If You Dare (Dare Series Book 3)

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If You Dare (Dare Series Book 3) Page 2

by Shantel Tessier

  Her fingers dig into my hair, and she moans loudly. I groan in response, holding her tighter against my achingly hard cock. I go to pull away, to look down at her, but she won’t release me. And I can’t push her away. My feet work on their own, and I’m pushing her backward. She whimpers into my mouth when her back hits what I’m guessing is a wall, stopping our movement.

  I pull away quickly. We both stand, breathing heavily, and I look over her heavy eyes and parted, wet lips. I run my thumb over them while my eyes drop to the blue shirt she wears. It matches the color of her eyes. Her tits rise and fall fast as she continues to pant from our kiss.

  I cup her face, then run my fingers down over her chin and to her neck. Her pulse races under my touch, and I lick my wet lips, wishing I could carry her off to my SUV and fuck her in the back seat because I want more. What can I say? I’m a greedy motherfucker. I don’t like to wait for something when I know I can have it. And I can have her. Now. But instead, I take a step back, then turn and walk away from her. Always leave them wanting more.

  Making my way back across the parking lot to my Range Rover, I ignore my hard fucking dick straining against my jeans and catch sight of Eli leaning up against the passenger door talking to Demi. She has her head thrown back in laughter when I approach them.

  “What did I miss?” I ask.

  Her laughter cuts off, and her blue eyes settle on me. I watch them turn hard as stone. She ignores me and looks at Eli. “I’ll see you around.” She slaps his chest playfully and then walks off.

  I make my way around the front of my car. “She’s too young for you, man.”

  He laughs at that, but his eyes stay on her bubble ass as she sashays across the parking lot with her long blond ponytail bouncing across her back. “The best ones always are.” Then he turns, gets into the passenger seat, and winks over at me. “That’s what makes them so much fun.”



  Present- Eighteen years old

  I PULL MY Range Rover into the driveway and look down at my phone ringing in the passenger seat. Fucker lights up my screen, but I press ignore just as I have the other hundred times he’s called me. I have nothing to say to my father. And I know he has nothing to say to me either. He just hates that I won’t answer him—my lack of respect for him knows no bounds.

  Grabbing my phone, I get out of my SUV and walk into my best friend’s house. I live with him, his little sister, and his fiancée. We all moved to Austin, Texas, three months ago after high school graduation. Cole and I attend the University of Texas on swimming scholarships. Austin, his fiancée, is still trying to decide what she wants to do with her life.

  I throw my gym bag down at the front door, and call out, “Cole?”

  That stupid Halloween decoration Austin put out makes a noise when you activate its motion sensor. The fucker gets me every time I come in late, drunk off my ass. Pretty sure I threw it away last weekend, but she found it and put it back. Its red eyes glare up at me with its ugly mouth open, showing off its vampire-looking teeth and growling at me again. The first time I saw it, I thought the damn thing was a ghost, but I’m not even sure what the hell it’s supposed to be. Austin seems quite attached to it, but I’m hoping to get rid of the thing before Halloween next year.

  “Kitchen,” he answers.

  Walking down the hallway, I take the first right, entering the kitchen to see him bent over at the stainless fridge looking for something to eat. “I’ve got plans for us tonight.”

  He groans. “I don’t feel like going to a party.”

  “Even better.”

  Straightening, he shuts the door and turns around to face me. His blue eyes give me a pointed look as he tears open a container. My best friend hasn’t been himself lately. His temper is shorter, and his mood darker. Worse than usual. Cole Reynolds has always been a ticking time bomb, but there’s more to it now. And I hate that he hasn’t come to me about it. Things just haven’t been the same since we left Collins.

  “I’m not going to a strip club,” he deadpans.

  I smile at him. Tits and some ass in my face are exactly what I need, but I shake my head. I’m trying to get him out of the house, and I knew he would never go for that. Plus, I don’t want to be on Austin’s shit list. And taking Cole to a place like that will get my name at the motherfucking top of hers. I’m quite fond of my balls, and they would be the first thing she’d go for. “Although that is a fantastic idea, it’s not what I have in mind.”

