Mastered for Their Use (Ventori Masters Book 5)

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Mastered for Their Use (Ventori Masters Book 5) Page 24

by Ivy Barrett

  His hand pumped lazily, filling both her holes, while neglecting her clit. She wanted what he was hinting at, wanted it badly. No, she wanted all three of them, surrounding her, filling her, joined with her body, mind and spirit. Aroused by the thought even more than Urrya’s demanding touch, she tightened her inner muscles and groaned.

  “That’s right,” Urrya coaxed, “surrender. Give me your pleasure.” He reached beneath her with his free hand and finally caressed her clit.

  She threw back her head and cried out, driving herself onto his thrusting fingers. Tension gathered low in her belly, making her inner muscles ripple. Close. She was so damn close.

  “Not yet,” he cautioned and stopped rubbing her clit.

  Clenching her teeth, she felt the orgasm slip away and whispered a curse.

  “I heard that.” He slapped her butt twice on each side, his fingers fucking her even harder. “Take what I give you. You’ll come when I’m ready for you to come and not before.” As if to prove his point, he slowly pulled his fingers out of her clinging passages. “I’m going to push my cock into this tight little hole, while Oseth fucks your mouth.” He pulled her bottom cheeks apart, letting cool air tease her rippled opening. “We’ll have to pull out before we come, of course, but it will still be worth it.”

  “Or Oseth can fuck her pussy, while you fuck her ass, and she’ll give me what I asked for hours ago.”

  Erin turned her head sharply and found Azra standing at the foot of the stairs, passion gleaming in his dark eyes.

  “I see you started without me,” he said with a smile. “Can’t say I blame you, but I think we’ve all waited long enough. Let’s claim our mate.”

  Urrya pulled her up so she rested entirely on her knees, then drew her hands behind her back and held them there. “Are you ready to be claimed, neralla? Do you want all three of us to fuck you at one time?”

  She rested her head on his shoulder, turning her head up and back until she could see his face. “I’ve never wanted anything more.”

  He kissed her deeply as the others moved onto the bearskin rug and immediately started touching her. They stroked her breasts, belly, and ass, hands everywhere all at once. Urrya released her mouth and Azra turned her head toward him, kissing her just as possessively as his podmate. Oseth sucked on her nipples, pulling hard enough to send streaks of sensation from her breasts to her pussy.

  Azra slipped one of his hands between her thighs and groaned. “So damn soft. I’ll start here then switch to her mouth.”

  “Works for me,” Oseth told him, her nipple still in his mouth.

  They laid her down and spread her legs, bending her knees so she was wide open. She was beyond shame, beyond human expectations. She loved these three males and welcomed anything they wanted to do with her. Azra opened his pants and pulled out his cock. She licked her lips, eager to suck on the long, thick shaft until he came all over her tongue. She was free, unapologetic in her sexuality. He knelt between her thighs and slowly pushed his cock deep inside her. His gaze bore into hers, penetrating just as deeply as his shaft.

  Urrya and Oseth caressed her breasts, her arms and legs, touching her everywhere as their podmate fucked her.

  “So good,” Azra murmured. “So fucking perfect.” He pulled back and thrust deep in one hard drive. She gasped and lifted, taking him even deeper. He rode her fast and hard for only a moment, then gritted his teeth as he pulled out. Pleasure built with staggering speed, then dissipated just as quickly. This was cruel, which was part of why he was enjoying it.

  She expected Oseth to take Azra’s place, but Urrya knelt between her thighs. He’d taken his pants off while Azra fucked her, a concession that made her smile. He knew how badly she wanted to touch him, to touch all of them. Before she could take advantage of his generosity, he grasped her hips and slowly filled her. Desire curled through her, driving her even closer to orgasm. She arched, crying out softly because she knew this was just a tease. They were marking their territory, but the bond wouldn’t form until all three of them filled her at once.

