Off the Ice

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Off the Ice Page 18

by L. P. Dover

  My leg shook the entire time we were in the truck, heading to Sam and Emmett’s. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Ellie staring at me. “Why are you so nervous?”

  I tried to rub the tightness out of my chest, but nothing helped. “I need to tell Uncle Emmett about Justin. I don’t know how he’ll react.”

  Ellie shrugged as if it wasn’t a big deal. “He’ll like him. Who wouldn’t?”

  “It’s not that simple, Ellie. Emmett’s your father’s brother. He’s very protective of us. Not that you’d know, but Justin’s had his fair share of mistakes. Uncle Emmett might not think he’s good enough for us.”

  She waved me off. “Yeah, yeah, I know. There are plenty of times you thought I was asleep while you and Sam were watching his TV show. I know all about that horrible Miranda.” Rolling her eyes, she shook her head in disgust. “Personally, I don’t know what he saw in her. She’s not nice.”

  Roaring in laughter, I leaned over and kissed her head. “Trust me, your mother knows that from personal experience.”

  We pulled up to Sam and Emmett’s house, and their door was open so we walked right on it. “We’re here!” I shouted.

  Samantha burst into the room, and held her arms out for Ellie. “There’s my sweet girl!”

  Ellie hugged her and giggled. “We have so much to tell you.”

  Samantha’s brows lifted as she looked at me. “I bet. I have a lot to tell your mother as well. Why don’t you go outside and say hey to Uncle Emmett? He’s at the grill.” Ellie took off, and Samantha stared at me, biting her lip sheepishly.

  “Uh-oh, what’s wrong?” I asked.

  She closed her eyes. “Emmett knows about you and Justin already.”

  That was not what I wanted to hear. “What? How?”

  The back door slammed shut, and he appeared with Ellie in his arms. “Through a guy at work. His wife saw you in the tabloids, and he showed it to me. I had no clue what to say. And when I asked Samantha about it, she told me you were seeing him.”

  Ellie squeezed him around the neck. “He’s so sweet, Uncle Emmett. We got to ride in his private jet, we had the whole ice cream store to ourselves, and he taught me how to boogie board.”

  Emmett’s eyes widened, and he smiled. “Wow. Looks like you know him pretty well then.”

  Ellie nodded. “I do. We’re going to visit him next weekend.”

  Emmett set her down, and nodded toward the kitchen. “Why don’t you go sneak one of Aunt Sam’s famous chocolate chip cookies? They’re hot out of the oven. Only one though. We don’t want you ruining your dinner.”

  She hurried off, and he turned to me, crossing his arms over his chest. “Why didn’t you tell me? He was over there that day I stopped by, wasn’t he?”

  I nodded. “It’s a long story. He didn’t want anyone knowing he was in Wyoming, and I wasn’t ready for anyone to see him with me.”

  “And you are now?” he asked.

  “Yes. I love him.”

  Swooning, Samantha placed a hand over her heart. “It’s about time.”

  Emmett shook his head, regarding me curiously. “Are you sure this is what you want, Meg? The life of a celebrity is never private. You can’t go anywhere without someone snapping pictures of you.”

  “I know. It’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make.”

  “And Ellie? What about her?”

  Samantha and I both looked at each other and laughed. “Ellie will be fine,” Samantha said, “She’ll be the one posing for the pictures. That girl loves the spotlight.”

  Emmett cracked a smile. “Yeah, you’re right. She does.”

  “He’s a good guy, Emmett, and he’s wonderful with Ellie. She loves him too.”

  His eyes saddened, and his gaze landed on a picture of him and Trey. “Trey would want you to be happy. And Justin can give you and Ellie the things he never got the chance to give.”

  Tears sprung to my eyes. “Does that mean you’re not mad?”

  He closed the distance, and hugged me. “Not at all. Still a little shocked, but I’m happy for you. But if he hurts you and Ellie, I’ll kick his ass.”

  Giggling, I let him go. “If he does, I’ll kick his ass myself.”

