Honeymoon Blues (Faith Series Book 6)

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Honeymoon Blues (Faith Series Book 6) Page 10

by Nikki Bolvair

  And I didn't steal that necklace! My loser friend thought it would be funny to slip it into my bag.

  Of course I tried to tell them, but nooo, Marissa can’t do anything right. I was curious, but thievery wasn’t my style.

  The friends I hung out with were bad news, (that’s what my parents said), that I was out of control. Then my parents did the best thing they ever did for our family.

  We moved.

  My older and perfect sister was miserable.

  This made me happy.

  Because in her misery and my happiness, I found Tucker.

  Taila liked to say that she saw me first. That she knew we were going to be the best of friends. But that story is not quite true.

  My eyes first landed on Tucker in the grocery store parking lot. I was fourteen with my cutoff jeans and a purple t-shirt that said some kind of nonsense on it. It was summer and my sister and I watched as Van walked out to the shiny red car Tucker was beside and muttered that those boys were bad news. I didn't have much interest in Van as I did at Tucker at the time, but when I got older that changed. Especially when their friend Francis came and stayed for the following summer. Later I would also find out that car meant everything to those boys.

  I met Taila and her grandmother at church, surprisingly enough. Tucker and Van never went.

  And after a few weeks Grandma Manto didn’t either. I wasn’t sure what prompted Grandma Manto to go that month, but I was sure glad she did. My family made me go to church even after Taila stopped, but the two of us became inseparable.

  My parents made good money. We live in a comfortable neighborhood. And we were just high class enough to attend Johnson's school District along with the McGuire's.

  The Manto's... they had money, connections, and a reputation.

  You either feared, or hated them. It was rare that people genuinely liked them.

  It was because of what their grandfather did.

  Because of who they were.

  Because of who they lost.

  But most of all, it was because of who they knew.

  Some say motorcycle gang, others say mafia.

  Getting to know them, I wasn't sure which one was more true.

  I let myself lust after the three of them for the rest of my teenage years until I took matters into my own hand. I made a choice... two actually, that caused my world to shift.

  I was pregnant and I didn't know who was the father. Van or Frances.

  Tucker was going to flip.

  Chapter One


  Fuuuck! I slammed my fist once again against the bars that held us in. Fuckin’asshole-mother-fucker! Pregnant. She was fucking pregnant. He had no right. No right at all! She was off limits. Totally off limits. To him, to Van, to me. To everyone! Then dickhead had to go and fuck it all up. “Fuck!”

  First my damn ass car, then Faith, now this? I was going to miss that wedding. I’m surprised that those asshats McGuire’s haven’t knocked Faith up yet. If it was me- shit. That’s exactly what happened with Rissa. He knew we all wanted her and ignored our pact, and went to stake claim. Shit.

  "It's my problem. I'll deal with it."

  I turned back to the dickwad. He was lying on the metal bench with one leg up. "You're going to fix this? You’re going to fix this! Hell no! We're going to fix this."

  The dickwad shot up, fist at his sides. "It's my baby."

  That’s when Van finally spoke and what he said had me seeing red. "Actually, it could be mine."

  I didn’t even say anything as I stepped in my brothers direction, grabbed his shirt, and before he could react, swung my arm back and full force socked him in the jaw. I let him go as he sunk to the ground passed out.

  “Jeez, eh, didn’t need to snog him that hard.”

  I kicked my best friend- ex best friend’s -side where he was laying down. He groaned, curling into a ball. Then I flipped him the bird. “Both your ‘words of honor’ are shit.”

  I remembered our fucking promise like it was yesterday.

  She was fifteen and jailbait and there was no way I was going to be tapping her ass. I had a year until I was considered legal and the cops were already keeping a close eye on us.

  Frances, our best friend came to visit for that summer. He watched Marissa like a hawk.

  We were out at the pool watching her tan when Van swam over and smacked the back of our heads. "Don't be lookin' at her like that. She’s jailbait, assholes. She might be asking with the way she showing off, but don't ever go there."

  The two of us grunted. "Keep your head in the race tonight. Marissa is off limits. We're not going there, ever. Agreed?"

  My eyes left the hot rise of her ass and twisted around to glare at my brother. "Does that go for you too, Van?" My snide comment left my mouth before I could stop it. Van wouldn't ever, but I've seen the way he watched her.

  "Do you think I want some young ass teen giving me my fix?" he barked.

