The Kilwade Tragedy

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The Kilwade Tragedy Page 6

by Terry Keys

  “Steph, he’s right. This has to be a safe place where everyone here is telling the truth.”

  “Everyone smokes. I can’t name a kid that doesn’t.”

  “The asshole football players, too?” Dr. Smryl asked.

  Blaze laughed. “Hell, I’ve heard they smoke at halftime.”

  “Hmm… as big of a problem as you make it seem, is the school doing anything about it?”

  “What are they gonna do? Cancel school? Everyone would be kicked out. Like I said, everyone smokes.”

  “Blaze c’mon. Everyone?” Steph asked.

  “Everyone doesn’t have an alternate meaning, mom. Like I said. Everyone.”

  “That’s too bad. Do you feel like you could stop for a few weeks if I asked you to?” Dr. Smyrl asked.

  Blaze didn’t answer.

  “Blaze?” Steph said.

  “Well I could, I guess. It doesn’t control me. But I don’t really want to stop.”

  “I’d like to see if I can recognize any changes. So yes, I’d like you to give it a rest for a few weeks. Then we can talk about it again. Deal?”

  “Sure. Whatever.”

  “You did a good job today, Blaze. I’m proud of you for coming here. Our time is almost up today. I’d like to see you again, Blaze – alone. A one-on-one. I’m working this weekend. What does your tomorrow look like? Can you make that?”

  “Tomorrow probably doesn’t work for me. I’m going to the shooting range with my friends. And then my band is getting back together to practice.”

  Dr. Smyrl’s eyes widened. “By shooting range, do you mean gun range?” She asked making some notes.

  “Yes. My dad taught me how to shoot. I grew up here in Kilwade. Everyone learns how to shoot, right?”

  “You’re only seventeen. Whose guns do you take to the range?”

  “Mine. My dad and I used to shoot together.”

  “And now that he’s gone?”

  “Now that he’s gone, I have to go with friends or by myself.”

  “I understand. I like shooting clay targets personally. I have a twenty gauge that’s my favorite. But I work a lot, so I don’t get to do it often. How many guns do you own?”

  She was trying to lure him deeper into this gun conversation. A kid like this should be as far as east is from west from a gun. She needed to try and get more out of him before he shut down on her.

  “I like shooting my AR-15 the most.”

  Blaze’s phone started to ring in his pocket. He looked down to see it was five past the hour.

  He stood up. “I gotta go. Headed to the football game with the rest of the town,” he said grinning.

  They all stood up.

  “Blaze, it was very nice meeting you and I will see you soon.”

  “I’d like that,” Blaze responded.

  Steph shook her head again. “Okay Casanova, let’s go. Thank you, Doctor.”

  Steph put her arm around Blaze and he tried to squirm away, but she held him tight. “Blaze, you have to stop pushing everyone away.”

  “I’m not pushing everyone away.”

  “Only me?”

  He said nothing.

  Steph rolled her eyes, “and I told you the session wouldn’t be that bad,” she said.

  He shrugged and got in his car. Without saying another word, he drove away.

  Steph was saddened that Blaze had just driven away without saying a word. But he’d come to counseling like she’d asked. At least now maybe with a few sessions his behavior would begin to improve. And maybe soon he’d get back to being himself again.

  Chapter 7

  Blaze pulled up to the football stadium and stared in awe. It was the first time he’d attended a game since his freshman year. He didn’t remember the games being this crowded. The parking lot was packed. He’d have to walk for five minutes just to get to the stadium entrance. Kilwade’spopulation was about twenty thousand and it seemed like they were all here.

  He sent a text to Nikki so she could meet him at the gate.

  Three minutes later he saw her and her friend Pam. Great.

  Pam hated Blaze and he was okay with that because he hated her too. But he tried most of the time for Nikki’s sake. Girlfriends tended to have that one friend who hated the boyfriend no matter what. Pam was that friend.

  “Hey baby,” Nikki said reaching up to give him a kiss.

  “Hey. Want anything from the concession stand?” Blaze asked.

