A Duke's Despair (The Unforeseen Lovers Book 3)

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A Duke's Despair (The Unforeseen Lovers Book 3) Page 2

by Lily Holland

  A new disrespectful, ironic grin had appeared on his face and I had to try my best not to slam my fist on the desk.

  It didn’t matter what I said, it didn’t matter the number of jobs my “useless ventures” have created, how mining has helped many families of the neighborhood to survive last winter and will surely help them to survive the next. But, of course, this man doesn’t care. Why would he? He is rich and very fond of his appurtenance to an elite that is changing every day.

  I might be a Duke, I don’t have the same vision. My mother was a French Countess condemned to flee the French Revolution to survive. I know what we have can be overturned in the course of a night, while this man doesn’t seem to realize how fragile social superiority actually is.

  I shake my head, focusing on the glass of brandy between my hands. Like seeing the Lord talking to me like a young imbecile wasn’t enough, I had to end up face to face with his daughter, the almighty Lucy Devinan…

  A new sigh of annoyance leaves my mouth and I drink up my alcohol. The sour taste feels hot in my throat but its soothing effect doesn’t take too long to get me relaxed. Sleeping won’t be so easy tonight.


  The next day, and after a night spent grumbling and trying without much result to figure out a way to get Devinan to give me access to his ground, I head to the Fire Cross, the town’s inn.

  When I go in, the innkeeper smiles and points at a table where my friends are already waiting for me.

  “Tough night?”

  I groan at the question and I sit down in silent. I sigh before looking into my friends’ faces.


  Marc is the son of a gentleman who has lost his entire fortune through gambling. To ensure his mother and sisters wouldn’t be turned out of their own home, he made some fruitful investments in boat building businesses and mining. He always hopes to make more money to gather a safety net for his family. He is a good man, we became friends when we were just boys and I know I can trust him.

  “So his face tells the whole story,” notices Ernest. “What did Devinan say?”

  I sigh and shake my head no.

  “He said no.”

  “Well, it was to be expected from such a man.”

  I tilt my head in a nod and my friends look at their cup of ale.

  Ernest is a banker I met at school. We have the same love for figures and whereas I have inherited my fortune through blood and smart investments, he made his through gambling and being the best player. A strange habit for a banker, one would think, but as soon as he had gathered enough to invest it in interesting ventures, his bets became as profitable as one could hope. He might have no title, but he has the money and I wouldn’t be surprised if he were to marry a Duchess or a Princess one of these days…

  “What did he say exactly? Maybe he can be convinced,” wonders Marc.

  I purse my lips and my fists clench.

  “He said he didn’t care about our activity, that he doesn’t want to be involved in the business and won’t consider exploiting his soil. According to him, the part we need for the mine is too close to the house.”

  “Does he realize mining happens underground?”

  Ernest cocks an eyebrow and I roll my eyes.

  “Of course he does but he doesn’t care. No, he just doesn’t want to have anything to do with us, that’s all.”

  “That’s too bad,” admits Marc.

  “Indeed,” adds Ernest with a nod, “and unfortunate too. The plans and extensions have been ordered. We need his agreement, we’ll be facing a considerable loss if we change our mind now.”

  “Do you think I don’t know that?”

  I grit my teeth as I shake my head. All this affair is getting on my nerves.

  “Didn’t he offer you a solution? Devinan might be a proud chap but he isn’t stupid. He must have offered you a way to get what we want. Even if it’s costly, it might be interesting to consider it.”

  I shake my head and shrug.

  “He didn’t offer anything worth considering.”

  Ernest frowns and peers at me like a shark who sensed a weakness.

  “Really? Are you sure about that?”

  I shift in my seat uncomfortably before shrugging again.

  “He jested, said he would actually agree to the deal if I were to marry his daughter. He said he would be happy to see her becoming a Duchess. It was a joke though, I know. He said it only to make me angrier than his refusal did.”

  “Are you sure?” wonders Marc with a gleaming eye. “He could have been serious.”

  “Of course not! I know him, he knows his daughter and I don’t get along. He offered this solution because it’s the only thing that is truly impossible, from one side as well as from the other.”

  If there is one thing I know about Lord Devinan, it is that he loves his family. His daughter is the apple of his eyes, I could bet everything I own that he knows Lucy and I hate each other dearly. Maybe he doesn’t know the reasons to our mutual disdain, but his mention of this offer is proof enough. He wanted me to get mad and it actually worked. He knows I will never accept to marry Lucy and she would never accept to marry me. This proposition is only another provocation.

  “Well, it still seems to me he offered you to marry his daughter,” notes Marc bringing his cup to his lips.

  He remains silent for a minute and a deep frown creases my brow.

  “I have met Lucy Devinan quite a few times, I suppose you did too Ernest,” he says turning to our friend. “She is a beautiful girl. How old is she? Seventeen? Eighteen? She can’t be much older than that. She has a pretty face, a smart gaze, lovely auburn hair, a nice figure with everything needed at the right places… I think you are a lucky chap, Andrew!”

  I remain dumbstruck at his words. He doesn’t realize who Miss Devinan really is…

  “You don’t know her,” I oppose with as much measure as I can muster.