  Frances clucked his tongue in denial before I could say a word. "Eh, it doesn't seem like Vanny boy wants to be in on his own warning, does it Tuck? Just giving up excuses. Lesson is, you're twenty, Van. Four years older than her. What happens when she not jailbait anymore?"

  Perfect. Right there, what Frances said, made perfect sense.

  Knowing my brother, he'd wait for it too.

  Van growled, eyes flashing rage. He'd been caught. "Fuck it. Fine, assholes. Yes. Same. Agreed."

  And that was it. We left Marissa alone but lusted from afar- for years.

  Until the two of them broke the agreement.

  In the same.



  “And you?” the dickhead wheezed from his spot on the jail bench, bringing me out of my thoughts. “I wasn’t the one lusting after her cousin because you were too far gone on the other!”

  My fist clenched at my sides. “I had my reasons!”

  He snorted. “You saw Marissa in Faith and thought you could have her. At least she wasn't your sister's best friend. That’s dick of a brother-best-friend shit move. And that packed we made that one summer, Tucker, we were sixteen! Sixteen, barely driving legal and she just grew tits! Of course our dicks were going to go moc-ten.”

  “We said we’d stay away from her. That-”

  “We said a bunch of shit back then, asshole. We’re not teens anymore. Hell, I’m hedging twenty-six. You are right behind me and Van’s the old man of the group. I’m surprised he actually got it up enough to do the damn deed.”

  I snorted and threw myself on the bench on the other side. “He’s thirty, dumbass.”

  “Old-mother-fucker, eh?”

  My mouth pressed as I opted not to say a thing when the outside security door swung open and my granny walked in. “My grandsons are not leaving here until I know what the hell is going on.”

  I spoke up before dickhead could, stealing his thundered. “Van got Marissa pregnant.”

  Granny’s eyebrows shot up. “Uh-huh. Then why go beating on your best friend?”

  The dickhead spoke. “Because I got her pregnant too.”

  “You know that’s entirely impossible.”

  My brother started to groan on the floor when my best friend answered. “It is what it is, Granny. No changing that. Van and I are going to be daddies.”

  “You’re an idiot.” I murmured, thinking it was now my turn. My thoughts raced with plans and ideas.

  Fuck the assholes for getting her pregnant.

  I was going to steal her from them.

  The baby could call me daddy.

  This time, I was keeping Marissa as mine.

  Chapter Two


  First Francis, the pregnancy test, and then Talia spilling the beans to her brothers? That was not what I wanted her to do. Especially since I slept with Francis at the party weeks ago and then with Van the night of Faith’s Bridal shower. Although, I was pretty sure Van was drunk when we skinny dipped in the hot tub. Wasn’t sure if he really kn
ew it was me or not. He didn’t even call out my name when he climaxed! He called out babe. Babe! Like I was some random chick he just hooked up with and didn’t bother with a name.

  The next time I saw Van, he didn’t act differently, so I assume that's exactly what he thought. That he had slept with someone else and not his kids sisters best friend.

  And Francis was definitely aware of who I was but I ran off before we could talk. Friends for over ten years and he sleeps with me. Me! Leads me on, gets into my pants, used that awesome mouth- I shook my head. I did not need to go down memory lane with that one. It’s the reason I was in this situation in the first place! And being shocked at Thanksgiving takes the cake. My hair was different, I’d give him that, and I did run away from him after the deed was done. In fact, I had done that with both of them.

  I was a whore. Lusting after three men and slumping so low to tangle in the sheets with two? My parents weren’t going to like this. The barely even tolerated what Faith was doing.

  “...don’t understand why my brothers would act like that.” Talia murmured as she drove away from town and back toward our college dorm. I was supposed to stay for the rest of the holiday for Faith’s wedding, but now, I just wanted to get back. The whole fight scene hours before embarrassed me. I was sure, by now, everyone was aware... even my parents. “I mean, I get that they're like, your surrogate brothers, but to make that big of a fuss? Kind of overkill.”

  When Talia was kicked to her uncles house for a mistake she made, her and I got together and signed up for college in Denton county, but I hadn’t moved up there since recently.

  Denton University wasn’t anything to sneeze at but it got us out of our homes and on our way to a degree. Now I was pregnant. And I didn’t know who the father was. My life was changing and I wasn’t sure what to do. Mom and Dad would be furious.

  My phone vibrated in my pocket. I tensed, pulling it out. Mom flashed on the screen. Damn, she knew already. I debated on whether to answer the phone. Talia quieted and glanced over to me. “Who's calling you?” Without saying anything I showed her my phone, and then put it back down in my lap. “Oh, You gonna answer?”

