Mastered for Their Use (Ventori Masters Book 5)

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Mastered for Their Use (Ventori Masters Book 5) Page 19

by Ivy Barrett

  Guilt and fear slammed into Erin, making her gasp. “Did they—”

  “No,” Kyla said firmly. “I was scared witless, but LeAuntiez got there before anything happened.”

  A strange inflection in her voice and the fact that Kyla wouldn’t look at her, made Erin ask, “Why don’t I believe you? How far did it go before LeAuntiez showed up?”

  Kyla continued to fidget, but she finally met Erin’s gaze. “It got bad, but they didn’t rape me. I can deal with the rest.”

  Tears flooded Erin’s eyes and she flew up out of the chair, rushing over to her friend. “You shouldn’t have had to deal with any of it.” She knelt in front of Kyla and took her hands. “I’m so sorry. I had no idea... I didn’t even think about you. God, I’m such a bitch.”

  Kyla playfully pushed her backward. “Get off me, you creep.”

  Erin landed on her butt with a laugh. “Thank God LeAuntiez rescued you, but how did he know you were in danger?” She wiped her eyes on the back of her hand and crossed her legs in front of her.

  “He sensed my fear. All Celestians are mildly empathic, but they can sense their mate’s emotions even at great distances.”

  Would Urrya know if she were in danger? He definitely sensed her emotions when they were together, but she wasn’t sure about his range. “That’s how LeAuntiez realized you were his mate.”

  It wasn’t a question, but Kyla nodded. “And Bron quickly realized I was compatible with him too. You know how the rest works.”

  There was no need to spell it out. They’d both experienced the surreal pleasure of Ventori courting. And Erin had heard that being bonded made the sensations and emotions even more intense. And it wasn’t just sex. Sharing thoughts and feelings created an intimacy no human couple could hope to understand.

  Erin looked at Kyla and sighed. “I still feel horribly guilty for putting you in danger. I’d understand completely if you never wanted to see me again.”

  “Well, obviously that’s not the case.” Kyla shrugged, finally relaxing into the chair. “I can stew about what almost happened, or I can look at all that I gained because of that night. If I hadn’t been in danger, LeAuntiez wouldn’t have swooped in and rescued me. And if LeAuntiez hadn’t taken me to their house, who knows how long it would have been before Bron checked out his list of compatible females. Neither of them was looking for a mate when they found me. I honestly think it was just meant to be.”

  “And they make you happy? Honestly?”

  “Absolutely. I wasn’t really looking for a mate either, but they’re... wonderful.” She waved away the subject and said, “Enough about me. Have you decided if you’re going to let these guys claim you?”

  She held her finger up to her lips, afraid Oseth was eavesdropping. “I haven’t decided yet.” She contradicted the claim with an enthusiastic nod.

  Kyla smiled, clearly understanding Erin’s silent message. She made a clapping motion with her hands, but made sure there was no sound. “If you do bond with them, will you live here on Tavor?”

  “I presume here. This is where they live. But clearly visits to Earth aren’t much of a problem. Urrya and Oseth do it almost every day.”

  “I didn’t even think about that. Azra creates a portal twice a day. That’s sort of scary. No wonder he freaks people out.”

  Erin understood why others found him frightening, but she was no longer intimidated by any of her mates. “If you’d asked me who the scariest pod was a couple weeks ago, I would have said Chancellor Savator and Commander LeAuntiez.”

  Kyla smiled. “I guess we’re both gluttons for punishment.”

  Erin’s nipples tingled and heat cascaded through her body. That phrase had taken on an entirely new meaning in the last few days. “So what’s going on at headquarters? Are any of the other girls still there?”

  “Star was claimed, so it’s down to Olivia and Jasmine.”

  “Why haven’t Olivia and Jasmine been transferred to Camp Accord? I know there are other unclaimed females there already.” Kyla’s gaze began to dart around the room again and Erin pulled her legs up in front of her, unnerved all over again. “More bad news?”

  “The Ventori researchers found abnormalities in their blood that indicated genetic manipulation.”

