Open Heart: A Medical Lesbian Romance Novel (City General: Medic 1 Series)

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Open Heart: A Medical Lesbian Romance Novel (City General: Medic 1 Series) Page 1

by Ruby Scott





  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21



  “I promise you. It’s the best place in town. I get laid every time I go.” Jack

  said, giving Izzy’s hand a tug.

  From the look on her face, she was still just a bit uncertain about this.

  She hadn’t done much “fun” over the last few years. She had been solely

  focused on her studies. Now that she had been accepted into the

  cardiothoracic residency program at City General, she figured it was about

  time she did something for herself.

  “You’re telling me the minute I step foot in there, girls are going to

  swarm all over me?” Izzy scoffed. “Unlikely, but thanks for getting my

  hopes up.” Part of doing something for herself involved having a ‘big night

  out’ with Jack. They’d been friends for a few years, after meeting in

  college, and Jack called her on her sexuality immediately. ‘I can just tell’ he

  had told her with a smirk. Izzy hadn’t even been sure of it herself at the


  She was now. But much like fun, Love wasn’t something Izzy had time

  for. Not that she was going to the club tonight to find love. She was looking

  for lust; she was looking for something that was just fun.

  The club, Parade, was on the corner of a busy crossroads. It was large,

  taking up most of the block it was on. The exterior was painted a mid-grey

  with a shiny silver detailing at the top of the facade. Sitting overtop of the

  front door was the name, ‘Parade’ in giant silver lettering. Each letter was

  illuminated with a purple, almost UV light. People were flooding in and out

  in a seemingly never-ending stream. A tall, muscular chap who seemed to

  know Jack opened the door for them, and they stepped inside.

  The interior of the club was in stark contrast to the outside. A giant

  chandelier hung from a deep red velvet-clad ceiling above the circular

  dance floor. The floor reacted to the energy and pressure of the movement

  and lights pulsed to the beat of the bass pumping through the speakers. To

  the right was the first of two bars, which ran halfway down one side of the

  club. High tables surrounded by groups of animated people were scattered

  around the area dividing the bar from the throng of dancers.

  Izzy stood, wide-eyed, taking it all in. It was simultaneously just like

  she had imagined, yet not. She must have looked like a deer in headlights.

  Luckily for her, Jack was there to pull her out of her daze. He gave her arm

  a tug, bringing her back into the moment.

  “Sorry.” She said, despite knowing there was no reason to apologize.

  She hadn’t done anything wrong… she was just slightly overwhelmed.

  Parade was most definitely out of her comfort zone.

  Jack shook his head, shaking off her apology. “Let’s go get a drink. It’ll

  help you loosen up a bit.” He didn’t wait for a response before giving Izzy

  another tug, this time towards the bar.

  The pair squeezed in-between the people surrounding them, waiting to

  be served. As the people next to them left, Izzy slipped herself onto one of

  the black curved stools that had become vacant. Twisting around she turned

  her back to the bar as she took the opportunity to observe more.

  “Izzy,” Jack elbowed her side.

  “What?” She snapped in response to the nudge. She whipped around to

  see the blue-haired bartender in front of them. The bartender reminded Izzy

  of a pixie. She had small, dainty features with a silver hoop nose ring and

  dark lipstick. Izzy felt her cheeks heat up slightly. She probably looked like

  a fool. Offering a nervous smile, she apologized. “Sorry. I guess I just kind

  of zoned.

  The bartender offered a smile back; however, Izzy had a feeling that it

  wasn’t genuine. It was the type of smile someone in customer service offers

  when they’re clearly annoyed. “Of course. What can I get for you?”

  “A mojito, please?”

  The bartender nodded before moving away from them to make their

  drinks. Jack turned his attention back to Izzy, leaning back against the bar

  just like she had been. “So, what do you think?”

  “It’s amazing.”

  Jack laughed, shaking his head. “Not about the club, dumbass. I’m

  talking about the people. Do you see anyone interesting?” And by

  interesting, he clearly meant attractive.

  While she had been scanning the crowd, Izzy hadn’t exactly been

  checking anyone out. Now that Jack mentioned it though, half the people in

  the club were drop-dead gorgeous. There were a number of different

  women she wouldn’t mind going home with. “I mean… I’m not

  complaining about my options if they’d have me.” She said, grinning at


  “They’d be a fool not to want you, Izzy!” he gave her a wink. “You’re

  fresh meat.”

  Izzy cringed, knowing she was giving Jack exactly the reaction he was

  after. As their drinks were placed on the bar, she swung around, grabbed the

  glass, bringing it to her lips as soon as it was in her hand. She took a sip

  before glancing up at Jack.

