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Stone Page 4

by Addy Archer

  He’s right. Dani has been visiting me a lot over the past few days, but Stone has been tapping his watch at every turn to make sure I rest properly. It was kinda funny when Dani told Stone off, saying she was the doctor in the room and would know best. Stone simply replied with the fact that it was his room, his bed, his clubhouse, and his decision.

  And I have to say, I do feel as if I’ve regained more strength than I had before Keith beat me up in that alley. Even if my body is still healing. But the way I was draining myself with work and my father and Keith, I’ve been running low on fuel for quite some time now.

  I start to follow Stone out of the room, but when he locks the door as we’re standing in the hallway, he winces slightly and slides his fingers through his hair. “Listen, I need to warn you, ’cause Daniela flipped out too.”

  I tilt my head, my curiosity spiking. “Dani flipped out? This I have to hear.”

  Stone seems uncomfortable, his eyes going down, but his face stays in front of me so I can flawlessly read his lips. “In the clubhouse, you’re not only going to run into some of the brothers. There will also be some women prancing around. They don’t live here and need to be respectful toward you and Daniela. But you’re going to see some shit, since it’s our place and no one is going to hide or fake appearances. What I’m trying to say is… the brothers all have an open mind when it comes to their sexuality and don’t mind sharing their women. Some just watch; others interact. You’re bound to eventually see naked women, dicks swinging around, or some ass crack if they unzip and take a willing woman on the pool table while others watch or jerk off, whatever floats their boat.”

  “Whatever floats their boat,” I murmur as I let his words echo through my head until they settle. “Do you mean Dani and I would have to participate in your orgy stuff?” I squeak.

  Now his eyes do land on mine, and the corner of his mouth twitches. “It’s not like we have full-blown orgies,” he says, and I swear he adds something like “Not all the time” but I can’t be sure because his hand rubs his mouth. Then he uncovers his mouth and says, “Participating is your choice.”

  I swallow hard and take a step back. “Maybe I should stay with Pike.”

  Stone pinches my chin and connects our gazes again. “No one will touch you. You have my word. Besides, everything that happens here in my MC is consensual when it comes to sex. And don’t worry about Daniela. Jace—or Red, as some of the brothers call him, though most call him VP—made it very clear to all the brothers that his old lady is off-limits. But that doesn’t mean others will act differently around her, or around you for that matter.”

  “Meaning?” I question, not quite clear on what he’s telling me.

  “Some of my brothers will fuck a woman right next to you or let her suck him off while staring at you.”

  I try to blink and furiously start to count in my head to prevent my cheeks from heating due to the visual he just gave me.

  Holy shit, that seriously happens here? I’m no prude, but wow.

  Well, technically I’m still a virgin, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t experimented behind closed doors all by myself. I’ve watched my fair share of porn and read some steamy books. That’s also why I asked Dani to take me to a piercing shop. I was curious and intrigued and ended up with a piercing in a private spot that heightens my pleasure; a clit-hood piercing.

  Not to mention I remember every word Dani told me about what happened when she met Jace, or Red… VP—whatever they call him. She couldn’t stop raving about the extremely hot sexual experience he brightened her life with.

  And it makes me wonder. “Dani is the VP’s, Red’s… I’m just going to stick with Jace, if you don’t mind. So she’s Jace’s old lady? And you mentioned he doesn’t share. Are you saying they’re together together? Like in a relationship? I thought the whole old lady protection thing was because of her ex and just some words voiced at the time.”

  Funny how we discussed a lot of topics over the last few days, but Jace and Dani never came up.

  “I just explained to you about my brothers openly having sex, and this is the part you ask me about? Your friend?” The corner of his mouth twitches like it always does around me.

  It’s quite the difference from the men I’ve been around. Stone is always amused by me while all the others were always annoyed, aggravated, or plain angry.

  “You do understand what I just said, right? The openly having sex, confronting part,” he repeats, again with the twitching of his mouth.

