The Way of the Clan 8

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The Way of the Clan 8 Page 34

by Dem Mikhaylov

  Achilot also smiled at fortune – on our magic screens, we saw so many circling birds that you do not have to hunt – just open your mouth and swim forward. The food would fill your mouth itself.

  Such luck was quite understandable – and it did not fall on our heads, alone. It happened so that we did not suspect the Immortals in maliciousness, meanness and malignancy. They were like that — hiding their cunning evil character behind a veil of temporary generosity.

  But happiness could not last forever. Soon, the tests for strength continued. The next day, after a memorable family dinner with vodka, the Sleepless fleet marched forward across the boundless waters and found nothing interesting at all, other than whales, birds and fish. Not a single enemy deliberately attacked the ships. No resistance from creatures. No islands on the horizon. It was the same underwater – a dull and flat sandy bottom going straight ahead. The test of inaction. The test of boredom. And the funniest thing was that, in the evening, around bonfires, the dances and merry songs on the luxurious tropical beach happened to a much lesser degree than normal. The people were tired twice as much from inaction, than from constant work and fierce battle. Players thoughtlessly sat by the fires, drinking and chatting more from tradition than from real desire.

  And here was our next day. A new watch. The morning breeze rustled the hair on the back of my head, the tightly stretched sails gurgled happily and the Black Queen tore onward. But just as we managed to gain cruising speed, the sky scouts raised the alarm and sent a picture of inland terrain to the bridge.

  Rocks. Reefs. Rocks. Reefs. Big rocks. Arc-shaped reefs. Algae fields. Again, rocks. And again, reefs entangled in algae. A lot of giant crabs and lobsters were visible here, and the tentacles of cephalopods, so large that one could not believe their eyes. Under the water was an even more grueling terrain — there was the impression that a giant head of cheese had been dropped to the bottom. Simply put — the underwater armada rested against a stone wall, which was cut by tunnels, crevices, whole canyons, and dug with dark and narrow holes. Inside every possible passages someone's obviously evil eyes were aglow, tiny pincers and tentacles fluttered, and something glittered ominously in the depths of the underwater barrier. One could hear a roar and a mysterious tapping.

  We did not have time to "joyfully enjoy" the spectacle, when the gaming system generously issued an alert.


  You are the first of the heroes who found themselves in the territory of a mysterious Great Ocean Wall!

  You were unlucky!

  But determination and perseverance will help overcome all adversity!

  You are a pioneer!

  Going on the road is always a difficult business, unlike those who will follow your trail!


  Physical damage for inhabitants of local lands was reduced by: 25%

  Magical damage for inhabitants of local lands was reduced by: 25%

  The chance of dropping trophies from dead monsters was reduced by: 25%

  The chance of inflicting a critical physical / magical strike was reduced by: 15%

  The chance of successful collection / extraction of resources was reduced by: 25%

  Physical damage of monsters increased by: 25%

  Magic damage of monsters increased by: 25%

  The quality of mapping was reduced by: 25%

  The speed of any movement on local land was reduced by 10%

  Regeneration of life / mana reduced by: 10%

  Penalties will continue to apply: 23.59.59.


  Presence of ancient objects: Yes.

  Current state / amount: 7 / 7.

  Presence of ancient not magical knowledge / recipes: Yes.

  Current state / amount: 2 / 2.

  Presence of ancient magic knowledge: Yes.

  Current state / amount: 4 / 4.

  The presence of special, previously not encountered monsters: Yes.

  Number of species: unknown.

  The presence of any signs of the former presence of the disappeared race of the Greats: yes.


  Many guilds will be extremely pleased to pay for such a unique trophies or knowledge. A very, very large amount!


  Patron of local lands and waters is NOT destroyed!

  Be on your guard!


  Flora / Fauna – C.A.P.S.

  "Not happy about that," I remarked aloud. "What kind of patron can it be? Something mixed, able to fight in water and on land, right?”

