Her Black Tiger

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Her Black Tiger Page 11

by Marissa Dobson

  “Strange place, strange bed.” She took a drink and the hot liquid did nothing to quell the fire burning within her. “Will I be able to go home today?”

  “We can go get your stuff, but I’d like you to come back to Alaska with me.”

  She sat the coffee aside and turned to face him. “My job…” What was she saying? She didn’t have a job any longer. Everything she’d worked for had disintegrated. Trust him. Her father’s parting words played through her thoughts.

  “It’s too dangerous for you to continue working for the police department here.” He adjusted his body so they were standing face to face, and his hands ran along her arms. “Mates are meant to be together and I want you with me. Right now my duty is with the Alaskan Tigers.”

  “I’m a police officer. It’s not just a job to me, that’s who I am. It’s what I’ve worked for my whole life. I can’t give that up.”

  “I’m not asking you to. There is a job opportunity waiting for you in Alaska. You can do what you love and we can be together.”

  Stepping back, she pulled out of his embrace and stared at him. “How dare you!”

  “What?” His hands dropped to his sides and he stared at her, confusion marring his forehead.

  “You try to bribe me to follow you by offering me a job! What the hell do I look like? I can find my own job. I’ve done it before and I’ll do it again. I don’t need pity.”

  “You’re wrong if that’s what you think this is.” He didn’t move away, or even appear surprised by her sudden rage. “I had nothing to do with this job offer, and didn’t even know about it until a few minutes ago. If you weren’t so upset, you’d be able to feel that through the connection. You’d also be able to tell I’m not ecstatic over it, either.”

  “They’re waiting.” Someone called out from down the hall. It sounded like Red, but the voice was too faint to be sure.

  “Bring the laptop down here.” Without taking his gaze from her, Carran walked toward the door.

  She didn’t know what he meant by not being ecstatic over the job opportunity, and at the moment her anger wouldn’t let her think straight enough to focus on that. Instead, she ignored him and let her anger simmer, grabbing her jeans from the chair beside the bed and slipping them on. If another guy was going to be strolling into the bedroom, she wanted to be dressed in more than a t-shirt. Too bad she couldn’t put on a bra and at least drag a brush through the bird’s nest she called her hair.

  “Go ahead and get dressed. Red’s not coming in, but there is someone you need to talk to.” When she raised an eyebrow at that, he added, “Conference call with video streaming. Unless you want to talk to them like that, I’d suggest you hurry.”

  “Not with you in here.”

  “I’ve already seen you naked and, mate, I’m going to again…very soon.” He stepped out into the hall and pulled the door slightly shut behind him.

  Knowing it was the best she was going to get, she quickly tugged off his shirt, but in an emotional moment she left his shirt around her neck and hooked her bra. His scent clung to the fabric and she wasn’t ready to give up his shirt, even if it was large on her. The door pushed open and Carran entered, staring down at the screen as she snatched the brush off the dresser and ran it through her hair. Looking mostly presentable, she turned to face Carran.

  “I understand.” He paused as another voice came through the computer speakers.

  “We need the team back here. David is having issues with the Mississippi Tigers again and they are making threats toward Tabitha. I want the team back here in case there is an attack.”

  “We’re hoping to be in the air within a few hours.”

  “No, I’ve already told Theodore he needs to bring the team back tonight. I expect you to be on that plane, as well. You’ve got new duties that need your attention.”

  “Sir, does that mean—”

  “We’ll discuss it once you’re back. Is your mate ready? Tabitha and I would like to speak with her.”

  Carran looked up from the screen to see her standing near the dresser. “One moment.” He neared her and placed the laptop on the dresser, tipping the screen upward, giving them a better angle. “Brooklynn, this is my Alpha, Ty, and his mate, Tabitha, the Queen of the Tigers.”

