Rescuing Emma (Special Forces: Operation Alpha)

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Rescuing Emma (Special Forces: Operation Alpha) Page 11

by Michele E. Gwynn

  “What? You mean it wasn’t because of my writing?” she asked through sobs.

  “Nope. Guess your writing isn’t that bad after all,” Nate said. Then, “Sorry, bad joke.”

  “I’d hit you for that but my hands,” she said through tears, pulling at the restraints.

  “Oh, damn. Sorry, baby. Let’s get that taken care of right now.” Nate glanced at Doc. “Call in the bomb squad. This whole building is wired with explosives. We need to clear the warehouse district immediately.”

  “On it, Captain,” said Doc, who then turned a dimpled smile to Emma. “Glad you’re okay, Emma.”

  “Me too, Doc.”

  Nate reached down, scooping Emma up in his arms. “Let’s get you out of here and then we’ll remove those shackles.”

  “Yes, please. Just get me home. I want to go home, Nate.” All of the tension and anxiety over the last hours left Emma drained. She was bone-weary, and exhausted physically and emotionally. She’d seen too much, been through too much trauma, and all she wanted was to curl up in her own bed and sleep for days.

  Chapter 16

  Emma sat next to Nate in the crowded ballroom. He held her hand and smiled down at her, beaming with pride. She had to admit, she was pretty-darn proud of herself. Three months had passed since she’d been rescued by this man, not once, but twice from a very determined terrorist. Her life had not been the same since. True to his word, Nate took her out on a real date. Dinner, a movie, and a night of making love that left her breathless. She laughed remembering her own words as he slowly stripped the wine-colored dress from her body.

  “You know, I don’t sleep with men on the first date.” She’d offered him a cheeky smile while biting her lip. She knew that move drove him crazy. He’d said so many times.

  Smiling wickedly, he’d nipped that inviting lip and growled, “That’s good because you’re not getting any sleep tonight, baby.”

  Although Nate had to report back to base in Fort Carson, he’d come up every weekend since, taking her on fun dates to include snowmobiling at a resort, wine-tasting in upstate New York followed by cozy nights by a fireplace whispering secrets and sharing histories. He’d gone into more detail about losing Charlie then. Seeing such vulnerability in a man as confident and strong as Nate melted her heart. It opened further when he’d shown up the third weekend with a very special present; a fluffy orange kitten wearing a green bowtie.

  “I went back and found him around the back of the safehouse. I figured since you risked your life for his, he deserved a second chance. Oh, and it’s a he. The vet said he’s in good health and up to date on shots. They cleaned him up,” he said, waiting for Emma to say something.

  Her breath caught and her eyes welled up as a huge grin spread across her face. “Oh my gosh, Nate! He’s precious.” Emma took the kitten from his hands, cradling the fluff-ball to her chest.

  The kitten sniffed her and then began to purr loudly.

  “Oh, look, he remembers me!” She kissed his head and rubbed her chin on his fur.

  Relieved that she liked his gift, Nate asked, “So what’re you gonna name him?”

  “Hmmn, I don’t know,” she said, walking to the couch.

  Nate followed. Together, they sat watching the little fellow reach for Emma’s locket, pulling at it with his paw.

  “I think maybe…Chance. Since we met by chance and we both got a second chance, I think it’s fitting. What do you think?”

  “I think it’s perfect.” He looked at her, intense emotions swirling in his blue eyes. “He’s not the only one so lucky. You’re my second chance, Emma.”

  She blushed remembering that night. Her heart pounded with happiness. She had Chance, and she had Nate, and tonight, she was being honored as one of five recipients of the prestigious Goldsmith Investigative Journalism Awards. Her recent articles recounting her experience with Black Jihad’s now deceased leader juxtaposed with her previous position on border security and immigration had led to a policy change in Homeland Security which closed the loopholes that allowed al-Waleed to enter the country on a counterfeit passport.

  But more so than the recognition by her fellow journalists, she was touched by Nate’s words. After the last article in the series published, he’d called her from Fort Carson.

