Asshole Husband

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Asshole Husband Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  “You’re being serious about this. You’re not going to sleep with me?” he asked.

  “I don’t want to sleep with you. You want to come and live with me and Benjamin, fine. I can deal with that. But being in the same bed as you, no thanks. The last time we were together, it didn’t end well.”

  “Because you were listening to shit you weren’t supposed to,” Wolfe said.

  “How have you been able to keep a company thriving with your language? You better curb it as well. Benjamin’s at the copying age, and I don’t want him to get in trouble at school. He’s doing really well, and I’d appreciate it if you made the effort to try.”

  “For our son, I’ll do anything. See, our son, no one else’s.”

  “Ugh, I know he’s our son, Wolfe. You don’t have to keep ramming it down my throat. I was there.”

  “Yeah, my boys really are strong. The one time and you get caught.” He smirked as he folded his arms across his chest.

  “Get out of my room.”

  “Why are you so angry at me? I thought you’d like me being here, trying to play the role of happy family.”

  “I don’t want you to play any role.” She shook her head. “You know what, forget it. I don’t want to think about this, or deal with this. I just want you to leave me alone. Do you think you can handle that?”

  “Tell me.”

  “I want a divorce, Wolfe. None of this is going to change that. I don’t love you anymore. This isn’t how I want to spend the rest of my life.”

  “Then tell me what it is you do want. We can compromise.”

  “I’m not making another deal with you.”

  “Just do it. Come on, you know I give you most things you want, why not this?” he asked.

  “Fine.” She didn’t see a reason to ignore him. “I want to have more children. I don’t believe in fairy tale endings like the ones I told you, but I still want to have a family. A big one. I still want my dreams to come true. I just know now, they’re not going to be with you. I’m moving on, and I really wish, one day soon, you’ll see we’re not compatible for each other. We both need to move on, and the only way to do it is to let this go.” She was willing to give him everything he wanted, just so long as she got her freedom to do what she always dreamed of doing.

  Five years ago, she wanted him to be the man to share her future with, but not anymore.

  Chapter Four

  The following morning, after waking up to the scent of coffee and breakfast being made, Wolfe didn’t know what to do with his day. Benjamin was talking about something, and Rachel looked happy.

  He didn’t want to even think of their conversation last night. The bed he’d slept on had been uncomfortable and a lot smaller than he was accustomed to. No problem for him as he’d already ordered a different bed, and some furniture for the room as well.

  If Rachel thought he didn’t have what it took to make this work, she was very much mistaken. He had no intention of letting her go. In fact, she was going to be in for a surprise as he was going to give her exactly what she wanted, and he couldn’t wait to do it. First, he had to get her to like him again, not hard to do. He’d done it once before. It shouldn’t be that hard to do it again. After he got her to like him, falling in love with him would follow. He could be a charming guy when he wanted to be. Next and the final part of his plan, sleep with her, get her pregnant, and start the big family she wanted. They’d have to move out of this house though.

  Rachel wanted a big family, and he was more than happy to provide it for her. No other man was ever going to do for her, not on his watch.

  He finished his coffee, which was instant and not nicely ground fresh coffee beans he preferred. A lesson learned and he’d buy the items to make his own. With the internet, everything was easily accessible to him.

  Washing his cup, he smiled. He was even doing his own dishes; he normally had a cleaning maid for that task.

  After everything was done, he glanced around the kitchen.

  Rachel had already cleaned up, and just as he was about to go and find her, the doorbell rang.

  Who could possibly be calling for her now?

  This was his house too, and seeing no problem answering the door, he did so, only to come face to face with problem number one, Ryan. The single dad, who stood on his fucking doorstep with a little too confident a smile for his liking.

  “Hello,” Wolfe said. He had to be polite to this fucker when all he wanted to do was let the guy know there was no chance in hell of getting with his woman.

  “Hey, is, erm, is Rachel home?”

  “Yeah, she is. Who are you?” Wolfe asked, playing along.