  He sets the container on the countertop next to him and crosses his arms over his chest, arching a dark brow. “I’m waiting.”

  I open my mouth to fill him in, but it closes the moment Austin enters the kitchen, and she’s not alone. Becky is with her. My ex.

  The girl who I fell in love with. What started as a dare and ended up being so much more. I wish I would have known then what a lying whore she was. I guess a part of me knew. I just thought I’d be the exception. Fuck, when did I turn into a chick?

  Junior year

  “Dude, let her go,” Eli all but growls as he sees what I’m drooling over.

  “She’s with David now.” I say it like it fucking matters. It doesn’t.

  “Let him have her ass. You can do better.”

  I frown at his tone. Since when does Eli hate Becky?

  When I say nothing, he turns his attention to Cole and Maddox as they walk up after leaving the cafeteria.

  I lean up against my locker and watch the blonde come down the hallway. I kissed Becky last year by the football field because Eli dared me to. And now I can’t get her out of my mind. It didn’t happen suddenly. No, it was more like a sickness. She slowly took over my mind and body with no cure in sight. Maybe it’s because I know she’s unavailable now. Three months after that kiss, she started seeing David, and now that he has her, I want her. I watch her in class and at parties. And I catch her watching me too. She comes to swim meets but doesn’t speak to me. Instead, she ignores me completely. Just like we agreed.

  Her boyfriend, David, comes up behind her and places his hand in hers. She looks up at him but doesn’t smile. He’s too busy talking to Maxwell, his friend walking beside him. I feel my heart begin to beat faster as she approaches me, but he brings her to a stop and then says a few more words to his friend. Once Maxwell walks away, David turns to face her. He leans down and kisses her, pulling her body into his, and her arms come up and wrap around his neck. Just as they did when I kissed her last year. Then just as quickly, he lets go of her hand and walks away, leaving her all alone in the middle of the hallway.

  As if she feels my eyes on hers, she looks up at me. I remain leaning against the locker, trying to play it cool as though I couldn’t care less what she does, but it’s all for show.

  I care, and she knows it.

  I’m jealous that he gets to kiss her, touch her, and fuck her for all to see.

  I want a piece of Becky. More than what she already gives me. I want her to be completely mine, but for now, I’ll settle.

  Fucking pathetic.

  “Deke, there’s a party at Luck’s this weekend. Cole, Maddox, Landen, and I are thinking about going after the meet. You wanna go?” Eli asks me.

  I just nod at him, not taking my eyes off hers. “Of course.” I’m always down to get drunk and pretend I’m not obsessed with the blue-eyed blonde.

  She walks past, looking me up and down before her tongue darts out and runs along her pink-painted lips. They still glisten from his kiss. “Hey, Deke,” she purrs, then watches me over her shoulder before turning the corner and walking out of my sight.

  I slap Eli on the chest, cutting off whatever nonsense he was telling Cole. “I’ll see you all at practice later.” I push off my locker before they can stop me.

  I turn the same corner she took and open the first door on the left. Mr. Tomson always leaves his door unlocked. Stupid fucker.

  A hand grabs me from behind, and I spin around to see Becky leaning up against the now c
losed door. “Hey, baby.” I smirk, stepping into her.

  She reaches behind her and locks it. “I don’t have much time—”

  “Then what are you waiting for?” I cut her off.

  Grabbing my shoulders, she spins me around and shoves my back into a wall. Then she falls to her knees before me.

  As I place my hands in her blond hair, she goes to work on my jeans to free my already hardening cock. I grip her hair and prepare to fuck that mouth he just kissed. I’m going to come all over her lips and watch her lick them clean.

  I should have known then that she didn’t have a loyal bone in her body. But I never had the chance to think about it. After that, things changed. They all went to that party Eli mentioned. There was a car wreck, and three of my best friends—Eli, Maddox, and Landen—died. Cole was the only one who survived. Or so I thought. Cole had taken full responsibility for that accident at the time but just recently confessed he was not the one driving. It was Becky. And she was with them that night because she was fucking Eli. I still can’t decide if I’m more pissed at her or my dead friend who knew how I felt about her. Too bad I didn’t know she was fucking him sooner. I would have never given her the time of day, much less allow myself to fall in love with her. That’s why he tried to tell me to stop wanting her—so he could have her.

