Honeymoon Blues (Faith Series Book 6)

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Honeymoon Blues (Faith Series Book 6) Page 6

by Nikki Bolvair

  I wrinkled my nose and gratefully accepted the gift. “Thank you. I will cherish it and raise you cooking lessons twice a week.”

  She laughed. “Deal.”

  “I’ll need to know how to use it if I’m going to make dinners with it.”

  Sarah rolled her eyes. “It's really not that hard, Faith.”

  “Said the horny man to his miserable pregnant wife,” I quipped.

  Her eyebrows rose questionably. “Already?”

  My eyes grew wide as saucers. “What? No!”

  She put a hand on her hip. “You said it.”

  I shook my head and started my task of opening up the soup cans. “Nope, we’re still going strong, but I've read horror stories about that on the pregnancy forum.”

  “You're on a pregnancy forum? Why can't you do the same thing for cooking?”

  I grimaced. “I tried and found out I’m more of a hands-on type of learner.”

  Sarah stopped what she was doing and eyed me. “Mmm,” she said, almost disbelieving. “Is that what those late-night sneak-ins with the boys were all about?”

  I cracked a grin. “What? Can’t a girl take the hands-on approach to learning?”

  “What does that mean?” came a small and tiny voice from behind me. Sonia had walked in, and she was always full of questions.

  Sarah answered for me as my mouth flopped open and closed like a fish. “It means someone learns better by doing something themselves than by watching someone else do it.” Then she sent me, what I liked to call, the hairy eyeball. That was her way of telling me not to make any grownup jokes around Sonia.

  I sighed and went back to opening up cans. “We're going to make dinner,” I explained to her, “so people can eat at my house.”

  “Why can't you live here again? You could eat here if you lived here,” she reasoned.

  “Because now I have my own house with my own people.” I sent her a small, soft smile. “I have to feed them too.”

  She wrinkled up her nose. “Just tell them to go back home, then you can come back here.”

  Sarah chuckled. “Remember, it doesn't work that way, baby. Now run off and see what Bates is up to while we finish up in here.”

  “Okay,” she chirped and ran off, calling out for her younger brother.

  “Alright!” I clapped my hands together when all the cans were open. “What now?”

  Chapter Nine


  “Honey, you got a package. Not sure why it came here,” Mom wondered as she set it next to me while I was on my phone looking up the dangers of sex while pregnant. I curled my phone close to my chest to avoid her seeing it and gave her a prompt “thank you” before dropping the phone on my chest to pick up the package. There were no signs of what it was, and I wasn’t entirely sure why it came here instead of our new place. The only thing I could think of was I hadn't changed the mailing address on that particular website yet.

  Mom moved past me and toward the kitchen. “Where’s Faith?”

  “With Sarah across the street learning to cook something. Kayden’s in the office, and Tyler had to work late.”

  “Huh. So, are all of you staying for dinner?”

  I shrugged and tucked the package under my leg then picked up my phone. “Don’t know.”

  She headed into the kitchen.

  “Are you boys coming tomorrow and doing laundry while Faith is out with her friend?” I could hear her moving around, getting things ready for dinner.

  Not seeing anything remotely concerning about my kind of kink and pregnancy, I cleared my phone and answered my mom. “That’s the plan.”

  Moving from the couch in the living room, I made my way through the kitchen. I glanced at my mom, who was already putting a pot on the stove.

  “Don't know if we’re going to eat here, but if you make extras, we’ll take it home.”

  She sent me a glare and went back to what she was doing. “I guess,” she said reluctantly, but I knew that she was happy to do it. The fact that she was feeding her grandbaby pleased her to no end.

  I chuckled and went out the back door toward the office that we had in the back. I wanted to talk to Kayden about Tyler's mandate in regard to sex with Faith. She was my wife too. I wasn't going do anything to hurt her or harm the baby. I was kind of miffed at the fact that he felt the need to issue that warning. Everything I searched about sex during pregnancy was that it was okay. No rough sex, but none of us were really rough with Faith.