  Trepidation spread through Erin’s body, making her feel cold and jittery. “How is that possible? They were only at the induction center for a day or two.”

  “True, but they were also given injections at the recruitment center. They were told the vaccinations needed time to work before they could risk exposure to Ventori microorganisms.”

  “What did this gene manipulation do?”

  “Made them compatible with a wider range of species. The researchers think Roberta Nunez and Minister Zapt were trying to develop a universal breeder.”

  Erin shivered. Skarilian attacks had devastated countless worlds, and many were left with disproportionate ratios of males to females. Wiping out women and children was one of the Skarilians’ favorite punishments for planets who dared to resist. A female capable of bearing the young of other species would be a valuable commodity indeed.

  “Did they succeed? Are Olivia and Jasmine now universal breeders?” Erin wasn’t sure she wanted to know the answer.

  “They won’t know for sure unless one of them agrees to bond with a species other than the Ventori and no one is anxious for that to happen.” Kyla sighed, then took a deep breath. “There’s something else you need to know.”

  The dread in Kyla’s eyes sent fear zinging through Erin. “Now what?” She already knew. It didn’t take a genius to figure out where this was leading.

  “They found even more significant indications in your tests. Do you remember being given injections by a Ventori doctor? It would have been three to six weeks ago.”

  Erin thought back. So much of the past year and a half had blurred into a miserable mass of fear and depression. She spent so much time avoiding the memories that it felt odd to focus on them now. Pushing away the worst situations, she quickly sorted through the last two months. They’d found a small apartment in Austin, one of the few cities untouched by the Skarilians. They found jobs and tried to carry on, even though neither was sure why they bothered.

  “The only thing I can think of is that flu shot, but they were giving them out to everyone. You had one too. Were there abnormalities in your blood?”

  Kyla shook her head. “But they took you out of line and asked you more questions. Didn’t they scan you and run other tests? We both thought it was strange at the time.”

  “Yeah, but... how did they... why me, but not you? We’re both Rh-negative.”

  “I can’t answer that.”

  Feeling invaded and vulnerable, Erin struggled back to her feet. “What does this mean? Can I still bond with my pod?”

  “Your pod?” Kyla smiled. “Don’t let them hear you say that or you’ll be claimed before sundown. As far as I know, you can bond with anyone you want. Bron hasn’t indicated there would be a problem.”

  “All three of my males are from different species. They all have Ventori blood too, but... Is this why I’m so attracted to all three of them?”

  “I’m not a geneticist, but it seems likely. That’s what Zapt and Nunez were trying to accomplish. I do know Bron and LeAuntiez are hoping you’ll accept their claim. My mates think this is a good, solid match. If you want this pod, you can have them. I promise.”

  Erin wanted to believe there would be no complications, but nothing had been that simple since Earth was attacked by aliens. “Then why are they holding on to Jasmine and Olivia?”

  “I don’t know, hon.” Kyla rubbed the back of her neck as she pushed to her feet. “I think they’re just making sure they don’t need to run any more tests.”

  Erin nodded, but she wasn’t convinced. If they needed to run more tests on Jasmine and Olivia, they’d likely want further testing of her too. The possibility was so upsetting, she changed the subject. “Let’s go see where our
males went. Now that you’ve scared the crap out of me.”

  “It’s only fair, after the hell you put me through.” Despite the bitter words, Kyla’s tone was playful and enjoyment shone in her eyes.

  Their lives might have changed considerably in the past two weeks, but their friendship was still alive and kicking. Erin was relieved and encouraged. It was more than likely she’d soon have three demanding mates, which meant she’d have more reason than ever to need a dependable female friend.

  Even if we live on different planets, she thought with a pang of sadness.

  * * *

  “Have you claimed her yet?”

  The question sent frustration ricocheting through Urrya. He wasn’t sure if his brother meant to provoke him with the question, but he was sick and tired of justifying his personal decisions to the high command. At work, LeAuntiez was his commander, so it was right that Urrya follow his lead. But too often in their private lives, LeAuntiez became an extension of Bronsen Savator rather than a protective older brother. Besides, many of the things Bron tried to control weren’t any of his business. “We’re courting her, as is our right. That’s all Savator needs to know.”