  “Indeed I don’t but I think it would be a very lucky agreement if you were to accept.”

  I snort.

  “I can’t accept. He offered only because he knew I would refuse.”

  “Another reason to accept,” says Ernest. “The man is challenging you and you are giving him exactly what he expects of you. He thinks you are going to say no so he shows you as must disdain as he can. Yet, the facts remain: he is offering you his daughter and the mine on a golden plate, it looks to me you are on the winning side here.”

  “You’re insane,” I say in a breath.

  My heart rate just kicked up and I don’t like it.

  “I could never marry her, I hate her.”

  Ernest nods skeptically and looks at Marc who simply shrugs.

  “I see. Well, you might be the only man I know ready to refuse a beautiful, well-bred wife and the promise of a fruitful business because the woman is petty.”

  I frown and shake my head so hard something cracks in my neck.

  “It’s not that,” I say massaging my nape. “She hates me and I hate her, I can’t get engaged to a woman I despise and get married only for business purposes.”

  “Well, well, dear Duke,” says Ernest playfully, “would you actually be the kind of man secretly dreaming of deep love?”

  I roll my eyes and look around the room. Every man drinking here tonight is either already drunk or will be soon. I should be getting home if I wish to avoid any liquor-induced fights.

  “That’s not it, I only wish to be the one picking my wife. I suppose that isn’t a crime.”

  “Indeed, it is not,” adds Marc. “You go and pick whomever you might like, but now you know there is one who might be able to give you just what we need to make our venture truly successful.”

  I shrug and mumble a few words before taking my leave and heading home. I don’t think Lord Devinan expected me to consider his offer, that’s exactly why he made it. I don’t hold him dear to my heart, but Miss Devinan is in worse a position. I have despised her for years, but marrying her could be the
solution to a problem that has no other.

  Even if I were to say yes, she would never agree to marry me. She loves her father, I know, and I’m certain she would be willing to obey him if he were to request her to choose one man over the other, but me? I think she would rather throw herself off a cliff before that can happen.

  Chapter 4

  Miss Lucy Devinan

  After a few days home, I realize I really did miss this place. I take a ride on the beach with my fastest mare and I rediscover all I love about Cornwall. The air is so striking, the wind cooling and the sky beautiful in its own way with so many shades of gray and pearly white.

  I make my way back to the house and I am surprised to see a carriage in the alley. I nod at a manservant tending to the horses but I am intrigued. I wonder who might be visiting today. Surely Mrs. Foster has heard about my mother’s return and she wanted to share some gossips about the neighborhood.

  I make my way into the drawing room where my mother is talking to someone and I stop dead on the threshold.

  “Oh Lucy darling, how was your ride?”

  I blink a few times considering my father and his guest sitting next to him.

  “Nice enough,” I say after clearing my throat.

  I take the pin out of my hat to put it down on the table and narrow my eyes, detailing the man with suspicion.

  “Miss Devinan.”

  Suspicion doesn’t leave my face as he bows and sits back next to my father. They share a look and my father clenches his jaw.

  “The Duke of Peicester has been kind enough to bring us some news from Town,” says my mother in a welcoming voice. “Apparently, the war is going better than expected.”

  She smiles but I can’t reciprocate. I nod but I remain unmoving next to the door.

  “I figured it could interest you,” declares the tall, brown-haired man with an ounce of contentment in the voice. “I had business with his Lordship, it seemed only fair I would use the opportunity to bring news.”

  I focus on my father who nods politely but I can tell he isn’t happy. Something about the Duke is bothering him and I wonder what that might be. I look at him but he refuses to cross my gaze. I don’t like it.

  “Please join us for tea,” exclaims my mother. “You need it after your exertion today.”

  I smile but I am unable to refuse. I nod and sit in the armchair next to the Duke and he smiles at me. He notices my furrowed brows, I know, and focuses back on his cup of tea.

  His presence in this drawing room is suspicious. My father knows I hate this man, he knows I can’t stand being in presence of so contemptuous a man and yet, he doesn’t seem willing to chase him away. I’m surprised. It must have something to do with the business the Duke has just mentioned.

  “You are around a lot, Your Grace.”

  My tone is challenging and I have no doubt he perceives it.


  The Duke smiles at my mother’s scolding but stops it from going further with a raised hand.

  “Indeed,” he agrees turning to me and his light blue eyes fixing upon mine. “Unfortunately, it is all to be attached to my latest mining venture.”

  He doesn’t add anything but my father shoots him an angry look and I realize something very important must be at stake. I wet my lips, weighing my words very carefully. I might despise the man, but he is still a Duke. And a rich one at that. I don’t want to inconvenience my father with the wrong comment.

  “A mining venture?” I observe. “How interesting. I have heard recently the price of tin was going up. What ore are you expecting to extract, Your Grace?”

  The man blinks fiercely before locking eyes with me again. He is surprised, he probably expected another pun from me but he won’t get one. Isn’t indifference the best proof of disdain?

  “Indeed,” he resumes inhaling a deep breath, “the ground has proven very rich in tin but copper is also available in great amounts.”