  “No. I’m good.”

  “Hello Pamela,” he said, knowing she hated being called by her full name.

  “Hey Blazer,” Pam said rolling her eyes.

  Blaze grinned and slightly waved.

  Nikki nudged him. “Be nice,” she whispered.

  He looked down at her and half smiled.

  They made their way through the stadium towards the student section.

  On the field, the players were heading off towards the locker room.

  “Hey Nikki,” one of them yelled from the field.

  She waved back, not really sure who it was.

  It was Tre Johnson.

  “How do you know Tre?” Blaze asked surprised.

  “Relax, he’s in my art class, Blaze. I know you don’t like him but he’s nice to me.”

  “I bet he is,” he mumbled.

  “How did your session go today?” She asked trying to change the subject.

  “Meh,” he responded. “The doctor is cute, so maybe I’ll go back.”

  “Really?” She said shouldering him.

  “Yeah. At least she’s not some old fart. I mean if I gotta go anyways.”

  “All men are pigs. I told you, girl,” Pam said.

  “Hey, I said she was cute. I didn’t say I was going to bang the woman. Jesus.”

  “Whatever. All the same.”

  Ten minutes later the players were marching back onto the field. All the fans were on their feet yelling like they were the Beatles. Blaze looked around the crowded stadium and laughed.

  “Welcome to Friday Night Lights, Blaze,” Nikki said.

  “Yeah, this is insane. Welcome to Friday night in Texas huh?”

  “They’re really good. You’ll see.”

  Blaze shrugged.

  It was only a few minutes into the game, but Kilwade had already scored twice and were threatening to score again.

  At halftime the score was tied. Nikki had been right about it being a good game. But Blaze had enough football for one evening.

  “I think I’m going to turn in, Nik. The band is meeting up pretty early tomorrow.”

  “Okay, I understand. Do you want me to come and listen tomorrow?”

  “If you’d like. But it’s been awhile since we’ve played together. Not sure how good we’ll be.”

  How good they will be? Pam thought laughing.

  “Something funny?” Blaze asked.

  “Really? Were you guys ever good, Blaze?”

  “Pam, why don’t you go and sit with your boyfriend? Oh, that’s right you don’t have one. You just screw guys. Always open for service right?”

  “Blaze, I asked you to be nice,” Nikki whined.

  “I tried. She started this,” he said pointing at Pam.

  “Whatever. I’ll text you tomorrow,” Nikki said.

  “Whatever? So, you only heard what I said to her right?”

  Nikki didn’t respond.

  “Okay well I’m still leaving. Are you coming with?” Blaze asked.

  “I never said I was leaving now. I want to finish the game.”

  “Besides we’re going to the party after the game,” Pam said defiantly.

  Nikki shook her head at Pam. “Don’t antagonize him, please. What the hell is wrong with you two?”

  “What party?” Blaze asked.

  “After every game the football players have a huge bonfire. All the guys are there. Max, Wayne, Tre - it’ll be fun,” Pam quickly added.

  Blaze fumed.

  “I was going to see if you wanted to come, B
laze,” Nikki said.

  “When? It sure didn’t sound like it. I hope you guys have fun,” Blaze said standing up.

  “Oh, we will,” Pam said.

  “Knock it off Pam - damn,” Nikki scolded.

  Pam laughed. “Screw him. He doesn’t deserve you anyways. He’s a damn freak show.”

  “That’s for me to decide, Pam. I’m sick of you two.”

  “Okay. Okay. Sorry. Why don’t you get a boyfriend that I like?”

  “So, let you pick my boyfriends? You haven’t done so stellar there yourself,” Nikki said laughing.


  By now Blaze was almost to the end of the bleachers. Nikki waited for him to turn around so she could wave to him, but he never did. She’d wanted him to come to the game, but she didn’t want it to end like this.

  She took out her phone and sent him a text. You should come to the party with me tonight. HMU. Luv u. Sorry about Pam.

  Blaze felt his phone buzz and figured it was Nikki, but he didn’t check it. He pulled up at home and finally checked the message.