  Her blue eyes widen the moment she notices I’m in the kitchen with Cole, and she comes to a stop. I didn’t see her car outside, which means Austin must have brought her over here earlier. I don’t see her all that often, thank God. But her best friend is my best friend’s fiancée, and I live with them, so it’s bound to happen. Whenever the situation presents itself, I completely ignore her. It’s as if she doesn’t exist. Because she no longer does to me. She’s as dead as my best friend buried six feet deep in a wooden box.

  “Thought you were going back home for the weekend?” Austin asks me as she goes over to Cole. He uncrosses his arms and wraps them around her shoulders, pulling her back to his chest and resting his chin on top of her head.

  Shelby, my older sister who still lives in Collins, called me yesterday and said that she had picked up a weekend shift at the hospital. As a trauma nurse, she always works crazy hours, so I decided to stay here. She was the only reason I was going to spend two days in Collins. Any chance I have to stay away from my father, I take it. “Plans changed,” I answer.

  The room falls to an awkward silence. Austin’s green eyes drift from me to Becky. Then to Cole. Almost as if she’s secretly asking us to go have our conversation in another room—preferably outside.

  I jump up and plant my ass on the kitchen island, smiling at her. Austin’s disappointment shows when she lets out a heavy sigh.

  “What do you have planned for us tonight?” Cole asks me. He knows I’m not going anywhere, no matter what his soon-to-be wife wants. He’s the one who has to kiss her ass, not me.

  I may like to avoid Becky, but I also like to make her feel uncomfortable. I hold all the cards here. She has no clue who I have told her secrets to, and I want to watch her sweat for a while.

  “I got us tickets to Silence,” I answer.

  Austin’s brows pull together. “What is Silence? And can Lilly go?”

  “Only the scariest haunted house in Texas.” Becky answers her, and Austin’s face lights up like fucking Christmas. “No, Lilly can’t go. It’s not a place for children,” she adds.

  Austin looks up at Cole with a big smile on her face, silently begging him. He shrugs, telling her, “It’s up to you, sweetheart.”

  She turns her attention back to me. “I’ll call and see if Misty can watch Lilly for a few hours. If she can, then we’ll go.” Looking at Becky, she asks, “You can go, right?”

  I refrain from growling because I wanted Becky to be the babysitter. I can’t stand to be around her for five minutes, let alone spend an evening with her. We keep our distance for a reason.

  “Sure,” she answers. “When are we going?”

  “Tonight,” I say, and everyone’s heads turn toward me when the word comes out a little too snappy.

  “Okay.” Austin spins around in Cole’s arms so she can face him. “I’ll call Misty …”

  He doesn’t even let her finish before he leans down and presses his lips to hers. His hands go to her hair, and she lets out a moan when he pulls her head back to give himself better access to her mouth. Becky exits the kitchen, rolling her eyes.

  I stay where I’m at, being the pervert that I am. Plus, it’s not like I haven’t ever seen them kiss. Hell, I once recorded them fucking in a bathroom while at a high school party and then posted that shit online for all to see. All because he told me to do it. That was before he fell in love with her, though. And also because I can be an asshole.


  She pushes Cole away, breathing heavily when Lilly enters the kitchen. “Yes, Lilly?” she asks, breathlessly.

  The cute little six-year-old smiles up at her. She is Cole’s little sister, and he’s raised her since the day she was born. Celeste, Austin’s stepmother, killed Cole’s mother by shoving her down a flight of stairs when she was pregnant with Lilly. Lilly survived, but their mother did not. “I don’t know where my phone went.”

  Austin takes her hand and pulls her own cell out of the back pocket of her jeans. “I’ll call it.”

  “I think it’s dead.” She frowns.

  “We’ll find it,” Austin assures her before they walk out of the kitchen.

