Love Drunk

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Love Drunk Page 7

by T. L Smith

  That won’t happen, because the minute my eyes close he’s all I see.

  Hands slide around my waist, turning me over. Soft lips touch mine, waking me from my nightmare. Opening them as he pulls away, I watch as he yanks off his shirt followed by everything else before he lifts the covers and climbs in next to me, my t-shirt the only thing separating us. It’s all I wear to bed, and I didn’t expect company.

  I don’t bother questioning why he’s here, I’m thankful he is. I don’t remember my dream, but I know it wasn’t pleasant. The back of my neck is wet from sweat and that only happens when I have a nightmare.

  Lips as soft as cream kiss me all the way up to my bruised neck which he pays extra attention to. Hands rough as the bricks that hold this building erect, slide up and down my naked body under my shirt. I want to lie here and be worshipped. It’s been so long since I’ve been woken by a man’s hands on me.

  That I miss it, now it’s here, makes me think, Maybe I won’t take my keys back if this is what I am in for.

  “Did you miss me, bunny?”

  I need to ask him why he calls me that. Instead, I answer him. “Yes,” I breathe through panting breaths.

  He smirks before he hovers over me, now kissing my lips again, and I feel him between my legs.

  “Hard and fast tonight. I’m tired, but still want you.”

  I nod, not complaining. The desire to know he wants me even when he’s tired is empowering. It makes whatever this is we have, feel somewhat validated. That maybe I’m fucking him up in the same way he’s fucking me up.

  Hands circle my hips then lift. He slams into me and I gasp loudly. Reaching for my pillow, I go to cover my mouth to stop the loud moans that I know are bound to come out, but he pulls it away throwing it on the floor. I look into his stormy dark eyes and all I see staring back at me is me nothing. They’re soulless.

  “No! You will scream, and make it fucking loud.” He pushes into me again, and again. His rhythm is fast and hard, and he takes control of who I am. I become his instrument, moving and gasping to his perfectly tuned beat.

  And, fuck me, it’s the most perfect sound on this planet.

  “Gunner,” I scream so loud that I lean up and bite his shoulder to slow down the onslaught of emotions while an orgasm rips through my body. He doesn’t stop, rides it out and fucks me until he comes, pulling out and coming all over my belly when he’s done. He sits back admiring his handiwork and touches my belly, spreading it everywhere as I lay there catching my breath.

  “Are you marking me?” I joke.

  He stops abruptly. Lifts his hand and sits back. “Wash yourself.” Then he gets up and does just that, heads straight to my bathroom and turns on the shower.

  Sitting up, I look at where he’s gone, not sure what to do, or why he changed his mood so quickly. Getting up, I do as he says, going straight into the bathroom where I see him, his head dropped back, his dark curls wet, and the water washing over him.

  It’s a sight to behold that’s for sure. One I don’t think I will ever get out of my head. The way he stands there looking like a fucking king that you aren’t allowed to go near.

  I step in, despite the feelings running through me, and reach for the soap and start washing his back then running my hands over his perfect ass. The man I was previously with had hair on his ass. Gunner, well, his is perfectly smooth and shaped like a pear. It’s an ass most woman would want. Turning around, he opens his eyes as I reach his chest, doing the same thing washing him. He doesn’t say a word, just lets it happen.

  “You confuse me,” I say, my hands dropping lower. His cock’s starting to rise again.

  He shakes his head. “Good.”

  I look up at him as he takes the washcloth from my hand and then starts to clean me. “You won’t figure me out. No one ever does.” He says it as if he believes it, but maybe it’s because he doesn’t let anyone close enough to figure him out.

  “You like it that way?”

  Gunner nods then turns me around when he’s washed my front. “Do you not want that, though, someone to speak to, someone to confide in? Everyone needs someone, Gunner.” At first, I think he won’t answer, then the washing of my back stops. Then I feel him come closer.

  “Not everyone wants that, Everly. Not everyone wants what’s written in storybook collections. Some of us like it dark and dangerous. Can you accept that?”

