Never His Girl: Dark High School Bully Romance (Kings of Cypress Prep Book 2)

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Never His Girl: Dark High School Bully Romance (Kings of Cypress Prep Book 2) Page 24

by Rachel Jonas

  Something about the way he says that has me laughing. “If these cousins are anything like you, I don’t want my sister anywhere near them.”

  His fingers dig into my side with the insult and I yelp.

  “Sorry!” I scream. “Please! Stop!”

  It’s impossible to get away, especially laughing so hard tears are coming from my eyes.

  “Take that shit back and I’ll think about it,” he rasps.

  “Okay! I take it back! I take it back! You’re an angel.”

  After a few seconds, his fingers go still and I slam my fist to his solid chest in return, positive that just hurt me far worse than it hurt him.

  “Dick,” I say with a smile. One that doesn’t match my harsh tone.

  “That a request or an insult?” he asks as his brow shoots up.

  He’s teasing, but now he has me thinking about it again, fucking him.

  Shit, that was easy.

  I kiss him once and then stare at his eyes when he opens them. Heartbreaker green no longer seems like the fitting phrase to describe the beautiful emerald color staring back at me. Because the last thing I think he’s capable of doing is breaking my heart.

  “So, are we bailing on Cypress Pointe for Christmas or not?” he asks. “I’m not leaving if you aren’t coming with me.”

  Those words hit me right in the center of my chest, hearing that he won’t even consider leaving town if we aren’t going together.

  “And you’re sure it’s okay for Scar to come? Your grandfather won’t mind us crowding him over the holiday?”

  “He loves having guests,” West insists. “And believe me, when you see the size of his house, you won’t be so worried about crowding him.”

  “Wait. Is this your dad’s dad or—”

  “Nope, Mom’s. My dad’s never met his father, so we’re safe there,” he adds with a laugh.

  I search his stare again, seeing that hopefulness still beaming in his eyes.

  “Then, I guess we’re spending Christmas together.”

  That killer smile of his makes it super clear I’ve just made the right decision. Because I don’t think I’ve ever seen him happier than he is right now.

  I lower my lips to his and this kiss is deeper, drawing a groan from West. It vibrates within his chest, causing mine to rumble as well. His arms tighten around me and I can’t break free even if I wanted to. But, honestly, who the hell would ever want that?

  Straddling his waist, I can feel him getting hard beneath me, where I have him locked tight between my thighs. I grind against his dick and the movement draws more of his deep breaths. Another roll of my hips has his hands slowly leaving my back, lowering until he’s gripping my ass through my sweats.

  “I need to fuck you. Bad,” he growls against my ear.

  I’m reminded of how we had to cut things short at school, reminded of how screwing him has been all I’ve thought about since.

  “But Scar and Shane will hear,” I reason, breathless as I try to convince myself what a bad idea this would be.

  “Then don’t fucking scream,” he teases, making me laugh against his lips.

  “I’ll try.”

  His eyes don’t leave me when I hop up to lock the door. Then, flashing another wicked grin, he’s off the bed, too, removing his shirt before he stops to watch me strip out of what little I have on. After that, I’m the one who’s staring. Well, gawking is more like it, as he takes a condom from his pocket and then undoes his belt and jeans. The packaging hits the floor, then he rolls the latex onto his dick with one hand. My heart’s racing and I’m pretty sure I’ve never wanted anything more than I want him right now.

  More than I want… that right now.

  Damn, West.

  He pushes his jeans and boxers down the rest of the way, and then steps out of them completely. There’s impatience in his eyes when they meet mine. It’s enough that I don’t make him wait, climbing on top of my bed again.

  “Stay just like that,” he commands.

  I do as I’m told, breathing wildly while I wait for him, on my hands and knees. He approaches slowly and the mattress sinks beneath his weight. My hips warm when he grips them from behind. Then, without any warning, he enters me rough.


  I’ve already failed. We’re supposed to be quiet. With any luck, the TV in the living room is loud enough that my voice wasn’t just heard, but I’m doubtful.