  I roll my eyes. “I walked in on Keith cheating on me. I think that was confronting and not something I want to experience again. Strangers or people I don’t have a committed relationship with can do whatever the hell they like. When it happens around me, I’ll think of it as it being the same as having porn on TV. Only it would be the real-life version happening in the same room, whatever. But what Keith did? Grabbing my hair trying to force me to give him a blow job after I caught him cheating? His dick still wet from the other woman?” I have to swallow down the bile rising in my throat.

  “Hey, nothing like that will ever happen again,” Stone vows, then clears his throat. “Come on, let’s find Daniela. She can tell you all about how she’s most definitely the VP’s old lady and doesn’t just have the label for show and tell.” He lets his fingers linger on my jaw before he steps away and heads down the hall.

  My feet are rooted to the floor, and it takes Stone a moment before he realizes I’m not following him.

  He turns and tilts his head, assessing me. “What’s wrong?”

  “The whole openly having sex thing. Do I have to watch your VP and my friend doing… it?”

  He rubs his hand over his mouth, and I’m sure he’s either laughing or saying something he doesn’t want me to read on his lips.

  He takes a few steps forward so he’s standing in front of me when he says, “Your eyes are free to roam, darlin’. Which means they can slide the other way when you see something you don’t want to see. How’s that?”

  “You guys are weird.” I huff and stalk past him.

  I swear I hear soft laughter, which means he’s laughing his ass off if a hint of it is loud enough to reach my ears.

  Making my way down the stairs, I can hear the faint sound of music. They must have turned the volume way up, as if there’s a party going on.

  The people standing near the bar in the corner are waiting for a young guy to hand them a beer. Others are playing pool, lounging on the couch, or relaxing in the chairs sitting next to it. There are a few booths along the other wall with some bikers, and there are two guys dancing in an open space with a woman in between them, leaving no doubt these three are sexing each other up.

  A quick headcount tells me there are about twenty guys and only six women, not counting Jace and Dani, who are nowhere to be seen. Stone places a hand on my lower back and guides me toward the couch. A large guy with a bald head scoots away to make room for us. A young guy rushes over and wrings his hands as he waits for Stone to acknowledge him.

  “Birdy, get me a beer,” I read from Stone’s lips before he adds, “You want one too? Or something sweet? Alcohol or nonalcoholic? Wait, how old did you say you were?”

  “I didn’t say.” I direct my attention to Birdy. “I’d like a beer too, please.”

  The young prospect—based on the patch on his cut—dashes off toward the bar.

  There’s a gentle tug on my hair, and I swing my gaze to Stone. “Gimme the number, darlin’.”

  I cross my arms in front of my chest. “No.”

  “No?” His eyebrow rises in challenge, and from the corner of my eye, I can see the bikers around us all stop what they’re doing and eye us.

  “Was my answer a foreign reply?” I smirk. And I might be questioning my own sanity when I add, “Not used to a woman telling you no, huh?”

  Why would I draw out this discussion when all I could have said was “twenty-three” and been done with it?

  Stone leans in, and fr
om the look of his moving lips, he isn’t saying the words out loud. They’re clearly only for me to read.

  I swallow hard when he finishes and turn my head the other way, knowing I have no other choice but to give in and mutter, “Twenty-three.”

  Birdy is in my face handing me a beer the next instant. I mumble a quick “Thank you” and down half of the bottle in one go, needing the cool liquid to get my body under control.

  How can Stone say something like that to me? Okay, it shouldn’t be such a shock after he told me some of the guys have sex out in the open here in this room for all to see, but still. The days he took care of me, it felt more like a brotherly care, but the words he just gave me were anything but brotherly.

  My breathing picks up as I let them flow through my head once more. “There isn’t a single woman who would say no to me licking her pussy, stroking her clit, fucking her hot little hole, or breaching the tight ring of her ass with my finger while shoving my dick down her throat so she’ll suck me harder. Women never deny me, darlin’. You’d do best to remember that.”

  My body fills with liquid heat, and I glance over my shoulder to shoot an angry glare at Stone for planting that visual in my head. All I get in return is a satisfied smirk.

