The Hunt: High School Bully Romance (Kennedy Academy Book 2)

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The Hunt: High School Bully Romance (Kennedy Academy Book 2) Page 9

by Mae Doyle

  Swallowing hard, I nod. I’m not ready, but I have to do this.

  I brought it upon myself.

  “You can run. Or not.”

  I wait a moment to give him time to finish, but he doesn’t say anything else.

  “Wait. Those are my choices?”

  He nods, his eyes dark and locked on mine.

  “What happens if I don’t run?” My skin is suddenly very cold and clammy, and I want to open the window for some fresh air, but I don’t dare move.

  “Then you’re that much easier to catch.” His eyes still on mine, he reaches over and hits the unlock button. Inside the truck is so quiet that it’s almost deafening.

  I don’t move.

  Ever since I was little, when I got scared, I tend to freeze. It’s a bad habit, and one that I need to break. Especially now.

  Flight. Flight will save me, right?

  “Are you not running?” He sounds bored, but there’s a thrill of excitement under his tone.

  Swallowing hard, I shake my head and reach back for the handle of the door. It’s cool and solid in my hand and I grab it, squeezing it hard enough to make the rounded edges dig into my skin. Never taking my eyes off of him, I open the door and slip out.

  As soon as I slam it, I better be on the move.

  The road is close, but we didn’t pass a single car once we got out of town.

  The woods are closer, but it’s not like that really worked out for me yesterday.

  Swallowing hard, I make the decision that I have to. The decision that he knew I would.

  He forced my hand, and I don’t have a choice.

  At least this time I still have both of my shoes. Turning my back on the truck and on the hunter, I sprint for the woods.


  She’s running. Every muscle in my body screams for me to fly out of the truck and chase after her, but I want to give her a little head start. There’s no use in catching her before she even makes it to the woods.

  Where would the fun in that be?

  Squeezing my eyes shut, I could to thirty. Then fifty. Finally, one hundred. That should be enough time for her to feel like she’s escaped. Maybe she’ll try to hide behind a tree, and I can pin her up against it again.

  The thought makes my cock hard. I got a little squeeze from her yesterday, but now she owes me more. Her sweet little tits gave me something to think about last night in the shower, but I want everything from her.

  I’m going to be the first person to ruin Nora, and she’s going to love every single second of it. I swear to God, if she doesn’t give me what I want this time then she’s going to have bigger problems than spitballs in class to deal with.

  Sighing, I throw open my door and then slam it shut hard enough to make the last broken bits of glass fall out. I want her to hear the noise and know that I’m coming. It falls to the ground and crunches under my feet, the sharp sound bright and clear. Otherwise, the field and the woods are silent. Nothing moves, and I have the feeling that everything is watching us.

  The woods seem to stretch on for miles. No matter where Nora decided to enter them and try her luck, she has thick underbrush to contend with as well as large rocks that she can hide behind. It’s a great place to go hunting.

  Even though I haven’t been here in years, I’m confident that I know the woods well enough to not get terribly turned around. Nora, on the other hand? That bitch couldn’t find her way out of a paper bag, even if the closed end were lit on fire.

  And I’m about to light these fucking woods on fire if that’s what it takes to find her.

  Take her.

  Make her mine.

  She doesn’t have to love me. Hell, Nora doesn’t even have to like me, but she will learn to respect me and fucking stealing my money and my truck is enough to push any rational guy over the edge.

  I’m not rational. Not on a good day.

  The grass swishes as I push my way through it and a cool breeze blows in, but there’s no fog in the woods like there was last night. And, since we cut out of school early, we still have hours to play before it’ll be time to go home.

  Plenty of time to hunt.

  My cock aches as I think about Nora crying and trying to buck me off of her. Pausing at the edge of the woods, I stretch.

  Always stretch before you go hunting.

  Especially for big game.

  Don’t want the prey to turn it around and get the advantage.

  Gotta keep my head in the game.

  Gotta go catch Nora and teach her a fucking lesson.