  “Ryan Ward, and you are?”

  “I’m the husband.”

  “The husband?”

  “You know Rachel is married, right? I’m sure she wouldn’t leave that tiny insignificant detail out of the discussion.”

  “She said she was married, but it was complicated.”

  “Well complicated just returned.”

  “Ryan, you’re here. Damn, I thought I was ready in time,” Rachel said, coming up behind him. “Wolfe, this is Ryan. Ryan, this is Wolfe, my husband. I have told you about him. Well he dropped by last night. Where’s Billy?”

  “He’s in the car, waiting. We’re still good for the day.”

  “Of course I’m not changing our plans. Benjamin is so excited about it. He’s been talking all day about going to the museum. I’ve packed us a lunch.”

  “Wait, wait, what is going on here?” Wolfe asked. He didn’t like feeling he was missing something, but he really was.

  “Benjamin did tell you. We’re taking him and Billy to the science museum. I booked a day off, and rearranged my schedule as did Ryan. I did tell you all about this.” She lied badly.

  “Is there room for one more?” he asked. Wolfe wasn’t allowing his wife or his son out of his sight for an entire day with this man.

  Ryan was smiling, but Wolfe saw he wasn’t happy.

  His assumptions about this man was spot on. Ryan wanted Rachel, and you know what, it wasn’t going to happen, not on his watch. He’d deal with this little … problem. Rachel was always going to be his. The past five years had caused a setback but not one he thought they couldn’t get over.

  “Sure, I don’t see why not,” Ryan said.


  He didn’t need to go and grab anything. He’d already placed his jacket beside Rachel’s. Wrapping his arm around her waist, he pulled her close, kissing her cheek. “Where’s the picnic, I’ll grab it?” he asked.

  “In the living room,” she said. “Let me help.”

  “I’ll get Benjamin in the car,” Ryan said.

  They walked into the living room, and Wolfe had a clear view of the man as he lifted Benjamin up into the car and strapped him in.

  “What the hell are you doing?” Rachel asked.

  “You really think I’d let you go alone with him for an entire day, knowing you want a divorce? I wasn’t born yesterday.”

  “Nothing would ever happen, and you’re being completely unreasonable.”

  “Oh, no, I’m being perfectly so. You’re still my wife, and there’s no way I’m letting that man raise my kid.” He lifted the picnic. “You better accept I’m here to stay, sweetheart.”

  “You will get bored like you do with everything else. You think I haven’t seen the newspapers with all the models and actresses? You move from one to the other. Just like you do in business. You never stay on the same course. I’m surprised you still want a space on my family’s board. The moment you’re done, you’ll sell it and move on.”

  “Last time I checked, I didn’t leave you. You left me.”

  “You could have made me stay. Let’s face it, Wolfe, you’re a damn good liar. All it would have taken was a few nice words and I’d have been yours, but you didn’t want me. You got what you sort me out for, and I became old news. Do not ruin this day for Benjamin. He’s been looking forward to
it. Nothing is going on between Ryan and me. Nothing ever will be going on between us. I can’t do this now. Just try not to be an asshole.”

  She picked up a backpack and left the room.

  He wasn’t trying to be an asshole. It came naturally to him.

  He grabbed the picnic, locked the doors, and followed them back to the car.

  Rachel sat up front with dickhead, so he slid in beside his son, and had no choice but to watch Ryan taking random glances at his woman, while also looking back at him.

  Yeah, asshole, I’m watching you with my wife.

  He wasn’t going to let this man win. Even if he was a single dad, knew what he was doing, and Rachel seemed to like him.

  Is this the man she wanted the divorce for, or someone to have sex with? He didn’t like the way his thoughts were going, not over this, and it was a little alarming.

  He would win her back. There was no way he could lose or fail. He’d given her all the space she thought she needed, and maybe five years was a long time to wait, but she’d been more than willing to run from him. She had needed time, but now, he couldn’t help but wonder if he’d fucked up.