  Behind me, West breathes a quiet laugh when I cry out a second time. “You good, Southside?” he asks, going even deeper.

  “Just… shut the fuck up,” I say back, mouthing off as an attempt to save face.

  Each breath puffing from my lips is in sync with his powerful thrusts, and he’s relentless. But this is how I like it. I want to feel it all and he makes sure of that.

  Using the tight hold he has on my hips, he repeatedly draws me backwards toward him, making my body slam against his until I’m so, so close to climaxing. It’s clear how much I suck at keeping my voice down when I’m with him, so I reach across my bed for a pillow. The action doesn’t go unnoticed by West. I guess as much when he lets out another soft laugh as I lower onto my elbows to bury my face in the soft fabric. Hopefully, it’ll be enough to keep my loud-ass screaming from giving us away.

  It becomes clear that grabbing the pillow was definitely a good call, when I all but forget we’re not the only ones in the house. Not even ten seconds pass before he has me coming so hard I’m out of my own damn head. The disconnect from reality only intensifies when West’s breathing deepens, and his lengthy fingers press into my flesh.

  “Fuuuck,” he rasps through gritted teeth, marking the moment of his own release.

  I’m sure I should’ve blasted the radio to cover the noise, because there’s no way we’re being quiet, but hindsight is twenty-twenty.

  West’s hold on my hips loosens, but I don’t move. He collapses beside me, placing his hand lazily on my back, still panting. I turn my head just enough to see him, enough to see that he’s smiling, which prompts me to roll my eyes.

  “So, that was you being quiet?” he asks.

  “Shut up, West. Don’t even start with me.”

  “That was a valid fucking question! Just curious if that was what you consider quiet. For future reference.”

  I punch his shoulder, but not nearly as hard as I hit him in gym the other week. He responds by locking me in his arms and drawing me against his chest while I laugh. I even pretend to struggle to break free, but don’t actually want to be let go.

  Maybe not ever.

  There’s no denying how, every single day, we’re closer than the last, trusting one another more than the day before. My chest tightens and I’m overcome with a feeling that can only be summed up with one word, but I’m terrified to even think it. Let alone, say it out loud.

  What if it’s too soon?

  What if he doesn’t feel the same?

  What if…

  “I’m in love with you.”

  My head tilts back until I’m staring into West’s eyes. The phrase that just fell from his lips lingers in the air between us, because… I swear he took the words right out of my mouth.

  My lips touch his for only a moment before I climb on top of him, letting my body melt onto his. Warmth from his hands seeps through my skin where he holds me and I could lay with him like this forever, never getting tired of it because, well…

  I’m in love with him too.

  Chapter 37


  It’s been over a year since I laid eyes on her—this girl who changed my life in too many ways to count. We learned one of the hardest lessons of our lives together.

  That being young doesn’t mean we’re invincible.

  Now, here I sit, hours from home, waiting in some hipster coffee shop for her to walk through the door. Every time the chime sounds over the entrance, I peer up, thinking it’ll be her, but it hasn’t been so far. Just strangers coming and going.

  There’s a no
t-so-small part of me that thinks Casey might not show at all, seeing as how we haven’t talked in months. And even then, the conversation was awkward as hell.

  Somehow, I missed that it was supposed to snow today. With it coming down so hard, it isn’t lost on me that she’s got even more reason to stand me up. But no sooner than the thought enters my head, I spot her rushing down the sidewalk. The raven-haired girl hugging herself to keep warm as the wind blows.

  This time, when the chime rings, I’m already looking that way, praying this goes well. She huffs warm air into her hands while searching every corner of the café. It isn’t until I stand that she spots me. Our eyes lock, then I’m greeted with a warm smile as she walks over, shrugging out of her coat.


  “Hey,” she says back, clearly nervous to be here. For good reason, I guess. Being asked to meet me must’ve seemed random.

  “Long time no see.”

