Omen's Sign (Iron Vex MC Book 5)

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Omen's Sign (Iron Vex MC Book 5) Page 5

by Elizabeth Knox

  I lean back and fall onto my plush duvet. Looking up at my black canopy, I suck in a deep breath and berate myself. All I’m doing is being stupid. I shouldn’t even want Omen to keep coming around, but the guy is just . . . kind of everything I’ve ever wanted. It’s like he knows how to be gentle yet firm, calm yet forceful. The guy is an enigma, and he’s the type of enigma I want to have me wrapped in his arms, pounding me until the sun comes up.


  He’s more than just a client, and every time I think about him, it’s proving to be even more true. A knock comes to my door, and I grunt lowly. “Who is it?” I yell over, and instead of an answer, my door is simply thrown open. “Hey, what the h—” I’m ready for war, but the moment I realize it’s only Chastity, I calm my ass down.

  “Girl, what is going on? Mara-Lee looked perplexed when she left the room.”

  “Damn, that’s a big word. Didn’t know you could say stuff that big,” I comment.

  “Shut up, you big dick. Stop trying to get me distracted. You can’t avoid the question, so spill.” Chastity shuts the door, almost like she knows I won’t say shit if it’s open. I could still lie to her, but it’s not what friends do. She’s always been really good to me, so I need to be good to her too.

  “Mara-Lee came in and asked me about Omen.”

  “The vice president from that club up north?” Chastity asks.

  “Yeah, that would be him.”

  “He’s been spending a lot of time with you lately.”

  “Now, you sound like Mara-Lee,” I grumble.

  “So what? He’s paying for a piece, right?” Chastity raises her brows.

  “Yep, and he tips well.”

  “I don’t get what the problem is then,” Chastity says, but as soon as she says it, she looks right at me. “Fuck, you’re catching feelings for the dude, aren’t you?”

  “Keep your voice down. I’m not trying to announce it to the whole damn apartment. Plus, nothing will happen. He’s just a paying client. Like I told Mara-Lee, he’ll be heading back home to New York eventually anyway. He won’t even remember me when he leaves, so it’s not a big deal.”

  Chastity takes a couple steps closer to me and sits down on my office chair. “Girl, I don’t know what to be more shocked at. The fact you believe he won’t remember you or that you think you’re just like everyone else. Anyone who meets you remembers you.”

  “I appreciate you saying that but—”

  “No. Shut your mouth. Don’t dissuade what I just said. It’s wrong to do that to yourself. Gem, I know you don’t think you’re a good person sometimes, but you’re sweet. You always have been and you always will be.”

  I don’t want to be a raging twatwaffle right now, so I’ll settle for being pessimistic. “Chas, we know how this works. They’re with us until they either get bored of us, or the money runs out.”

  Chastity groans, “For once in your life, could you be optimistic?”

  I’m the girl who’s always gotten shit on, so I won’t ever be positive.

  My silence is answer enough for her. “This could be the greatest love story of your life.”

  Ignoring what she’s said, I change the subject. “You hungry? I was about to go out to get a burger.”

  “Where you going?”

  “Five Guys.”

  “Hell yeah. Marx is coming in tonight and he always wants to do anal. I eat one burger from Five Guys, and it cleans my pipes out real good.”

  “Chastity!” I burst out laughing so hard I almost pee myself.

  “What, was that too much?”

  “Just a tad.” I keep laughing and head for the bedroom door. I open it and look back at her. “C’mon, let’s go get some greasy burgers to clean out your pipes.”

  Chastity jumps off the office chair. “Whoot! Marx will appreciate it.”

  Shaking my head, the two of us walk off to go get some good grub.

  Chapter Eight


  “If you want, we could always head out to the shooting range sometime,” I tell Gemini as I walk beside her in the club. I’ve been spending a lot of time here lately, and even I can’t deny it.

