illinois, 2013), 125-126
981Robert Smyth, The Gleiwitz Incident, Nazi Plot or Allied Cover-Up, (Steven Books, London, 2011), 3-5
982A. J. P. Taylor, Origins of the Second World War, (Simon and Schuster, New York, 1961), 210-211
983Udo Walendy, Truth for Germany, the Guilt Question of the Second World War, (The Barnes Review Books, Washington, DC, 2003), 249
984David Hoggan, The Forced War, When Peaceful Revision Failed, (Institute for Historical Review, Costa Mesa, California, 1961/1989), 183-184
985Hamilton Fish, FDR, the Other Side of the Coin, How We Were Tricked Into World War II, (Life and Liberty Publishing, Murrieta, Georgia, 2005), 183-184
986Alfred Schickel, World War 2—made in Washington?, Germany and Poland in American secret documents, http://shoabloger.wordpress.com/2013/08/29/world-war-2-made-in-washington; viewed 8/31/2013
987Scott Newton, Profits of Peace, The Political Economy of Anglo-German Appeasement, (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1996), 106-108
988Richard Tedor, Hitler’s Revolution, Ideology, Social Programs, Foreign Affairs, (Chicago, Illinois, 2013), 128-129
989Francis Neilson, The Makers of War, (C. C. Nelson Publishing Company, Appleton, Wisconsin, 1950), 197-206
990Alfred Schickel, World War 2—made in Washington?, Germany and Poland in American secret documents, http://shoabloger.wordpress.com/2013/08/29/world-war-2-made-in-washington; viewed 8/31/2013
991Universal Declaration of Human Rights, http://www.un.org/en/documents/udhr/index.shtml; viewed 9/2/2013
992Richard Tedor, Hitler’s Revolution, Ideology, Social Programs, Foreign Affairs, (Chicago, Illinois, 2013), 127-128
993Scott Newton, Profits of Peace, The Political Economy of Anglo-German Appeasement, (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1996), 106-108
994Richard Tedor, Hitler’s Revolution, Ideology, Social Programs, Foreign Affairs, (Chicago, Illinois, 2013), 127-128
995Alfred Schickel, World War 2—made in Washington?, Germany and Poland in American secret documents, http://shoabloger.wordpress.com/2013/08/29/world-war-2-made-in-washington; viewed 8/31/2013
996Alfred Schickel, World War 2—made in Washington?, Germany and Poland in American secret documents, http://shoabloger.wordpress.com/2013/08/29/world-war-2-made-in-washington; viewed 8/31/2013
997Hans Schadewaldt, compiler, The Polish Atrocities Against The German Minority in Poland (Order Of The Foreign Office and Based Upon Documentary Evidence, Berlin, Germany, 1940), 13-14
998Erkki Hautamäki, Finland in the Eye of the Storm, September 20, 2005 http://www.prokarelia.net/en/?x=artikkeli&article_id=667&author=10, viewed 9/14/2013
999Richard Tedor, Hitler’s Revolution, Ideology, Social Programs, Foreign Affairs, (Chicago, Illinois, 2013), 127-128
1000Alfred Schickel, World War 2—made in Washington?, Germany and Poland in American secret documents, http://shoabloger.wordpress.com/2013/08/29/world-war-2-made-in-washington; viewed 8/31/2013
1001Hamilton Fish, FDR, the Other Side of the Coin, How We Were Tricked Into World War II, (Life and Liberty Publishing, Murrieta, Georgia, 2005), 105-106
1002Ibid. 108-109
1003Hans Schadewaldt, compiler, The Polish Atrocities Against The German Minority in Poland (Order Of The Foreign Office and Based Upon Documentary Evidence, Berlin, Germany, 1940), 13-14
1004Alfred Schickel, World War 2—made in Washington?, Germany and Poland in American secret documents, http://shoabloger.wordpress.com/2013/08/29/world-war-2-made-in-washington; viewed 8/31/2013
1006Louis Marschalko, The World Conquerors, the Real War Criminals, trans. by A. Suranyi, (Joseph Sueli Publications, London, 1958), 77-81
1007Udo Walendy, Truth for Germany, the Guilt Question of the Second World War, (The Barnes Review Books, Washington, DC, 2003), 134-155
1008Alfred Schickel, World War 2—made in Washington?, Germany and Poland in American secret documents, http://shoabloger.wordpress.com/2013/08/29/world-war-2-made-in-washington; viewed 8/31/2013
1009A. V. Schaerffenberg, Hitler: Bungling Amateur or Military Genius?, (Preuss Printing, Giddings, Texas, 2003), 40-41
1010Alfred Schickel, World War 2—made in Washington?, Germany and Poland in American secret documents, http://shoabloger.wordpress.com/2013/08/29/world-war-2-made-in-washington; viewed 8/31/2013
1011David Hoggan, The Forced War, When Peaceful Revision Failed, (Institute for Historical Review, Costa Mesa, California, 1961/1989), 322
1012Ibid. 322
of Acts of Malice, Aggression and Declarations of War Beginning in September 1939,
1014Louis Marschalko, The World Conquerors, the Real War Criminals, trans. by A. Suranyi, (Joseph Sueli Publications, London, 1958), pp.81-84
1015David Hoggan, The Forced War, When Peaceful Revision Failed, (Institute for Historical Review, Costa Mesa, California, 1961/1989), 322
1016Hillary Clinton and Walter Cronkite, World Government, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BaS6bLQixkM_and_NR=1, viewed 4/11/2014
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