Big Girl Pill

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Big Girl Pill Page 14

by K D Williamson

  “Okay,” Rachel drew the word out. “Something you couldn’t talk to Maya about?”

  “Yeah, I, uh, didn’t want to get her hopes up, because things have been going so well between us.”

  “Don’t just leave me like this. Spit it out.”

  “Um, I had a reaction.” She cringed because she didn’t mean to sound so detached and clinical.

  “To what? Gluten?”

  “No. To two women kissing.”

  “You watched porn?” Rachel’s voice went up.

  “Christ, Rachel. No, I saw it in person.”

  “What? They asked you to join in?”

  Nina stared at her.

  “What? You’re not being very clear.”

  “I was at a restaurant and I saw them kissing and I felt something.”

  “As in turned on?”

  “It was getting there, yes.”

  She snorted. “Oh, holy shit, that didn’t take long.”

  “What didn’t take long?”

  “For your va-jay-jay to get a clue.” She was practically crowing.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Let’s just say it knows where it’s wanted. Probably always did. The rest is on you.”

  Her face heated. “It didn’t mean anything. Probably.” She didn’t even believe that.

  “Uh-huh, that’s why you’ve been holding onto it for…?”

  “Only a day,” she grumbled. God, only a day? Life was coming at her with the speed of an avalanche.

  “That’s beside the point, but I have to say that I’m impressed. I leave for a few days and the whole world turns upside down.”

  “Drew thinks you’re a bad influence.”

  “Oh, I am, sweetie. I am.” She grinned.

  Nina laughed, and it felt really good after everything that had happened. Then, she did the next thing that came to mind and called Maya via her car’s Bluetooth.

  “Hey,” Maya answered on the third ring. Her voice was sleepy and warm. The bottom of Nina’s stomach tightened.

  “It’s after twelve and your ass is still in bed?” Rachel asked.

  Maya chuckled. “I’m a grown woman. I’ll sleep ’til three if I want to.”

  “Then you’d miss out on a late lunch with us,” Nina said.

  “Not Nine Mile, though, right?”

  “No, not Nine Mile.”

  “Where do you want to meet, then?” Maya asked.

  Nina glanced at Rachel, who shrugged.

  “I don’t know and Rachel is being decidedly unhelpful. What are you in the mood for?”

  “You choose. I’m easy.”

  Nina’s smile widened. “Have you been to Blue Mountain Pizza since you’ve been back?”

  Maya groaned. “You just said the magic words. I can be there in forty-five minutes.”

  “We’ll see you then.” Nina hung up.

  Rachel’s gaze was on her again, burning a hole in the side of her face.

  “What?” she asked.

  Rachel didn’t respond, and as Nina turned off at the next exit toward Weaverville, she looked over at her. Rachel was smiling, and her eyes were bright with amusement.

  “What?” Nina asked again.


  She didn’t believe her at all, but she wasn’t going to push. Besides, she had to prepare herself to tell Maya everything that had happened with Drew. She dreaded it a little, but for the most part, she was relieved.

  After arriving at Blue Mountain Pizza, they exchanged pleasantries and got a table. They ordered appetizers and Nina took her time continuing to gather her thoughts until Rachel’s pointed stare goaded her to finally say something.

  “So, something’s bothering me,” Nina said. Maya glanced at Rachel, then back at Nina.

  “Okay. With the way you two were eyeing each other, I knew something was going on. Do you want to talk about it?”

  “It has to do with Drew.”

  Maya frowned. “Did something happen?”

  “Kind of. But if it bothers you to talk about it, I won’t.”

  Rachel rolled her eyes but didn’t say anything.

  “Well, it’s bothering you and we’re supposed to be friends, so what’s going on?”

  Nina poked at the garlic knot she’d been eating. She took a deep breath and detailed the argument she’d had with Drew. When she finished, Maya stared at her without saying a word. During the conversation, her expression had gone from shocked to annoyed and then, angry.

  Rachel leaned forward and watched them both intently as she ate another garlic knot.