  “For sure,“ cheerfully, all too cheerfully, noticed Malice, glaring furiously at the gigantic barrier. “Nasty maneuvers will be required…”

  "We can barely crawl," the Baroness added. "Not faster than hollow galoshes in a spring puddle. Baron, send forward four hundred scouts. Two hundred under the water, two hundred on land. You are heading over the surface. The rest is under the command of Murena.”

  “OK. Will we seek the patron saint?

  “No! ”

  “Items? Knowledge? Magic? ”

  “No. We will not. We go right through, as quickly as possible. But the remaining daredevils – they can look in their spare time. ”


  “We leave a hundred fighters here, on top, and the same number below,“ said the BB. “Leave beasts as reinforcements, a couple of hundred powerful scrolls of mass magic, and just as many other spells. They will erect fortifications behind our backs, block the passages by nets and critters and prepare to fight to the last scroll and the last arrow. I want them not to die at all, and continue to ruffle all those who follow us on the way to the Lost Continent! And give them the crystal of rebirth. Let them activate it at the most reliable and safe point.”

  "Oh ... two hundred guys left overboard?"

  “Was I unclear?”

  “I heard you.”

  "They knew it would happen. We discussed this strategy.”

  “Yes. But they hoped ...”

  "That's the work of the clan leader, Baron! Not only to lead, but also to break hopes! Two hundred fighters! With triple supplies and arsenal – overboard! The time of partisanship is near!”

  “Done. I'm doing it.”

  “I’m dwelling upon this wordplay. Wall — this implies something manmade. Look for ways to prove or disprove my theory. Analysts. If a wall was erected here, then is there a legend telling what for, when, and who? And did they try to isolate themselves from something on our side, or from Zar’Graad side?”

  "Wow ..." whispered Malice. "Didn’t think about it. Oh, well ... this piece of wall goes on for miles in both directions stretches, if you believe the picture from the scouts. We go right through — we are forced to trespass ahead. But, a piece of an ancient wall? The Great Wall of China? Ooh ...”

  "Malice, you do not want to lead the defense of the Great Wall?” Cut off the BB.

  "I do not want to, Oh the Great One!" Said the wizard immediately, realizing that it was better not to annoy the irritated Baroness.

  I understood Malice — the theory of the Sleepless leader seemed too ... umm ... maniacal?

  It sounded wild. And so did leaving people overboard. But it was possible — and the crawling monsters would serve as another buffer of protection. The most important thing in this situation was to consolidate as quickly and firmly as possible on the foreign territory, and then to calculate the weaknesses of the monsters that lived here, find out the best way to kill them, what they are afraid of and what they like. And when strangers came, they would have an extremely hard time.

  In the past, I could be tempted by a bag of gold and string from the tendons of the gold-headed unicorn, promised for just a couple of days sitting on a tall watchtower and shooting those whom they would point to. That was what Krashshot did — shooting arrows both day and night. Sometimes it was roaring creatures creeping out of damp jungles. And sometimes it was players. And the watchtower was only called that — but in fact it was
a dead tree sticking out of a deep swamp inhabited by hundreds of crocodiles and poisonous toads. I saw how the players there, among these crazily dangerous monsters, walked with such calm on their benevolent faces, it was like swimming in a public pool. For them, a swamp with poisonous and toothy creatures was a pool – because they adapted, got used to it and settled down there.

  Here it was worse than in the swamp. It was real hell on earth... or water. After the scout ships, the gigantic stone flagship, the first of the armada, approached the obstacle. Following the instructions of the Baroness, it entered a wide passage between two gloomy, rocky crests. Ocean waves rattled against the rocks, leaving foam, shreds of seaweed and convulsively beating fishes looking like mutated piranhas. The fishes were tiny, its fins were huge, its mouths were frightened, its eyes scarlet and furious. That is what fun the achilots have to swim through...

  I looked at one of the magical screens and shivered. I did not have claustrophobia, but it was really scary to watch how a large shark, carrying on its back a trio of achilots, swam slowly in the wall through one of the "cheese" holes in the wall.