  “Hi.” Feeling uneasy, she cupped her hands in front of her as she took in the two individuals on the screen. With his broad shoulders and deep blue eyes, Ty was imposing. The woman with her bright, friendly smile seemed more delicate and welcoming. The smile did little to put Brooklynn at ease. She wasn’t sure what the video conference was about, but she hadn’t even completely come to terms with everything that was happening right there in that house. She doubted she was ready to deal with people across the country. “I don’t know what you want to talk to me about,” she said. “If you’re worried I’m going to expose your secret, let me put your fears to rest, because I wouldn’t do that. I just want to put everything that’s happened behind me.”

  “It’s your secret now, as well.” The woman leaned forward. “Carran has claimed you as his mate, which means you’ve become part of this family.”

  Carran reached out and placed his hand on the small of her back. “I only claimed her as my mate a few hours ago. She’s still getting accustomed to things.”

  “Humans take more time.” Ty gave Carran a quick nod before turning his attention to her. “Brooklynn, I understand your hesitation, but you’re in danger as long as you stay in Pittsburgh. Carran was able to calm the Donovick Wolves because of what happened with the Alpha’s daughter, but Donovick’s brother is still a concern, putting your safety at risk.”

  “J.R.? He’s just a child.” Looking for the truth, she turned her head toward Carran.

  “We’ve just learned that he’s left the wolves’ den, and no one is sure where he is. His Alpha has men out looking for him. But his anger has already been expressed. Last night he thought his Alpha would kill us, but when we were leaving he planned to eliminate us himself. He was carted off by the Elders before he could carry out his plans. Meghan ensured us they would handle J.R., but warned us we should leave town until they had him under control. The wolves didn’t want to see you injured for something that wasn’t your fault. J.R. refuses to believe his brother could do the things he is accused of.”

  “He’s just a child…barely sixteen. He’d never…” She wanted to say that he would never hurt anyone, but doubts rose within her. Donovick had a side she never saw; it was possible J.R. did, too.

  “People will surprise you.” Carran pressed his body along the side of hers. “J.R. is angry right now, he’s grieving for his brother, and if he believes the lies he’ll feel like he’s lost his place within the pack. I believe things will calm with him, but if he sees you right now he’s likely to do something that I’d have to kill him for.”

  “He’s a child.” Even as the words left her mouth, she reminded herself that children were just as capable of killing as adults.

  “He’s come into his animal and has control over his beast, which makes him an adult in our world,” Ty explained. “If he commits a crime, he’ll be judged by the Elders as an adult. The penalty for attacking the mate of an ally clan is death. Carran would be in his right to demand his death.”

  “Our ways are different than the human population,” Tabitha said. “I was raised in the human world, and while it’s all shocking at first, I assure you that our ways are more humane and just than what you’re thinking at the moment.” She paused, adjusting in the chair and taking hold of a tablet. “I’ve read your file with the police department. You’re an exemplary officer, one we need on our side.”

  “I’m not interested in being in anyone’s pocket. An officer taking bribes isn’t fair and that’s not the kind of officer I am. I’m sure you can see that from my file.”

  “Hear them out,” Carran urged.

  “There is nothing more to hear if you’re asking me to take bribes.”

  “I’m asking you to command
a department of your own,” Tabitha announced, and when Brooklynn turned back to the screen, she continued. “There are many things Carran needs to fill you in on, but as he already told you, I’m the Queen of the Tigers. It is my job to unite the tiger shifters, but as you’d guess, there are those among us who are hesitant about what the future holds. The ones we are more concerned about are those who are against us. If we’re going to make our presence known to humans, we have to be able to show that we can control our own kind. Which is why we need a shifter police department.”

  “But I’m not a shifter.” Brooklynn wouldn’t be able to handle things successfully if she had to stand against a shifter suspect. It had already been proven by Donovick and she was in no hurry to get her ass kicked again. Next time, Galen might not be so close to heal her wounds, and she could die of blood loss.

  “You have the skills. That’s what we need. You can lead the team and help us in ways that we can’t.”

