Tarot for Writers

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Tarot for Writers Page 26

by Corrine Kenner

  Forest-the unconscious.

  Fortress-refuge, protection, safety.

  Fountain-life force; access to hidden secrets.

  Four-wholeness; stability; four suits of the Minor Arcana; four elements; four cardinal points; four seasons; four ages of man; four horsemen of the apocalypse.


  Fruit-fertility; completion; temptation.

  Fylfot cross-a type of solar cross with "feet" that represents harmony and movement.


  Garden-control of nature; cultivation of the human soul.

  Gargoyles-captive cosmic forces.

  Garland-universal connections; links; fellowship; completion.

  Gazelle-the soul.

  Girdle-strength; connection.


  Globe, Winged-sublimation of matter through evolution.

  Glove-traditionally, the right-hand glove is removed before a superior.

  Glyph-a mark or a symbol (i.e., astrological glyphs).

  Gnome-elemental creature of earth.

  Gnosis-spiritual knowledge.

  Goat-symbol of the astrological sign Capricorn.

  Gold-solar energy; material treasure.

  Golden Dawn-a mystical organization that popularized the tarot and other occult studies at the turn of the last century. Members included Arthur Edward Waite and Pamela Colman Smith, creators of the Rider-Waite-Smith tarot, and Aleister Crowley, designer of the Thoth tarot deck.

  Grapes-abundance; celebration.

  Grapevines-growth; coming harvest.

  Green-material; healing.

  Griffin (half eagle, half lion)-guardian of the tree of life; vigilance; used to represent both the Messiah and the antichrist.


  Halo-living people are portrayed with square or hexagon halos; dead saints are pictured with round halos; God is portrayed with a triangular halo.

  Hammer-power, strength, force of might.

  Hand-open or closed in giving or restraint; raised in blessing or binding oath.

  Hanged Man card-He sacrifices his comfort and passions for a time, like the Norse god Odin, knowing that better things will occur as a result.

  Hare-love; fertility; the menstrual cycle; the moon.

  Harp-passage to the next world.

  Hat-thought, intellect.

  Hearth-the home; feminine receptacle for masculine fire; love; security.

  Heat-sexuality; maturity.


  Hermes Trismegistus-"Hermes the thrice great"; Greek name for Thoth.

  Hermetic-derived from Hermes Trismegistus and his lore; magical; alchemical.

  Hermit card-far removed from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, The Hermit reflects on spiritual concerns. He carries his light of wisdom as a beacon for others to follow.

  Hexagram-six-pointed star; combination of material and spiritual.

  Hierophant-high priest.

  Hierophant card-a symbol of traditional authority and influence, the hierophant is a spiritual link to humanity's higher powers.

  High Priestess card-secretive and guarded, the High Priestess knows the secrets life holds, but shares them only with the wise.

  Holy Grail-the mythological object pursued by King Arthur's knights; Christ's chalice at the last supper; receptacle for Christ's blood.

  Hood-spiritual secrets.

  Horn-an enemy's approach; the end of the world.

  Horse-controlled life force; solar animal.

  Hourglass-mortality; passage of time; cyclical nature of the universe; God's grace descending onto the earth.

  House-the human body; floors of a house symbolize levels of consciousness; rooms symbolize private thoughts; windows symbolize possible understanding and communication.


  Ibis-ancient Egyptian bird, symbolic of thought and inspiration.

  IHVH-Hebrew initials of the holy name of God; also symbolic of the four Minor Arcana suits.

  Iris-Greek mythological personification of the rainbow connecting heaven and earth.


  Jester-a fool; the inverse counterpart of the king.

  Jewels-spiritual truths; status; power; riches.

  Judgement card-all is revealed, as the judgement card reminds us to forgive and be forgiven.

  Jupiter-planet of luck and expansion.

  Justice card-when blindfolded, the goddess of justice is blind to superficial concerns. With her eyes unveiled, justice sees all. In most renditions of the card, she holds a two-edged sword, a reminder that fairness cuts both ways.