  Sure, we played around with light spanking, which was hot, but we only did things she wanted. Ultimately, she was in control. I was just the one testing her boundaries, seeing what she liked and what she didn't. It made sex fun and us closer to one another.

  I loved our time together. Now, it wasn’t like that all the time. We had our slow love making, just her and I. I loved soft Faith and wild Faith.

  And honestly, I liked seeing her arms tied above her head, her milky, creamy skin spread out. I could tickle her if I wanted, but I wouldn't because it would totally break the mood. But the rise of her breasts, the dip in her stomach, that soon would swell with our child, it was arousing and damn...

  I stopped short before going in the office. I had a hard-on and I didn't need one when I went in to talk to my brother.

  My hands met my hips as I dropped my head down, looking at the ground thinking of architectural designs and structurally sound buildings. I thought about what we had to do to the house, and then I thought about the laundry that we were going to do tomorrow. After a moment, the big man downstairs was safely down, and I entered the office. Kayden was at one of the far desks on a work phone call and typing away at the computer.

  He briefly acknowledged me before turning back to the computer and responding to whoever was on the line.

  I grabbed my mom’s chair on the other side where her computer was at and waited for Kayden to get off the phone.

  While I waited, I pulled out my phone and searched more blogs. Obviously, no unusual places to have sex where she could get hurt. Like showers. She could slip, as Tyler had said. And not the kitchen table. Having her lean over it wouldn’t be good, but laying her down—wait. We didn’t even have a table, but we could on the couch...

  I shifted again. Alright, time to stop thinking about this. Dropping my phone to my chest, I leaned back and tried to distract myself. It wasn't like we hadn't been with one another. We were all with her last night. But I wanted her again and alone. I clenched my hands into fists in frustration thinking about all I wanted to explore with her, then relaxed and groaned. I slid down in the chair and closed my eyes, knowing that if I wanted Faith alone, I'd have to arrange it.

  Kayden’s low voice flowed smoothly as he tried to tell the person on the other end that a short sale home was worth a bid, but there would most likely be other offers, as I tried to think of other things and ended up dozing.

  It felt like only a moment before I was waking up to Kayden kicking my foot. “Hey.”

  I sat up groaning, scrubbing the sleep out of my eyes. “Yeah?”

  Kayden chuckled and raised an eyebrow. “You came in to see me. What's up?”

  With a sigh, I sat forward in the chair. “Do you think Tyler's issue of us having ‘soft sex’ with Faith was kind of crazy?”

  Sitting back up in the chair, I scratched my head, wondering if I was making this more of a big deal than it really was.

  Kayden stared at me long and hard, considering my question, then leaned back in his seat. “You were always different with her in that way. Why are you worried? Do you have something planned?”

  He raised an eyebrow, mocking me.

  I grunted. “Yes, I have things I want to do with Faith. Things that none of you have any interest in. And damn it, she likes it. I just feel like what Tyler asked of us was unfair. I even did research. Ordered a baby book.” This had Kayden snorting. I was offended. “Hey, none of that. This is serious for me. I enjoy being with Faith that way. It brings us closer together, stretchi
ng her boundaries and her trust in me.”

  He sat back and sighed. “Okay, you know how overly cautious Tyler is. He’s just being protective of her—just like you—and doesn't want anything to happen to her or little McGuire Jr.” Kayden smirked. “He's being a mama bear.”

  “Yeah. I get what you're saying.”

  Kayden sobered. “She's his wife too and can voice his concern, but so can you. You wouldn't hurt her.”

  He gestured to himself. “And I wouldn't hurt her. So... whatever’s in that box you ordered–”

  “Wait a minute. How do you know I ordered something?”

  Kayden scoffed. “I'm not an idiot, Lincoln. That package has been here for a couple of days. I just keep forgetting to take it home.” His lips quirked. “I’m guessing Mom gave it to you today?”

  I twisted my lips. “Yeah.”