  “I just finished reading your article. Emma, I’m so proud of you. Do you even know how amazing you are? Not many people could go through what you did and come out the other side with as much wisdom and compassion. You’re a miracle. You’re my miracle.”

  She hadn’t known what to say, but she’d basked in the glow of those words for a full week before his next visit that weekend, and then, she’d shown him just how much it meant to her—all night long.

  When she’d been notified she was to be one of five recipients of the Goldsmith Award, the first person she called was Nate. Now, he was sitting by her side, her shiny award and a ten-thousand-dollar check between them, following the recognition ceremony. Despite that, all she could think of was being alone with her man. And the look he was giving her confirmed he was thinking the exact same thing.

  “What are you thinking,” she asked, knowing the answer.

  “I’m thinking you’ve had one helluva thirtieth birthday, Miss Lewis.”

  This surprised her. “I guess so. I mean, it could’ve been my last, but then you rescued me, twice, and we began dating,” she grinned, “and you gave me a kitten.”

  “And you’ve achieved outstanding recognition in your field,” he said, pointing at her award.

  “Oh, yes. There’s that.” She bit her lip, sliding her fingers through his. A secretive smile touched her lips. “Next year’s birthday is going to seem downright boring compared to this one. Whatever will we do?”

  Nate leaned over, dropping a soft kiss on her lips. “I actually had a thought or two about that,” he said.

  He pulled away, and stood, taking her hands.

  Emma laughed, looking up at Nate. “Oh yeah, what?”

  He dropped down to one knee and reached into his jacket withdrawing a small, blue box.

  Emma’s heart stopped, and she looked around. The people sitting at neighboring tables noticed and tapped their partners on the shoulder, pointing at Nate and Emma.

  “Emma Jane Lewis, since I met you, my life has been turned inside-out…in the best possible way. I didn’t even know how lonely my world had become until you smiled at me. Your warmth has healed my broken heart. You challenge me and defy me, and God help me, I love it. And how you forgave me even when my very existence put yours in danger is a mystery, but you did. You accept me with all my flaws without blinking an eye, and you understand me better than anyone ever has. I can’t imagine my life without you. I don’t want to. I want to share each day with you, talk to you, argue with you, laugh with you, spend each night loving you, and every morning waking up by your side. Emma, I’ve fallen so deeply in love with you.” He paused, drawing a deep breath and then opened the box revealing a pear-shaped diamond set in platinum. “Will you marry me?”

  Emma choked back a sob. Happiness burst within her like a supernova radiating out through tears of joy. “Yes, Nate. Yes, I will marry you Nathan James Oliver!”

  Relief shot through Nate. “You will?” Despite all his hope, he was still surprised. He looked at the people around them, all watching with smiles on their faces. “She said yes!”

  Their applause filled his ears.

  Leaping up, he grabbed Emma around the waist, lifting her in the air and spinning them both around. “I love you, Emma, so much!”

  “I love you, too, Nate,” she said, arms wound tightly around his neck. “And I have a little surprise for you as well,” she said, releasing him and stepping back. She reached down and placed her hands over her stomach.

  Nate stared, unblinking, before letting out a loud whoop! “A baby?” We’re having a baby?” “How did I ever get to be so lucky?”

  Emma laughed as he lifted her up and spun her around before setting he
r down gently. “So you’re happy then because I wasn’t sure…”

  Nate kissed her. He put everything into that kiss. The crowd around them went wild, applauding and whistling. When he pulled away, he touched her face. “I’m so damned happy I feel like I could burst. Don’t you ever doubt for a minute how happy I am, Emma. I promise I’m going to spend every day for the rest of our lives proving that to you.” He kissed her again, quickly this time, before saying, “You know, it could’ve been Doc.”

  “What?” Emma blinked. “What could’ve been Doc?”

  “He was going after you both that night, you and Becky. Well, because I put the kibosh on Ghost’s attempted run at you, but that was because of the general’s granddaughter,” he rambled.

  That surprised her. “So how is it he never got the chance?” she asked, laughing.

  Nate pulled her close. “Because I wasn’t about to let him get that close to you, the pervert. I knew I wanted you then. I know I want you now.” His heated words were spoken against her lips.

