Chapter: Twelve.
Needless-to-say, things were looking up. I was surprised to find myself adjusting to my new way of life rather well. However, I did miss Comfort loads. We continued to keep in touch, talking daily at first. Soon after it dwindled down to every other day. Then, every so often, and before long it felt more like a courtesy call on her behalf, rather than a genuine call. She liked California and that was apparent. I was truly happy for her. She spoke of stories of people there, and of things that had happened. It seemed that California was exactly up her ally. Of course my simple life didn't seem as appealing as what she had going for her and I knew it and felt it. I still enjoyed our conversations and missed the times we shared, both good and bad. It's rather peculiar, actually, how things can change, or how your perspective on things can change: as I learned and matured I ultimately became aware. I mean two or three months prior I would have been worried about not being trendy with my clothing or appearance. Or about having the cool phone, or chilling with friends. Now I worried about sleeping through the night and feared that I wouldn't be able to enjoy a long prosperous life. Still on the fence, I saw things that were truly unexplainable but still tried to rationalize them to fit my way of life.
"Expanding the realm of reality, not the other reality (virtual), composed of the worldview. It's what is all around you, with every breath one takes. The words are seldom heard. The song seldom sung. The Son seldom felt."
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