  "The air!” Tension in the voice of the air scout increased.

  “Damn it!” Hissed the BB in displeasure. “Get them!”

  Strange birds were running about like wild shadows in the air ... wait… what the hell...

  “Shit!” I hissed, even without displeasure, but rather in amazement.

  These were not birds! These were damn mutated piranhas! I watched as certain piranhas stranded on the rocks straightened their fins into wings. And after that — they soared into the air without a single cry, and immediately bravely attacked the nearest dragon! The giant lizard hovered in the air, surrounded by hundreds of flying piranhas on all sides! The violent silence was broken by the furious cries of riders trying to fight back and save the flying lizard. A bright red flash, and the dragon was enveloped in a smoky fire. Burning lumps flew down, sizzling into the water and immediately vanishing.

  "We have only just come in," remarked Malice. "Only knocked at the door. Look underwater.”

  We looked. And they saw an underwater electric chair. For a moment, it seemed that I was watching a movie about a battle in space – there were swiftly rushing predatory shadows, sparkling lightning-lasers, and unseen creatures falling into the frame of an underwater cameraman. Horrible alien monsters similar to tripods or Martians, which seemed like Herbert Wells had described them...

  It seemed that the huge jellyfish and stingrays had come forward have decided to execute the entire ocean using electric incineration. Hundreds of soundless lightning strikes foamed the water, filled the underwater depths with sparkling death, destroying the swarming flocks of the same evil piranhas in great numbers. And their numbers didn’t lessen. They came from the holes in the rock, from the crevices at the bottom, from the algal groves. Nature itself, virginal and deadly, was giving a brutal rebuff to the intruders, and not intending to retreat. The enemy did not take into account one thing – the Sleepless had nowhere to retreat. Death was ahead, death was on our heels, death came from all sides and it was only waiting for the famous clan to make a serious mistake, and they would immediately claw at our throat...

  The Black Queen slowed down and began to turn, take to the side to get around the steep rock that had grown on the way. Above the bridge, a huge arc-shaped screen flashed with green and gray tones. An underwater panorama was shown in all its glory, without the slightest turbidity — visibility for many tens of meters in all directions. In addition to the beautiful picture on the screen, there were continually flashing multicolor that highlighted the dangerously protruding stone spikes in red, and yellow denoting rushing piranhas and strange underwater millipedes. Such amazing clarity was expensive. I glanced at Malice, who quietly explained:

  “Eye of Digratsy. You do not want to know how many divine kilowatts this damn thing is using... “

  “Would this attract the Krabbers?”

  “The Krabbers — Uh-huh. They sense the presence of the divine power of Digratsy. And they want to return the eye. I think those freaks have already set out after us now.”

  "So we are not out of their range…“

  "No one will leave this power behind, Ros. These are essentially elite pirates. You tell them the target – and they will come to the attack, without asking unnecessary questions.”

  “That's really bad. The Krabbers do not seem to be with us ...”

  "They're against us. And now, according to the detachments of the submarine clan, they are right behind us. Lagging slightly.”

  "Even better…”

  “Yes, many people are after us now. And every day there are more and more people in rage towards the permanent leader. Why do you think the BB is so adamant on keeping ahead? And that is why our soldiers are now preparing for going overboard. Two hundred people, damn it. So that the enemy will not pass! In any case… You understand. I really want to stay here and be the first to go to Zar’Graad.”

  "Oh ... there go the first ones," I sighed, watching as one detachment went overboard, followed by lots of boxes. Then the players began fighting, coming into battle against the local monsters.

  Then protective auras were lit, flickering domes of magical fields — powerful square shields and whole sections of wooden walls were fortified with metal stripes. Inside the fortifications, one by one, battle mages and doctors arrived, immediately occupying positions and starting to either burn out all livings and enemies, or heal and nurture the allies. And this was happening in several places at once. The flagship slowly swallowed meter by meter, and we left our comrades behind. Piranhas, centipedes and other mysterious creatures nesting in semi-submerged pits in shallow water switched from ships to barrage detachments. They responded with fire. On either side of us, everything flashed – heaven, earth, water. Everything burned.

