The Fall (House of Sin Book 2)

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The Fall (House of Sin Book 2) Page 1

by Elisabeth Naughton

  The Fall

  House of Sin - Book Two

  Elisabeth Naughton

  Copyright © 2020 by Elisabeth Naughton

  All rights reserved.

  Editing by Linda Ingmanson

  **Note: This book was previously published as part of FORBIDDEN by Elisabeth Naughton**

  This book is a work of fiction. References to real people, events, establishments, organizations, or locations are intended only to provide a sense of authenticity, and are used fictitiously. All other characters, and all incidents and dialogue, are drawn from the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  The House of Sin

  The Fall - Book Two

  The truth doesn’t always set you free…

  I’ve fallen for him. I tried not to, but one touch, one look, and I’m powerless against the passion he stirs inside me.

  I know I need to be careful. His world is shrouded in darkness, and his secrets linger, even as the connection between us grows stronger. I want him. I want us. But there’s something he won’t tell me. Something I fear could destroy what little pleasure we’ve found in each other.

  Until I know the truth, I can’t give myself fully to him. I have to know what he’s hiding. I need to see what lurks behind the doors of the House of Sin…

  Books in the complete House of Sin Series:

  THE SECRET - Book One

  THE FALL - Book Two

  THE BETRAYAL - Book Three

  THE VOW - Book Four

  THE PRICE - Book Five

  THE CHOICE - Book Six


  1. Luc

  2. Natalie

  3. Natalie

  4. Luc

  5. Luc

  6. Natalie

  7. Luc

  8. Luc

  9. Natalie

  10. Natalie

  11. Natalie

  12. Luc

  13. Natalie

  Don’t miss the next exciting story in the House of Sin Series

  Thank You!

  Also by Elisabeth Naughton

  About the Author

  “She looked my demons in the eye and smiled. She fell for the very thing I thought she’d fear.”

  —VàZaki Nada



  I don’t remember sleeping.

  I do remember holding Natalie most of the night. Naked, skin to skin, her cheek resting against my chest as she slumbered, her hair tickling my shoulder while her legs entwined with mine beneath the sheets.

  She was fire and flame warming the coldest spaces inside me. I couldn’t get enough of her, and my appetite wasn’t just sexual.

  She’d done something to me. She’d awoken a part of me no one had ever touched. I’d given her the chance to leave. I’d done everything to push her away, and yet she’d stayed. And now that she’d broken through my walls and shone her light over the darkness inside me, I couldn’t let her go any more than I could sever a limb.

  Of course, that was going to cause major problems within the family.

  I didn’t want them anywhere near her. I didn’t want her innocence tainted by their corruption. I’d have to keep her hidden from them, and that meant separating my two worlds. I wasn’t sure I could pull it off, but I couldn’t see another choice. Now more than ever it was vital to both our survivals that she did exactly as I said.

  She stirred in the bed and rolled to face me where I sat in the chair across the room. The sheet rode low on her belly to expose her gorgeous breasts to my view. Sunlight slanted through the windows, bathing her pale skin in ribbons of gold.

  I sipped my coffee and watched her, remembering the way she’d given me that body last night in the living room. Again in the shower where I’d carried her after she’d destroyed me on the couch. And then in my bed until we were both absolutely weak.

  I couldn’t wait for her to give me everything again—but from here on out, I needed to be firm that it happened on my terms, not hers.

  Her eyes fluttered open. She focused on me across the room, and I watched confusion draw her brows together to form adorable creases in her forehead that faded quickly into a sweet smile I ached to kiss from her lips. “Good morning.”


  She shifted one hand under her pillow and stretched, pressing her breasts out toward me in a way that made my mouth water. “What are you doing way over there?”

  “Drinking my coffee and watching you.”

  Her smile widened, and a familiar heat seeped into her sleepy blue eyes. “I like you watching me.”

  My cock stiffened. “I know you do.”

  A blush rose in her cheeks, and she pulled her gaze from mine as if embarrassed by my bluntness. She glanced over my slacks and dress shirt rolled to my elbows and open at the collar. “How long have you been awake?”

  “A few hours.” I rose, moved to the table near the window, and poured her a cup of coffee. She watched me in silence as I stirred cream and sugar into her cup, and brought it to her in the bed.

  Tugging the sheet up to her breasts, she fixed the pillow at her back and sat up.

  Her hair was delightfully rumpled, hanging in scraggly curls around her face, and her skin was void of makeup, but to me, she’d never been more beautiful. All I wanted to do was slide back between those sheets with her, but I couldn’t. From now on, I needed to lead her where I wanted her to go, not the other way around.

  “Grazie,” she said as I handed her the cup. She lifted it to her mouth and sipped. A smile pulled at her luscious lips as she glanced up at me. “You were paying attention.”