  Kabbala (also spelled cabala, cabbala, kabala, kabbalah, qabala)-an ancient Jewish system used to explain the order and workings of the universe.

  Karma-cause and effect; the effect of past actions on the present and on future choices.

  Key-a new opening; change.

  Keys-the numbered Major Arcana cards; often referred to as keys to higher knowledge.

  King-active expression of the highest qualities of the suit.

  Knife-vengeance; instinct.

  Knight cards-fast-moving people and events related to each suit.

  Knight on a Horse-mind over matter.

  Knot-infinity; bondage; luck.

  Kundalini-the path of energy as it moves through the chakras.


  Lake- the occult; mystery; contemplation; consciousness; revelation.

  Lamb-martyrdom; sacrifice; Jesus.

  Lamp/Lantern-intelligence; wisdom; the light and spirit of the individual.

  Laurel wreath-victory, triumph; immortality.

  Layout-the spread, pattern, or design a reader selects to lay out the cards for a reading.

  Leaves-growth, life, and vitality.

  Left-negative; feminine; receptive.

  Lemniscate (figure 8)-infinity.

  Lightning-a flash of illumination; a bolt from the blue; divine power; inspiration; intuition.

  Lilith-Adam's first wife, banished for her refusal to submit to him.

  Lily-transformation; afterlife.

  Lily, Water-symbol of the element of water.

  Lily, White-purity.

  Line, Horizontal -balance; stability.

  Line, Vertical-growth; phallic; masculine; active; connects heaven and earth; wand.

  Lingam-Eastern phallic-shaped symbol of masculine energy (see Yoni).

  Lion-symbol of the astrological sign Leo; the sun; the ego; courage; untamed will; St. Mark.

  Lotus-spiritual awakening; in India, Brahma's dwelling place and the manifestation of his work.

  Lovers card-while an appearance by this couple could encourage any hopeless romantic, The Lovers also signify a choice to be made between two equally strong desires.

  Lyre-wisdom; moderation; prophecy; the seven strings connote the mystical properties of the number seven.


  Ma'at-Egyptian goddess of justice.

  Magician card-the Magician represents an individual in control of life's tools and techniques, like those on the table in front of him. Typically, they include a cup, a sword, a pentacle, and a wand-the four symbols of the Minor Arcana.

  Magus-magician; wise man.

  Major Arcana-the tarot's twenty-two "Greater Secrets"; often represent cosmic forces beyond our control.

  Mandela-geometric, circular design, representative of the divine.

  Mars-planet of energy, aggression, and warlike emotions.

  Master Numbers-11, 22, 33, 44 indicate the highest quality of the numbers themselves.

  Meadow-sanctuary; rest; rejuvenation.

  Mermaid-idealized, elusive form of female beauty; vanity; fickleness.

  Minor Arcana-the tarot's fifty-six "Lesser Secrets"; often represent mundane events and forces within our control.

  Miter-the official headdress of the pope, bishops, abbots, and ancient Jewish high priests.

  Moon-reflects light; inspires thought; measures time and cycles of life; astrologically, the emotions an
d intuition; subconsciousness.

  Moon card-deeply rooted in the unconscious, the dreamlike moon symbolizes secrets and mysteries that may not be understood-or even recognized.

  Moon Phases-new; waxing; full; waning.

  Mountain-meeting of heaven and earth; ascent; struggle; obstacles.

  Mushrooms-decay and regeneration; home to fairies.

  Music-the pure manifestation of will.


  Necklace-unity; continuity; erotic links

  Neptune-watery planet of illusion.

  Nimbus-halo or aura.

  Night-mystery; the unconscious; passive; feminine; anticipatory.

  Nine-months of pregnancy.

  Number Symbolism-the Major Arcana card descriptions in Part III include a key number section explaining the symbolism of numbers appearing in cards. In particular, see pages 125-179.

  Numerology-the language of numbers.

  Nymphs-spirits of running water, fountains, springs, and waterfalls; the immature feminine; temptation, multiplicity; may preside over some aspects of fertility, birth, and death.