  Just like Azra, Urrya only fucked her for a moment, then pulled out of her pussy and moved toward her head. She opened her mouth, easily guessing what he had in mind. Still wet with her juices, he slipped his cock into her mouth. She moaned, the taste of her arousal stoking her smoldering desire. Someone pinched her nipples and another pushed his fingers into her ass, but her gaze was locked with Urrya’s, so she wasn’t sure who was where. It didn’t matter. They were all welcome to any opening, anytime they wanted.

  “Mine,” Urrya whispered as he slid in and out of her mouth.

  After a few minutes, Oseth pushed him aside and took his place, shoving so deep into her mouth that she gagged. “Ours,” he corrected with a grin, moving his hips more carefully. “Don’t be greedy.”

  Azra worked his fingers into her ass, first two and then three. She relaxed, consciously accepting the invasion. Her ass was his, theirs. They had every right to fuck her anywhere they wanted. Oseth held her face between his hands as he steadily pumped into her mouth. Urrya sucked on her nipples and finger-fucked her pussy. Sensations ricocheted through her body, igniting her senses and amplifying her need. She reveled in the decadence, so many cocks, and so many fingers, all for her.

  Another orgasm had just begun to build when Oseth pulled out of her mouth. She cried out in protest, but he just grinned and said, “Enough foreplay. Let’s do this thing!”

  Thank God! She blew out a shaky breath, torn between excitement and uncertainty. Azra pulled her up off the rug as Oseth lay down. Then Azra guided her into place, straddling Oseth’s hips. “Ready, beautiful?” Oseth asked, his gaze warm and encouraging.

  Rather than responding with words, she reached down and guided him to her vaginal opening. He grasped her hips and pulled her down until his entire length was buried in her pussy. Then Oseth pulled her head down and brought her mouth to his. “Just relax and let it happen,” he advised, then sealed his mouth over hers.

  She tried to concentrate on the kiss, but Urrya knelt behind her and eased her bottom cheeks apart. They’d all had a turn in her ass, so why was she freaking out? She wiggled, trying to separate her mouth from Oseth’s.

  Azra grabbed the back of her neck, his grip firm but not hurting. “Relax right now. There is no reason for your fear.” His tone brooked no refusal, and she relaxed, obeying the order automatically.

  Urrya spread cool lube around and into her puckered opening. “If you can’t hold still, push back against me. But do not tense up.”

  Oseth released her mouth and framed her face with his hands, looking deep into her eyes. “You were made for this, love. You are our mate. Nothing is more natural than having all three of us inside you.”

  She stared into his unearthly gaze, allowing the exotic beauty to soothe her. Urrya positioned himself, then moved his hands to her hips. Slowly, so very slowly, he pushed into her ass. The tight ring of muscle gradually spread, opening around this thick cock head. She moaned as the pressure began to burn, but the discomfort only fed her need. Apparently sensing the change in her attitude, Azra slipped his hand between her and Oseth and firmly squeezed her nipple. Like Urrya’s entry, the sensations in her nipple rolled from pleasure to pain and back to pleasure.

  Finally Urrya’s pelvis pressed against her ass cheeks and his entire length was buried inside her. She turned her head and looked at Azra, wanting him inside her too. He moved his hand from her neck to her hair and made a loose fist, then guided his cock to her mouth with his other hand. She opened, eagerly taking him inside. He was warm and soft against her tongue, yet incredibly hard between her lips.

  They started moving all at once and she moaned around Azra. Fullness and motion overwhelmed her for a moment and she had to fight back the need to struggle. Azra’s free hand caressed her face and his gaze turned liquid. Urrya stroked her hips and thighs as he moved in her ass. And beneath her, Oseth lifted his hips as Urrya pulled back, creating a sensual give and take
that stimulated pleasure points she hadn’t discovered until now. She held herself up with one arm and steadied herself against Azra’s hip with the other. They moved steadily, filling her like never before. Pleasure swirled through her body, sent in a new direction by each persistent stroke.