  Samantha pushed between us, and put her arms around us. “Now that it’s settled, and Meghan’s dating a famous superstar, it’s time to eat. I’m starving.” We walked into the kitchen just in time to catch Ellie stealing a second cookie. She shoved it in her mouth, and we all laughed.

  “So when do I get to meet this famous boyfriend?” Emmett asked.


  Chapter Thirty


  Being on the ice felt fucking amazing. It was like I’d never been away from it. I skated better than I’d ever skated before. Usually, Maddox would be my wingman, but since he retired, Cliff had taken his spot.

  I patted his shoulder as we exited the ice. “You did pretty good today.”

  Cliff beamed. “Thanks. We make a good team.”

  “All right, all right, get out of my way, pansies,” Dallas said from behind. “I got to get home to my wife.”

  Cliff and I moved out of his way, and Dallas winked. “I knew I could get you out of my way.”

  I slapped him over the head. “You’re such an ass.”

  I tore off my gear as soon as we got into the locker room. My phone beeped inside my locker, and I hurried to get it out. It was from a couple hours ago, but it was a picture of Meghan in her classroom, posing for the camera, along with the text I miss you.

  The smile she gave me wasn’t her happy one; it was sad. I’d learned to know the difference between them from spending so much time with her. Cliff and Dallas were right across from me, so I held up my phone and got in the picture.

  “Smile, cocksuckers.”

  They smiled for the camera, and I sent it to her.

  Me: I miss you too!

  Cliff chuckled. “Who was that to?”

  Dallas put his arm around his shoulders. “His girlfriend. While you were busy this summer, our boy here fell in love.”

  Cliff threw his jersey at me. “What the hell, man? You didn’t tell me this shit. Now I know why you never returned any of my calls.”

  I tossed his jersey back at him, hitting him right in the face. “I was busy. Not that it’s any of your damn business,” I said, laughing.

  “How is it going, anyway?” Dallas asked. “You doing okay with the distance?”

  Sitting down on the bench, I took off my skates. How was I doing? Not too damn good now that I had time to think about it. Being on the ice helped, but I couldn’t be out there twenty-four-seven. “I’m fine. She and Ellie are visiting next weekend.”

  Cliff sat down across from me. “Who’s Ellie?”

  “Her daughter,” I said, gauging his reaction.

  His eyes widened in shock. “Wow. Didn’t see that coming. Are you getting all domesticated on us now?”

  Dallas smacked him on the head. “What the fuck, man? There is nothing wrong with that. I’m domesticated, so what?”

  Cliff held his hands up in defeat. “Okay, wrong choice of words. I take it back.” When Dallas turned away, he rubbed his head. “I’ll just have to find someone else to party with.”

  “True,” I said. “I’m done.” It didn’t bother me at all. I didn’t care about going out to parties and drinking all night. At least, not without Meghan. Even then, it didn’t interest me to be wild and crazy like I used to be.

  “I guess that means you’re not hanging out at the bar with me and some of the guys tonight?” Cliff asked.

  I shook my head. “Can’t. I told Meghan and Ellie I’d video chat with them at seven.”

  Cliff stared at me without a single blink. “Okay, what have you done with the real Justin Davis?”

  It was a good question. I didn’t know who I really was until I went to Wyoming and met Meghan. For the first time in my life, I was allowed to be myself. No cameras. No paparazzi following me around. It was the best
time I’d ever had.

  With a smile on my face, I stared right back at Cliff. “This is the real me.”

  Dallas’ phone rang, and when he answered, he almost fell over the bench. He tossed his gear into his locker, and quickly threw on his clothes. As soon as he hung up the phone, he jumped up on the bench and shouted, “I’m going to be a father tonight, cocksuckers!”

  The locker room erupted in cheers. “Was that her on the phone?” I asked, trying my best to hurry and get dressed.

  Dallas slung his bag over his shoulder. “Yep. Her water broke. I have to hurry home and get her to the hospital.”

  That was the best news I’d heard all day. If only Callie could see how excited he was. Dallas took off for the door, and I shouted after him. “I’ll meet you at the hospital!”

  Cliff shook his head and smiled. “Maybe I need to find a woman and settle down. Your situation is a little different from Dallas’s, but by the way you mentioned Ellie’s name, you seem to be happy with the thought of being a father.”