  “I see.”

  I smile as Mrs. Portman brings me a cup of tea and I taste it quickly.

  “I always find mining businesses to be fascinating,” I admit with a proper smile.

  “You do?” wonders the Duke, surprised.

  “You do?” repeats my father, one of his eyebrows cocking up.

  “Yes! You never know what you might find under the ground. I think it is a very daring endeavor to involve in. It also has a very suspenseful twist to it. You never know what you treasure you might be able to uncover! Gold and diamonds could be hiding under our feet without us knowing it. It’s a very adventurous business.”

  “I believe I can agree with you on this matter, Miss.”

  I nod politely and drink my tea. The Duke’s eyes are still set upon me and he observes me carefully for a few minutes before my mother talks.

  “I wish you all the luck, Your Grace. Have you heard of the progress in the medical field recently? Doctor Steward came the other day and…”

  Mama converses with our guest for as long as he is willing to but I notice his hands are clasped tightly around his cup and he answers only in short sentences. He has never been one fond of long sentences, the Duke, but rumor has it he is gifted with a love for figures. Too much mathematics probably hurt his grand eloquence at some point…

  I listen to the conversation but my father only rarely takes part in it. He remains quiet, and occasionally nods in agreement but my mother does the best part of the talk.

  When the Duke stands to leave, we all imitate him and Mrs. Portman brings him his coat and hat. He thanks my mother for her hospitability and turns to my father.

  “I believe we shall meet again soon.”

  He bows and papa agrees in a nod but his body is stiff and his fists clenched on each side of him. I frown and the Duke turns to me.

  “Miss Devinan.”

  He bows and I curtsy in return.

  “Your Grace.”

  His eyes linger on me for a split second and I don’t know what to make of his gaze. He seems… uncomfortable? I watch him go and shake my head before sighing. He seems so upright, so high on a pedestal nothing and no one can touch him. Does he even realize the image of him he imposes on every person he meets? I shake my head. No matter the circumstances, it seems I can always find something new to add to my hate for him.

  The man leaves and I go to my room to change.


  “Yes papa?”

  “Could you join me in my study in a few minutes? There is something important I must talk to you about.”

  I frown, surprised, and shrug.

  “Of course.”

  He nods and leaves me wondering what he is up to. I change quickly before knocking on the door of his study and coming in.

  “You wanted to see me?”

  Standing by the door, my father nods and invites me to close the door behind me.

  “Is everything alright?”

  His face is constricted. I don’t know when was the last time I have seen him that way but it can’t be good. Something deep inside my belly starts twisting in dread.

  “You look worried,” I add as he doesn’t speak. “Should I call for mama?”

  He shakes his head no and invites me to sit. He settles in the chair next to me and garbs my hand gently. My brows are creased and my heart rate races up. I don’t like the look of despair on his face, it makes me too wary something terrible has happened.

  “What is it papa?”

  He sighs loudly before detailing my face and shaking his head.

  “You know I love you Lucy, you and your mother are the two things I love the most in this entire world. You have to believe me…”

  I smile and my frown deepens.

  “I know it, papa. Why are you telling me this?”

  “Because I have made a terrible, terrible mistake, my darling.”

  I tense and observe him, unable to understand what he means.

  “You know the business the Duke of Peicester has mentioned earlier?”

nbsp; I nod, inviting him to continue.

  “Yes, the mining venture. What about it?”

  “Well, he has requested for me to allow him to exploit a part of our ground.”

  “I see,” I say with a nod. “Well, if he thinks it can be a fruitful ground, maybe you would be right to accept. Is that what is bothering you, papa? You fear he might do something to the land?”

  I squeeze my eyes, trying hard to understand what might be the problem. We have enough land available to allow one small part of it to be dedicated to mining.

  My father shakes his head no and his grip on my hand firms.

  “I refused his offer.”

  “I see.”


  He stops and looks at me before sighing deeply and rerouting his gaze. Something is wrong here, very wrong. A cold chill runs over my spine and makes me shiver.


  “He has accepted to marry you…”

  I freeze and my entire body tenses. What?

  “Excuse me?”

  “I am so, so sorry, Lucy. I had no way of knowing he would accept but he did and now I can see how stupid I have been!”

  Color leaves my face and I feel the world swirling around me. What is that even supposed to mean?

  “But why would you offer him to marry me? It makes no sense whatsoever!”

  I withdraw my hand from his and my father passes his palm over his creased brow.

  “He requested access to the land and I refused. He asked for conditions and something I might want that only him would be able to provide and I was thoughtless enough to jest at the worst time ever. I argued that if he were to marry you, I would give him my accord to work on the land.”

  My breath leaves me and I stand at once. I take a few steps in the room, my father’s eyes following me closely.

  “Why did you even offer this?!” I eruct and study his constricted face. “You know I hate this man! Why on Earth?”

  “I made a terrible mistake Lucy,” he argues shaking his head slowly. “I thought he despised you just as much as you despise him but I have underestimated him. I wanted to show him being a presumptuous brat had consequences, that because of his behavior he would never have what he wanted. He caught me out at my own game, made me a fool in his place.”


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