  “Relax. Bron is in favor of the match. So am I. We were hoping you’d secured the union, so we can tell the other pods Erin is beyond their reach.”

  Erin was beyond their reach regardless. Azra wasn’t the only one refusing to let her leave Tavor until she was their soul-bonded mate. She was compatible with both halves of Urrya’s nature. No matter what it took, he would convince her that this was where she belonged. His pod would become the best mates she could ever imagine.

  “It will also protect her from other interested parties,” LeAuntiez added with a meaningful look.

  Urrya cringed. He’d almost forgotten about the research team’s findings. Knowing that someone had fucked around with Erin’s DNA made him crazy, so he tried not to think about it. “We don’t know that bonding with us will make her incompatible with other species.”

  “No, but it will give her three powerful males who can sense her emotions and react to anything that threatens her. One of those males can instantaneously transport her to another dimension.”

  “Good point. I honestly believe she’s close to accepting us. Tell Bron, it’s only a matter of time.” LeAuntiez nodded, and they lapsed into silence again.

  LeAuntiez always made Urrya feel slightly uncomfortable. Their relationship had matured and evolved over the years. They were always cordial, sometimes friendly, but Urrya still remembered the resentment and hostility he’d been shown for the majority of his youth and childhood.

  The day was sunny and mild, the sky brilliant blue with not a cloud in sight. They strolled along a tree-lined path that led to a small lake barely visible in the distance. The setting was tranquil and safe, as if the rest of the universe didn’t exist.

  “Has Oseth fully recovered?” LeAuntiez asked after a long pause.

  LeAuntiez had inadvertently caused the injury, so it was nice to see that he was concerned “He’s fine. A few sessions with a multi-med and he was good as new.” The portable device claimed to alleviate a wide variety of health issues, but what it did best was mend damaged tissue. “Has there been any progress regarding the rebels? Do you have any more information on Ramnyth Dulvet?”

  “Not really, and not much.” LeAuntiez relaxed enough to smile. “Kellan, as well as half the bridge officers on the Elizian, swear they spotted Dulvet’s ship yesterday, but their sensor logs only recorded some odd distortions. And none of them can agree on exactly what they saw.”

  Urrya stopped walking and faced his brother. “Do you think the rebels are developing some sort of covert shielding?”

  “I know they are. Someone wearing shielded body armor shot at me in the hacienda. A human might have been wearing the suit, but the technology didn’t come from Earth. It had to be the rebels.”

  “I agree, but our suspicions aren’t helping us find Dulvet.”

  LeAuntiez sighed, clearly frustrated by the lack of progress. “Dulvet is focused on Kellan, or the Elizian. We’re not sure which.” They resumed walking as he went on, “It’s obvious Dulvet is targeting them specifically. Kellan wants to lay a trap, but I’m afraid it’s too obvious. Ram Dulvet might be a savage Yashonty, but he’s no one’s fool. I don’t think he’ll fall for anything directly involving Kellan or the Elizian.”

  Urrya stroked his bristly chin, possibilities whirring through his mind. “Let me think it over. I’m on duty tomorrow. Maybe Oseth and I can come up with something that involves the Elizian in a peripheral role, so Dulvet will be interested but not suspicious. All the Brokvata ships are undetectable. Maybe we can use the element of surprise.”

  “We welcome the input. The High Command has discussed and disregarded so many ideas that I’ve lost track of them all.” LeAuntiez took a deep breath as if bracing for more bad news. “There’s something I’ve been meaning to talk to you about, along the same lines.”

  “What is it?” Urrya clasped his hands behind his back, falling back on military discipline to remain calm.

  “It’s time I take a less active role in the Brokvata, maybe train new recruits rather than spearheading missions.”

  “Really?” He never thought LeAuntiez would willingly relinquish any measure of his power. Celestians craved control and thrived on challenge.

  “There is only one person I would trust to take my place and I believe the other Brokvata will agree.”

  Urrya’s throat tightened, making it hard to swallow. He didn’t speak, couldn’t think of a way to ask without making a fool of himself.