  He did it on purpose to make it clear that he also participates in all the sexual activity here. No wonder he’s the president of this MC filled with weirdos. I’m fairly sure he’s the biggest and dirtiest weirdo here.

  C H A P T E R F O U R

  – S T O N E –

  I glance in the direction of the stairs, hoping Jace will bring his old lady down. The fucker’s kept Daniela in his room ever since those two girls stepped foot in here. Except for the handful of times he brought her down to get something to eat and drink, and those were enough to have her flip out when she saw Dreamer and Ram fuck a girl on the pool table.

  Like I told Ry, all the brothers love to fuck, and it doesn’t matter where or with what chick. They all share. Well, all except for Jace. I’ve seen him shoot daggers at every single person who lays eyes on his woman.

  But I need him to bring her down since I asked Daniela to arrange new hearing aids for Ry. I knew she was able to, because she arranged for her to have them the very first time the woman got hearing aids. First fucking time in her life, and they were given to her by a damn outsider. Not family, not blood—a fucking friend.

  And I’ve learned over the last few weeks how deep their friendship runs. Well, as tight as Keith and her father would allow them to get. They prevented Ry from meeting Daniela most of the time, from what Jace told me when he was observing any interaction concerning the junkyard and the people in it.

  It’s a good thing we had our eyes on Ry and her father’s business days before Keith attacked her in the alley behind the bar. Not just because we were able to save her and it brought Jace and Daniela back together, but also due to the fact that there’s a new player in town who’s buying up property at rapid speed.

  Ry’s father, Ralph Warringtens, owns a junkyard. It might sound like it’s nothing much, but there’s a lot of money involved when it comes to iron and dealing in parts. Ralph is also dealing in stolen cars, based on Jace’s observations. The fact that his property is behind ours makes it our own personal business to see that it ends up in our hands instead of others’.

  So we had a lot of reasons to dive into Ralph Warringtens’s company to see what we were dealing with, and to make our move to obtain it. It’s also the reason why I had a meeting with her father days ago, where I offered him a deal to take over the junkyard.

  I just have to make sure Ry doesn’t know this little detail—or I’ll have to come clean about it before she thinks we might have had ulterior motive. Which we obviously have, since her being here does offer me some form of leverage if needed.

  But Jace and I both decided to keep it quiet for now. He was the one who was observing the place a few weeks ago and was shocked to see Daniela drive up to the gate, waiting in her car for Ry to come out and meet her.

  That’s another thing Jace caught when he was observing the junkyard, the fact that Ry was kept on a short leash by both her father and Keith. We talked about it in church, and Jace was going to approach Ry to see if we needed to intervene, but I guess fate had other plans.

  Finally I see Jace leading Daniela down the stairs, and I notice the tiny bag in her hand. Getting up from the couch, I make space for Daniela to sit next to her friend while Jace follows me to the bar, allowing the women some time to themselves.

  “You broke her pussy yet, VP?” Dreamer snickers and smacks Jace on the shoulder.

  Jace gives our enforcer a smirk and says, “Her pussy is heaven. Impossible to break.”

  “Fucker. I thought you’d bring that sweet pussy down to hell, flaming it up and all.” Dreamer chuckles and slides a beer Jace’s way.

  “Keep guessing, asshole. I ain’t sharing,” Jace says, his voice turning to steel. “Not now, not ever. Enough stray pussy up for grabs here for you. Go find your own.”

  “Understood, brother. Besides, her little friend looks like she’s getting better. I might—”

  “You might lose your cock if you don’t keep it away from her,” I snap.

  Dreamer tilts his head. “Staking claim there, Pres?”

  I smack my hand on the counter in front of him. “No, I ain’t staking claim. But she is off-limits to everyone in this MC. She needs a break and room to breathe to get back to full health. Make sure everyone knows. She’s under the protection of Trigger Pull MC.”

  Bellick places another beer in front of me before the idiot asks, “Why is she under the protection of the MC when no one’s claimed her?”