  Something deep in her being stirred to life. The faint tingle rapidly built and expanded, reaching out for the other three. She gasped, her fingers digging into Azra’s hip. She’d expected one of them to initiate the bond, but her soul was searching for its mates. She’d never felt anything like it, but she knew without doubt that was what was happening.

  Azra chuckled, the sound warm and caressing. “Impatient, my sweet slave?” Then his energy flowed into her mind, vibrant and controlled. She opened for him, welcoming his skill. He meshed with her, flowing through her entire body before guiding her toward the others.

  She sensed Urrya first and then Oseth. Like their personalities, their energy felt different, unique and distinct. They joined with her, weaving together until it was impossible to tell one from another. They were one being, one soul, bound for all time. The realization jolted her, triggering an orgasm. Her pussy rippled around Oseth, tightening her back passage in the process. Both males groaned and moved even faster. Sensing their urgency, Azra sped up his pace as well.

  Unable to match their frantic rhythm, she surrendered to their strength and reveled in the intensity. Emotions and sensations flickered inside her mind. It took her a moment to realize they weren’t hers. The feelings expanded, becoming more distinct, more discernable. She recognized Oseth by his openness and eagerness to please. He was thrilled just to be included on any level. Urrya came into focus next, dark yet surprisingly caring, above all intensely protective. By process of elimination, she realized the other emotions belonged to Azra. Despite his domineering persona and the power at his command, he was achingly vulnerable.

  She looked up at him, hoping he’d see how much she loved him. His head was thrown back and his eyes tightly closed as he greedily fucked her mouth. So she opened her mind and pushed her emotions outward, sharing tenderness and joy with all three of her mates. They gave her hope and purpose. She was grateful and content.

  Azra’s eyes flew open and their gazes locked. She saw love every bit as intense as hers shining back from his dark gaze. He pumped frantically and came with a strangled cry. His hot cum slid down her throat and her pussy convulsed as she swallowed and licked, determined to keep every drop. Urrya clasped her hips and drove deep one last time. The rhythmic pulse of his release in her ass triggered another orgasm. She cried out as Azra pulled out of her mouth, and Oseth joined them half a second later. He wrapped his arms around her and clasped her to his chest as his cock bucked inside her pussy. They all moaned and shuddered as tingly aftershocks zinged across their link. Azra flopped down on one side of her and Oseth as Urrya pulled out and lay down on the other.

  “When can we do this again?” Oseth asked with a laugh. “That was incredible!”

  “Finally, we can all fuck her anytime we want without worrying about keeping things even,” Urrya said, sounding a little dazed.

  Erin pushed against Oseth’s chest and sat up. “Can I catch my breath before we start planning next time?”

  Azra dragged her off Oseth and into his arms. “You’re both being incredibly selfish.” He slipped his arm under her neck and brushed the hair back from her damp face. “Are you all right, neralla? If we were too rough, I can heal you.”

  “I’m fine,” she assured him, “but I still don’t know what that means. Will you finally tell me?”

  He bent down and kissed her, warm affection flowing into her mind as his tongue teased her lips. “Neralla means beloved mate, the one I have chosen above all others. It means you are precious to us. Nothing and no one is more important than you.”

  “Damn, bro, when did you get all romantic?” Oseth propped his head on his hand and watched them closely.

  Urrya sat up, looking just as surprised.

  “When I found my neralla.” Azra caressed the side of her face and amended, “When we found our neralla.”

  “He’s right,” Oseth said, suddenly serious. “You’re the fulfillment of our wildest dreams. In fact, I never dared to dream that something this wonderful could happen to me.”

  Rather than speak, Urrya filled her mind with tenderness and affection. She looked into his eyes and felt special and cherished. The combination of verbal affirmation and shared emotion brought tears to her eyes. She turned her face away and blinked rapidly until the excess moisture cleared.

  Azra touched her chin, guiding her face back around. “Why do our words of love make you look sad?”

  “I’m not sad, just overwhelmed.”

  A slow, sexy smile parted his lips. “We’re good at overwhelming you.”