  “I am,” I admitted honestly. “It’s a good feeling.” I packed up my stuff and headed for the door. I had a niece to meet.

  By the time I made it to the hospital, Callie was already in a birthing room, prepping for the delivery. Dallas was telling everyone who would listen that the labor was going so fast because his daughter was so excited to meet him.

  It was closing in on seven o’clock, and right on time, my phone rang with a video call. Thankfully, there was no one in the waiting room. Meghan waved at me with Ellie on her lap.

  “Hey, babe,” she said.

  “Hey, pretty ladies. Did you have a good day?”

  Ellie nodded excitedly. “I helped Mommy while she decorated her classroom, and then we came home and rode Firefly.”

  “That sounds like fun. I miss you guys.”

  Meghan held Ellie closer. “We miss you too.” Her gaze narrowed. “Where are you? Looks like the hospital.”

  “It is,” I answered.

  Ellie gasped. “Oh no. Are you sick?”

  I burst out laughing. “No, peanut. My sister’s having her baby. I wanted to be here.”

  “Is it a girl or boy?” she asked, clapping her hands excitedly.

  “Girl. I don’t know her name yet, but I’ll let you know when I find out.”

  Dallas came into the waiting room, and saw them on the video. He sat beside me and waved at them.

  Meghan’s eyes widened and she smiled. “Hey, Dallas. Congratulations. I hate I can’t be there. I’d love to see your little girl.”

  He placed a hand over his heart. “Thank you. She’s so beautiful.”

  “What did you name her?” Ellie asked.

  Dallas chuckled, and moved closer to the camera. “You must be Ellie. It’s so nice to finally meet you. Justin’s told us a lot about you. Callie and I named her Rowan.”

  “That’s a very pretty name,” Meghan said. Ellie agreed with a nod.

  Dallas waved at them one last time. “Thank you again. You’ll be able to see her when you guys visit next weekend.” He squeezed my shoulder. “I’m going back to the room. When you get done here, come to the room.”

  Once he was gone, I looked at my girls and sighed. “Next weekend seems so far away.”

  Meghan nodded, but there was a hint of tears in her eyes. “It does, but at least we can see each other this way.”

  It wasn’t good enough, but it was all we had. “I love you,” I said. “Both of you.”

  Ellie blew me a kiss. “We love you too.”

  Meghan gave me a sad smile, and blew me a kiss as well. “I love you. Give your little niece a snuggle for me.”

  “I will.” The call ended, and I went straight to Callie’s room. She was in the bed, tears in her eyes as she watched Dallas holding their baby. I lightly tapped the door, and caught her attention. “Knock, knock.”

  Her eyes lit up, and she waved me in. “Hey. Come see your niece.”

  Dallas stood and nodded for me to take a seat on the couch. When I did, he gently placed the baby in my arms. She was so tiny, all bundled up in a snug pink blanket. There was even a small patch of blonde hair on her head.

  “Sorry, Dallas, but your daughter has blonde hair like me and her mother. She’s definitely going to take after the Davis side of the family.”

  Dallas walked over to the bed and kissed Callie on the lips. “That’s perfectly fine with me. I’ll just have my shotgun ready when she starts to date.”

  Callie laid her head back on the bed and turned to me. “Oh, dear Lord, I pray for my daughter. She’s going to have a hard time when she becomes a teenager.”

  I shrugged. “Hey, it’s a father’s job to torment the boyfriends.”

  Dallas rubbed a hand soothingly over her head. “Want anything? I figured you’d be dying for a blueberry bagel with cream cheese right about now.”

  “Yes,” she breathed. “That’d be great.”

  Dallas looked over at me. “Do you mind staying here with her while I run out for a second?”

  Rowan squirmed a little in my arms, and I smiled down at her. “Not at all.” Once he was gone, all I did was hold Rowan and stare at her. It made me realize how much I really wanted a family of my own.

  “How’s Meghan?” Callie asked.