  I grab his leather cut as I drag him over the bar so we’re nose to nose. “Because I fucking said so. Treat her as if she was my damn sister, get it? Respect, prospect. Recognize it, feel it, fucking breathe it. Understood?”

  “Yes, Pres,” the idiot croaks.

  I let him go, and he rushes off to grab a rag and starts to clean the counter as if his life depends on it.

  “You almost made him pee his pants there, Pres.” Dreamer snickers. “And are you sure you’re on the whole ‘treat her as if she was my sister’ train yourself? I saw you looking at her when you made her read your lips. What you told her made her panties wet. I know for sure, because it almost made me blow a damn nut watching you two interact.”

  I shoot him a glare. We might call him Dreamer, but he earned his road name because the fucker is as vicious as they come and is the complete opposite of a nice dream. It gives everyone else a bit of a surprise when they realize he’s anything but a dreamer.

  I should have known the fucker would have his eyes on me. He’s the kind who always pays attention to everyone in the room. He might not be a lip-reader like Ry is, but he catches a lot. And in this case, he caught more than I would have liked him to.

  I make sure to hide the anger and aggravation rising from his remark when I reply, “You know me, brother. I always did like to tease a woman. Besides, I said all of you idiots should see her as one of my sisters. I already have two. Don’t need another one. But I also don’t want to see her hurt. She’s been through enough. Ry can stay as long as she likes without you fuckers laying a hand on her. I want this place to be her safe haven.” I grab my beer and take a big pull.

  “Unless she initiates?” Ram quips from my right.

  Yet again I try not to show how irritated I am with discussing Ry with any of my brothers, but this is something we’ve set as a rule, and I also don’t have any say in it when it comes to Ry and her own body and mind.

  “Unless she initiates,” I grunt reluctantly, placing my empty bottle of beer back on the counter and grinding my teeth. “But that doesn’t give you any free rein to try and see if she’s willing. Catch my drift?”

  I spin around to see Ry hugging Daniela. I’m guessing she’s happy with the new hearing aids.

  “If you keep running that dirty mouth like you did a
moment ago, you’re bound to have her ass up, ready and willing in your bed later tonight.” Dreamer’s voice slides through the air.

  I shoot another glare at him and hiss my reply through clenched teeth. “I might not be you when I fuck, but I’m not exactly a gentle lover either. Have you seen her? That little timid mouse is covered in fucking bruises, and those weren’t from the night she was beaten up.”

  Dreamer is the kind who has a closet filled with whips, floggers, rope, nipple clamps, and more. You can’t imagine what the guy likes to use or what he likes to try and explore, but let’s just keep it to the fucker has quite the imagination and sexual drive to experiment, and he gets his fill while doing it.

  He narrows his eyes and leans in. “Yeah, I’ve seen her. But have you taken a good look at that woman, Pres? Because from what I’ve seen and heard, underneath those bruises is a tough little spitfire ready to bloom. I know how to read a woman flawlessly. Those who are trampled and keep fighting become flexible as fuck, Stone. I don’t need to remind you of your little sister, how she bounced back, right? Never underestimate a woman. But sure as fuck don’t make assumptions either. She might have turned her head from you to hide her reaction, but I saw it, brother. And I’m telling you, she’s not broken. She’s flexible.”

  I’m about to make it clear to him that I’m not going to give in to my craving to have her, but his next words make me swallow my reply.

  “Taking a beating and receiving an erotic spanking are two very different things. The bite of pleasure makes all the difference. Who the fuck are you to decide for her?”

  “I’m aware, but she’s been through enough with Keith and her father. The woman needs a good man who’ll give her kindness, a few kids, and an easy life. The whole white picket fence thing chicks dream about. That shit ain’t me, brother.”

  “Again,” Dreamer snarls, “who the fuck are you to decide for her?”

  He doesn’t give me a chance to say anything in return before he spins around and signals for Ram to follow him. Ram, as in Rampage. Those two are a force to be reckoned with. Ram snags some blonde woman’s arm he brought with him to the clubhouse, and they all disappear to the back of the room.


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