  Nina returned her gaze to Maya, and found her expression darker than it had been a second ago. “I’m sorry. I know it might be hard for you to hear about him, but I figured this situation was different.”

  Maya covered her hand and her expression shifted to concerned. “You don’t have anything to apologize for.”

  “Exactly,” Rachel said.

  “He does, though.” Maya frowned. “That was a shitty move and I wanna shove it right up his ass. If he can dish it out, he’d better be able to take it, too. And I’m not gonna apologize for saying that.”

  Rachel chuckled.

  The feeling she’d had earlier returned, stronger. Nina studied their linked hands and squeezed. Maya squeezed back.

  “I’ve been trying so hard to be mature about this,” Maya continued. “That’s one of the reasons I didn’t say anything when you first told me Drew proposed. The other was because we were nowhere near as close as we used to be. It’s been two years, but I think I know you, Nina. You thought you could deal with him being controlling, as long as his heart was in the right place.”

  Maya was right. She held her gaze and as the seconds passed, Nina felt like she was being swallowed whole by those brown eyes. The intensity within them left her shaken but safe, and her heart beat so hard that all she could hear was the rush of blood to her head. Maya dragged her thumb slowly across the top of Nina’s hand. The resulting jolt of heat made Nina’s stomach flip, and the rest of her buzzed as if she’d jumped on top of a live wire, though it was just a simple touch. She stared down at their interlinked hands and another riot of sensation rivaled the first. This time, Nina uttered a barely audible gasp and she was both rattled and scared by the pull between them. She let go of Maya’s hand and abruptly stood.

  “Bathroom,” she said, needing to get some equilibrium back. She forced herself not to run, and she didn’t dare turn around.

  Nina had learned a whole lot about herself over the past few days, but realizing that she was attracted to her best friend definitely topped it all. To make it even more eventful, she had no idea what she was going to do about any of this.


  Maya looked down at her hand. It still tingled. She looked over at Rachel, who was busy stuffing her face with yet more bread. “What the hell just happened?”

  “I don’t know.” Rachel held up a garlic knot. “Damn, these things are good.”

  “Well, can you leave some for us?”

  “I’ll think about it.”

  Maya gestured toward the back of the restaurant. “Should I go check on her, you think?”

  “Yeah, probably.” Rachel reached for another garlic knot.

  “You just want to eat all the damn food.” Maya scooted her seat back and got up.

  “I’ll leave you guys one to split, and we still have the Mediterranean sampler.”

  “Gee, thanks,” she said sarcastically.

  Rachel smiled and shooed her away.

  Maya went to the bathroom and nodded in greeting to the two women at the sinks. Discreetly, she checked the floor of the stalls and only saw one pair of feet, and she knew exactly whose they were. Maya went to the empty sink and washed her hands. Finally, the other women left.

  “Are you okay?” Maya asked as she dried her hands with a paper towel.

  “Um, yeah. Just...yeah,” Nina said, obviously holding something back.

  “I know it sounds
trite, but you can tell me anything.”

  “I wouldn’t even know where to start. I think I have to figure it out myself first.”

  “That seems to be a theme with you lately.” She stared at the stall door, willing it to open.

  “Seems like.”

  The sound of the lock being released was loud but welcome. Nina looked around the bathroom before stepping completely out of the stall. Her eyes were wide and her face pale.

  Maya immediately took Nina’s hand. “Did I say something to upset you?”

  “No, you didn’t.” She stared down at Maya’s hand. “I think I’m overwhelmed.”

  Still? Maya studied her for several seconds. The more she looked, the more pale Nina became. Something else was going on here. “Nina, please. What—”

  “I can’t right now. Okay?” Her voice shook.

  Maya wanted to say more. It was so fucking hard not to, but she didn’t. “Okay, we’d better get back in there if you’re ready. I’m pretty sure Rachel has worked her way through all the garlic knots by now,” Maya said, trying to lighten things up a bit.

  “Let me wash my hands. I’ll be out in a minute.”