  He clearly knew what was on her mind. He grinned back. “See? Not

  only is this place filled with hot and horny people, they also do the best


  Izzy was really starting to see the perks of this place. She took another

  sip and stared out into the crowd. She wasn’t quite sure where to go from

  here. She was a bit out of shape when it came to flirting. It was

  embarrassing how long it’d been for her.

  When she looked back to Jack to ask him about it, she noticed him

  making eyes with a blonde guy wearing a blue shirt and jeans tighter than

  the ones that she was wearing. She took another sip of her drink and

  reached out, giving Jack’s arm a shove. “Go.” She said. “Go and talk to


  Jack turned back to her, his facial features softening. “But it’s our night

  out. I’d feel like an ass if I just ditched you here, especially as we have just


  “And I’d feel like an ass if I stopped you from hooking up with him.”

  She said, gesturing with her head towards the guy.

  Jack laughed and downed what was left of his drink. “Alright
, then.” He

  hopped off his stool and started to walk away before he turned around to

  face Izzy once more. “I’ll see you tomorrow morning.” He said with a


  “Stay confident!” She called with a laugh. Once Jack was out of sight,

  she let out a sigh before turning back to the bar and taking another sip of

  her mojito. Now she was left on her own, in unfamiliar territory. Before she

  did anything, she was going to need another drink. Refuelled with another

  mojito, she felt herself start to ease into the night. At this point, she was

  damn near certain she could walk up to anyone in the club and start to flirt.

  Although, Izzy didn’t get the chance to. Two sips into her second drink,

  somebody had taken the seat next to her that had previously been occupied

  by Jack. Izzy turned to look at the stranger and was instantly in awe.

  The woman was gorgeous, with short mahogany brown hair that was

  slicked back and large, dark eyes to match. She was slender, with broad

  shoulders and slightly tanned skin. Her entire body was turned to Izzy, a

  smile toying at the corners of her lips. “I noticed your friend just kind of left

  you alone here. I thought you could use some company.” She said with a


  It was almost instantaneous that Izzy felt comfortable with this woman.

  Either the alcohol was making her confident, or the rust was wearing off.

  “If you’re offering to be my company, how could I not accept?” She said

  with a grin.

  The other woman smiled before signaling to the blue pixie behind the

  bar. The bartender appeared to like her new friend, and the smile on her

  face actually seemed genuine. The dark-haired woman ordered a JD and

  coke before turning back to Izzy. “I haven’t seen you around here before.

  And trust me, I think I would remember somebody like you.”

  Izzy could feel the heat in her cheeks and knew she was blushing. She

  only hoped that the neon lighting of the club would hide the color. “That’s

  because this is my first time here.” She paused, taking in the firm biceps

  and tattoos which peaked from under her short sleeves. “Do these lines

  always work on women” She replied, finishing off her second drink.

  “Are they working on you?” she paused long enough to take in Izzy’s

  soft smile. “If this is your first time, then I feel lucky.” She replied. The

  bartender returned with her drink, but before she could leave, she stopped

  her. “Can you get my friend here another… mojito, right?” Izzy nodded in

  response. The bartender didn’t hide her annoyance, sighing before walking


  “And why do you feel lucky?” Izzy asked. She was glued to this

  woman. She turned to face her; her entire attention was on this gorgeous

  enigma sitting next to her. She slid into place next to her like a perfect fit,

  and she was hardly complaining.

  “Because we happen to be here on the same night. Must be my lucky

  night since I get to sit and enjoy a drink with you – and you haven’t asked

  me to leave yet.”

  Izzy grinned. “Why would I ever do that?”

  After another drink, the dark-haired woman (who Izzy had learned

  was named Cara) pulled her out to the dance floor. Without a care in the

  world, Cara’s hands found their way to Izzy’s hips and pulled their bodies

  flush against each other. Izzy felt heated, but not just from the alcohol.

  As the two of them danced, it was like there was nothing in the world

  except the two of them and the thumping bass. Cara’s hands slid over her

  body, and she certainly wasn’t complaining. She wrapped her arms around

  Cara’s neck, allowing her body to move to the beat.

  Whatever wave of nervousness that had washed over her earlier was

  gone. She was confident and completely into this. Cara looked like fun. The

  type of fun that Izzy could get behind… or under.

  She knew where tonight was going, and the very thought of it made

  her stomach tighten, as excitement started to curl up in her gut and bubble

  up towards her chest.

  Cara’s hands found Izzy’s behind, she gripped tentatively at first, but

  when Izzy didn’t object; she tightened her grip. As the rhythm of the music

  changed, Cara slowly pulled her body away from Izzy’s.