  “Need a moment?” I ask Cole, jokingly.

  “More like an hour,” he answers.

  I turn to face him, and he has his hands in the pockets of his jeans. Things have been awkward around us since the night he told me all his secrets in Collins. He thinks I’m mad at him, but I’m not. He did exactly what I would have done, so I can’t fault him for being like me. But I hate that I’m still keeping my own. Maybe he’s pulling away from me because he knows I’m not being honest with him. And it makes me think of Eli. How close we all once were, but how many secrets we had among us. Were we all ever really friends? I think that’s the hardest part about all of this. I was loyal to the sharks. I may have been an ass to most, but I would have laid my life down for any of them. Even Kellan. But in the end, I helped Cole kill him. Would Cole have helped me kill Eli if he hadn’t died that night in the car accident? Would Cole have dug with me to get the answers I needed? Still want? I’m not sure. And I hate that I’ll never know. You can’t kill someone who is already dead. But the unanswered questions still eat at me.

  He finally looks away from where Austin exited the kitchen with Lilly, and his eyes meet mine. “You gonna be okay with Becky tonight? I can tell Austin I don’t want to go—”

  “No,” I interrupt and wave him off. “It’ll be fine. How bad can it be?”

  His dark brows rise at my question as if to say really? You gonna ask that? Because we both know just how bad shit can get.

  Austin pops her head back into the kitchen. “Found the phone and Misty is gonna come stay with Lilly.”

  Neither one of us says anything to her.

  Her green eyes narrow, and she walks over to me. “Please be nice.” I open my mouth, but she continues, “It’s just one night.”

  I grind my teeth but nod once because that’s the first time Austin has ever asked me for anything. And I love that girl like my own sister. Even if I did once aim a gun at her, planning on ending her life in the middle of a cemetery. But now that’s water under the bridge and all that. “One night.” I’ve put up with worse in my life.

  She smiles and looks over at Cole. “I’m going to take a shower and start getting ready.” Then she turns and walks out of the kitchen once again.

  And no surprise, Cole all but runs out of the kitchen to follow her up to their room for a little shower time of his own. He’s been on her ass more than usual and doesn’t let her out of his sight. If it were anyone else, I would say their relationship has gone from extremely toxic to a tad unhealthy, but I know t
he loss that he has suffered and the scare he had with her five months ago. Hell, even I’m protective of her now.

  I walk over to the fridge and grab a bottle of water, and when I turn around, Becky is standing there. I bump into her on accident, and it pushes her backward. Instinct has me reaching out and grabbing her upper arm to keep her standing. I should shove her ass to the floor, but I don’t.

  Her blue eyes are wide as they look up at me, and I realize the last time I was this close to her was three months ago. When I stormed into her bedroom back at her father’s house in Collins and told her I knew all her secrets. That she had been fucking my best friend, Eli, and that she had lied to Cole and wasn’t really pregnant. She begged me to love her, to want her, but it didn’t work.

  “Wait! Please?” she begs. “I can fix this.”

  “No. You can’t.” Things have gone too far, and there’s no going back now.

  “Deke? Please? I can’t lose you,” she cries.

  “You already have.” I reach for the door handle, but she places her hands on my back, gripping my T-shirt and causing the collar to choke me.

  “I’m sorry. Is that what you want me to say?” she grinds out. “I lied. And I’ve felt terrible about it. Austin is my best friend. And I love you. You love me.”

  “Not anymore.” I shake my head.

  “I don’t believe you,” she argues. “There has to be something I can do. Please … tell me.” The desperation in her voice makes me smile.

  I turn around and cup her tear-streaked face. She sucks in a long breath, and her body presses into mine, now interested. Funny how women turn to sex when they’re desperate for forgiveness. “Unless you plan on falling to your knees and opening that mouth of yours so I can fuck it, I have no use for you.”

  “I don’t believe you,” she whispers again as new tears run down her face.

  “That’s your problem. Not mine.” Her eyes stare up at mine, silently begging me to forgive her and tell her that it’s all going to be okay. That I love her. I’ll die before I ever say that to her again.


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