  Octagon-spiritual regeneration; the intermediary between the square and the circle.

  Oracle-a tool for divination; anyone who practices divination.

  Orange-color of balance and seeking.

  Orb-dominion; the world; temporal power; when surmounted with a cross, a sign of spiritual authority.

  Ouroboros-the snake swallowing its tail is a symbol of totality, immortality, and infinity.

  Outcome-the final card in any spread is often referred to as a "likely outcome." Because the tarot offers us the chance to change the future as a result of a reading, however, that outcome is never set in stone.

  Oval-female genitalia.

  Owl-spiritual wisdom.


  Page cards-messages, news; beginnings; and young people related to the suit.

  Palm-masculine, active energy.

  Pansy-five petals represent man and thought.



  Pentacle-materialism; values; treasures.

  Pentagram-an unending symbol of perfection and wholeness. Each point symbolizes one of the five appendages of the human body head, arms, and legs, as well as the four ancient elements and the element of spirit.

  Phallus-perpetuation of life, power, and propagation.

  Phoenix-mythical Egyptian bird which sets itself aflame and then is reborn from its own ashes; destruction and recreation; linked to both the sun and the moon.

  Pillars-duality; choice; civilization.

  Pine Tree-a sturdy character.

  Pip-a numbered card of the Minor Arcana.


  . Sun Illumination, the self, the ego.

  . New Moon (1st Quarter) Inspiration, beginnings.

  . Waxing Moon (2nd Quarter) Growth, development.

  . Full Moon (3rd Quarter) Maturity, completion.

  . Waning Moon (4th Quarter) Reflections, planning.

  . Mercury Speed, communication.

  . Venus Love, attraction, spiritual treasure, fertility.

  . Mars Energy, aggression, self-defense, action.

  • Jupiter Luck, growth, expansion, enthusiasm.

  . Saturn Discipline, limits, boundaries, tradition.

  . Uranus Independence, rebellion, freedom.

  . Neptune Glamour, illusions, sensitivity.

  . Pluto Death, regeneration, unavoidable change.

  Plow-fertilization; cultivation.

  Pluto-endings; death; regeneration; change.

  Pomegranate-countless seeds symbolize fertility and diversity.


  Primroses-fall season.

  Purple-color of spirituality.

  Pyramid-earth in its material aspects; suggest trinity of thought, action, and deed.


  Queen-passive expression of the highest qualities of the suit.

  Querent-the person who receives a tarot reading. The word querent is derived from "query," which means "inquiry" or "question."

  Query-The question or focus of a tarot reading.

  Quilt-synthesis; comfort; protection.


  Rabbit-fertility; spring.

  Rags-wounded spirit; holes in the soul.

  Rainbow-God's promise of protection.

  Ram-symbol of the astrological sign Aries.

  Reader-the person who reads the cards.

  Reins-intelligence; will.

  Reversals-cards that appear upside down in a spread. They typically demand special consideration during a reading.

  Ribbons-symbolic of immortality; victory; fulfillment.

  Right-active; positive; masculine.

  River-time; change.

  Rock-permanence; stability; solidity.

  Rope-lifeline; attachment; organization.

  Rose-love; appreciation.

  Rose, Red-passion.

  Rose, White-purity.

  Rota-Latin for wheel; anagram of tarot.


  Salamander-elemental creature of fire.

  Saturn-planet of limitations, restrictions, time.

  Scales-justice; balance; symbol of the astrological sign Libra.

  Scarab-renewal; regeneration; endurance.

  Scorpion-symbol of the astrological sign Scorpio.

  Scrolls-hidden mysteries; divine law.

  Scythe-harvest; mutilation; death.

  Seal of Solomon-two triangles form a six-pointed star, a symbol of spiritual potential and the connection between the conscious and unconscious.


  . Spring Wands

  . Summer Cups

  . Fall Swords

  . Winter Pentacles

  Sephira-the ten spheres on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. Each sphere represents one facet of God's being.

  . Crown (Kether) the Godhead; the Source.

  . Wisdom (Chokmah) God the Father.