  Reluctantly, Maya let her go and returned to the table. Nina joined them not long after, and seemed to relax as Rachel cracked a few one-liners. They made it through the rest of the meal, but Maya still worried, and she continued to worry after she’d driven back to the house.

  And now here she was, staring at her ceiling even though it was too dark to really see it. She couldn’t sleep. Hell, she wasn’t even drowsy. She turned and reached out, searching the nightstand for her phone so she could check the time. She groaned when she saw it. Well after midnight, and she had to be up by six to prepare for work. She’d taken on extra assignments in the area and cut her vacation down to a week instead of two, since she wasn’t going to the wedding.

  Her phone went dark and she pressed the home button again and opened her texts, specifically the ones from Nina. She scanned the last message and it should have comforted her to know that she’d gotten home okay. But her stomach churned. She wanted more. So much more. There was a part of her that screamed that this was her chance. You slow fuck. What are you waiting for?Samuel L. Jackson’s voice echoed in her head.

  And his voice wasn’t the only one. Oprah’s was there, too, encouraging her to think things through, and Maya knew it was douchey to try to insinuate herself into Nina’s life in a romantic way. Especially now, so close to her wedding.

  Maya sat up. She had to be Nina’s friend first, and Nina certainly needed all of those she could get. So, instead of texting and possibly waking her up, Maya got out of bed and headed to the kitchen.

  The light was already on when she got there. Winston sat at the island as he ate a sandwich. “Hey,” Maya said.

  He held up a finger as he finished chewing. “Hey, what are you doing up?”

  “Can’t sleep.”

  “Me, either.”

  “Surprised Chloe’s not here to help.”

  Winston’s lips twitched. “I like her.” He took another bite of his sandwich.

  “I know that, Winnie.”

  He stopped chewing. “What did you just call me?”

  Maya grinned. “You heard me.” She paused. “So, is she part of the roots you were talking about?”


  “In that case, I like her, too.”

  Winston smiled. “Good to know. So, how are the wedding plans going?”

  “Who knows at this point? Either way, I’m not a part of it anymore.” She didn’t mean to sound bitter, but she knew it came across, anyway.

  He set his sandwich down on the plate and stared at her. “Since when? What’s up with you?”

  “You miss out on so much not being home.” That came out bitter as well. She didn’t mean that, either. He wasn’t the bad guy here. He was just convenient.

  Winston looked away and then back at her a second later. “Yeah, I know, and I’m sorry. But, I’m here now. I do miss you both.” He patted the counter across from him. Maya pulled out a stool.

  He studied her. “Why aren’t you going to the wedding?”

  “I guess you could consider it a mutual decision.”

  “Are you okay?”

  She wondered if he’d be disappointed with her answer but decided to say it, anyway. “It’s for the best. Especially when you want the bride to be with you and not the guy she’s marrying.”

  Winston’s eyes widened slightly. Without looking away, he pushed his plate containing the other half of his sandwich toward her. “Eat and then let’s talk. I have a lot to catch up on.”

  She took a bite. It was good, a perfect ratio of ham to cheese and bread to mayo. Maya smiled as she swallowed. “Just like Mama’s.”

  “Almost,” Winston said, and Maya finished it, before saying another word.

  “Okay, so it’s like this,” she started.

  It was going to be a long night.

  Chapter 11

  Nina expected awkwardness, or even worse, shame, to overtake her as Maya crawled between her legs, but she felt no such thing. The confidence Maya radiated hiked Nina’s arousal upward several notches. Maya ran her hands up and down the inside of Nina’s thighs. Her touch, slow, teasing, and deliberate, didn’t match her expression at all, which was filled with urgency. Sweat streaked her face. Her lips parted and her breath came in shallow bursts, as if she were a step away from losing control.

  With each brush of her fingertips, she moved closer to Nina’s sex. Tiny explosions erupted between her legs and Nina’s stomach tightened as her anticipation grew.

  “Did she make you feel like this?” Maya’s voice was low, thick, and all kinds of sexy.

