Right Ascension (The Sector Fleet, Book 3)

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Right Ascension (The Sector Fleet, Book 3) Page 20

by Nicola Claire

  But it was his thick, long cock that stole all my attention right then.

  I reached down between us and wrapped my hand around his shaft, causing him to suck in a startled breath of air.

  The water stopped.

  Steam licked up our bodies.

  Leo stood before me, muscles quivering.

  “My turn,” I said, and pushed him out of the shower.




  Sophia’s eyes sparkled with desire; the exhaustion I’d seen when she’d stepped into her quarters was all but gone. Just the remnants of shadows curving beneath each eye.

  She pushed on my chest, making me fall back onto the bed. Her lithe body followed me down.

  Immediately, I placed my hands on her hips to steady her and lifted my face to meet her waiting mouth.

  The kiss was slow and tentative at first, and then we both found our footing. Tongues licked inside, shower wet bodies slid against each other. My cock rubbed back and forth between her thighs. And her nipples, hardened points by now, dragged down and up my chest, eliciting moans from both of us.

  I fisted a hand in her hair, shifting my other around to cup her behind. Sophia’s butt was divine. I kneaded my fingers, making her rock harder against me as I devoured her body and mouth.

  Not that Sophia allowed me free reign. That she would never do. She gripped either side of my face and held me exactly where she wanted me and kissed me back with as much enthusiasm as I was kissing her.

  The kiss lasted minutes or hours. I lost count. Nothing else existed but the taste of her. The feel of her tongue stroking mine. She slid it in and out, just like I wanted to slide my cock in and out of her body. I matched her rhythm. She answered with a hard press of her lips against mine. We ate each other, our bodies moulded together, our tongues frantically seeking to dominate the other, my cock damn near bursting at the challenge this woman gave me.

  She fit me perfectly. Physically and mentally. Every curve moulded to every hard plane of my body. Every dominance trick she tried made my balls tighten. With her legs spread out on either side of my thighs, she rubbed herself wantonly on my aching cock, bringing herself close to climax.

  I loved that about her. I loved that she went for what she wanted. We might have had a rough start, to begin with, but we were home free now. And Sophia was not letting the initial period of getting to know one another’s body stop her from having a good time.

  And, holy hell, she was having a good time. She moaned and gasped. Panted and shuddered. She got off on every grip of her fingers, on every sound of desperate longing I made beneath her.

  It never crossed my mind to change our position. I let her have her wicked way with me, and I relished every second of it

  She bit my neck. I groaned out loud, tipping my head back and giving her better access. She sucked on my skin where she’d bitten me, almost too painfully hard. Her body slid over my throbbing cock, moisture from her slick pussy coating it and making it slide freely through her thickening folds.

  I rocked up to meet each roll of her hips. Frantic to get inside her. She denied me again and again. It became heated and sensual and completely off the charts wild. We rubbed against each other like horny teenagers and then she moaned, coming hard.

  Fuck. That. Was. Hot.

  She’d just used my body to get herself off.

  Panting, she lowered her head to the crook of my neck, and I settled in to let her catch her breath. Or God forbid, fall asleep on my chest, exhausted from the harrowing day we’d had and the two orgasms I’d just given her. And yes, that second might have been a passive gift, but I was claiming it as a gift from me to her anyhow.

  I wrapped my arms around her body, providing as much comfort as I could, happy to just have this moment with her. Happy despite what was going on outside this very room.

  And then she reached down between us, lifting her hips to allow her hand ready access to my eager cock. She slid the head through her folds making me gasp. Her eyes tracked my reaction from inches away, waiting until I was a gasping, panting, moaning mess, and then she positioned me at her entrance and slid her pussy over and down my length.





  “Sophia,” I said. She smiled.

  And then she lifted up off my chest, her beautiful breasts bouncing, as she rocked her hips and lifted up off my cock, coming to her knees above me.

  She looked glorious. My cock throbbed with appreciation as I stared up at the goddess above me. I licked my lips, never wanting this moment to end.

  My hands landed on her hips, holding her steady. Or, more accurately, making sure she didn’t pull too far away. This should never end. She looked down at me as she impaled herself again and again and again.

  Oh my fucking God, she was a temptress.

  And then she said, “Hands above your head.”

  Hot. Sexy. Commanding.

  I just about came right then.

  Slowly, I released her as she continued to bounce on my dick, and reached up and gripped the top of the bed behind my head.

  I was exposed. I was laid bare. I waited with bated breath.

  “Hold them there,” she said.

  Yes. Fuck yes.

  I nodded; panting, sweating, tingling. Grinning.

  Fuck this was sexy.

  “Don’t move,” she whispered.

  I swallowed. That last command might be a little hard to follow. She felt so good. So good. Her pussy was so tight. So tight. My cock was aching, and all I wanted to do was slam it deep inside.

  To claim her. To fuck her. To take back control.

  I lay still and gave her exactly what she desired.

  “Ready?” she asked.

  Fuck. For what? What more could she do to me?