  “I noticed.” This tenderness was wonderful, completely unexpected, but she didn’t want him to lose his edge completely. Part of her would always need her master.

  He chuckled, trailing his index finger down her neck. “You look almost panicked, sweet slave. I assure you, I’m far from tamed.”

  His comment so closely mirrored her thought that her eyes narrowed. “I can’t hear your thoughts anymore,” she complained. “Why can you still hear mine?”

  Because I’m better at it than you are.

  She gasped, eyes flying wide again. “Can you teach me how to do that? Can I send my thoughts to Urrya and Oseth too?”

  “You’ll be able to once I teach you how, but that’s not going to be tonight.”

  I can teach you too, Urrya’s deep voice sounded in her mind. Then out loud, he added, “Azra is not your only mate with powers.”

  Urrya sounded so adorably jealous that she sat up and reached across Oseth to kiss him. “You have wings, my love. Neither of these two can compete with that.”

  “Those who can teleport have no use for wings,” Azra teased, folding his hands behind his head.

  He was still fully dressed, she realized. He’d even fastened up his pants. She would have to do something about that as soon as they went upstairs. This was their bonding night and she wanted them naked.

  “I can cook,” Oseth joined in with a playful wink. “Besides, I love licking pussy more than those two combined.”

  Erin laughed, joy making her feel buoyant. “Sorry, guys, Oseth wins,” she announced with another laugh. “There is nothing I like better than having my pussy licked.”

  Azra’s expression darkened and he looked at Oseth. “Ask your question again.”

  Oseth’s brows drew together. He was clearly trying to figure out what Azra meant. “Oh, ‘when do we get to do this again?’”

  Azra nodded, his gleaming gaze shifting to her. “The answer is after we shower and I make sure our mate isn’t in need of my healing touch.”

  She licked her lips and raised her eyebrows. “Shouldn’t that be my decision?”

  He sat and pressed his hand against the side of her face. “I’ll let you decide which hole we each get to fuck, but your masters are ready for more of their amazing mate.”

  Thrilled by the inclusiveness of his statement, she smiled at each of them in turn. “Well, I know better than arguing with my masters. Let’s go take a shower.”

  The End

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  Additional Books in the Ventori Masters Serie

  Trained for Their Use

  On Earth, Amanda Powell is as good as dead. With her father in way too deep with a ruthless cartel, it is only a matter of time until his enemies come after her. If she wants to stay alive, she has only one choice. She must get off the planet by any means necessary, no matter the price.

  In desperation, she offers herself to a pair of Ventori mercenaries in return for safe passage on their ship. For two years, she will be the property of these stern, handsome aliens, and during that time they will have the right to do with her as they please. They will take her hard and often, in the most shameful of ways, and any protest will earn her a painful, humiliating spanking.

  But as they set about training Amanda for their use, the two battle-hardened warriors find that their beautiful human slave appeals to them in a way they did not expect, and some deep, primal part of them demands that they claim her as their mate. When the intensity of their need for her grows beyond their control, will Amanda’s presence prove catastrophic for everyone involved?

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  Claimed for Their Use

  Held captive by a brutal drug cartel and facing an uncertain fate, the last thing Jessica Saint Claud expects is to be rescued by two huge, fiercely handsome alien warriors, but the real shock comes when the two Ventori commanders make it clear that she now belongs to them. They will use their beautiful little human as thoroughly as they please, and she will submit or be punished.

  To Jessica’s surprise, her body responds powerfully to their bold dominance, and it quickly becomes clear that she is an ideal match for them both. As their primal need for her grows stronger, her new owners cannot resist taking her over and over in the most shameful of ways, wringing more pleasure from her naked, quivering body than she would have thought possible.

  But when Jessica’s impetuous behavior leads the Ventori High Council to demand a demonstration of her suitability as a mate, she soon finds herself blushing crimson as she is stripped bare, soundly spanked, and then claimed publicly by both of her masters at once.


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