  I shook my head and looked out the window. “I don’t think I'm ready for that kind of confrontation right now.” I sighed, I didn't want one with Talia either. “You know my mom. We really don't get along. I'm the bad child. My sister could do no wrong. But I’m always in trouble. Been doing good for the first few years. Even got through high school and graduated. This is just another one embarrassment to add to the White family shame list. Another disappointment that they want cleaned up. Need to keep the family name all nice and sparkly.”

  “So,” Talia went on. “You're not going to answer it.”

  The phone quieted. “I’ll talk to them when I have this all sorted out.”

  “When you have what sorted out? You’re having a baby.” she stated. “And how could you go and sleep with Francis? I mean, the guy's cute and all, but how can you think of him that way?”

  A slight blush rose up my cheeks. “I always thought he was kinda cute.”

  “Yeah, I can see that now that he’s older. Plus, he has his own place and a butler. Tie the knot, will ya. Get you some fancy butler to do your bidding. I could see the interest.”

  I snorted and rolled my eyes. “Vane much?” She shoved my shoulder and laughed.

  “You're too kind. So what you can do about Francis? I mean, obviously he knows. And how did that happen? You’re obviously not on the pill. Why didn’t you use a condom?”

  I bit my lip going back to that night. Five weeks ago? Or was it six? I shook my head. I couldn’t remember, but it was the night that Van got offered that job at some zoo in Colorado. I didn't want him to go and was upset. I never thought any of them would move so far away. That the three of them would split up. That I’d miss out trying to get Van to notice me. Francis gave me a shoulder to cry on and things went wild from there. “No,” I told Talia “Things moved so quickly, we didn’t use one.”

  She spared me a glance. “I'm sure things went very quick. At least tell me how he was in the sack. Did he have a little dick?”

  “No! I don’t know! I didn’t have time to stop and assess his assets. Like I said, it was quick, fast. One moment we were making out, next the deed was done.”

  Now that was lie. Yeah, it was like that the first time we had done it. It was fast. The second time, he went slow and used that wonderful mouth on me. And then Van. Now that was horrible. Irresponsible of me. Terrible of me, and maybe, a part of me hoped for this outcome. That I could tether at least one of them to me and not have it all fall apart.

  Maybe my mom was right. I gave a heavy sigh. I was immature, selfish, and a troublemaker.

  Now, what was I going to do? I had to get it together. Come up with a plan. I had less than nine months to figure out things and... there goes my phone ringing again.

  I checked it. This time was dad. No way could I talk to him about the mess I was in.

  “Who is it now?” Talia questioned.

  “My dad.”

  “They’ll just keep calling.”

  “I know.”

  Talia took my hand. “Hey,” she gave it a squeeze. I looked up and she gave me a brilliant smile. “Don't worry, we'll get through this. I'll help you.”

  I shook my head and withdrew my hands. “Tal, I appreciate the offer, but I don't think there is anything you can help me with. This is something that I have to figure out alone.”

  Her forehead wrinkled. “You didn't leave me alone when I was going through my rough time. I'm not leaving you alone in this.”

  I sighed. That's what I was afraid she was going to say. Because if this was Van's baby, then how would I explain that? And how would she react?

  “Let me know when you get tired,” I told her grabbing a pillow from the back. “I’m going to rest up.”

  She sighed. “Will do.”

  I turned away from her, tucking my pillow against the car door and window, letting my thoughts wander. Could I still continue to go to college under the grant I had? Maybe I could speed up my courses for my associates before the baby was born. Or load up on classes in the summer. But even then, I’d be showing. Online courses next semester could be a possibility. That way I wouldn't be in the classroom and no one would see me. Still, I needed to work my job at the restaurant. Would they ask me to leave if they knew? It would be hard to navigate table with a bump. And of course, the question of who was the daddy. Logically, I slept with Van three weeks ago and with Francis five or six weeks ago? I really need to figure that out.

  I could either be barely pregnant or around five weeks pregnant. Either way, it was just a cluster headache.


  Coming 2019

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  Author Bio

  I love to write! I have been writing since I was young

  (Maybe not long in this subject), but I enjoy it.

  Raised in an adoptive family of ten, there were seldom secrets between us siblings.

  I thrived on finding out their secrets they did keep and embellishing on a few.

  That's where my writing came in and my imagination went wild.

  -Nikki Bolvair




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