  She removes the mustard-colored scarf and hat while answering. “Yeah, it’s been a while.”

  Eventually, she meets my gaze and stares for a bit. I do the same, realizing how much her features had faded from memory, but they’re coming back to me now. Something else I notice is that she’s thinner than the last time we met in person. It’s possible there isn’t much to it, but I can’t help but wonder if the change has something to do with our shared past still weighing on her. Like it had all those months ago.

  “Dad and I tuned in to the championship game,” she says with a dim smile, lowering into the seat across from mine.

  “Yeah, it was a close one.”

  “Close? Kind of an understatement,” she adds with a reserved laugh. “But I think it was that Hail Mary you threw that really killed us.”

  “Desperate times call for desperate measures, right?”

  She shrugs at that. “Maybe. But even desperate, the throw was clearly calculated, which is why my father can’t wait to get his hands on you next season.”

  Hearing that is bittersweet. Hopefully, once the truth comes to light, he won’t change his stance on that.

  “Been a while since we talked. What’s new?” I ask.

  “Not much time for ‘new’,” she answers. “If I’m not working, I’m at school, and vice versa.”

  We’re interrupted briefly when a waiter approaches our table and we order, keeping it light with two coffees and a couple turnovers. But I’m aware of how Casey’s eyes dart around while she thinks I’m distracted. She’s checked over her shoulder twice, and even jumped a little when the chime over the door sounded a moment ago.

  The waiter leaves and it’s just us again.

  “Well, I’d ask what you’ve been up to, but from what I hear, NewGirl’s keeping you on your toes,” she teases, making me focus less on her odd behavior.

  “You caught that, huh? Guess that means you’re still following Pandora’s bullshit.”

  She shrugs. “Some might argue that if I’d followed her sooner, I might’ve avoided a bit of heartache back in the day.”

  The reference to our past dampens the mood a bit, but she isn’t wrong. If one had known who the other was, we would’ve avoided crossing paths that night last year.

  “Yeah, I suppose you’re right.”

  Two mugs are set on the table in front of us, then a basket with two cherry turnovers in the middle. Casey does that thing when she glances over her shoulder again, but it’s more subtle this time. The waitress leaves and Casey’s brow quirks while she sips her coffee.

  “Got you a south side girl, huh? Your parents good with that?”

  I know she isn’t so much asking about my mother’s reaction, but more so my father’s.

  “Who gives a shit what he thinks.”

  “Same old West, I see,” she says with a smile. “I only ask because I know your dad’s big on image—yours, your family’s.”

  Fuck him and all that superficial shit.

  I bite into the pastry and somehow manage not to say those words out loud, but I do sense that Casey has another question.

  “From what I’ve seen, you and NewGirl seem to be getting pretty serious,” she comments. “You know, now that she’s forgiven you for the whole… sex tape thing.”

  I breathe deep when she mentions it, hoping my damn face isn’t red right now. Probably is, though.


  “You don’t miss much, do you?” I ask with a laugh.

  She smiles back. “Nope. Not much. Didn’t miss the ‘I swear I’m not a douchebag’ campaign you put on to win her back, either.”

  Shaking my head, I shrug. “Desperate times call for desperate measures,” I say again. Only, this time I’m not talking about a football play, but rather a play of the heart.

  Casey smiles, stirring cream into her mug, and she seems lighter now. At least a little.

  “You’re serious about this one, aren’t you? It’s not like with Parker?”

  “It’s nothing like it was with Parker,” I answer.

  “Hm,” she says thoughtfully.

  I think back to my night with Southside, and don’t realize I’m smiling a little until Casey calls me out on it.

  “What’s that about?” she asks, gesturing toward me with her spoon.

  At first, I start to dismiss the question altogether, but she already knows so much. Thanks to Pandora.

  “Dropped the ‘L’ word for the first time last night,” I confess.

  “Like, first time with her? Or first time ever?”

  “Ever,” I reveal.

  Her mouth falls open. “Damn. It is serious.”