  I turn to face him while he steps back into the water, letting it wash over him.

  “Is that what you want? Someone to accept that side of you?”

  He shakes his head. “It isn’t a side, it’s me. Accept it, or move on, Everly.”

  I reach up, stepping under the water with him, my hands lying on his chest, our naked bodies touching.

  “I’ll accept it, but don’t ask me why. For now.”

  His hand reaches for my chin and he lifts it. “You have sparkles in your eyes, Everly. A man like me kills that sparkle.” He lets me go and steps out of the shower, quickly wraps a towel around him, and walks out. I stand under the warm water trying to decide what to do, and when I finally get out, he’s gone. There’s no trace of him anywhere.

  Sparkle my asshole.

  “I’m in love,” May says sitting on my couch the next morning.

  I laugh at her. “With who?”

  “Your cousin. I get stupid when he’s around, so it has to be love. Right?” she asks, lying down as if she’s in her next therapy session. I should never be anyone’s therapist, considering how fucked up Gunner’s making me feel.

  “Does he have a girlfriend? I mean really? You would tell me, right?”

  “No. I don’t think so. I have never seen him with anyone serious.”

  “Maybe he’s waiting for me.”

  “Maybe.” I giggle at her words.

  “This is serious. I tried to sleep with Trevor last night. To see if I could get Alec out of my head. But nope. Couldn’t. Every time Trevor thrust all I could think was, I bet Alec would fuck me hard and spank me perfectly.”

  “This is not something I need to hear.”

  She scoffs at me. “Please… you know he’d be the best lay of my life.” She fans herself.

  I put my fingers in my ear and sing loudly. “La la la la.”

  She climbs over to me, gets close enough and starts yelling, “He would have a big dick, too. I’m sure of it. So big that it won’t fit in my mouth. Maybe just the tip.”

  “Oh. My. God,” I scream.

  “I bet Gunner has a big cock. Do you take it in the ass, Ev? Tell me you like it dirty.” I push her away and stand to get away from her. Someone coughs, and we both turn to see my front door open and Gunner standing there. Oh fuck! How long has he been standing there for?

  “How the fuck did you get in?” May asks incredulously while jumping to her feet. She looks to me and I look down guiltily.

  “Oh. My. God. You didn’t! Ev, what are you thinking?”

  I look up to Gunner to see him still watching me with hard eyes. I turn to May and say, “Can you give us a few?”

  Her sharp eyes turn to Gunner and she zooms in on him before she walks to my room shutting the door. When I hear the door close, I turn back to him, and in his hands are flowers.

  I smile when he hands them to me. “Thank you.”

  His hand falls to his side. “You’re welcome,” he says through gritted teeth.

  “Is this hard? For you to do this?” I nod toward the flowers. “I like it. Just so you know.”

  “Don’t discuss my cock with your friends.” Then he turns and walks out, leaving me standing there holding the prettiest bouquet of flowers I’ve ever received, and shocked at his departure.

  He’s confusing as fuck.

  “What the fuck, Ev? Explain. Now.” May startles me as I’m still watching where Gunner left. Turning to May, who is standing there with her arms crossed over her chest at my bedroom door, I say “Explain what?”

  She shakes her head. “Why would you give him a key? Y
ou’ve known this guy for what? A few weeks. And all of a sudden you’re handing him a damn key?” I look down at the flowers in my hand. “Oh my God, how was I blind to it?” She shakes her head, stepping out of the bedroom and over to where I’m standing. Her eyes flick to the flowers I’m holding then back to me. “You’re falling in love with him.”

  I gasp at her words. “I. Am. Not,” I say, shaking my head.

  “Oh, but you are.”

  Turning away, I walk over to the kitchen to put the flowers in water.

  “I’m not,” I tell her again, but it’s more to reassure myself, even though something inside of me feels guilty.

  “You do things for him, and you don’t know why?”

  I choose not to answer, so she continues, “You’ve never been in love, Ev. I’m worried he may not be good for you.”