  “Are you interested?” LeAuntiez asked with a smile. “It’s a lot of responsibility and you’re in the process of courting a mate.”

  “I’d be honored, but I want it put to a vote. The Brokvata must trust their leader and follow him willingly.” His heart thudded and warmth and excitement spread through his soul. He’d waited his entire life for any sign that LeAuntiez respected and approved of him. This was more than he’d ever dared hope. “As for the courting, there are three of us. We can make sure she’s never alone.”

  LeAuntiez slapped him on the back and his smile broadened. “I’ll take care of the vote and transition. You focus on Erin.”

  “With pleasure.” Urrya could no longer contain his happy grin. He couldn’t wait to tell his podmates and his soon-to-be-mate. The path led all the way around the lake, but Urrya didn’t want to be gone that long. He motioned in the direction they’d come. “I think they’ve had enough time for girl talk. Shall we head back?”

  “Works for me.” LeAuntiez pivoted on the ball of his foot and reversed course. “The latest reports from Camp Accord are encouraging.”

  Camp Accord was the Ventori colony where most of the bonded couples and several dozen potential mates now resided. It was the first of nine settlements the U.S. government had approved. “With Sintar Orellian in charge, I expected nothing less. His governing style is a lot like Bron’s.”

  “Is that a compliment or an insult?” LeAuntiez asked with a smile.

  Urrya shook his head. “I like Bron; more important, I respect him. You need to stop being so defensive. To be honest, it’s you I don’t like most of the time.”

  The comment made LeAuntiez chuckle. “Blunt as ever. Clearly, you were born for leadership.”

  A deep rumble drew Urrya’s gaze toward the sky just in time to see three ships fly by in battle formation. His heart lurched and chills broke out over his arms. “Were those...” He couldn’t speak the words. The possibility was too horrific.

  “Skarilians. Those ships were Skarilian.” Face gone ashen, LeAuntiez sprinted toward the house, Urrya half a pace behind.

  How had this happened? Had they inadvertently led the enemy to Tavor? His blood surged through his veins, pulse thundering. Not again. Please, gods of the universe, not this again!

  Another group of fighters roared past, and then another and another. Each pass ero
ded Urrya’s composure. He was so damn close to the realization of his wildest dreams. Was the creator really so cruel as to snatch it all away?

  “Where are they headed?” LeAuntiez shouted over his shoulder, still running at breakneck speed.

  “Instrimn is closer, but Tardosil is much larger.” LeAuntiez had never been to Tavor until today. It was unlikely the names would mean anything to him.

  Erin and Kyla were running across the back yard, headed toward them rather than toward the relative safety of the house.

  “Get back inside!” he shouted.

  “Right now!” LeAuntiez reinforced.

  After a split second hesitation, their females turned around and ran back inside the house. They all entered through the back door of the mansion and paused in the utility room, each shaken and disbelieving.

  “Were those Skarilian ships?” Kyla ran into LeAuntiez’s arms. “They looked just like... oh, God, it’s happening again.”

  Erin approached Urrya more slowly, but accepted his offered embrace. “Is she right?” She tilted her head back so she could see his face. Hers was pale and tense, fear thinning her lips.

  “Yes.” There was no point in lying. There was no way to protect her from the horror to come.

  Likely hearing their voices, Azra stepped out of the office and into the hallway as they exited the utility room. He looked even more devastated than everyone else. “Oseth is reporting the attack to the Protectorate. The biggest ship I own is a twelve-person shuttle, and it has no weapons. Can you two fly out and do basic recon? We need to know what we’re dealing with. How close is the fighting? Do the villagers have anywhere to go? I’ll contact my brother and find out if the Skarilians have attempted to communicate.”

  Azra looked only at Urrya, though he’d included LeAuntiez in his request. “Of course. Keep the females with you. They’re both too damn spirited.”

  “Understood.” Azra motioned for Erin to come to him.

  She pulled Urrya’s head down and kissed him before she obeyed. “Be careful.”

  “Always. You’re waiting for my return. That will keep me safe.”


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