  I nod, knowing ‘serious’ doesn’t even come close to describing me and Southside. That girl has me knee-deep in feelings I didn’t even know I could have.

  “Well, I’m ecstatic for you. I hope you know I mean that.”

  Her stare lingers a bit after speaking, but the cheeky grin she wears is starting to fade.

  “Anyway,” she sighs, “what’s the plan for next year? Your girl attending NCU with you?”

  “Nope, Cypress Valley.”

  “Cool. Still super close,” she concludes, which I don’t disagree with. Having Southside at a school within ten miles is the next best thing to having her right on campus.

  We enter a stretch of silence that’s not so much awkward, but it’s enough that the reality of how Casey and I are connected creeps back into this space. Sitting before me now, she’s notably less carefree than I remember, sort of withdrawn. I’m wondering if she ever really bounced back. There were some dark days to face after the decision she made, and she chose to face them alone.

  That phone call from her is one I’ll never forget, hearing her cry uncontrollably into the receiver, questioning her worth, her sanity. She vented to me about things I don’t even think she meant to share. Because, despite our circumstances, we weren’t close. At the time, we hadn’t known one another long enough for that. I was just the guy she’d been careless with, and the result tied us to one another in unexpected ways.

  “You’re really okay?” I ask when I feel like I have to.

  She focuses after snapping out of a daydream, putting on a weak smile I’m starting to think is just a mask.

  “I am,” she insists.

  “Being honest, I’m not always,” I admit, feeling no shame in saying it.

  Her gaze lowers then, as she spins her mug aimlessly on the surface of the table.

  “I’ve made peace with things. Mostly, because I understand there wasn’t any other way. I did what was best for both of us,” she concludes, finally meeting my gaze again.

  Things go quiet between us, like they were a moment ago, and there’s no sense in beating around the bush at this point.

  “I’m sure you know I didn’t come here just to catch up.”

  She nods and her gaze shifts toward the frosted window again. “Kind of figured that.”

  Being up front about shit is still new to me, so I have yet to master the art of finessing my way into a conversation. So, until I
get that right, I just kind of blurt things out as they come to me.

  “The night of your nineteenth birthday party, do you remember talking to Parker? Telling her what happened between us?”

  Casey’s dark eyes flash toward me and she nods. That’s when I see the guilt in them.

  “I fucked up,” she admits. “I should’ve called and given you a heads up, but I just—”

  “I’m not angry,” I cut in.

  “I was drinking and I was having a moment and… I just kind of spilled my guts.”

  She sounds ashamed, but she shouldn’t be. We’ve all fucked up before, so I don’t hold this against her.

  “You don’t have to explain,” I say, holding her gaze until I’m positive she knows I mean that.

  Having gotten the message, she eventually nods.

  “Only reason I even brought it up is so you understand what I’m about to tell you,” I explain. “Parker’s using that info as leverage, using it to keep me quiet about the shit she pulled with the video.”

  “That was her?”

  I nod once. “It was, and she said that if I snitch on her, she’ll expose what happened between me and you.”

  “Of course she did.” Casey leans back in her seat to think.

  She and Parker have been acquaintances for years because of dance, but never quite friendly. Actually, I don’t know that anyone would classify Parker as good friend material.

  “All of this kind of brings me to why I’m here today,” I share. “I thought I’d be able to find a way around it, but the only way to shut Parker down is to steal her leverage. And the only way to do that is to own my shit, come clean about the past to your father. Then, there’s nothing else that bitch can hold over my head. Once that’s behind me, I can let Harrison know that Parker was the one who—”

  “West, you can’t do that,” Casey cuts in. “You can do whatever you need to as far as Parker and the video, but the part about us? That can’t get out.”

  My brow quirks with the explanation, but there’s an intense look of concern on her face that I don’t immediately know how to read. I mean, I expected a bit of pushback, considering that what I’ve just proposed will affect her, too, but during the hours long drive up here tonight, I worked out how I’d handle it.


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