  I spin on my heels. “Why would you say that?”

  She nods to the door. “I heard the way he spoke to you. I’m afraid you will love him, and he won’t love you back. It’s an awfully sad life to love someone, and to live without getting their love back in return.” She walks over and kisses my cheek. “I hope I’m wrong. I just wanted you to have some fun. I didn’t expect this.” She turns to go.

  I whisper as she walks away, “Neither did I.”


  It takes three days until I see him again. Gunner walks straight into my apartment as I sit on the couch watching Netflix trying to unwind from my busy day. He spots the cake in my hand and walks over, standing directly in front of the television. I look straight up at him, his dark cruel eyes watching me.

  “Get dressed.”

  Nope, this isn’t happening.

  Who does he think he is?

  I don’t get a text or even a damn call after the flower incident, and he just walks back in with an attitude that he can boss me around.

  Ignoring him, I go back to eating my cake. Pretending I can see directly through him. Of course, I can’t.

  “Everly, did you damage your hearing since I’ve been gone?” His fingers come into view then lift my chin, so I have to look directly at him.

  “You mean for the three days of complete silence?”

  He drops my chin then I hear a huff from him as he bends down coming eye-level with me. “Did this upset you?” he asks me like he doesn’t already know the damn answer. I look at him and see no signs of him being a smartass. He’s honestly asking me.

  “A text would have been nice.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind.” He stands again. “Now, get dressed.” He takes my cake from my hand and places it on the coffee table behind him.

  “Where are we going?”

  “Dinner.” He glances at his watch. “You’re making me late, Everly. I don’t like being late. So, hurry up.”

  “We decided no dates, so no.” I look back to the cake wanting to pick it back up—if there’s one thing you can’t take from me it’s cake. I love all cake, and to me it’s like a drug I need.

  “This isn’t a date. Now get changed.”

  “No. Now fuck off.”

  He huffs at me. “You’re fucking me off, Everly. Get. Changed.”

  I poke my tongue out at him like a petulant schoolgirl and cross my arms over my chest in a huff. “Fuck you.” Reaching next to him, I grab the cake and pull it back to me.

  He’s fast, though, catching me before I can start eating. Gunner removes it from my grasp then captures my face with his other hand, his thumb running along my bottom lip. “I’m late, Everly. I don’t have time for games.” Something in the way he says it makes my resistance fail.

  “Fancy or casual?” I look up at him as I give in. He’s dressed as usual in a suit, so I have no idea.

  “You decide. Anything you put on looks good.”

  I smile as I walk past him. That’s one of the first real compliments he’s thrown my way, and I soak it up like a dry sponge does water.

  Going straight to my closet, I pull out tight black jeans and a nice shirt to pair with it and some heels. It doesn’t take me long to slide it all on and walk back out to find him on his phone deep in thought.

  “Ready,” I say.

  He closes his phone, slides it in his pocket, then takes my hand as we walk out. I like it when he touches me. Anywhere. Anytime. It’s nice. It makes me believe what’s happening isn’t just in my head, but is real.

  We get into the back seat of the car in silence and start to drive.

  “How have you been?” I ask breaking the silence.

  He turns to give me his full attention, which is nice to have. “Busy. I’ve been working.”

  I try to stop the words that are going to fall from my lips, but I can’t. “And you haven’t seen any other women?”

  “I told you I wouldn’t, did I not?” I nod my head. “And you do not believe me?” he asks, his eyes still on me. They’re steely, hard, unforgiving.

  “You don’t give me much of anything, so I don’t know what to believe.”

  “I’m not like this with any other women, Everly. None. I’ve done more for you, and sacrificed more for you, than any other person. Is what I’m giving you not enough?” He says it accusingly.

  “For now, it is,” I reply, turning in my seat as the car comes to a stop. I’m afraid that soon, very soon, I will want things he cannot or will not give me. Then where will I stand?

