Catching the CEO (Billionaire's Second Chance)

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Catching the CEO (Billionaire's Second Chance) Page 14

by Victoria Davies

  “Will do, Clive.”

  With a parting pat, her father handed her the tongs and headed back up the stairs.

  “Clive?” she asked when they were alone.

  “He insisted.”

  “If you’ve managed to charm my father, I can’t wait to see you work your wiles on my mother.”

  He shrugged. “No charming needed. We really did just talk about sports.”

  She stepped closer, setting the tongs down.

  “Thank you,” she said, touching his arm. “For staying. You didn’t have to. I know this can’t be comfortable for you.”

  He didn’t speak immediately, and when he did it wasn’t the response she’d thought she’d hear.

  “I can’t remember the last time I grilled with my family. I doubt it ever happened, in fact. If we had BBQ, it was probably because the chef was the one making it.” He glanced at her. “Your family matters to you, which means I need to stay.”

  “Why?” she asked, the word a little breathless.

  “Because”—he caught her around the waist with his free hand and pulled her closer—“I want to matter, too.”

  Butterflies erupted in her stomach. “You do?”

  He nodded. “Yeah, I think so.”

  She touched his arm. “Mission accomplished.”

  His smile took her breath away. “That easy, huh?”

  “No,” she denied. “Not easy at all.”

  He leaned his forehead against hers. “You matter, too, you know. If we’re trading deep, dark secrets.”

  Closing her eyes, she let herself enjoy the moment. Whatever happened between them, at least she wasn’t in it alone.

  “The burgers will burn,” she whispered.

  “Can’t have that. I’m already on thin ice, and a burned burger might just entice your parents to bury me in your garden.”

  “Please, my parents are too polite for that. They’d wait till you left and hire a hit man.”

  He laughed, pulling away from her. “Then it’s in my best interest to keep you all well fed. Pass the plate.”

  She held for him as he popped the cooked patties onto it.

  “Come on,” he said, taking her hand. “Back into the lion’s den.”

  “Just for the record,” she replied, reaching up to whisper in his ear. “I’ll definitely make this up to you. In all sorts of creative ways.”

  His eyes were molten as he looked down at her. “Cupcake, that’s one promise I intend to hold you to.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Damien nursed his beer in the kitchen as Caitlyn said goodbye to her parents. He’d meant to go after one drink. Honestly, he had. But he hadn’t wanted to leave Caitlyn at the mercy of her family without backup.

  When was the last time you willing stayed in an uncomfortable situation for anyone?


  Not that the entire night had been terrible. Teresa might want to push him off a cliff, but Clive had been nothing but polite. He imagined if the tables had been turned and Caitlyn had crashed a dinner with his mother, Irene would have shown her no mercy.

  I might have the bigger company, but the Brookses have a superior family.

  No wonder Caitlyn cared about anything and everyone.

  Like me.

  She was a far better person than anyone else he knew.

  Myself included.

  And yet, he was the one she wanted. There was no hiding from reality anymore. They weren’t casual. This wasn’t temporary. And the need he felt for her wasn’t going anywhere.

  Mother would get a good laugh out of this situation.

  Especially considering she’d been trying to push him to have a family. Though he’d vowed never to consider a permanent relationship, Caitlyn was making him rethink all his rules.

  The companies are a problem.

  Separate, they’d always have that wall between them. There would always be topics they couldn’t talk about. Problems he could never help her solve.

  I don’t want that.

  Which raised the question, what did he want?

  “What a night,” Caitlyn said as she came back into the kitchen. “They’re gone. You’re safe.”

  “Considering how much your parents hate me, I’d say that went well.”

  She rolled her eyes, dropping into the chair next to him. “They don’t hate you.”

  “They do.”

  “They just need to get to know you.”

  “They don’t.”

  She blew out a breath. “Be more pessimistic.”

  He reached out to take her hand. “I don’t care about anyone else’s opinion.”

  She studied their entwined fingers for a moment before saying, “You cared about mine.”

  “You’re the exception.”

  To every rule.

  Her eyes rose to his. “I like being your exception.”

  He brought her hand to his lips before pressing a kiss to her palm. “This thing we’re doing…”

  “A casual affair?”

  He tossed her a sardonic look. “Nothing about us is casual, and you know it.”

  Her eyes widened. It took her two tries before she said, “I thought you only ever did casual.”

  “Yes. Until you.”

  Are you sure about this?

  The answer was unequivocally yes.

  This is real. She deserves to know. I deserve to say it.

  Her fingers tightened on his. “I could be coy, but let’s face facts, I’ve never been that girl. What are you saying, Damien?”

  Straight to the point.

  Her directness brought a smile to his face. “I’m saying I care about you. More than I ever have about anyone. This isn’t temporary to me.”

  For the first time in their acquaintance, she appeared truly lost for words.

  “Is it to you?” he asked.

  The question earned him the sweetest smile she’d ever seen. “No,” she replied. “I don’t want this to end, either. I’m in, completely and utterly, if you are.”