  “Always,” I said because I’d be damned if I didn’t hold my own with this incredible woman.

  Sophia threw her head back, making her long hair fly out around her shoulders and then tumble down her curved spine. Her breasts bounced, her nipples peaked. Begging for my hands and mouth. Her skin was flushed a pretty pink to match her areola. I’d yet to confirm the match to her pussy, but that was high up on my to-do list.

  Very high up.

  And then she started to really get going. Really. Get. Going. Up and down and up and down and harder and faster and fuck me now. Sophia stroked my cock with her pussy walls, using her body to bring me to mind blowing climax.

  My hands gripped the headboard so tightly I expected to hear the composite material crack. I threw my head back into the pillow, unable to watch the glorious sight before me, and came hard.

  “Fuck,” I shouted, and Sophia moaned loudly.

  We came together. Such a fucking turn on.

  And then she collapsed down on top of me, mumbled something that sounded like, “So good.” And fell asleep.

  I lay there. Stunned. My heart thundering inside my chest. My body still tingling. My cock…my fucking cock was twitching. It took only a second for my lips to spread into a wicked grin. My arms slowly came down from the headboard and wrapped around her body.

  She might have fucked me into a supernova.

  But I’d fucked her into much-needed sleep.

  I reached down for the covers and brought them up over us, and then settled her body into the curve of mine and watched her sleep. I lasted a minute, tops. And then I was dreaming.

  Of Sophia on the bridge. And Sophia in her ready room. And most definitely of Sophia in her bed fucking me.

  And of the look on her face as I lay beneath her and gave her everything.


  And I knew, I would never deny her whatever she desired. Whatever she asked for. I would always give her everything.

  That’s why I wasn’t a good fit for first officer, I realised. But I was a perfect fit for this.

  I was hers.

  And this glorious, magnificent, outstand
ing woman was mine.

  That trumped absolutely everything else in the known universe.

  And in the unknown as well.




  I woke to a hard body down my back and strong arms wrapped around my waist. Hot breath softly blew against my neck. A thick, long cock jerked slightly against my butt cheeks.

  And I couldn’t stop smiling.

  Sex with Leo had been outstanding. It had been more than I could ever have hoped for. He’d been…perfect. I hated using that word, but he had. He’d let me lead.

  No. He’d let me dominate.

  I’d never met a man who was comfortable enough in his own sexuality to allow me to be who I needed to be in bed.

  And Leo Saitō had just filled my every fantasy. Well, almost every. I lay there and pictured some of the more outrageous fantasies I’d had over the years and wondered if Leo would be game to try them.

  I thought perhaps he would. The man had practically salivated when I’d given him orders while his cock was deep inside my pussy.

  I felt my nipples harden. Moisture slicked my folds and ran down between my legs. I squirmed slightly and then thought to hell with this, and rolled over in his embrace, surprised he didn’t wake up, but equally as pleased he was so sated from last night that he was still so deeply asleep.

  I wriggled down the bed as he flopped onto his back with a sigh and then blew gently over his bobbing cock. It jerked. He moaned in his sleep. I flicked my eyes up his body and smirked.

  Then I ducked my face and spread my lips wide and sucked him in slowly.

  Leo made a sound I would gladly listen to all day, his muscles tightening, his cock thickening. And then I wrapped a hand around the base of his shaft and started to squeeze as I stroked him in time to my head bobbing.

  “What?” he mumbled.

  I placed a palm flat on his stomach to hold him place. His upper body stilled, and he murmured, “Fuck.”

  He didn’t touch my head like he had that first time in his ready room. I watched from my position between his thighs as he slowly moved his hands to above his head, gripping the headboard tightly. His half-lidded eyes looked down his taut body and met mine.

  I hummed around his cock to show him I was satisfied.

  “Fuck,” he whispered again, sounding stunned this time.

  I licked and sucked and got us both hot and panting. He was close. But so was I. I held him on a knife’s edge as I fingered myself. But it wasn’t enough.

  So, I released his cock, making him moan in distress, and then swung my body around. I got back to work on his weeping shaft as soon as I placed my knees either side of his shoulders.

  “Good morning,” he mumbled before he tongued me right up my centre.

  I shuddered. He groaned. His hands came down from the headboard, and long fingers parted my folds as he got to work sucking and licking my clit and tonguing me deep inside.

  I rocked above him as he rocked beneath me. And then he slid two fingers inside, replacing his tongue, and I exploded.

  He came not long after when I swallowed his cock deep into my mouth and groaned around it.

  We lay there for several long, breathless seconds, and then I spun around and crawled back up his body.

  “Good morning,” I said.

  “It is, isn’t it?” he replied, wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling me in close, while the other idly played with a nipple and its breast. “Will that be the standard wake up call?” he enquired.

  “You’ll have to stick around to find out.”

  “I’ll have my gear moved to your quarters immediately,” he quipped.

  I laughed, just as Corvus said, “I have taken the liberty to do just that, Leo.”

  We both sprang up in the bed, frantically reaching for the sheet, and gasping our outrage at the interruption like sailors on shore leave.