  “The shooting range, really?” Gemini giggles lightly, and the woman is growing more comfortable with me every time we’re together. She smiles a bit more, and while we have mind-blowing sex, I always make sure we decompress and take some time to learn about each other. I can’t help it. There’s so much more to her than just a pretty face and a banging body. I’ve slowly been dropping hints about what type of man I am. Every time we have sex, I test her limits even more, and sure enough, she hasn’t shown me a bit of worry. I keep wondering if one time I’m going to cross the line, but nope, it’s been smooth sailing.

  Half the girls in New York who claim to be in the BDSM lifestyle chicken out from the shit I pull. Whether it’s shibari, knife-play, sensory deprivation, hooking, and those are just the things I’ve tried on Gemini in the nights we’ve been together. Every time I see her, we end up fucking, but I hope there’s more than just sex.

  “What?” I shrug. “I think you’d like it. When you have a gun in your hands, you feel powerful, and if you’re nervous, don’t be. I’ll be there with you every step of the way, if you want to go.” Gemini’s expression drops from her face, and I realize I’ve pretty much suggested we go out on a date.

  My cell begins to vibrate in the pocket of my jeans, so I pull it out and see Boss’s name. “I have to take this, but I’ll see you in a while.”

  “Okay, I have an appointment tonight. I don’t think I told you about it, but . . . I didn’t want to blindside you.”

  A burning sensation rushes through my chest, and I push the feeling deep down. “Have a good time then.” Fuck, that was the stupidest thing I could’ve fucking said. God, I’m an idiot. I answer the call and press the phone to my ear.


  “Hey there. I haven’t heard from you in a hot second. How’re things down in Virginia?” Boss questions, and from the sound of her voice, she knows they’re not going too well.

  “They’re moving slow while we wait for some leads to come in. But no worries, I’m not leaving to head back for a while. Hell, I don’t wanna leave until things are fixed down here,” I say as I approach the bar and wait for the bartender to bring me my usual. He starts making it quickly, and I wait for Boss to say something.

  “Omen, look, I’ve never been one to tell you how to do things . . . but I don’t get why you’re spending so much time at Night’s Bliss. I understand checking in on Vex, but from what I’ve been told, you’ve been spending a lot more time at the club than out on the road.”

  What utter shit. I spend my nights here, but I’m out every morning talking to a few of my contacts. “I don’t know where you’re getting your information from, but I have contacts down here and I meet them in the morning. I’m supposed to be keeping a low profile, so what else would you have me do?”

  “Gee, I don’t know. Maybe go back to Stoney’s club, or even Twister’s,” Boss suggests.

  She’s never told me how to do things, not once. Something is up, and I don’t like this one bit. “Boss, what’s going on?”

  “Nothing. Just want your head in the game is all.”

  The bartender sets my drink down in front of me, and I give him a nod in thanks. Picking the drink up, I take a sip, and the liquid burns as it cascades down my throat. “You’re bullshittin’ me, and we both know it.”

  “Omen.” Boss sighs on the other end of the phone, and I imagine she’s leaning back in her chair with her hand on her head. It’s been a signature move of hers for years now.

  “Tala,” I intensify the seriousness of our conversation by calling her by her real name, “just be real with me. That’s all I’m asking for.”

  “Vex told me you’ve been hanging out at Finley’s club. She said you’re with one of the girls that works in Finley’s, er, sex club or whatever.”

  “And?” I want to kn
ow what the problem is.

  “I sent you down there on a long-term assignment, not to get your dick wet. But that’s not where the issue lies, you’re my VP, Omen, but you’ve been my friend for even longer. I don’t want you hoping this chick will give you something more than she already is. From the sounds of things, you’re getting serious with her.”

  “If by serious, you mean I’m fucking her, then yeah. This is nothing more than a monetary exchange, Boss.”

  “Just her?”

  “Yeah.” No point in lying to her.

  “Damn, it’s worse than I thought. If you were fucking some other bitches there, then maybe I wouldn’t think you’re hung up on her.”

  I take another sip of my drink. “She’s the only one who goes as far as I prefer.” Boss knows I’m into some darker shit. She’s seen me go to town on Devi a couple of times when she and Chuckles are looking for a third for the night.