  “What type of crime are we talking? You already stated that murder is acceptable to your kind.” If they accepted murdering someone without any consequences, why was she even considering this job opportunity? Maybe they were right. She knew about shifters, so how could she turn her back and pretend they weren’t living among humans? It would mean leaving Carran behind. There would have to be a clear line drawn, cutting them off completely, if she was going to do it.

  “Murder for the sake of murder is never acceptable. To kill someone in self-defense or to protect a mate or a clan, that is a different thing entirely.” Tabitha set the tablet back on the table. “Shifters aren’t that different from humans. The Alphas and Elders normally keep the clan members in line, but sometimes things get out of control. We need a group that will conduct the investigation without the influence of the Alpha, Elders, or clan members. All Alphas handle their own discipline now, but in the case of one clan going after another, or a member attacking one of mine, we need an impartial team to go in and determine the outcome.”

  “As Queen Tabitha has other duties that need to be attended to, she can’t travel to deal with every issue that comes up, and we cannot risk having her walk into a trap.” Ty took his mate’s hand in his. “My mate has enemies already and with every move we make to unite the tigers and make our presence known to humans, the risk to her safety increases.”

  “Are you saying that people want to…” She searched for the right word. “Assassinate her?”

  “Exactly.” Ty nodded.

  “If Tabitha is killed before she can carry out the prophesy, the tiger shifter population will cease to exist,” Carran explained. “That is why her safety is paramount.”

  “I don’t even know if I could live in your world and you want me to commit to running your police force?”

  “Shifter Peace Keepers…shifters standing for a better tomorrow,” Tabitha corrected. “The main goal will be to help smooth the transition as I take command and as we make our presence known to humans.”

  “How can you believe I’m the best person for this position when there is so much I don’t know about your kind? I’ve seen Carran and Red as they hunted down Ambrose. Tad told me others followed when they met with the wolves, in case there were issues. Surely one of them would be better than me.”

  “Our teams each have their own strengths.” Ty’s gaze shifted toward Carran for a moment before turning back to her. “Carran’s duties lie with protecting the Elders, though he is used for missions occasionally. The Brown brothers also stand in as Elder guards as needed, and they are our pilots. Red belongs to the West Virginia Tigers and is coming into his own, but he is still somewhat inexperienced in the field. He needs strong leaders around him because he still doesn’t completely trust his own instincts. But you have the policing skills that we lack. None of our members attended a police academy or have been in the field as you have. My teams are handpicked and they go through extensive training, as I would expect from the Shifter Peace Keepers. Each member would be expected to train with the Elder guards because you never know what you’ll walk into.”

  “I’d never be able to stand against a shifter. They’d kill me in a heartbeat if that was their intention.”

  “You underestimate yourself.”

  Tabitha laid her hand on Ty’s thigh and he nodded. “Our Lieutenant’s mate, Bethany, is human, yet both of us train with our guards daily. We have guards that are always with us and our mates, but if the worst happens, we have to be ready for it. Mating gives a human additional strength that they wouldn’t have otherwise had, and you will notice other changes. You’ll be able to see better in the dark and you’ll be faster. With some training, you’ll learn your strengths and ways to take down a shifter if you have to.”

  “You’ll lead the team, advise them, but the team will consist of shifters. You’ll need to be prepared but you’ll let them handle things. I’ll work with you to make sure you’re ready before you step into the field, and so will the others.” Carran glanced back at the screen. “If she agrees to this, I want her to work with Styx. She will only be sent into the field when he’s convinced she’s ready.”

  “He has his own duties, but I’m sure he can find time to squeeze in a training session or two with her.” Ty eyed Carran for a long moment before Tabitha chuckled.

  “Stop screwing with him.” She shook her head. “Carran, he’s testing to see how much of the mating has changed you. We can’t have another incident like Lance’s, especially not with an Elder guard.”