  We get out of the car at a house, it’s beautiful and has an old-world charm about it. He walks over to me, places his fingers in mine as we start to walk. The front door swings open and an old lady stands at the front. She looks to me then to Gunner. When her eyes land on him, something in her changes, and a soft smile comes over her face.

  I pull at his arm and whisper, “Where are we?”

  “My grandmother’s,” he answers so casually.

  What the fuck?

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” I sneer softly.

  Choosing not to answer, he keeps on walking up the stairs. With her arms open, she engulfs him in them then pulls back to look at me.

  “This is a first, Gunner. Who is this?” Her eyes, the same as Gunner’s, land on me. Hard.

  “Everly… this is my grandmother, Nakita.”

  Offering her my hand she takes it. Her grip is tight for someone older. “I look forward to getting to know you.” When she says it, I don’t believe her. Not at all. Dropping my hand, she turns to walk inside, and I look over at Gunner who’s watching me.

  When I hear the door shut, and know it’s just us, I lean in close. “We’re meeting family? I thought we weren’t serious?” I ask, confused.

  “She’s cooking and I’m hungry. She’s the best cook in town.” He says it as if it’s answer enough, then proceeds to walk toward the door his grandmother just came out of, dropping my hand. I stand there shocked. I mean, the smart thing to do would be to turn around and walk away, but I’m not very smart when it comes to him, and I’m coming to realize this. I always thought I was sensible. Did everything I was supposed to, within reason. But honestly, lately, I have no idea what’s gotten into me. So, I do the stupid thing and follow him into his grandmother’s house, where he’s standing holding the door open, with a smile in his eyes as if he knew I was going to come in regardless.

  “So, how long have you two been seeing each other?” I see her sitting at a table that’s full of flowers and utterly gorgeous. I smile at the flowers thinking of my café.

  “Two weeks,” I answer for us.

  “Closer to three now,” he corrects me.

  Turning away from the flowers to face him, he pulls out a seat which I take and sit. He sits next to me, his arm going on the back of my chair.

  “And how did you meet?” she asks pouring herself a cup from her teapot.

  “A bar. She hit on me,” Gunner replies.

  I shake my head in embarrassment. Oh my God, he didn’t just say that. Did he?

  “Well, I’m sure that’s ground for a great ending, too.”

  I sit back shocked.
Oh my God, she didn’t just say that. Did she?

  “Grandmother,” Gunner hisses.

  She waves her hand and a lady comes out with a tray of food.

  “I’m sure a woman like her knows not to expect the world from you, Gunner. Let’s be real here.” She’s so cold and dismissive.

  I’m not even sure what to say. So, I say nothing. Just sitting and watching as the food is placed in front of me.

  “She knows what’s happening between us,” he hisses.

  I don’t. Not really.

  Not when I think I want more.

  I feel her eyes on me, and I try to get rid of my facial expression that’s most likely giving me away.

  “You aren’t a man who does this. So no. She doesn’t. She wants more. Isn’t that right, girl?”

  Girl? Did she just call me girl?

  I turn to look at her, and cold hard eyes just like Gunner’s stare back at me.

  “Let me introduce you, Grandmother. This is Everly Thorne.” She looks to him then back to me.

  “My apologies. Let’s eat.” She turns her head away and starts eating while I sit there confused by what’s just happened.

  Should I say something?

  “Did you live here?” I ask Gunner after moments of silence.

  His grandmother looks to me then to Gunner, waiting to see what he’ll say.


  One simple word. Okay, nothing new there.

  “That’s nice.” Honestly, it’s all I can think of to reply.

  We eat with Gunner’s grandmother making small talk about what her day consisted of, and asking how Gunner’s been. He replies with short, curt answers with little emphasis on anything just like he does with me. When we’re done, Gunner stands, reaches for my hand, and I don’t miss the look his grandmother sends our way which she quickly replaces with a fake smile.

  “It was a pleasure to meet you,” I finally say.

  “Yes. You, too. I’m sure we’ll meet again.”

  Gunner nods his head then pulls me out the door straight to the waiting car.


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