  . Understanding (Binah) God the Mother.

  . Mercy (Chesed) God the Merciful and Benevolent.

  . Severity (Geburah) Almighty God; God the Forceful.

  . Beauty (Tiphareth) God the Balancer and Healer.

  . Victory (Netzach) God the Inspiration.

  . Splendor (Hod) God the Intellectual.

  . Foundation (Yesod) God the Etheric; Earthly heaven.

  . Kingdom (Malkuth) The physical world.

  Serpent-energy; wisdom; knowledge; temptation; forked tongue (deceit); a serpent biting his tail represents infinity and endless transformation.

  Seven-seven heavens; seven planets; seven musical notes; seven chakras; seven gifts of the Holy Spirit; seven stages of initiation; seven days of creation; seven deadly sins.

  Shadow-alter ego; primitive instinct.

  Sheaf-unification; integration; and strength.

  Shell-fertility; protection; defense.

  Ship-wealth; crossing; a rudder symbolizes steering ability and safe passage; sails symbolize the creative breath; oars represent creative thoughts and words and the source of action.

  Shoes-base nature.

  Shuffle-to mix the tarot cards, either poker style, hand over hand, or in a face-down slush pile on the table.

  Signature-binding agreement; contract.

  Significator-a card representing a querent, question, or situation. Other cards in the spread typically represent the situation, the foundation of the issue at hand, the past, the present, and the future of the situation, and the most likely outcome of the querent's current path.

  Silver-lunar energy.

  Six-the human soul.

  Skeleton-death; putrification and decay.

  Skull-death's head; mortality.

  Sky-dome-shaped heaven.

  Smoke-combines air and fire, symbolizing the path of fire to heavenly salvation.

  Snow-sterility; cold; rigidity.


  Sphinx-a combination of four creatures-a huma
n head, a bull's body, lion's feet, and eagle's wings-that represents all four elements and symbolizes the riddle of human existence.

  Spider-creativity; aggression; a spider in the center of a web symbolizes the spiral structure of the universe; the Great Mother in her devouring aspect

  Spinning-giving life.

  Spiral-the flow of energy through the universe.

  Spread-the layout, pattern, or design a reader selects to spread the cards for a reading.

  Square-most stable of all forms; firm foundations; strength; stability.

  Staff-power; authority; support; instrument of punishment.


  Star-hope; idealism; inspiration.

  Star card-the card of faith and hope, the Star is a shining light in the darkness.

  Star, Five-Sided-(see Pentagram).

  Star, Eight-sided-cosmic order and radiant energy of life.

  Star, Six-sided-union of male and female; intersection of material and spiritual; seal of Solomon.

  Stairs-a climb; an ascent.

  Stream-flows into the sea of cosmic consciousness.

  Strength card-a woman gently holds the jaws of a powerful lion, patiently controlling a force that could otherwise eat her alive.

  Styx-the Greek mythological river encircling Hades, over which Charon ferries the souls of the dead.

  Suits-the four subdivisions of the Minor Arcana: wands, cups, swords, and pentacles.

  Suitcases-travel; emotional baggage; karma; necessities.

  Sun-illumination; gives life; astrologically, the self, the ego, consciousness.

  Sun card-nothing can hide in the bright light of day, and even the dourest individuals come out to celebrate.

  Sunrise-beginnings; initiation.

  Sunflower-joy; attraction; solar symbol, as their heads follow the sun.

  Swan-love; solitude; music; poetry; self-transformation.

  Sword-intellect; conflict; justice and authority.

  Sylph-elemental creature of air.

  Synchronicity-meaningful coincidence.


  Tarocchi/Tarock/Tarocco-traditional card games of Italy, Austria, and other European countries, played with a seventy-eight-card tarot deck.

  Temperance card-with dexterity and grace, Temperance demonstrates how balance can serve as a bridge to wholeness.

  Temple-refuge; holy place; symbol of the divine within one's self.

  Ten-completion; perfection; ten fingers and toes.

  Tent-impermanence; movement; travel; battlefield; communion with nature.


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