  “Shit, I just don’t want you getting too deep with her. You’ll be comin’ back to the club eventually. Last thing I need is for my VP to get the hots for some chick down in Virginia. Hell, and if I hear you wanna transfer to Stoney’s club or something, I might just have to kill you.”

  I can’t help but laugh at what she’s said. She and Stoney have an intense history, but it’s all settled down now. “I’d never do that to you. Queens is my home, so I promise I’m comin’ back when all this shit down here is over with.”

  “Well, that’s a relief.”

  “How’re things up there?” I ask, turning the conversation on her for a bit.

  “They’re not bad. Things have been quiet, which is nice. We’ve needed a break for a bit if you ask me.”

  “Yeah, we all do. I miss the days when we could all ride out to Sturgis without even thinkin’ about it.”

  “Fuck, me too,” she adds. Things were much simpler back in the day. Maybe one day we’ll get back to it. I doubt it’ll be for a while, but if we can get back to that, I’ll be elated.

  “I’ll give you a call once I have an update. Until then, let me do what I do best. When we were out in Lynchburg, we found the property with the empty tents, campers, and RVs. I’m bettin’ they caught wind we were down here and split as soon as they could. Probably didn’t want the same thing that happened in Boston to happen here.”

  “Yeah, they’ve been watchin’ out for our cuts,” Boss adds.

  “They have?” This is news to me.

  “Mhm. I won’t be shocked if we have to go undercover for a while,” Boss comments.

  It makes sense. Getting them is important to us. We’re going to be the end of these fascists, and that’s a promise we’ve all made. They’ve hurt us all too much and we’re over it. “We’ll do what needs to be done,” I tell Boss, and she grunts in agreement on the other side of the phone.

  “I know, but I wish this would all be behind us. I’m going to let you go. Cowboy’s supposed to be rollin’ in any minute, and Destiny has been begging me to go downstairs. Stay safe down there, Omen.”

  “You too.” I end the call and slide my cell back into my pocket. Picking up my drink again, I take another sip and spot Gemini hanging with an older guy. He’s at least fifteen years older than she is, and he’s wearing a suit with a giant watch.

  I clench my jaw and my breathing grows coarse. As much as I want to tear my eyes away from her with him, I can’t. Maybe Boss is right. Maybe I should end this before I get too attached and get hurt.

  But maybe it’s too late, ‘cause every moment I’m not doing shit for the club, the only person I want to be with is her.

  Chapter Nine


  “Hold on. You’re doing what?” Chastity looks at me like I’ve lost my damn mind, and at this point, I think I have.

  “I have the day off, and I’m going shooting with Omen, and I’m not really sure what else,” I repeat myself, shrugging my shoulders like this isn’t a big deal. But I’m not an idiot. This is a huge deal.

  I continue packing a duffel bag with some cute clothes, a bikini, some makeup, a brush, and a couple sexy sets of lingerie. Chastity comes rushing in front of me, waving her hands like she’s flagging down a boat. “Gem, are you hearing yourself?”

  Sucking in a deep breath, I stop what I’m doing and look right at her. “Yes, and I know how crazy this sounds, but I want to go.

  “Gem, he’s a client. He’s not your boyfriend.” As much as I want to tell Chas she’s wrong, she isn’t. He isn’t my boyfriend, and yet I still want to do this with him.

  “I know . . . and I know I’m doing something I shouldn’t be, but I . . . I want to spend as much time with him as I can.” I don’t hold back the way I’m feeling from her, and I’m terrified she’s going to tell me I’m a complete idiot who’s only going to get hurt.

  Chas grabs my hands and looks into my eyes. “You’re sure you want to do this?”

  I swallow hard and shrug. “I want to say I’m not sure, but everything with him is easy. For the first time in I don’t know how long, I haven’t gotten nervous. I feel safe with him, safer than I have in a long time. I don’t have to hide anything about myself to make sure he’s happy. He accepts me for who I am. He’s . . . Chas, he’s never asked me to change anything. Not like the others. Fuck, I didn’t tell you this, but I have to.”

  “Tell me what?” Chas’s eyes widen, and she waits for me to fill her in.