  “Not one guarding my mate.” Ty growled.

  “You both know I’ve worked very hard for this. There is no need to be concerned about that from me. I’ll do my job.” Carran glanced down to her and then back to the screen. “Ty, like you, my desire is to protect my mate. I want to know that she has a strong group with her when she goes out on a mission and I want to know she’s prepared for what she might encounter.”

  With a nod from Ty, the two men came to an understanding. “We won’t send her out unprepared. On top of the guards’ routine training sessions, she will train with Styx until he’s confident that she’s ready.”

  “It’s different when it’s your own mate, but I’d never believe you’d send her out unprepared.”

  “Brooklynn, I’m sure you have questions.” Tabitha took the pause to steer the conversation back to the job opportunity. “Carran can answer some of them and the rest we’ll sit down and answer in person. That is, if you’ll trust us enough to come back with the team in a few hours.”

  She tipped her head to look up at Carran. His long hair was hiding part of his features from her, but just looking at him made her heart skip a beat. Denying the opportunity, or at least the chance to discover more, she’d in turn be closing a door between them. This was his life. He had obligations to them and from what she gathered, he had just received a promotion. In a few hours, he’d have no choice but to return to Alaska if he wanted to keep his position. If she didn’t go with them, that could be the last time she saw him. They made it clear she wasn’t safe in Pittsburgh, and Alaska was as far as she could go without leaving the country.

  Realizing she was staring at him, Carran turned so that they were facing each other, and took her hands into his. “You’ll be safe. You have my word on that.”

  “I wasn’t worried about that.” She fingered the hem of the shirt she was wearing—his shirt. Trust him, Bumblebee. “Okay. I’ll come to Alaska. First, I need to go by my place and get some stuff.”

  “We’ll make arrangements for her to gather what she needs and will give you a call when we’re leaving.” With a smile, Carran squeezed her hands.

  “Make it quick and we’ll set aside time this evening to speak with both of you.” Ty leaned closer to the screen and added, “Welcome to the clan, Brooklynn.” With that, the call ended, sending the computer screen back to the main screen.

  Please…don’t let me regret this…

  Chapter Fifteen

  With his Elders no longer on screen, Carran pulled B
rooklynn into his embrace. Her anxieties welled in his stomach like a thick ball of doubt, but she was trusting him. Her arms wrapped around his waist as she returned his embrace, and he never wanted the moment to end. When they arrived in Alaska, there was no doubt they’d be busy. She had a lot of training to accomplish before she was ready for missions—hell, before he was ready.

  “What just happened?”

  “You agreed to come to Alaska and discuss the job opportunity further.” He dragged his hand through her hair, applying enough pressure that she tipped her head back to look up at him. “We’ll go from there.”

  “No, I mean with you. There seemed to be something hidden behind Ty’s words, something I’m missing. Did you just get a promotion?”

  He tipped his head down, pressing his forehead against hers. “I sure as hell hope so.” Pressing his lips to hers, he reached down, took hold of her hips, and lifted her so that she had no choice but to wrap her legs around his waist.

  He wanted nothing more than to tear their clothes off them, press her against the wall, and bury his shaft deep within her. “Fuck, baby, I want you.”

  “Are you trying to distract me?” She wrapped her arms around his neck.

  “No, but is it working?” Wanting his hands free, he walked around the dresser and pressed her back against the wall. With her pinned between him and the wall, he took hold of the hem of the shirt and raised an eyebrow. “You’re still wearing my shirt.”

  “Your point? It looks better on me than you, anyway.”

  His hands slid under the thin material. “I think you look better without it. I want you naked like you were last night.”

  “I’ll have to think about that.” She arched into him as his hands slid under the material of her bra.

  “What was that?” He tweaked the nipple, hardening the little bud in his fingers.

  The floorboard in the hall creaked and the scent of Taber drifted toward Carran. He pulled his hand out from her bra and tugged down her shirt. “What, man?”


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