  The woods are quiet. No birds sing, probably because they know that there’s a hunter in their midst. Nobody wants to draw attention to themselves when the shit’s about to hit the fan. Plenty of wild animals know that, but not my Nora.

  At first, it isn’t obvious which path she took. The undergrowth is thicker than I remember from in years past and it’s almost impossible for me to track.

  Almost. But not entirely. I’m good enough that something like some thick brush can’t stop me, no matter how hard Nora tries to hide her trail. I almost miss it, but when I slow down and look again, I clearly see where she stepped. She kicked a rock, her one mistake.

  The rock flipped over, the wet underside showing on the top. Once I see it, I grin, the slow smile spreading across my face. The rock sticks out like a sore thumb among the other dry rocks.

  “This way, huh, Nora?” I call. There’s no fog, so my voice doesn’t echo, but I love to imagine it caressing her. Making her shiver. Pretty soon, the only thing that she’ll be able to hear is my voice.

  And her screaming.

  A crash to my left causes me to spin, but it’s just a rabbit, its white tail a flag as it bounds away.

  Turning back to the flipped over rock, I take a few cautious steps forward. There’s tons of poison ivy all around and thick briars as well as plenty of rocks to trip on.

  Pausing, I consider what I’ve done. Back at my house, I know my woods. I thought that I would have the same benefit here, but the woods have grown up and changed a lot since I was last here.

  A jolt of doubt shoots through my body as I look around. I don’t know these woods, and they’re more overgrown than I could have ever imagined. There’s no way I’m going to be able to track her here. Fuck. I got too cocky, I messed up. I should have just taken her back to my house and hunted her there.

  But I wanted to make sure that we wouldn’t be interrupted.

  Raising my hands to my mouth, I make a cup to call out to her, but then I pause.

  No fucking way. Nora was wearing a white shirt, right? I think back to what it was like to grip her so tightly by the shirt that her neck and face turned red. Fuck, yeah, it was white.

  There was a white blur ahead of me. Something moved and then ducked down behind a boulder. Confidence flows through me again as I start walking towards her.

  There’s no reason to be quiet. Nora couldn’t have chosen a worse day to wear white. Now that I know what she has no, there’s nothing that she can do to hide from me.

  My breathing slows as I walk towards her and the certainty of what I’m going to find behind the boulder calms me.

  She’s hiding, but not well.

  She thinks she’s safe, but she’s wrong.

  Nora is mine, and there’s literally nothing that she can fucking do to stop me from coming for her.

  Slowing my breathing, I make sure that I’ll be able to hear her if she moves. I don’t care if she knows that I’m coming. There’s nothing that she can do to stop me right now, and the thought of fear coursing through her turns me on.

  If she so much as coughs or gasps I want to be able to hear it. I want to know every sound, moan, and sigh that Nora makes. I’m going to be the first person to draw a whimper from her perfect mouth and make her moan from deep in her toes.

  I’m going to ruin Nora for every other man she meets.

  “Hey, Nora.” I’ve come around the rock and she’s crouched dow
n in the dirt, her hands up over her head, her face tucked between my legs. She doesn’t move right away when I call her name, and I squat next to her, reaching out and letting her long hair slip through my fingers.

  “Nora, it’s over now.” She still doesn’t respond, and I take a second to look around our patch of woods. A lot of the underbrush died back. How in the world did my sweet little virgin find one of the only patches of clear ground here?

  Tugging her hair, I force her to look up at me. She turns her head slowly, her eyes red and puffy from crying, her mouth twisted into a sob.

  “What’s wrong, Nora?” Even to me, my voice sounds sickly sweet, but finally she responds.

  “I’m sorry.” Her voice is barely a whisper, but I still hear her.

  “Sorry for what?” She’s looking me dead in the eyes now, but I don’t let go of her hair. There’s no way that I’m going to let her slip through my fingers now, not when I’ve gone to so much trouble to make sure that we would have some time alone.

  Not after she stole my money and my truck.

  There’s no reason at all why I should show this fucking bitch any mercy.