  I sit down on my bed, and she does the same. “The second time we had sex, we were in bed, and I started to give him a blowjob, and he told me I was worth more than just sex.”

  “Oh, my lanta.” Chas blinks her eyes like this is the hottest thing a man could ever say, but to women like us, it is.

  “Yeah, so . . . as much as I know I shouldn’t be doing this with him. I feel like if I don’t, I’ll regret it for the rest of my life.”

  “Hell yeah, you would. He could be your depressed Prince Charming or whatever.”

  “Depressed?!” I furrow my brows and cackle at what came out of her mouth.

  “What am I supposed to say? Dark, emo, freaky? All I know is the man looks like he has as much ink as you do.” She isn’t wrong. He has a pretty good amount covering his body.

  I put my hand over my face in an attempt to hide my smile, but it fails. “I need to record you for a reality show or something.”

  “No one would pay me enough for the type of entertainment I provide, sweetheart,” Chastity says with the most sass I’ve ever heard from her.

  My heart sinks into the pit of my stomach as nervousness spreads over me. “You don’t think I’m making a huge mistake, do you?”

  Chas glances at me with the most seriousness I’ve ever seen from her. “Like you said a few minutes ago, if you don’t do this, you could regret it for the rest of your life. Omen might be a typical dude and let you down, but if you don’t try, you might never find out.”

  The rumbling of a motorcycle causes me to look out through my bedroom window. “Shit, he’s here. I need to get going. I’ll see you in a couple days.”

  “Okay, have a blast!” Chas hollers after me, and I make my way down the two flights of stairs and push open the back doors. Omen has his helmet on the back of the bike, and he has a duffel bag strapped to the back.

  “You ready to relax for a couple days?” Omen chuckles as I approach him, and his smile grows wider. It doesn’t stop as I come up to him, and finally, I have to know what’s up.

  “Why’re you smiling so big?”

  “You’ve been smilin’ since you walked out of the door, and it’s nice to see you so happy. You put up walls, Gemini. I think you do it to block people from getting too close to you, but it’s a shame if it works for some people, ‘cause I think you’re pretty damn special.” Omen’s words hit me right in the heart, and I struggle to find the right words to say.

  So, I stand here and blink at him in utter shock. As I blink, I realize I’m pushing back tears. My hands tingle and heat swarms through my chest and neck, but it’s a good war
mth. I feel light like I’m not weighed down by anything. Maybe this is happiness. Maybe this is healthy. “You’re always so kind to me.”

  Omen chuckles and takes my duffel bag, but he sets it on the seat of his bike for a moment and opens his bag. “I got something for you.”

  “You did?” I must sound a bit crazy, but I guess I never expected Omen to get me anything.

  “Yeah, now close your eyes.” I do as he orders, knowing that’s exactly what he’s doing. He’s demanding I do something, and I know better than to not do what he’s telling me to. I don’t know how to explain it other than it feels like second nature, so I close my eyes and wait for him to tell me something else.

  “Okay, now stick your hands out.” I do as he asks, placing my palms out in front of me and wait. The faint sound of a zipper makes me think he’s in his duffel bag, and then something that might weigh a couple of pounds is placed in my arms.

  “Can I open them?”

  “You sure can.”

  Upon opening my eyes, I realize in my hands lays a motorcycle helmet. It’s black with bright red corn poppies. The same color and design I have on my sleeve. “Is this for me?”

  “Obviously.” Omen cackles. “Do you like it?”

  “It’s beautiful. Thank you so much.”

  “You’re very welcome. Now come here, and I’ll help you get it on.” I move closer to Omen and hand him the helmet, but he puts it back in my hands. “Hold it for a couple. I need to braid your hair first.” I think I’ve heard him incorrectly, so I whip my head around, and he chuckles. It’s like he’s reading my mind. “Relax, I know how to braid hair, and I won’t rip your hair out in the process.” Much to my surprise, he takes his time braiding my hair tightly. My hair might be curly, but it’s much easier to manage than other curly-haired girls. Then again, my curls are loose, whereas some of my friends have tight curls. Trying to do anything with their hair can be an absolute nightmare.


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