  Izzy wanted to object. She wanted Cara’s warmth once more. Cara

  didn’t pull too far away, her forehead pressing against Izzy’s. “Do you want

  to get out of here?” She asked, her voice low so only the two of them could


  Izzy didn’t hesitate to answer: “Yes.”


  Izzy ordered an Uber outside of the club and the pair climbed in the back.

  Even inside of the cab, they could barely keep their hands off of each other.

  They weren’t obnoxious about it. They sat with their thighs touching,

  Cara’s hand gripping onto Izzy’s slender thigh in a possessive way. The heat

  from her hand radiated up, and Izzy was growing desperate to get her home.

  She leaned forward to the cabbie and told him the address of her

  apartment building. It was only a few blocks from the club. It would be the

  quickest way to get the two of them back to her place, and Izzy could

  finally give into all the urges she was feeling.

  Sitting next to Cara like this, all Izzy could think about was kissing

  her. She wanted to know if she tasted like the JD and coke she had been

  sipping on earlier or something entirely different. She wanted to see how

  her body looked under the pair of jeans and the tight grey tank she was

  wearing. Cara was exactly what she needed.

  When the cab came to a stop outside of Izzy’s apartment building, she

  swung open the door, grabbed Cara’s hand and practically pulled her from

  the car. They all but ran into the apartment block, the eagerness between

  them building.

  Izzy hit the button to call the elevator ride, and the doors opened

  immediately. As the elevator climbed up the floors, Izzy couldn’t resist the

  urge to kiss Cara for a second longer. Her fingers were intertwined with

  Cara’s and she pulled her in for a long, slow kiss. Cara’s response told her

  she wasn’t alone in building anticipation for what was about to follow.

  Finally, the elevator ‘dinged’ and the doors opened. Izzy almost

  skipped through the doors, pulling Cara behind her and towards her

  apartment. With one hand, she fumbled with her keys and got the door

  unlocked. They went inside together, the door slamming behind them.

  As soon as it was closed, Cara let go of Izzy’s hand. She turned, so

  she was facing her and without a moment of hesitation, she pressed their

  lips together. The kiss sent shock waves through Izzy’s entire being. In the

  beginning, all she could think about was how soft Cara’s lips were on hers.

  But the kiss progressed from the soft, tentative start to something deeper.

  Cara’s lips parted and Izzy could taste the JD and coke she had been

  wondering about since the cab ride.

  Cara stepped forward, pushing Izzy back against the front door. One

  of her hands rested on Izzy’s hip while the other worked its way up,

  tangling in her dark waves. She moved her hand until she
was cradling the

  back of Izzy’s head, pulling her back into a kiss.

  The heat between them was building to the point of desperation.

  Izzy’s hands moved without hesitation, coming to rest on Cara’s hips. She

  pulled, making sure there was no space between the two of them.

  The kiss made Izzy’s knees weak, which she chalked up to not being

  kissed for a while. When they broke apart, Cara rested her forehead against

  Izzy’s like she had earlier in the club. “Fuck, I want you.” She sighed.

  “Why don’t you show me how much?” Izzy responded, a tiny smirk

  growing on her lips.

  Cara didn’t need to be told twice . Their hands were intertwined again

  as she turned around, looking over Izzy’s open plan apartment. “Wow!”

  Was the only word that Cara could utter as she looked around the sleek,

  modern apartment. “This place?”

  It was a gift from her parents for graduating John Hopkins and for

  pursuing her cardiothoracic residency, and she had barely moved in, so the

  entire place still had that showroom feel.

  “If you are looking for the bedroom, it’s the first room to the right.”

  Izzy raised an eyebrow, showing the slightest bit of impatience. Cara took

  the hint graciously.

  “Oh yeah, sorry.” Grabbing Izzy’s hand, she pulled her towards the

  bedroom, as her head whirled around taking in the glossy white cabinets,

  marble floors and large flat-screen TV. In the back of her mind, Izzy

  wondered what she thought of her. Did she think she was bedding some

  wildly successful woman? Or just a trust fund brat?

  Swinging open the bedroom door, Cara turned to face her, taking both

  her hands in her own. She walked backwards, pulling Izzy towards the large

  king-size bed in the centre of the room with its crisp starched white linen.

  No words were exchanged when Cara came to a stop and pulled Izzy to her,

  before turning the pair of them around.

  Izzy felt herself being gently pushed down onto the bed. As Cara

  slowly climbed on top of her, she felt her excitement rise again. Bringing

  her face to just above Izzy’s, Cara whispered, “I’ve been waiting for this

  since the moment I saw you.”

  “I’m yours to do exactly what you want with me.”

  A pulse of electricity shot through Izzy’ as she watched Cara’s eyes

  darken with want. There was no hesitation this time as Cara’s hands slid


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