  Thanks for the offer but I’m in for the night , he responded back.

  I’m really sorry about Pam – I wish you two liked each other.

  Blaze slid his phone in his pocket and walked into the house. Inside it was dark and quiet. Feeling along the wall he found the light switch and flipped it on.

  He threw his keys onto the counter and fixed a sandwich. There was a note on the fridge from his mom. He yanked it off and read it.

  Love you always Blaze.

  He balled it up and threw it in the trash can. Then he grabbed two beers and skipped upstairs to his room.

  The Xbox was off, so he clicked it on and loaded Grand Theft Auto. Nothing made him feel better than shooting a few dozen people and jacking some cars. He kicked off his shoes, ripped his shirt off and popped the top on a beer.

  Thirty minutes later, he’d downed the two beers he brought up and was thinking about going to get two more.

  His phone chimed.

  You coming to hang out with us? It was another text from Nikki.

  Not this time. Had a few beers about to hit the sack. Have fun. TTYL.

  Blaze laid down in his bed. For a split second he actually thought about going to the party. But he knew the last thing anyone needed was for him to be around the football punks after both sides had been liquored up.

  Chapter 8

  Nikki picked up the shot on the table and stared at it. She was nearing the point in the night where she had to decide if she was getting tipsy or drunk. This would be shot number three. Tipsy was quickly being left behind.

  “You going to drink it or just look at it all night?” Someone whispered in her ear.

  She turned curiously to see who it was. A grin covered her face.

  “It’s loud in here, what did you say?” She asked Tre.

  “I said, are you going to drink that?” He yelled.

  She shrugged.

  He held up his shot and they clanked them together.

  “To a night of fun,” he said.

  She smiled and they both downed their shots.

  “So, where’s Rockband at?” He asked leaning in close to her.

  She laughed. “His name is Blaze and he’s at home.”

  She was trying not to show it, but she did find Tre quite attractive.

  “I know his name. You’re too pretty for him. So why didn’t he come to party? Mommy wouldn’t let him out?”

  “Listen, I like you Tre, you seem nice. But I’m with Blaze, okay?”

  Tre took a step back and put his hands up. “Okay. I got it. But if you’re with Blaze, why do I catch you looking at me the way you do?”

  She stared at the ground sheepishly and pushed her hair over her ear.

  “Hey guys, what’s up,” Pam interrupted before Nikki could answer.

  Nikki was relieved that she wouldn’t have to answer his question now.

  “You guys want to do a shot?” Pam asked.

  “Uh, we just did one. I should probably slow down,” Nikki said.

  “Ah it was a baby shot,” Tre said. “Sure, pour us all one.”

  Nikki shook her head. “You guys are bad. Oh, what the hell – why not?”

  The three of them clanked the shot glasses and then downed the alcohol.

  “Pam!” Someone called her from across the room.

  “Be right back guys.”

  Pam darted off through the crowd.

  “There are a lot of people here,” Nikki said.

  Tre nodded. “I believe you were about to answer my question over?”

  “Was I?” She before your friend came

  said smiling. She knew flirting with Tre was probably a bad idea. Especially while she was drinking.

  “Okay. That’s how you’re going to play me, huh?”

  She shrugged.

  He grabbed her hand and tugged on it. “Well at least come and dance with me.”

  She weakly pulled back against him. The little voice in her head told her this was a very bad idea.

  “C’mon Nikki – it’s just a dance, right? I know you got a man and all – I’m just trying to dance.”

  Hesitating, she followed him.

  The music played loudly and everywhere Nikki looked people where dancing. On the tables, couches – even the staircase.

  Through the window Nikki could see the bonfire burning. Half a dozen people stood around staring at it.

  Tre spun her around and pressed roughly into her from behind. She hated to admit it but she liked the way this felt. Blaze wasn’t a dancer at all and would have never did something like this with her.

  Nikki wanted to pull away. She knew she should pull away, but she didn’t.