  The last person we saw was a tall guy in the snow-white robe of a priest. Raising his thick oak staff over his head, he said goodbye to the flagship, then turned and went to one of the fortifications, which suddenly turned into a mobile armored monster, which was slowly moving toward the blackened cave ahead. From the hands of the priest, hundreds of golden sparks of water and stone fell on the water. And soon, black gloomy smoke finally concealed from us the hundred brave men remaining on the Great Ocean Wall. Another hundred remained under water, near the bottom, already beginning to master the eerie stone labyrinth, while giant dinosaurs, leviathans and sadly singing whales passed by.

  Straightening, the Baroness looked grimly forward, into the gorge filled with thick, high foam. I can imagine what is happening in her heart now. And on second thought — no, I cannot. I am not a clan leader. I cannot imagine it. She gave the order, and two hundred players spat on their own dream to reach the lost continent. They stayed in the middle of the ocean where they had to survive, at all costs, in order to make that dream come true for others ... cruel ... very cruel... I would not be able to do it.

  But I did not have a long time to think about this topic, fortunately. Hell came for us — it was simply impossible to think about anyone else. I had never thought that I would see so many "birds" at once. An absolutely clear light blue sky turned into a black seething nightmare full of thousands of scaly and toothy creatures. Thousands! Tens of thousands! For miles around us, the sky was filled with piranha "mutants", cutting the air, biting, tearing, tearing and killing. They threw players, animals, weapons and cargo overboard, and in the boiling water, the troubles were even worse. The worst thing was that the monsters that attacked us remained soundless — they did not utter a squeak, no roar, no howl. The pressure on the mind was colossal. There was no noise – and the brain involuntarily took what was happening for a giant hallucination, for the delirium of overloaded synapses. Silent death swirled around us in a devilish dance, ready to dance with anyone, whether it was that person’s wish or not. Only the shouting of players, buzzing explosions, the rustle of magical flashes, the screeching of arrows and the clank
of weapons diluted terrible silence of the enemies.

  Clutching my numb hands to the railing of the bridge, I watched the horror around us. I was an honorary spectator — just as the others who were on the flagship's combat and command bridges. We could not support the fiercely fighting comrades – the bridges were closed by the canopy of denial supported by several more artifacts and spells. According to the azure shield around us, buzzing and dangerously bending, dozens of monsters were beating and beating at it every second. Centimeters from my eyes flashed sharp fangs, frenzied eyes that did not blink and looked at me with a fierce hatred. Strange slime flowed down, looking like a rain cloth on a windowpane – that is, if ordinary water emitted a greenish haze and could eat up a tree.

  The flagship looked like the corpse of a ship. Equally suffering were those who follow us. The sails in tatters, the masts frayed, debris remaining, the deck and sides are covered with holes, the guns falling apart. Behind the stern of the flagship, the brightest glow was blazing – an incredibly powerful defensive spell covered the entire gun platform, which had been restored quite recently. The Sleepless did not want to lose their main caliber and did everything to protect it, albeit at huge costs. With a rumble and a roar, several masts fell on a passing ship. It stopped abruptly and then started to go under the water. Flying dragons and giant birds skillfully evacuated the team, saving part of the cargo.

  In the center of the flagship, another protective dome was shining. I almost did not see it – thousands of flying fishes were beating against it. Inside the dome was Malice, support mages around him. The Baroness glanced at me, but I was silent. I know what she was thinking ... and, seeing how the flagship shook, how they sunk the ships, I suddenly decided.

  "Bring me to Malice. If he wants to use magic of the Greats — I will help him! I will make an aura of great power! I am handing over ship’s watch temporarily!”

  “Thank you!” The BB did not have to think for long, making the decision at once. “Bring the Navigator to Malice!”

  “Yes, Baroness!”


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