  “I’m sorry I ever met you.” She plants her hands on my chest and shoves me hard enough to make me rock back on my heels and lose my balance, but I still have her hair wrapped around my hand, and I don’t let it go.

  “Fuck!” I scream, toppling backward. Her hair almost slips from my grasp, but I squeeze it tighter, yanking it hard so that she falls down with me. She screams, the sound painfully loud right next to the boulder. “You fucking bitch!” She tries to twist away, but I switch my grip to her arm and twist it up and behind her back, shoving her down so that her face is pressed into the dirt.

  I’m pissed, but I’m also secretly pleased.

  I didn’t want Nora to freeze. I wanted her to flee, and then I wanted her to fight. Even though I could easily take her right now and there’s not a damn thing that she could do to stop me, I loosen my grip a little, allowing her to wiggle away and sit up, her back to the boulder.

  She’s panting hard, dirt smeared across her face, but she no longer looks scared. Now she looks pissed. Her eyes are bright and flashing and she bares her teeth at me, her lips pulled back into a grimace. Nora’s gorgeous, but there’s nothing attractive about her right now.

  Right now, she looks absolutely feral. She looks like the perfect prey for a hunter like me.

  “I apologized, you asshole!” She stands up as she screams at me, and I match her movements, not wanting to give her too much of a head start if she decides to run for it. “You actually think that I want to be here? Fuck, you’re stupider that I thought!”

  “We opened our home to you, Nora, and you stole from me, remember?” Keeping my voice as calm as possible, I step closer to her, but she scoots off to the side, putting the woods at her back. My heart is racing as I think about trying to chase her through these woods. They’re too thick for fast running. One of us would surely get hurt. My muscles are all primed and ready. If we run and one of us gets hurt, I’m going to make sure that’s it her.

  “After you tried to rape me in the woods!” Her face is red from screaming at me, but fuck, if she’s not beautiful. Not only does she have a great little body hidden under her stupid fucking baggy clothes, but she’s beautiful, even when she’s pissed.

  Fuck, I am not supposed to feel anything for Nora besides wanting to just bury my cock in her.

  “You think I was going to rape you?” Her eyes darken and I force out a laugh. “Fuck that, Nora. I was going to have you begging for it.” Stepping closer to her, I reach out quickly and grab her arm before she can pull away. When she tugs back, I dig my nails in, making sure to hold her tight. She squirms and my heart jumps in my chest as she fights me. Desire for her surges through my body as I struggle to pull her closer to me.

  Finally, I have her body pressed up against mine, even though she has her head angled as far away from me as possible. “You were going to be crying for more by the time I was done, Nora. I know little sluts like you. You may be a virgin now, but you can’t wait to have my thick cock shoved inside of every single one of your holes. Am I right?”

  I think that I’ve pushed her too far. Her face pales and she blinks a few times before she even tries to answer. When she does, she doesn’t speak. Instead, she leans back and then spits right into my face.

  “That’s what I think about ever wanting to fuck you, you sick asshole.” Jerking hard, she pulls her arm back from me while I wipe her spit off of my cheek.

  I’d be a lying bastard if I said that it wasn’t hot as fuck.

  As if she didn’t have me turned on enough already, now I’m ready to go. Leaning forward, I consider forcing her to her knees. I’d love nothing more than to see her sweet little mouth wrapped around my cock. The thought of making her cry while she choked on my dick was almost too much.

  “Run. Run or stay here and we’re going to figure this out right here.” Her eyes grow wide and, for a moment, I think that she’s going to run. She glances over her shoulder, obviously calculating the best escape route.

  The muscles in my legs ache to chase her down.

  Then she whips back around to me. “Fuck you, Teague. You’re just an asshole.”

  “You don’t want to run?” Blood pounds in my ears and I take a step closer to her, shocked when she doesn’t pull back.

  “Where? Where the fuck would I run, Teague? I’m done running.”

  She probably weighs 100 pounds soaking wet, and the fact that she thinks she can stand up to me is laughable, but I’ll play her game.