  “I pay attention to everything, gattina.” I set a plate of breakfast pastries on the table beside her. “Eat.”

  She reached for a croissant and lifted it to her lips. “What does that word mean?” she asked between bites. “You used it several times last night.”

  “Gattina?” When she nodded, I said, “It means kitten.”

  “Oh.” Unease drifted into her eyes.

  For a moment, I thought I was seeing things, but then her shoulders tensed and she set the half-eaten croissant back on the plate.

  She obviously didn’t like being called kitten. I knew she couldn’t understand the real meaning of the word—she was too innocent for that—and usually I hated it too, but it fit her. Especially since kittens had claws, which she very clearly did.

  I moved back to the table so I wouldn’t be tempted to grab her and lose myself in her sweetness. “I need you to get dressed.”

  “What time is it?”

  “Nine o’clock.”

  “What?” Fabric rustled in the bed behind me. “Why didn’t you wake me? You were supposed to meet with Versace at eight thirty.”

  I slid my hands into the pockets of my slacks and turned toward her. She’d set the coffee cup on the nightstand next to her. The sheet was still clutched to her chest, but one bare leg was now extended to the ground, as if she were about to bolt out of bed. “I cancelled the meeting.”

  Her eyes lifted from the floor where she seemed to be searching for something. “You did?”

  I nodded. “I still need you to get dressed. We have another meeting in an hour.”

  “With who?”

  I didn’t answer.

  She stared at me with both confusion and a whisper of unease.

  I saw it. I knew I could alleviate her worry, but I stayed silent. The little power struggle between us had to end. I needed h
er to know who was in charge. It was the only way I was going to keep her safe now that this thing between us had combusted.

  Several seconds passed in silence, then she said, “You’re not going to tell me, are you?”


  She bit her lip. Trepidation filled her blue eyes. “Are you taking me to the airport?”

  Fear grabbed hold of my heart and squeezed. “Is that where you want to go?”

  She stared at me a long second then finally whispered, “No.”

  Sweet relief filled my lungs, but I was careful not to let it show. This woman already had enough power over me. “I want you to wear the yellow sundress the stylist picked out for you, the nude heels, and no panties.”

  A flush crept up her face. “No panties? Is that an order?”


  I could practically see the wheels turning behind her pretty blue eyes. She didn’t like being told what to do. Not even in something as simple as what to wear. She was weighing the pros and cons of defying me. Even though I didn’t want her to, I grew hard at the possibility.

  Her gaze dropped to the floor. “Where’s my towel from last night?”

  “In the bathroom.”

  “Can you get it for me?”


  “Because I’m naked, and I have to go back to my room to get dressed.”

  “You didn’t seem to have any problem being naked last night.”

  Her face flushed darker, but when her fierce gaze shot to mine, I saw it was irritation, not embarrassment fueling her color.

  My dick grew even harder. Especially when she stared at me with those challenging eyes, daring me to back down.

  Silence stretched between us. A silence that made my pulse pound.

  A heartbeat later, she tore her gaze from mine and tossed the covers back with a huff. My whole body tightened as I watched her slide out of my bed in nothing but her sexy flesh, square her shoulders, and walk toward the door with her head held high.

  Fuck me. I was absolutely crazy about this woman.


  She stopped at the open doorway but didn’t look back.

  “The same rules still apply. You’ll do exactly as I say, or there will be consequences.”

  She turned her head so I could see her gorgeous profile, but she didn’t meet my gaze. “I already know you’re not going to send me home. What else can you do to me?”

  My blood flamed. “Test me, and you’ll find out.”

  She didn’t respond. Just lifted her chin and walked through the suite toward her room.

  As I watched her sweet ass swaying with her movements, I tried to settle my raging pulse, but nothing worked.

  I’d already had this woman—several times—but I was now more turned on than I’d been last night. Partly because I knew she’d test me. Partly because I didn’t know when or how she’d do it. But mostly because the thought of taming her, of watching her reaction as she succumbed to her own sinful desires, lit me up like a firework and made me feel alive.

  And I liked feeling alive. I’d been numb for so long, I’d forgotten what it was like. With Natalie, I almost believed I wasn’t a monster.

  I hoped after what I did next, she still agreed.



  Nerves bounced around in my stomach as I stepped out of the shower, dried myself off, and rubbed my favorite grapefruit lotion into my arms and legs.

  I didn’t know how to read Luc this morning. Last night, after we’d made love on the couch, he’d carried me into the shower and thoroughly pleasured me under the hot spray. And after my skin had become pink and wrinkly, he’d done it again in that big bed in his room until I’d been limp from so many orgasms.