  Joy burst in his chest as he stood, sweeping her into his arms. “In,” he agreed.

  “So, we’re really dating now?”

  “What do you think?”

  She traced a finger along his jaw. “I made you a key today. Use it often, okay?”

  His smile was slow but brilliant. “Promise.”

  Wrapping a hand around the back of his neck, she pulled him down to her level.

  Her kiss tasted like heaven. His life was clicking into place in a way he’d never pictured or intended, and yet he had no desire to change a thing.

  She’s all I want.

  And he had the sneaking suspicion that was a forever kind of need.

  “I like being here with you this way,” she whispered to him.

  “I know other things you like, too.”

  A wicked smile curved her lips. “Yes, you do. But then again, two can play that game, and I did promise you creativity.”

  “This is one night I’m more than happy to follow your lead.”

  “Well, then, Reid. Come and get me.” With a laugh she raced for the stairs.

  Chasing after her, playfulness filled him. An emotion so foreign he wasn’t sure he’d experienced it since childhood.

  She’s changing everything.

  And to his surprise, he was more than happy to let her.

  He caught her on the second-floor landing. She shrieked as he wrapped his arms around her middle.

  There was a wicked light in her eyes as she gripped his shoulders and hopped up to wrap her legs around his waist. Bracing her against the wall, he kissed her deeply. Her fingers delved into his hair and gave him a teasing tug that brought a growl to his lips.

  I’ve never wanted anyone the way I want her.

  He hadn’t exactly been a monk throughout his adult life, and yet the stray thought was completely true. Caitlyn blew away the partners of his past until all he could think about was her. She haunted his dreams and filled his thoughts. When he was
n’t with her, he wanted to be. When they had to sleep apart, he stared at the ceiling for hours.

  I need her.

  Not just for the sex. He needed to be near her like he needed to breathe.

  She’s mine. In a way no one had ever been before.

  And he sure as hell wasn’t about to screw up what could be the best mistake of his life.


  Caitlyn smiled against his lips as he headed for the bedroom, carrying her as he went. She heard him bang into the door before one hand left her thigh to turn the doorknob.

  Have I ever wanted him this desperately?

  She didn’t think so. Then again, he’d never braved her parents before. He’d never put her happiness ahead of everything else before, and the knowledge that he had today was all the aphrodisiac she needed.

  His hands left her a second before she found herself tossed on the bed. Crawling onto her knees, she laughed up at him.

  “Going to join me?”

  “Strip,” he said instead. “Let me watch you.”

  With someone else, she might have shied away.

  But not with him.

  Slipping off the far side of the bed, she ran her hands over her jeans. “Tonight, your wish is my command.”

  She couldn’t look away from the heat in his expression as she slowly pulled her shirt over her head.

  Letting it drop to the ground, she hummed for music, rotating her hips to the song. She ran her fingers along the edges of her bra before leaving it in place as she popped the button on her jeans.

  When was the last time you played like this?

  Before him, her lovers had seemed…serious in a way he wasn’t in the bedroom. She’d always felt like she was a step out of time. Slightly off on whatever move she tried to introduce. That underlying voice always whispered in her ear. She was too curvy, too domineering, too set in her ways to be what her partner wanted.

  With Damien, all those little inner criticisms faded away. She wasn’t shy with him. Didn’t feel like she was playacting through a role. Not once had she wondered what was on Netflix while in bed with him, and for the modern girl, that was saying a hell of a lot.

  No, Damien simply made her feel…


  And wanted. And almost—

  Don’t think it. Not the L word. He’s still your rival.

  Except she was beginning to think of him as her boyfriend first, before any of the rest of it. She never thought she’d meet a man who made her want both the company and a life outside of it, yet here he was.

  She slid her jeans over her hips, stretching out one leg then the other to roll the material down.

  Clad only in her underwear, she turned her back to him. She reached behind her for the bra clasp while glancing at him over one shoulder.

  What has gotten into you?

  Him. He’d changed the game.

  And I don’t want to change it back.

  Spinning, she tossed the bra at him, which he plucked out of midair.

  Hooking her thumbs on either side of her black panties, she shimmied out of them before nonchalantly kicking them to the side.

  Fully nude, she crawled back onto the bed.

  “Going to keep me waiting?” she asked as she ran a hand down her own body.

  “Hell,” he muttered, jerking his shirt over his head as fast as he could.

  Leaning back against her pillows, she watched him strip in a fraction of the time it had taken her.

  Anticipation tingled through her as he climbed into the bed. He tried to move over her, but she pushed him back on the bed.

  “You were very good today,” she said.

  “So good,” he agreed, watching her with his silvery eyes.

  “I think that deserves a reward.”

  “I always knew you were brilliant.”

  “Yes,” she agreed. “I am.” Pressing her lips to his chest, she started kissing her way lower. Lapping at his navel, she blew cool air over the moist path, his muscles tightening under her fingers.

  “Caitlyn,” he said.

  “Mm-hmm?” Gripping his cock in her hand, she pumped her fist over him. “Something you need?”

