mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through one’s thoughts, experiences, and senses
Group of people living in same area; group of people with common interests
Obtaining information or input into a task or project by enlisting the services of a large number of people (Oxford Dictionary)
Act of determining a resource’s or artifact’s value for current or future learning need or task
The Critical Thinker’s collection, and involves several nuances that make it an independent and classroom-worthy task (Fisher & Tolisano, 2014)
Electronic based; opposite of analog
Digital Citizenship:
Quality of habits, actions, and consumption patterns that impact the ecology of digital content and communities (Heick, 2013a)
Digital Curation:
Selection, preservation, maintenance, collection, and archiving of digital assets which establish, maintain, and add value to repositories of digital data for present and future use. (Wikipedia, 2017)
Digital Portfolio:
Compilation evidence of learner’s growth, development, and accomplishments over time that is usually collected, curated, and shared online
Captured, collected, and/or curated evidence of learning
Documenting AS Learning:
Curation decision making for capturing and explaining purposeful moments as evidence of learning. Documentation is strategic, embedded, and ongoing, component of the learning process.
Documenting FOR Learning:
Explanations of selected artifacts to convey purposeful moments during and as a result of learning. Documentation is strategic and purposefully captures learning so that it can be reflected upon to support learning of oneself and/or others.
Documenting OF Learning:
Product or performance documentation display during or after learning has taken place, but no reflection is involved
Prepare for publication by correcting, condensing, or otherwise modifying
Describing facts in a way that makes them understandable (LeFever, 2012)
Global Literacy:
Ability to understand how the world is organized and interconnected, including four global competencies: ability to investigate the world; recognize perspective; communicate ideas; and take action on issues of global significance
Hash or pound sign directly followed by a word or phrase that conveys topic or concept used strategically on social media platforms
Heutagogical Documentation:
Documentation focused on self-motivated and self-directed learning that aids self-awareness, fueling motivation, and supporting decision making concerning desired learning
Self-motivated and self-directed learning
Clickable online image- or text-based link that transfers user from one location or another
Hyperlinked Writing:
Multilayered writing that takes advantage of the power of hyperlinks to connect personal writing to further content, concepts, ideas, or other sites on the web; writing that transforms static, linear, one layered writing into multilayered, connected, non-linear writing
Information Literacy:
Ability to filter and find information, analyze, evaluate, tag, categorize, organize, archive, store, find again, connect, curate, present, re-mix, and create new types of information
Institutional Memory:
School’s or district’s analog/digital collection and curation of events, experiences, best practices, values, and beliefs accessed by local and global audiences
Learningflow Routine:
Series of steps that creates a fluidity, and ultimately a habit, within the three documentation phases designed to create a flow from documenting initiation to completion based on content-specific focuses and articulated goals
An attribution via a web link or offering (Levine, 2006)
Media Literacy:
Ability to express informed and critical understanding of mass-media purposes and influences, both explicit and subliminal
Thinking about one’s thinking; refers to processes used to plan, monitor, and assess one’s understanding and performance
Network Literacy:
Ability to obtain a basic understanding of network technology, being able to craft one’s own network identity, understand network intelligence, and understand network capabilities (Hellweg, 2012)
Orbit of Ability:
A given person’s knowledge, talents, or expertise (Hale & Fisher, 2013)
Methods, techniques, and strategies used by teachers to facilitate learning
Personal Learning Network (PLN):
Group of people who interact (most often) digitally based on common interests and passions
Social media environment enabling a community to meet, share, communicate, and learn together
Four-level taxonomy (Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, Redefinition) developed by Ruben Puentedura that classifies technology, pedagogy, and content knowledge infusion based on teaching and learning impact
Education-specific platforms and tools, purchased through a vendor or online educational company
Act of recording and producing a video of what is transpiring on a screen, which can be recorded via screencasting tools and voice-overs through the device’s microphone
Act of taking a screenshot
A form of taking notes wherein the sketchnoter visually represents his or her thoughts and ideas, which can be created using a digital screen or analog paper format (Rohde, 2014)
Act of combining what is known to create a new or more complex understanding
Device or implement used to carry out a particular function (Oxford Dictionary, 2017b)
Transmedia Documentation:
Narrative that extends beyond multiple media forms that also plays to the strength of those forms (Heick, 2014b)
Decision-making regarding the usefulness of captured documentation; analyzing media to determine and inform learners of their current capabilities
Denote materials that are created and marketed mainly for purposes other than teaching and learning, but which are also used for teaching and learning (Ehrmann, 1995)
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A Guide to Documenting Learning Page 32