  The prey wants a fighting chance, and I’ll give it to her.

  “Great, Nora, then let’s fuck.”

  Her faces pales again, but she recovers and shakes her head, crossing her arms tight across her chest. “No. You’re going to take me home. Now.”

  I laugh, the sound echoing around us in the small clearing. “Not a chance, Nora. You’ve lost your damn mind if you think that that’s what’s going to happen. I’m going to fuck you, Nora, and maybe if you feel really good and your pussy is tight around my cock, I’ll let you come.”

  Chapter 8


  I don’t know why I thought that Teague was kidding about fucking me. He hasn’t joked about a damn thing since we met. Asshole needs to lighten up, but right now is definitely not the time to tell him that.

  This is not what I should be thinking about. I should be trying to plan my escape, or finding something that I could use as a weapon, but instead I’m just staring at the guy who wants to attack me.

  He wants to rape me.

  He said that he would make me come.

  A shiver runs through me and I look around, deciding whether or not I really just fucked up.

  The small clearing we’re in is surrounded by thick undergrowth and is far enough away from the edge of the woods that there’s no chance of me making it to the truck before him. Even if I could get out of the woods without him catching me, he’s sure to catch up to me in the field.

  And obviously, breaking a window on his precious little truck doesn’t seem to bother him as much as I had hoped that it would.

  “Why don’t you just let me go and we’ll talk about this at home?” I try to sound strong. It seemed like a good idea to fight him a moment ago, but now that I’m sizing him up, I know that I made a mistake.

  Teague is huge and covered with rippling muscle. Even though he’s fully clothed, I swear that I can see his muscles twisting and bulging whenever he moves.

  He grins, a slow smile that splits his gorgeous face and somehow makes him even sexier. The black shirt he has makes him look brooding and dark. Swallowing hard, I drag my eyes up from the bulge in his pants and try to focus on how the hell I’m going to get out of here.


  “That’s not going to happen, Nora. Come here.”

  I don’t move fast enough. Teague lunches at me, sweeping my legs with his while he grabs my
shoulders and pushes me down. We fall to the ground, the hard dirt knocking the air out of me in a whoosh. Immediately, I start kicking and hitting him, but he pins my hands to my sides, his face just inches from me.

  From here, I can see how bright and clear his eyes really are. I can smell his cologne and the bit of sweat he’s worked up chasing me.

  I wonder if he can smell my fear.

  “Hey, little virgin. You feel so good between my legs, you know that?” He doesn’t wait for an answer, instead, he drops his head down and kisses me, his mouth hard on mine, forcing my lips open. I fight him, but he forces me to open my mouth, allowing his tongue to sweep in and over mine. He tastes me, one hand holding my neck so that I can’t pull away, his tongue expertly teasing and searching my mouth. As much as I hate it, I can’t help but melt into his touch.

  Struggling, I try to free my hands, but he grinds his hips into me to help hold me into place. He’s hard and huge, and I squirm away as he presses his cock into my side. “You like that, Nora?” He asks, leaning back for a moment, before kissing me again.

  My lips are crushed under his and I fight for every breath, but he doesn’t stop kissing me until he’s satisfied. When he sits back up, I can feel my lips throb. They’re swollen and sore, but Teague is nowhere near done with me yet.

  I gasp as he lifts my shirt and grabs my tit through my bra. The air is cool and my skin pebbles under his touch, which is something that he’s not going to allow to go unnoticed.

  “Oh, my little virgin, do you like the way that that feels? I don’t know that you’ve ever had a man touch you before, am I right?”

  I’m not going to answer, but then he twists my nipple and I cry out, biting down hard on my lower lip. He locks eyes with me, and I nod.

  He’s right. I’ve never had a man – anyone – touch me like this. I want to take control. I want this to be different, with someone who cares about me…

  But I can’t stop him.

  And my body doesn’t want me to. My whole body is longing for him in a way that I’ve never felt before. All of my nerves are on fire and aching for his touch, and whenever he touches me, I feel like I’m going to come out of my skin.


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