  No, they had to have this break for her to get over her problems. There was no way he would lose her.

  He’d never lost anything in his life, and he wasn’t about to start now.


  “Your husband, huh, I didn’t know he was back in town,” Ryan said.

  Rachel watched as Wolfe played with Benjamin and Billy at the park outside the museum. Much to her surprise, Wolfe had been on his best behavior, and if anything, he was rivaling Ryan with his interest. He’d been the one to lead both boys around the museum, pointing out certain exhibits, and the kids just lapped it up.

  Science was Benjamin and Billy’s favorite topic. Most of the time it went right over her head, but she wanted to encourage her son to love what he learned and to find something he was passionate about.

  “He did. I don’t know how long he’s going to stay, but Benjamin’s happy for him to be here.” She’d watched the big smile appear on her son’s face as Wolfe walked down to breakfast rubbing at his stomach. He’d walked over to Benjamin, kissed his cheek, blown a raspberry on it, and moved toward her. She’d dodged any kind of touch.

  Last night, she hadn’t had a very good sleep. The dreams she had, they weren’t nightmares, but the sexual kind. The ones she rarely had, and when she did, it was hard for her to deal with, especially as Wolfe had the starring role.

  How could she think of moving on when the very man she was trying to get away from, was the only one she craved and wanted? None of her feelings made any sense to her.

  “He’s good with the kids,” Ryan said.

  “Yeah. Benjamin loves spending time with him. It’ll be good to have his dad around.”

  She folded her arms across her chest, watching as Billy came down the slide, followed by Benjamin and at their backs, Wolfe.

  He looked like a big kid, but as she knew from past experiences, she didn’t know if this was an act, or genuine.

  “Are you okay?” he asked. “You’ve seemed tense all day.” Ryan put his hand on her arm, and she forced a smile to her lips. The last thing she wanted was Wolfe to react to Ryan’s touch.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. Just a little worn out, you know.” She had to be careful what she said. She’d never told Ryan she and Wolfe weren’t together. As far as anyone knew, Wolfe worked a lot in the city, and saw her on the weekends. Whenever it was the weekend, she made the excuse of being with Wolfe, when in fact she was at her sister’s so no one knew the truth of their weird separation.

  Part of Wolfe’s agreement to allow her to leave him was no one could know the truth, not even Ryan.

  Her sisters did, but they knew not to ruin her life by adding to her misery.

  She bent down and started to unload the picnic. She’d packed enough to feed a small army, so Wolfe being with them wouldn’t be a problem. Her stomach was so tense she didn’t even think she could eat.

  Wolfe at times reminded her a little of a ticking time bomb, and she was just waiting for him to explode. It would all be all right though; she had to believe that.

  Just as she stood up, hands wrapped around her waist and lips pressed against her lips.

  “I’m so sorry for abandoning you,” Wolfe said.

  She was very much aware of Ryan’s gaze on them.

  “It’s fine, honey,” she said. She closed her eyes and tried to look like this was an everyday, natural occurrence between them. He hadn’t touched her like this in five years.

  You’re the one who made sure of it.

  She tucked some of her hair behind her ear and sat down on the blanket. Wolfe took the position behind her, and it reminded her a private picnic they had shared out by the lake of some stately home back in England. Part of his wooing of her, he’d taken her to England to explore stately homes, museums, and to see the land. She’d loved it, and on one of the days, she’d been enjoying their picnic watching ducks swim by. It was the first time he’d kissed her deeply, almost ravishing.

  Pushing those thoughts aside, she looked at their son.

  “We should call them,” she said.

  “Nah, give them some more time. Believe me, we’ll want the peace later, and they will just fall asleep,” Wolfe said. “It’s all cold food. They’re not missing much by waiting.”

  “You think of everything,” Rachel said.

  “Of course.” He winked at her, snagging a sandwich. She’d made cheese and pickle, which she vaguely remembered were his favorite. “Ryan, tell me about yourself.”