  “You,” he said, throwing back his head. “Only you.”

  The words nearly threw off her rhythm. How she wished he’d say that when they weren’t in the throes, so to speak. Any fool knew pillow talk didn’t equal real life, but she wished she was all he needed in truth.

  Moving between his legs, she ran her tongue over the crown of his cock.

  “Jesus,” he breathed, jerking below her.

  “Going to be good again?” she asked, running her lips down the hard shaft.

  “Every goddamn day,” he promised.

  “Good boy.” Taking pity on him, she took his cock into her mouth.

  His hoarse shout echoed around the room before his fingers nestled into her hair, tilting her head to the best angle.

  Caitlyn enjoyed her task, reveling in the control she commanded. Tonight, she was in charge. And in the morning, he’d never regret yielding to her.

  She hadn’t been as daring in the past, but Damien made her feel free to try new things. In fact, he made her feel free outside the bedroom as well as in it. She’d lived her life following other people’s rules. Her parents’, her board’s, the industry’s. Shireen would laugh at how chained she’d been without ever noticing.

  But Damien made everything else fall away. When she was with him, the whispers in her head saying she wasn’t good enough disappeared. Her enemy gave her courage. How was that for ironic?

  And it was that courage she drew upon tonight.

  When his hands gripped her hair and his thighs clenched beneath her hands, she lifted her head.

  “No,” he groaned.

  “Patience,” she replied as she grabbed a condom from the nightstand and unrolled it on his iron-hard length. “It’s about to get better.”

  He moved to flip their positions, and she dug her nails into his thighs.

  “Tonight, I’m in charge,” she said, throwing a leg over his hips.

  “Am I complaining?”

  “I seriously doubt you will.” Positioning him under her, she sank down on his cock with a sigh.

  “Yes,” he hissed as he gripped her hips.

  A smile on her lips, she lifted herself only to sink back down to his grateful groan. She set the pace, rocking over him in a slow, steady rhythm meant to drive him to distraction. It didn’t take long before his fingers gouged into her thighs, demanding more.

  She leaned down to catch his lips in a kiss as she undulated against him.

  Has anyone been more perfect?

  She couldn’t remember. Something about Damien just did it for her. Nothing else mattered but this connection between them.

  With one hand bracing herself against the headboard, she gyrated over him. The pleasure suffusing his face added to her own. She loved this feeling. Of knowing she had the power to grant or deny the release he clearly wanted.

  This wasn’t temporary to her, and it was time she stopped pretending it was. The companies could be figured out. They’d find a solution, eventually. They had to.

  Because she wasn’t losing him if she could help it.

  “Caitlyn,” he panted.

  She increased her speed, writhing over top of him as her own breath caught in her throat.

  Unable to help himself, he gripped her hips and thrust upward, penetrating her deep enough to wring a moan from her.

  Conscious thought faded as she focused solely on the only thing that mattered right now.


  Faster and faster she moved. Her own orgasm crept closer, tantalizing her with its promise.

  His eyes were closed when she looked down at him. Intense concentration seemed to stain his face, and it nearly made her laugh if she’d had the breath.

  Enjoy yourself. Like I do every minute I spend with you.

  A few more rocks, and she knew she was close.
/>   “Damien,” she gasped.

  “Let go, cupcake,” he panted.

  As if she had any other choice. With one more rock, she flew apart. Her climax crashed over her, robbing her of breath as her vision dimmed. Every nerve in her body fired at the same time, sending wave after wave of sensation over her.

  Damien rolled her over, driving into her a few more times before finding his own release. She was too sated to move when he collapsed by her side.

  “Worth a family dinner?” she asked when she could speak.

  His laugh was joyous as he cuddled her close. “Sign me up for another whenever you want.”

  With a smile on her face, she settled into his arms and wondered when in her life she’d ever felt so content.


  The house was still and dark when Damien jogged down the stairs. He’d left Caitlyn sleeping upstairs, happy and exhausted. A feeling he knew well.

  The silly smile on his face was unbecoming of a Reid, and yet there was nothing he could do to wipe it away.

  Reaching the kitchen, he filled two glasses before pausing. He looked around the dark room and realized for the first time in his life, there was no critical inner voice demanding he do more, work harder, and achieve a longer-lasting legacy. Even the ticking clock in his head that always counted down his relationships was silent. He felt…


  An emotion that had been missing for so long in his life he hadn’t even noticed its absence. Not until he remembered what it felt like.

  How could I have done without this for years?

  Now that he had it again, there was no way he’d ever let it go.

  Or her.

  And there, standing in a dark kitchen, he realized this could be the rest of his life. He could have everything he’d always said he didn’t want. Love. Commitment.

  A partner he’d never walk away from.

  Is she the one?

  Every bone in his body said she was. Caitlyn freaking Brooks. His rival. A woman who had annoyed him for years. One with the power to go toe to toe with him and win. The last woman he should ever want.

  Was the only one he’d ever need again.

  And with that thought, things suddenly got very simple.


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