  “So, whatever you bought in that box, which I'm assuming is for Faith...” I reluctantly nodded. “Is probably going to be okay. Whatever goes on between you and Faith in the bedroom is up to you two. As long as you’re both okay,” Kayden said, being very diplomatic for him. He gave a cheeky grin. “You need to find time for the two of you without Tyler or me around.”

  I groaned and sat back again. “Yes, I do.”

  He shrugged. “How about this? I’ll find time for you and her soon and you do the same for me next week.” My gaze narrowed in on him. “How we going do that with Tyler? He's almost always around, except lately.” Kayden shook his head and went back to his computer, typing something up. That's when I knew that he knew what Tyler was doing.

  “Don't worry about it. He’s helping a friend out.”

  My defenses went up. “Better not be a girl.”

  “No. It has to do with Tucker.” Well, that was a surprise. “He’s having trouble with the whole Marissa, Francis, and his brother thing. Supposedly, they’re thinking about the same kind of relationship we are in, but obviously it's more complicated,” he said with a roll of his eyes. I mulled that over in my head for a bit. “You're saying that when Tyler goes to help out Tucker, you'll split so I can have time with Faith?”

  He nodded. “Yep. But you'll owe me.”

  “Okay. You got a deal. You find time for me and Faith at home,” I stressed, “and I'll do the same for you.”

  Kayden grinned. “Then you're golden. Let the husbands conspire.”


  As it turned out, we did eat at my parents’ house, and all throughout dinner I kept thinking about the package that I had waiting in the other room and if I should use it or not.

  Tyler came shortly before dinner and seemed to be in a mood. I wasn't sure if it was a good or bad mood, but he seemed to be in deep thought.

  Faith had made a crock pot dinner that she was proud of and she told us that since we weren't eating it tonight, she'd put it in the fridge and we could eat it tomorrow.

  Since Tyler came with his own Jeep and we had the truck, Faith went with Tyler while I jumped in the truck with Kayden.

  Once on the road, just to irritate me, he turned on the radio to Christmas music. It was that time of year. Then, another thought occurred to me.

  “Hey, I know we're doing the appliances for Christmas, but shouldn't we also get something for Faith? This is our first year married. She might be expecting that.”

  Kayden shot me a look. “Are you crazy? Yes. I thought that was a given. I already got her something.”


  “Each year, since the second year we met, Faith and I exchange a box of band-aids with some kind of cartoon character on it."

  My gaze left the snowy road outside and landed on Kayden. "What? Seriously? Why didn't I know about this?"

  He shrugged. "We don't make a big deal about it." He shot me a grin. "And I love to see what kind she gets me."

  “Huh. Well, we don't have anything like that."

  "No. But you do have your kink time. That's not me or Tyler’s thing, but Faith always has that dreamy look after being with you."

  My eyebrows lifted in surprise. Kayden paid that much attention to her? "What do you mean?"

  Keeping his gaze on the road, he stumbled on an answer for me. "I can't explain it. She’s more relaxed. Like carefree and loved."

  "But she's like that all the time with us," I argued.

  "I'm not saying you’re better in bed, just that you ring her bell in a different way than we do."

  Giving a slow nod, I accepted what he said. "Thanks?"

  A half chuckle and snort came from him. "Dude, it wasn't a compliment. It's just facts. We all have our own thing with Faith."

  I sat back. “Yeah. Our own thing.”

  Chapter Ten

  "Faith!" Tyler called out from downstairs. "Perry's here!"

  Today started out slow with clear skies and a Christmas tune in my head. I had high hopes that today's shopping adventure would have me buying my lamp, if it was still there, and possibly some organization things. Like a laundry basket. The guys were going to wash the laundry today at their mom's house. It was rare to find guys that knew how to do laundry, but with Raina bribing them to do hers, they’d learned fast.

  Of course, now she knew how to do it since getting married and having a baby.

  Footsteps pounded up the stairs as I tugged on a pair of my skinny jeans. They were a little snug around the waist but nothing I couldn't handle. I glanced to the doorway and saw Lincoln standing there admiring me with an intense look in his eyes. They were focused in on my body and then drew up to my lips, which parted when I saw the heat in his gaze. The last few nights were nice, tame, compared to what they had been before, not that I minded, but I was ready for a little Lincoln action.