  “Good,” I said, meeting her tired gaze. “Dallas got to meet Ellie out in the waiting room when I was video chatting with them. They can’t wait to visit next weekend and see you all.”

  Callie smiled. “Can’t wait to see them, and meet little Ellie.” I don’t know what passed across my face, but Callie could tell something was wrong. “What’s on your mind, Justin? Is it Meghan?”

  It was hard to hide my true feelings. “Yes,” I answered truthfully. “I offered to find a way to get traded to Colorado to be closer to her.”

  She gasped. “Wow. What’d she say?”

  I shook my head. “She said no. That I’d regret my decision, and resent her.”

  “Would you?” Callie asked.

  “No.” I didn’t even have to think about the answer. I knew what I wanted, and what I was sacrificing. She was worth it all.

  Callie shrugged. “Then go after what you want. I can see it on your face that you’re miserable without her. It’s not easy when you love someone so much and you can’t be with them.”

  With a heavy sigh, I stood, still cradling little Rowan in my arms. “What if I get out there and tell her all of this, and she’s still afraid of me making the move?”

  Callie looked right into my eyes. “Then make her see that it’s the right decision. You won’t be happy until you do.”

  Carefully, I handed Rowan back to her. “You’re right. I won’t. I know what I have to do.”

  Chapter Thirty-One


  “Ellie-Bear, do you want a bowl of cereal before we go?” I called out.

  “Yes, please.” Her voice echoed from the bathroom.

  I pulled out her Frosted Flakes from the cabinet, and poured some in a bowl. The summer was coming to an end, which meant she had to get used to getting up early again for school. It was going to be strange getting back into a normal routine after the summer I had. So many things had changed. A part of me kept thinking I’d see Justin walking up my driveway, dressed in his jeans and cowboy hat. He’d worked hard on my fence and barn. Every time I looked at them, memories would flash in my mind. It only made me realize how much I missed him.


  Jerking away from the window, I grabbed my chest. Ellie stood there, still dressed in her pink and yellow nightgown. “You scared me,” I gasped. “I thought you’d be dressed by now. We’re leaving for the school in forty-five minutes. I still have some decorating to do.”

  She nodded. “I know. I have my clothes picked out already.”

  I kissed her head, and nudged her toward the kitchen table. “Perfect. Let me get the milk, and you can eat.” I poured the milk into her bowl, and sat down across from her. She spooned some
into her mouth, her lips turned down in a frown. “Honey, you okay?”

  She shrugged. “Just thinking.”

  “About what?”

  Her head lifted, and she met my gaze. “You.”

  “What about me?”

  She shrugged again. “I don’t know. You seem so sad all the time. I know you miss Justin.”

  My chest ached, and it took all I had not to try and rub the pain away. Nothing helped. “I do, Ellie. I miss him a lot.”

  “Then why did you tell him not to move?”

  I shook my head. “It’s not that simple, sweetheart. I don’t want him switching teams just to be near us. It’s not fair to him.”

  She spooned a bite of cereal into her mouth, staring at me as if she was the wise one in the family. “We could move to North Carolina.”

  That caught me off guard. “What?”

  “We could move to North Carolina,” she repeated, the sound of her cereal crunching between her teeth. “That way, Justin doesn’t have to leave his team.”

  “But what about us? You’d be leaving your friends, and I’d be leaving my job. Not to mention, Maw Maw and Paw Paw are here.”

  She slid her bowl to the side and came over to sit on my lap. “I can make friends anywhere, Mommy. And you’re a teacher, so you can get a job at any school.”

  It was true, but …

  “What about Maw Maw and Paw Paw, and Aunt Kimberly?” I asked.

  She shrugged. “They can visit. Maw Maw and Paw Paw are planning to move to the beach house anyway. They’ll already be in North Carolina.”

  Who knew that my eight-year-old would have so much wisdom at such a young age. But could it be possible? Was it really that easy?

  I shook my head. “We can’t, Ellie. I can’t go to Justin and tell him we’ll move out there. What if he’s not ready for that?”

  Her little hands clutched my face. “He loves us, Mommy. If he was ready to move out here to be with us, why would he not want us there to be with him? I think it’ll be fun.”


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