  “Corvus,” I finally snapped, once we were suitably covered. “You can’t do that!”

  “Do what, Captain? Anticipate your every need?”

  I huffed out a breath as Leo scrubbed his face, no doubt willing the embarrassment to subside.

  “You can’t watch us like that,” I said.

  “I wasn’t watching,” Corvus said, sounding affronted. She should be affronted! “I don’t watch,” she clipped out in tones that were similar to mine. “But I do listen. Especially when you are in danger of missing the start of your shifts.”

  We sprang out of the bed in lightning fashion, staring at the clock on the gel wall.

  We still had time.

  We still had time.

  I let out a breath.

  But she wasn’t wrong, start of first shift was fast approaching.

  “Status?” I said.

  “The ship is functioning at 92% efficiency,” the AI said. “Main boost thrust is now at 90%. Repairs are almost complete across all decks. All other systems are functioning nominally.”

  “Good,” I said, reaching into a drawer that had appeared in the gel wall beside me. I noticed one had appeared beside Leo as well. Both of our uniforms washed and pressed. Leo stared at his for a moment and then shrugged his shoulders and grabbed some deodorant, applying it in such a comfortable manner.

  I did the same, then walked to the bathroom to brush my teeth once dressed. Leo appeared beside me. Toothbrush in hand.

  “She thought of everything,” he said, sounding bemused.

  I indicated the unexpected appearance of a second sink beside mine and nodded my head.

  “Do you get the feeling that she’s matchmaking?” Leo asked, and then started brushing his teeth.

  I spat and rinsed and then started on my makeup.

  “We’re well past matchmaking here,” I said.

  “Yeah,” he offered.

  “Do you mind?” I asked, noting the uncertainty in his voice.

  “Do you?”

  “I asked first.”

  He grinned.

  “I’m up for cohabiting if you’re up for it,” he said.

  I tried to hide my smile.

  He leaned in and kissed me on the cheek.

  “This is us,” he said. “In here. There’s a different us in your ready room and a different us out on the bridge. But this is also very much us in here.”

  “Yes,” I said. “I like it,” I admitted.

  He smiled and walked back out into my quarters, making a beeline for the kitchenette. I could smell coffee brewing when I emerged from the ensuite bathroom.

  “And what of Pavo and the Chariot?” I asked Corvus because if she was hanging around and listening, possibly even watching, I might as well go with it.

  To have Leo to come home to every night, I would put up with this.

  “They assumed relative positions in the asteroid belt at 0200 hours,” Corvus advised. “Pavo’s captain and first officer retired not long afterwards, with a request to meet at 0900 hours.”

  “You say that as though they retired together,” I said, laughing.

  Corvus didn’t giggle, but just said, “They did.”

  I looked at Leo who was looking at me, brow arched.

  “Interesting,” I said.

  “Pavo wouldn’t let me watch,” the AI added.

  “I would sincerely hope not.” And then I thought about what she’d just said. “You didn’t offer to let him watch us, did you?”


  “Corvus!” both Leo and I shouted.

  “I thought it might impress him,” she said, sullenly. “You know, something we have in common.”

  “You have a lot in common,” Leo said, reassuringly.

  “That’s what I said.”

  “And Pavo?” I asked, taking the mug of coffee Leo offered me. We both started walking toward the door to my ready room, and therefore toward the bridge. “What did he say?”

  The walls pulsed blue and then red. Then thankfully settled on a combination of the two; more blue than red.

�He said I was incorrigible,” Corvus announced. “I think he likes me. He must like me. Because he offered to spend the night telling me how incorrigible I was.”

  Leo shot me a look, lips twitching.

  I shook my head as the bridge door opened and we walked out onto the flight deck.

  “Teenagers,” I muttered, as Commander Kulik announced “Captain on the bridge.”

  His eyes tracked first to me, then to Leo, and then back to me and my ready room door. He didn’t say anything. He didn’t need to. It was obvious.

  And I was pretty sure it included something similar, if not identical to, “Teenagers.”


  Welcome To The Space Sucks But We’re All In This Together Club


  “This is Captain Anderson,” Sophia said on the ship-wide hail.

  She looked rock steady. Chin up. Face not quite impassive but with a hint of compassion for what she was about to convey. She looked like someone who could lead us through any amount of heartache. Steady. Experienced. Capable.

  “We have rendezvoused with the rest of our sector fleet,” she said. “We are once again complete but by no means are we whole. We have suffered many losses on our journey so far. But we are no longer alone. The Sector One and Two Fleets have met up with us. And together we will face the future united.”

  She paused, took a second to look down at her console, drew the moment out as only a commanding officer could.

  Then she looked back up at the viewscreen and said, “I wish I could tell you what was coming. What challenges we still have to face. I can’t. I can only tell you how much stronger we are because of our experiences. Because of the fight we’ve had to make. Humanity will not die here. We won’t let it. We may suffer losses which we will mourn with every fibre of our being. But we will not succumb. We will not bow down. And we will not go gentle into that good night.


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