  “What’s there to tell?” Ryan asked.

  “You’re a single dad. There has to be a story there.”

  “My wife cheated on me with a bunch of men, put Billy’s life in danger, and I won sole custody.”

  “Wow, I’m so sorry, man. I couldn’t imagine what you’ve been through,” Wolfe said.

  Was he lying or being genuine? She had no idea which it was.

  “I’ve got to say I’m shocked you’re here,” Ryan said. “Rachel says you’re always so busy with work.”

  “That’s what you get for owning a company in the city.”

  “What do you do?”

  She drowned out the usual conversation of what Wolfe did for a living. His company helped to expand businesses for a percentage of the profit. He had several different parts to his company from advertising to management and advice and other things. He helped smaller companies thrive. She didn’t know why he wanted a place on her father’s board. He dealt in modern media and technology. He’d expanded the company from the small one his grandfather had built. Neither she, nor Mary, nor Alice had a knack for the kind of work he wanted, and each of them at the age of eighteen had done one year to see if anything appealed to them, and they didn’t have what it took. She knew her father was concerned about what would happen to the company when he was gone.

  Again, this was too dark a thought for her to even consider right now. She had to think of the positive. Nothing else mattered right now.

  “We’re going to be having another baby.”

  Now she tuned back in. “What?”

  Wolfe smiled down at her. “Ryan asked why we didn’t have more kids. Benjamin’s been telling him how he’d love to have a brother or sister, and well, I don’t like to disappoint our son in anything. With work, I’ve been pulled away, and Benjamin we conceived on our wedding night. I’m a traditionalist. We’re finally at a place in our life where we can think about a future. Have a big happy family.”

  Before she could stop him, he kissed her right in front of Ryan, and it wasn’t a slow, sweet, gentle kiss. No, this one made sure the other man knew who she belonged to, and there was no way for her to pull away or stop him.

  Part of her didn’t want him to stop.

  Chapter Five

  Rachel owned absolutely nothing that would help their evening go by a little sweeter. Wolfe made a note to purchase some be
er and wine so he could at least handle nights like tonight a little better.

  Ryan had gotten the hint quite quickly, and it had also helped that as Rachel was busy unloading the trunk, he’d set him aside and let him know without a shadow of a doubt, he had no chance with Rachel. She was his, and well, he didn’t share.

  He wasn’t kidding with his plans, and he intended to play them out.

  Closing the fridge, he stared at the stove. He’d watched her make herself a hot chocolate just last night, and there was no way he’d be able to recreate it.

  “How hard could hot chocolate be?”

  He poured a bunch of milk into a saucepan and found some chocolate in a tub. It was powdered stuff, and he gave it a sniff, turning away from the stove to sneeze.

  Reading the side of the packet, he couldn’t figure out how much milk he used.

  He grabbed a metal whisk and began to sprinkle the powder in, and whisking. “How the hell am I supposed to know when it’s done?”

  He looked at the tub again, only to sprinkle more powder into the pan.

  “Okay, I’m certainly going crazy right now.”

  “Crazy? I can give you crazy, mister,” Rachel said. “What the hell are you doing?”

  “Making hot chocolate.”

  “You’re using a metal whisk on my non-stick pan.” She rushed toward him and quickly pulled the pan away, spilling milk over the sides and onto the stove. She turned off the gas, and looked at the chocolate. “You used half of this already.”

  “I put in a lot of milk.”

  “Stop, just stop. This … is horrible. What did you do?”

  “I did what I had to do to make it nice and yummy.”

  “This isn’t nice and yummy.” She took a deep breath. “What the hell was today?”

  Wolfe smirked. “I’m making you a hot chocolate because you’ve been stressed and I thought this would help you to relax.”

  “I’m not talking about the hot chocolate, Wolfe. I’m talking about the picnic with Ryan. The whole ‘we’re trying for another baby’ thing. What about that?”


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