  With a shoulder propped up against the door and the heated gaze he wore, my insides squeezed. I caught my lip between my teeth and strolled toward him.

  He straightened when my arms curled around his waist and I laid my head against his chest. His arms tightened around me.

  “Perry’s still waiting?” I asked him.

  His voice rumbled. “Yeah.”

  With a glint in his eye, he put his hands on my hips, having me step back into the room, then kicked the door closed behind him and spun me around so we switched places. And ever so gently, he placed me against the door as he crowded in and kissed me hard.

  Sizzling heat and excitement chased through my body. I wanted him urgently. His hands left my waist to curl under my thighs and lifted me to fit against him as he deepened our kiss.

  Hotly, I remembered one time we had done this before and Raina had told us to get a room.

  We had a room, and a bed, but we didn't have the time. My fingers threaded through his hair as if I didn't care and I opened my mouth against his, letting him explore me. His hard erection pressed into the cradle of my legs, amping up my desire. I wished we had done this earlier today instead of now.

  With a groan, Lincoln's mouth left mine and he rested his head against my shoulder. "Fuck," he said in his low drawl, and I knew exactly how he felt. "We need more time for what I want to do with you."

  I ran my fingers through his hair, trying to soothe him and my racing heart. "We'll have to make time."

  He lifted his head, blue eyes dark with want, and leaned in to kiss my lips before nipping them when he drew away. "We do."

  He let me down gently and stepped back, admiring my outfit of a deep purple sweater and dark denim jeans paired with some practical boots for the snowy weather.

  His gaze came back to mine with a slightly dangerous smirk. "If you keep standing there, I'll tell Tyler to send Perry home."

  That got me moving. "Don't you dare." I whirled around, opened the door, and headed downstairs, listening to Lincoln's deep laughter.

  I raced down the stairs to see a rosy cheeked Perry standing in the doorway talking with Tyler about the minor car accident in the grocery store parking lot, while Kayden was leaning against the wall listening in.

  She kept twisting her gloved fingers nervous
ly as she talked about it. A grin met my lips. It seemed my guys were kind of freaking her out that they were listening, and she just kept rambling. I thought it was time for me to save her.

  I stepped in her line of view and she immediately looked relieved when I walked over. "Hey, just need to grab my coat and gloves and we can go."

  "Scarf too," Tyler added.

  "And hat!" Lincoln yelled from upstairs.

  My gaze hit Kayden and I lifted an eyebrow. "Anything else you'd like to add?"

  Perry snorted behind me.

  Kayden chuckled and took out his hands from his pockets, beckoning me to him. "Yeah. A kiss to take with you to warm you up."

  "Already did that!" Lincoln yelled from the top of the stairs.

  Kayden turned to the stairs and yelled up them with a retort. "Well, maybe yours was broken!" He turned back around to me with a wicked grin. "Faith, come here."

  "My damn kiss was perfect!" Lincoln argued.

  "Quit with the yelling and come down here," Tyler yelled.

  Perry snorted again. "You just yelled." The two of us grinned and I danced away from Kayden.

  Linc mumbled something about cooling off as Tyler beat me to the hall closet and grabbed my things.

  "Here." He held out my coat so I could slide my arms in, then handed me my gloves and scarf when I turned around, followed by a kiss. "You be safe and careful, okay?"

  I pressed my lips to his once more before Kayden stole me away and took his own. "Buy some candy. Hot cinnamon ones," he whispered against my lips.

  I chuckled. "I'll try." Then I moved away and yelled goodbye to Lincoln before heading out, leaving them with a laundry reminder. "Remember, colors don't go with whites!"

  Perry and I laughed our way to her small SUV, careful of our footing, and got inside.

  "Are they always like that?" she asked, starting the car.

  "Sometimes," I answered while buckling in.

  When the heat turned on, the vents were facing away from me, so I reached over and fixed it. She must not have people ride with her often or at all.

  She started to pull out of my driveway. "Okay, where to first?"


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