  “Thank goodness. I like Doc, but…”

  “Don’t even go there. Don’t even think about that dimpled bastard. He’s not allowed near you.”

  She slid her arms around his neck, caressing his hair. “But Allen might be a nice back-up, just in case…”

  “Emma,” Nate growled.

  Emma giggled. “I’m pretty sure you have nothing to worry about, Captain, especially with regard to Doc. He and Becky are meeting up next week.”

  “Good. Let him pester her. As long as it’s not my girl.”

  Emma sighed, happy. “I am. I’m yours. And you’re mine.” Emma released his neck. “Speaking of, don’t you think you should make it official?” She waggled her fingers at him.

  “Oh, yes!” Nate pulled back and, taking the ring from the box, took Emma’s hand. The sparkling engagement ring slid onto her finger with ease. Nate lifted her hand and kissed it.

  Emma stared into his blue eyes, again wondering what crazy twist of fate had brought this incredible, sweet, aggravating, amazingly sexy man into her life. He was everything she used to say she didn’t want. How wrong she’d been. And thank goodness the universe hadn’t listened. In that moment, all was right in the world and she was happy.

  As they basked in the moment, the blue of Nate’s eyes intensified. She knew what that meant, and she grinned, biting her lip.

  Nate groaned. “You ready to go home, soon-to-be Mrs. Oliver?”

  Emma’s heart skipped hearing that. “Mine or yours?” she asked.

  Nate pulled her close. “Ours.”

  “Oh.” Emma blushed. “Yes, I’m ready, Captain Oliver.”

  Together, the happy couple left the crowded ballroom amid well-wishes from the men who clapped Nate on the back, and envious, but knowing looks from the wives. Emma knew her life would never be the same…in the best possible way.

  The End

  Books by Bestselling Author Michele E. Gwynn

  Checkpoint Novels

  Exposed: The Education of Sarah Brown

  The Evolution of Elsa Kreiss

  The Redemption of Joseph Heinz

  Checkpoint Novella

  The Making of Herman Faust

  A Checkpoint Prequel eBook

  (Also available in print.)

  The Harvest Trilogy




  Angelic Hosts Series

  Camael’s Gift

  Camael’s Battle

  Sophie’s Wish

  Stand Alones

  Darkest Communion (Paranormal Romance)

  Waiting a Lifetime (Contemporary Romance, Mystical)

  Accidentally, On Purpose (Contemporary Romance)

  Fractured: 3 Disturbing Tales (Paranormal/Horror)

  Rescuing Emma (Military Romance)

  A note to readers


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  From the world of New York Times Bestselling Author Barry Eisler comes a fan fiction novella, John Rain: A Cell in San Antonio by Bestselling Author Michele E. Gwynn

  John Rain has 24 hours to repay a favor...the only way he knows how!

  On the run from the Yakuza, Rain reluctantly takes a detour to the Alamo City to take out the son of the leader of an up and coming Mexican drug cartel. The Hands of Death have invaded yakuza territory, and their product is making a killing and endangering the unspoken understanding and often criminal alliance between the yakuza and Japanese government officials.

  Juan Narvaez Morales, Jr. is in federal custody. The FBI seek to flip him as an asset but have only 72 hours in which to do so. On his last day in custody, Rain must successfully infiltrate the jail and terminate his target, all within 24 hours, and still make it out alive and undiscovered. This is a fast-paced thriller that will leave you on edge, and as always, cheering for John Rain.

  There are many more books in this fan fiction world than listed here, for an up-to-date list go to

  You can also visit our Amazon page at:

  Special Forces: Operation Alpha World

  Denise Agnew: Dangerous to Hold

  Shauna Allen: Awakening Aubrey

  Shauna Allen: Defending Danielle

  Shauna Allen: Rescuing Rebekah

  Shauna Allen: Saving Scarlett

  Shauna Allen: Saving Grace

  Brynne Asher: Blackburn

  Jennifer Becker: Hiding Catherine

  Julia Bright: Saving Lorelei

  Julia Bright: Rescuing Amy

  Victoria Bright: Surviving Savage

  Victoria Bright: Going Ghost

  Victoria Bright: Jostling Joker

  Cara Carnes: Protecting Mari

  Kendra Mei Chailyn: Beast

  Kendra Mei Chailyn: Barbie

  Kendra Mei Chailyn : Pitbull

  Melissa Kay Clarke: Rescuing Annabeth

  Melissa Kay Clarke: Safeguarding Miley

  Samantha A. Cole: Handling Haven

  Samantha A. Cole: Cheating the Devil

  Sue Coletta: Hacked

  Melissa Combs: Gallant

  KaLyn Cooper: Rescuing Melina

  Liz Crowe: Marking Mariah

  Jordan Dane: Redemption for Avery

  Jordan Dane: Fiona’s Salvation

  Riley Edwards: Protecting Olivia

  Riley Edwards: Redeeming Violet

  Riley Edwards, Recovering Ivy

  Riley Edwards: Romancing Rayne

  Nicole Flockton: Protecting Maria

  Nicole Flockton: Guarding Erin

  Nicole Flockton: Guarding Suzie

  Nicole Flockton: Guarding Brielle

  Casey Hagen: Shielding Nebraska

  Casey Hagen: Shielding Harlow

  Casey Hagen: Shielding Josie

  Casey Hagen: Shielding Blair

  Desiree Holt: Protecting Maddie

  Kathy Ivan: Saving Sarah

  Kathy Ivan: Saving Savannah

  Kathy Ivan: Saving Stephanie

  Jesse Jacobson: Protecting Honor

  Jesse Jacobson: Fighting for Honor

  Jesse Jacobson: Defending Honor

  Jesse Jacobson: Summer Breeze

  Silver James: Rescue Moon

  Silver James: SEAL Moon

  Silver James: Assassin’s Moon

  Silver James: Under the Assassin’s Moon

  Becca Jameson: Saving Sofia

  Kate Kinsley: Protecting Ava

  Heather Long: Securing Arizona

  Heather Long: Guarding Gertrude

  Heather Long: Protecting Pilar

  Heather Long: Covering Coco

  Gennita Low: No Protection

  Kirsten Lynn: Joining Forces for Jesse

  Margaret Madigan: Bang for the Buck

aret Madigan: Buck the System

  Margaret Madigan: Jungle Buck

  Margaret Madigan: December Chill

  Rachel McNeely: The SEAL’s Surprise Baby

  Rachel McNeely: The SEAL’s Surprise Bride

  Rachel McNeely: The SEAL’s Surprise Twin

  KD Michaels: Saving Laura

  KD Michaels: Protecting Shane

  KD Michaels: Avenging Angels

  Wren Michaels: The Fox & The Hound

  Wren Michaels: The Fox & The Hound 2

  Wren Michaels: Shadow of Doubt

  Wren Michaels: Shift of Fate

  Wren Michaels: Steeling His Heart

  Kat Mizera: Protecting Bobbi

  Mary B Moore: Force Protection

  LeTeisha Newton: Protecting Butterfly

  LeTeisha Newton: Protecting Goddess

  LeTeisha Newton: Protecting Vixen

  LeTeisha Newton: Protecting Heartbeat

  MJ Nightingale: Protecting Beauty

  MJ Nightingale: Betting on Benny

  MJ Nightingale: Protecting Secrets

  Sarah O’Rourke: Saving Liberty

  Debra Parmley: Protecting Pippa

  Lainey Reese: Protecting New York

  Jenika Snow: Protecting Lily

  Jen Talty: Burning Desire

  Jen Talty: Burning Kiss

  Jen Talty: Burning Skies

  Jen Talty: Burning Lies

  Jen Talty: Burning Heart

  Megan Vernon: Protecting Us

  Megan Vernon: Protecting Earth

  Fire and Police: Operation Alpha World

  KaLyn Cooper: Justice for Gwen

  Aspen Drake: Sheltering Emma

  Barb Han: Kace

  Reina Torres: Justice for Sloane

  As you know, this book included at least one character from Susan Stoker’s books. To check out more, see below.


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