  A few minutes later another song played and the pair kept dancing. Tre turned her around and pressed his forehead against hers. She smiled at him and he smiled back.

  “Look what I got!” Pam yelled holding more shots.

  Nikki pushed away from Tre. “No. No. Not this time. We’ve had enough, Pam.”

  “Don’t be such a wussy, Nikki. We came to party, right?”

  Nikki put her hands on her hips and sighed.

  “Hello? I said we came to party, right?” Pam said a lot louder this time.

  Slowly Nikki nodded. “I guess.”

  “You know she’s got a point,” Tre added.

  “You’re not helping,” Nikki said.

  “Shut up slut and take the drink!” Pam yelled.

  Nikki took the drink and gulped it down.

  “I didn’t know you guys were such party animals,” Tre said.

  “We are not – can’t you tell?” Nikki responded.

  “Could’ve fooled me. And you’ve got some moves out there.” He pointed where they’d been dancing.

  “Moves? No. I shake my ass and you press that guy into me,” she pointed down and smiled.

  “You seemed to be enjoying yourself,” Tre said.

  “You aren’t half bad, but I’ve seen better.”

  “Oh, not half bad huh? Really?”

  Now he was about an inch from her face. The two of them stared at each other for a minute but neither said a word.

  “Rooms are upstairs, kids,” Wayne said coming up from behind them both.

  Tre pushed him. The last thing he wanted to do now was scare her off.

  “Shut up, Wayne,” Tre said.

  “Just trying to help, bro. Oh and I got this,” he said holding up a freshly rolled joint. “Anyone up for a smoke?”

  “You don’t have to,” Tre told Nikki.

  “Give me that. I’ve probably smoked more of this than you have.”

  “I revert to my previous statement. Like I said, I didn’t know that you guys were such party animals.”

  She put the joint into her mouth and inhaled hard. Then she handed the joint to Tre. “Shut up and take a hit before I realize all of this is a big mistake.”

  Tre smiled and took a few hits from th
e joint.

  “C’mon. I want to press this into you again,” he said grabbing her hand and putting it on him.

  Nikki didn’t understand why she wasn’t telling this guy no. Blaze had been acting like a spoiled brat lately, but she loved him and didn’t want to hurt him. They were just having a little fun. Some dancing and flirting. Nothing more, she told herself.

  He pulled on her again. “C’mon. I’m not going to kidnap you. I just want to dance.”

  “A few more and then I have to go. It’s late. I probably should have left already.”

  “Well I hope neither of you are driving?”

  “We drove here,” Nikki said.

  “Yeah and well you’ve been drinking like a fish since then. I may be a crazy, but I don’t drive after I’ve been partying. I know you’re smarter than that.”

  “I’ll decide how smart I am. And obviously not too smart if I’m smoking and drinking with you.”

  “Damn, you got me there,” Tre said.

  He pulled her close and grinded hard against her. He put his hands on both sides of her face and pulled hers to his.

  He kissed her long and deep. He was expecting her to push him away but surprisingly, she didn’t.

  Nikki felt someone tap her shoulder, but she ignored it.

  “Nikki!” Pam yelled. “My dad just called. We gotta go. And what are you doing?” She asked pointing to Tre with a look of confusion.

  “Kissing,” he said. “It’s called kissing.”

  “Well no shit, Tre. I know what it’s called

  – but you don’t look like Blaze.”

  “Let me take you guys home. I’ve had way less and I can handle myself after a few.”

  “Umm I don’t know if that’s a good idea,” Nikki said.

  “And you driving is?” He asked, flashing his car keys.

  Two minutes later the three of them had piled into his car.

  Nikki rode up front with Tre and Pam passed out in the back.

  “I imagine you can tell me how to get to her house, right?” They both looked back at Pam who was dead to the world.

  “Yeah. Wow she’s wasted.”

  Tre drove for a few minutes and then pulled over on the side of the highway.

  He carefully pulled his cell phone from his pocket with his left hand.

  “Why are we pulled over? Is there something wrong with the car?” Nikki asked.

  He turned the record setting on his phone.


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