  He’d held me close then, stroking my hair and whispering things in Italian I didn’t understand. As I’d drifted to sleep, I’d felt precious. Cherished. Safe. His hands had never left me. Every time I’d moved, he’d been right there to lull me back to sleep. But this morning…

  This morning he hadn’t once touched me. Even when he’d handed me my coffee he’d made sure not to graze my fingertips. And his eyes… They’d been as intense as I’d ever seen them. Laser focused. Locked on me as if he was sure I was about to say or do something he didn’t approve of.

  Those nerves tightened in my belly as I moved into my room and opened my closet. His comment about rules and consequences bothered me. I was sure he didn’t want to send me home any longer, but why did I have this feeling he was waiting for me to step out of line?

  I looked up at the clothes hanging from the rack and spotted the yellow sundress he wanted me to wear. It was simple and pretty, and if he hadn’t told me to wear it, I might have chosen it on my own just because I knew I’d look great in it and because I could tease him with that all day long. But being told to wear it…

  I reached for the blue sundress instead and tossed it on the bed. After tugging on my bra, I slipped into the dress and looked down at my shoes. The nude heels really would go best with the dress. I slipped them on, telling myself I wasn’t caving to his order.

  At least not completely.

  Since I had no idea what kind of meeting he’d scheduled, I went for minimal with my hair and makeup. After twisting my hair into a knot so only a few curly strands framed my face, I brushed on a little powder and mascara. Satisfied, I grabbed my purse and turned out of the room.

  He was waiting for me in the living room when I emerged. His gaze shot right to my dress. I saw the way his eyes narrowed on the blue fabric, and those nerves in my belly twisted into a pretzel.

  “I’m ready,” I said, trying to keep my voice even.

  “Very well.” He stepped aside so I could pass and held out his hand. “Let’s go.”

  My thoughts were a whir as we waited for the elevator in silence, stepped into the car, and stood next to each other as it slowly began to move.

  Why wasn’t he touching me? Why hadn’t he kissed me yet this morning? Had last night been a one-night-stand kind of thing?

  I didn’t think so—not when he’d told me not to wear panties today. But if he wasn’t sending me home, and if he wanted me again as much as I wanted him, then why the hell was he acting so calm and detached?

  The elevator doors opened, and he placed a hand at the small of my back as we stepped out of the car. Heat seeped into my skin beneath the cotton dress, sending a rush of sensation all across my skin that made my knees weak.

  Oh, that was all I wanted. Just his hands on me again. Everywhere.

  Unfortunately, as soon as we began walking through the hotel, he let go of me.

  Vincenzo was waiting for us at the car.

  I said “Buongiorno,” and climbed into the back. Luc sat next to me and slipped on his sunglasses, but he didn’t touch my bare knee or reach for my hand as I wanted. And as we pulled away from the hotel and he tugged his phone from his slacks and began checking email, my irritation—and worry that I’d pushed him too far—got the best of me.

  “Are you going to tell me where we’re going?” I asked.

  “No.” He turned the screen off on his phone and slipped it back in his pocket.

  I’d nearly had enough of his attitude. Folding my arms over my chest, I glared at him across the backseat. “Maybe wherever we’re going is not a place I want to see.”

  He turned his head and grinned at me. “You want to see this, gattina. Trust me.”

  The force of his smile made him so devastatingly handsome, my irritation wobbled. But that word—kitten—set me on edge.

  I didn’t like those cute little nicknames some men used. My stepfather called my mother princess, and I’d never liked it. Not because she didn’t deserve to be worshipped at that level by her spouse, but because he used it as a weapon against her. When he was happy with her he called her princess. When he wasn’t, he tossed out romantic terms of endearment like bitch and cunt.

  Did I think Luc was like my controlling stepfather who had to know where
my mother was at all times and who kept her isolated from her friends? I didn’t know. I didn’t want to think he could be like that, but the truth was, I honestly didn’t know that much about him aside from the fact he had a good heart buried beneath layers of something heavy and that he could make my body melt with just one touch.

  Yes, he liked to be in control—he’d proved that last night when he’d told me to remove my dress and had commanded me to do things I hadn’t expected to want to do—but there was more to him than this façade of domination. I’d sensed it when I’d pulled him to me and kissed him last night. I’d seen it in the way he’d melted against me and gentled his touch. And I’d felt it when he’d slid deep inside me and we’d made love.

  Because that was exactly what we’d done. He hadn’t dominated me then. He hadn’t fucked me. He’d made love with me. Something he’d told me he never did.

  “Something on your mind, gattina?”

  I blinked, realizing I’d been staring at him, lost in thought. Lost in him.

  Shaking my head, I looked out the window. “No,” I lied. “I’m fine.”

  But I wasn’t fine. My heart was racing and my mind was spinning because somewhere inside, I knew I liked both sides of him. I liked the tender lover who made my body tremble with one simple touch, but my body also craved the domineering man who could make me nearly come just by ordering me to my knees.


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