by Ruth Reid
I would like to say a special thank you to my parents, Ella Roberts and Paul and Kathy Droste. Without your love and continued prayers, I might not have found my calling as a writer. Thank you!
A writer’s life would become lonely without other writers to share their journey. My critique partners are my sounding board, and without their honest feedback throughout the years, my manuscripts would still be in a slush pile on some editor’s desk . . . or maybe used as shredded paper in some hamster cage. To all of you: Michele Morris, Jennifer Uhlarik, Sarah Hamaker, Ginny Hamlin, and Cindy Huff, thank you for your words of wisdom, and, most of all, your friendship. You ladies are the best!
ach: oh
aenti: aunt
allrecht: all right
appeditlich: delicious
Ausbund: Amish hymnal used in worship services
bang: afraid
boppli: baby
bruder: brother
bruderskind: nephew or niece
bu/buwe: boy/boys
Budget, The: Amish newspaper
daadi: grandfather
daed: dad or father
danki: thank you
Das Loblied: Amish praise hymn
daudi haus: house for grandparents
doktah: doctor
dochder: daughter
dorstig: thirsty
engel: angel
Englisch/Englischer: anyone who is not Amish
faul: lazy
fraa: wife
geh: go
guder mariye: good morning
gut: good
gut nacht: good night
haus: house
hiya: a greeting like hello
hund: dog
hungahrich: hungry
Ich: I
jah: yes
kaffi: coffee
kalt: cold
kapp: a prayer covering or cap worn by Amish women
kichlin: cookies
kind/kinner: child/children
kumm: come
maedel: unmarried woman
mamm: mother or mom
mammi: grandmother
mei: my
meiya: tomorrow
nacht: night
narrish: crazy
nau: now
nay: no
nett: not
onkel: uncle
Ordnung: the written and unwritten rules of the Amish; the understood behavior by which the Amish are expected to live, passed down from generation to generation. Most Amish know the rules by heart.
reddy-up: clean up
rumspringa: running-around period when a teenager turns sixteen years old
schlofkopp: sleepyhead
schweschder: sister
schul: school
sohn: son
wasser: water
welkum: welcome
wunderbaar: wonderful
yummasetti: a traditional Amish dish made with noodles, hamburger, and cheese
About the Author
Author Photo by Lexie Reid
Ruth Reid is a full-time pharmacist who lives in Florida with her husband and three children. When attending the Ferris State University College of Pharmacy in Big Rapids, Michigan, she lived on the outskirts of an Amish community and had several occasions to visit the Amish farms. Her interest grew into love as she saw the beauty in living a simple life.
* * *
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Twitter: @AuthorRuthReid
Acclaim for Ruth Reid
“The second book in the Amish Mercies series is just as compelling as the first, if not more so. Once again, Reid weaves together a unique plot with hints of the supernatural (the redheaded man is back!), as well as unexpected twists, heartbreaking turns, and resilient hope.”
—RT Book Reviews, 4 stars, for Arms of Mercy
“Reid is in a class by herself with this tender love story with an unusual twist. Fans of Amish fiction and readers seeking a satisfying and heartwarming inspirational novel with a touch of romance will savor this series launch.”
—Library Journal, starred review, for Abiding Mercy
“Unique and compelling, [Abiding Mercy] blends elements of romance, suspense, and a hint of the supernatural in a coming-of-age story that’s difficult to put down . . . A delightfully different sort of Amish romance that even non-Amish-fiction fans should try!”
—RT Book Reviews, 4 stars
“A heartfelt novel.”
—RT Book Reviews, 4 stars for A Dream of Miracles
“Reid’s second series installment (after A Miracle of Hope) works well as a tender romance with a bit of suspense. A solid pick for fans of Beverly Lewis and Melody Carlson.”
—Library Journal, for A Woodland Miracle
“Ruth Reid is skillful in portraying the Amish way of life as well as weaving together miracles with the everyday. In this book, she writes a beautiful tale of romance, redemption, and faith.”
—Beth Wiseman, bestselling author of the Daughters of the Promise series, for A Miracle of Hope
“Ruth Reid pens a touching story of grace, love, and God’s mercy in the midst of uncertainty. A must-read for Amish fiction fans!”
—Kathleen Fuller, bestselling author of the Hearts of Middlefield series, for A Miracle of Hope
“Reid gives readers the hope to believe that there are angels with every one of us, both good and evil, and that the good angels will always win.”
—RT Book Reviews, for An Angel by Her Side
“An Angel by Her Side brings together not only a protagonist’s inner struggle, but the effect on the character from outside forces. In short, the reader rises, falls, grows, and learns alongside the story’s champion.”
—Amish Country News Review
“Reid has written a fine novel that provides, as its series title claims, a bit of ‘heaven on earth.’”
—Publishers Weekly, for The Promise of an Angel
“If The Promise of an Angel is anything to judge by, it looks like she’s going to become a favorite amongst Amish fans.”
—The Christian Manifesto
“Ruth Reid captivates with a powerful new voice and vision.”
—Kelly Long, bestselling author of Sarah’s Garden and Lilly’s Wedding Quilt
“Ruth Reid’s The Promise of an Angel is a beautiful story of faith, hope, and second chances. It will captivate fans of Amish fiction and readers who love an endearing romance.”
—Amy Clipston, bestselling author of the Hearts of the Lancaster Grand Hotel and the Kauffman Amish Bakery series
Other Books by Ruth Reid
The Amish Mercies Novels
Abiding Mercy
Arms of Mercy
Steadfast Mercy
The Amish Wonders Novels
A Miracle of Hope
A Woodland Miracle
A Dream of Miracles
The Heaven on Earth Novels
The Promise of an Angel
Brush of Angel’s Wings
An Angel by Her Side
Her Christmas Pen Pal in An Amish Second Christmas
Always His Providence in An Amish Miracle
An Unexpected Joy in An Amish Christmas Gift
A Flicker of Hope in An Amish Home
Home for Christmas in An Amish Christmas
Steadfast Mercy
© 2020 Ruth Reid
All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, scanning, or other—except for brief quotations in critical reviews or articles, without the prior written permission of the publisher.
Published in Nashville, Tennessee, by Thomas Nelson. Thomas Nelson is a registered trademark of HarperCollins Christian Publishing, Inc.
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Publisher’s Note: This novel is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. All characters are fictional, and any similarity to people living or dead is purely coincidental.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Reid, Ruth, 1963- author.
Title: Steadfast mercy : an Amish mercies novel / Ruth Reid.
Description: Nashville : Zondervan, 2020. | Series: An Amish mercies novel
| Summary: "She's returning to her old Amish community with something to hide. Something big. He's just trying to make it through his first winter as a farmer. Together they will learn the meaning of steadfast mercy in this sweet Amish romance"-- Provided by publisher.
Identifiers: LCCN 2020005706 (print) | LCCN 2020005707 (ebook) | ISBN
9780718082499 (trade paperback) | ISBN 9780718082505 (epub)
Subjects: GSAFD: Love stories. | Christian fiction.
Classification: LCC PS3618.E5475 S74 2020 (print) | LCC PS3618.E5475
(ebook) | DDC 813/.6--dc23
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