  Nina shook her head and arched upward, using her body in lieu of words to entice Maya to go higher. Instead, Maya yanked her back down to the mattress, pinning her hips. Seconds later, her fingertips returned between Nina’s legs, following the same pattern as before.

  Nina whimpered at the shock wave of sensation that resulted. When Maya’s hand finally grazed her, she cried out and the top of her head felt as if it was going to explode.

  Then, Maya was gone. Nina couldn’t categorize the sound that fell from her lips. She opened her eyes and met Maya’s gaze in time to see her slide her fingertips that had just been between Nina’s legs into her mouth. Liquid heat filled her, hot enough, heavy enough to make her gasp.

  “What do you want me to do?”

  “Everything. Just…” Nina didn’t get to complete her request. As Maya eased inside her, the only thing she finished was her first orgasm of the night.

  Nina awoke abruptly. She sat up in bed and put her hand against her chest over her racing heart. Her breathing was ragged and her throat scratchy, as if she’d been crying out. Maybe she had, considering how turned on she was. The temptation to reach between her legs and finish herself off was damn near overwhelming. She leaned back against the headboard and closed her eyes.

  Her face burned. It wasn’t as if she’d forgotten anything that happened that night, but to have those images creep up on her like that was a little disconcerting. Maybe this was just a one-time thing, but what if she’d opened the floodgates a couple days ago? The dream might be the start. Despite all the shame and fear she felt after the real thing, she understood that her attraction to Maya didn’t come out of left field. It couldn’t have, not with the way her body had responded, but the kicker was, it had become potent enough to break through whatever wall she had put up.

  This was a mess. As if the situation with Drew wasn’t difficult enough. The thing with Drew might be fixable, but this situation with Maya? She had no idea what to do about that.

  She had also gone back and forth over the past couple of days trying to figure out what “fixed” meant for them, because she had concluded that she couldn’t be who he wanted, not anymore. She had changed in such a short period of time and learned that forever was too long to keep up any kind of charade. So,
he would have to be okay with that or—she sighed. Or not.

  A small part of her mourned because Drew had become a part of her life, but she also reveled in the sudden sense of freedom. Whatever was left over was silently reeling at the fact that she was undeniably attracted to women. Not woman. Women, as proven from her reaction to the couple at the restaurant the other day and a whole host of other instances that culminated in voyeuristic arousal in college.

  So, she had a choice. She could try to stuff the genie back in the bottle or accept her liberation and the fallout that came with it. She groaned. Fallout was a tame word where her mother was concerned. Cancelling the wedding was going to be a disaster. World War III, possibly, and she had no idea if she had the arsenal or the will to go into battle.

  A knock on her bedroom door startled her, but before she could answer, Rachel had already opened it. She stared at the bed and then walked in farther. Rachel looked behind the door and even checked the closet before going into the bathroom and flipping on the light.

  “What are you doing?” Nina asked.

  “With the noises you were making you have to be hiding somebody in here.”

  Heat flooded her face. “I’m not.”

  “I wouldn’t have shamed you if you had a Tinder date because there is no way Drew could make you sound like that.” She plopped down on the bed beside her then moved the covers and fluffed the pillow before lying down. “Oh, God, this is the best mattress ever.”

  “I would never pick somebody up via app.”

  “Little friend in your nightstand, then?” Rachel yawned. “Isn’t it time for you to get up for work? I’ll keep your bed warm for you.”

  “Yes and yes. I mean, I wasn’t—”

  “Mm-hmm. Good dream, then?” Rachel closed her eyes but there was a contented smile on her face as she wiggled around to get more comfortable.

  “Uh, yeah.” Nina said. There was no point in denying it.

  “Oh, really?” Rachel grinned devilishly.

  Nina got out of the bed as quickly as she could. “I’m gonna be late.”

  “Fine. Be that way. You’ve been pretty quiet the past couple days. I know something’s going on in that head of yours, but it’s ten after six in the morning and I’ve already said way too many words. You know where I am when you want to talk.”


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