Tamed By A Dangerous Lady (Scandalous Liaisons Book 3)

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Tamed By A Dangerous Lady (Scandalous Liaisons Book 3) Page 30

by Ella Edon

  He grinned and moved to lie beside her, smiling into her eyes. She stroked his hair and held him close. He kissed her cheek.

  “I suppose we should be careful now, shouldn’t we?” he asked, gently kissing her ear as he whispered into it.

  She turned to face him, half sitting up, and grinned. “I don’t think so,” she said, stroking his face lovingly. “We don’t have to be that careful…” she whispered softly, her breath ruffling the hair by his ear. “Not for months.”

  He kissed her lips, looking into her eyes. “Really?”

  He looked so eager that she had to laugh. “Yes,” she said softly, wrapping her arms around him and pressing her body closer. “Not for another three months, at least.”

  “Good,” he murmured into her hair. “So, I can…”

  “Yes,” she responded, as he pushed her gently over so that she lay on her back. “We can.”

  He pressed his lips to her yielding ones, and then slipped off the bed and stood, undoing his shirt and breeches and then lying beside her. He rolled onto one elbow, smiling down at her.

  “I love you so much, my sweetling.”

  She sighed with longing, and he rolled over to face her, pressing his leg between her thighs, making her ache for him.

  “I love you too,” she whispered, reaching up to stroke his head.

  He pushed into her with exquisite gentleness, and she cried out with wonder as he filled her. He moved in and out, so slowly, his body molded to hers, so that it seemed they were one creature, moving with exquisite, sweet slowness.

  As she shut her eyes, starting to feel the wonderful sensations building inside her once again, he strained, his breath panting. She could hear it and she reveled in that sound, even as her own body reached a place of such wonder that she sighed and lay back on the pillows, utterly peaceful.

  He collapsed, panting, and lay atop her, and they laid there as the cool air cooled their skin.

  After a long while, she rolled over and stirred to wakefulness. He laid beside her, one arm around her shoulder as he stroked her hair.

  “My Raymonde,” he whispered, kissing her lips. “I am so glad you’re happy here.”

  “I would be happy anywhere, so long as you were also there,” she whispered.

  “I, too,” he agreed.

  She smiled and laid beside him, feeling utterly content. She watched him as he rested, his eyes shut and his soft eyelashes resting on his cheeks. She could hear their breath – the only sound in the quiet of the room.

  Soon, she thought with a smile, there would be another small person here – she was carrying a child. She wondered if it would be a boy or a girl. They had discussed the names for a long time, and it was clear what they wished: if the child was a boy, he would be Eustace, for his father. If a girl, Eustacia.

  She smiled and felt her heart overcome with love for Cutler, where he rested beside her. He had taken the Earldom when his uncle was sent into exile, but he had not chosen to stay at Alford House, which they had sold. They would use the proceeds for charity. Their son, when he grew up – or their daughter – would not be robbed of an estate, since they would inherit the Dukedom of Maverly, through her.

  Not that, she thought with a smile, as she watched Cutler resting, titles mattered much to them: Cutler had barely agreed to take the earldom, and it had taken hours of talk before he agreed to it. She thought the title suited him, but she’d never tell him that – he was too shy to hear it.

  She bent over and kissed his cheek, feeling her heart overflow with love. He opened his eyes and she felt her heart suffuse with emotion.

  “I love you,” she whispered to him.

  He reached up and stroked her hair, his eyes full of feeling. “I love you, too,” he replied.

  They kissed and, outside in the garden, the breeze stirred and all was utterly at peace.

  Extended Epilogue

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  Scandalous Liaisons


  Abducted by a Fiery Lady

  * * *


  Seduced by a Daring Baron

  * * *

  Book#3 (this book)

  Tamed by a Dangerous Lady

  Do you want more Romance?

  Turn on the next page to read the first chapters of my previous best-selling novel: Healing the Broken Marchioness

  This time I've written a rather rough but very real, love story. It is full of stressful and scandalous struggles for a couple that was never meant to be... not until when they let their deepest desires guide them to their passion for each other.

  * * *

  Healing the Broken Marchioness


  Lady Katherine Willington, Marchioness of Bowmount, walked through the silent hallway with a bright smile. She was heading towards her six year old daughter, Victoria, who stood at the far end of the hallway, giggling as she held up one of her father's figurines. Katherine recalled that one very well— she'd bought it while she was pregnant with Victoria, before Victor found out, of course, but it had been a gift to him. How he'd kept it so well over the years was beyond her.

  Her husband, Lord Victor Willington, Marquess of Bowmount was away in the Indies for business. Although she was not in support of him leaving, she could not stay angry at him for too long. The last time she had let her anger stay for too long, she had almost lost him. They broke off their courtship and it had left her heartbroken.

  Katherine blinked hard as she stared at her daughter. Most times she wondered what would have happened if she had not been pregnant with Victoria after she and Victor had parted ways. Where would she be? And if the ton had found out, what would have happened? With whom would she be with? She would surely have been disgraced. Her fight with Victor then had been a grave one. They had disagreed on most things and never seemed to have the same thoughts, so it got out of hand and her anger blew out of proportion. And that was it. Until Victoria.

  "Keep that down Victoria! Your papa would not be happy if you destroy that, dear." Katherine narrowed her eyes, but she was still smiling. To Victoria's left, stood her Nurse, Amelia. Katherine addressed her. "Make sure nothing happens to that figurine."

  The maid nodded vigorously and walked after Victoria, who moved around with the figurine. She walked over to the table by the wall and placed the figurine back. Then she smiled up at her mother. "Would you read me something tonight, mother?"

  Katherine cocked her head to the side, pretending to think about it. "I will have to think about it, the Lady Victoria has been quite naughty."

  Victoria giggled, smiling up at her. "Mama, I only wanted to take a look at the piece."

  Katherine turned around and walked on, her head high. As she expected, Victoria walked after her in fits of giggles. "So, you won't read to me, Mama?"

  "I am still thinking." Katherine paused in front of Victoria's bedchamber door and held the door knob. "Will you be good?"

  Victoria grinned. "I am always good, Mama."

  Katherine knew indeed that Victoria was always good. She brought a smile to her mother’s face every time. Victoria was like a light at the end of a tunnel, so full of joy and happiness. Katherine watched Victoria walk into her bedchamber and she followed. The moment they were inside, the wind blew against the windows. Katherine signaled for Amelia to lock them up. Not long after, while she settled down to read to Victoria, who was now dressed for bed,
the rain began to fall heavily. Cold dispersed in the air and Victoria hid beneath the thick duvet. Katherine proceeded to read to her daughter but was stopped by the sudden knock on the door. Amelia went to get the door. The door opened ajar to reveal Mr. Stewart, the butler of Bowmount Hall, standing there.

  His brows were creased and the lines under his eyes seemed more obvious. His hands were wet, but the folded letter he held out was barely damp. Katherine rose immediately and walked over to him. "Mr. Stewart, is there a problem?"

  "A courier delivered this just now, My Lady."

  Katherine took the letter from him cautiously, wondering why he looked so gloomy. She stared at the seal and she sucked in a breath. The letter was from the Indies, and it had a strange seal with it. Her stomach churned, then an unsettling feeling came upon her.

  Katherine wanted the horrible feeling in her stomach to fade as she said, "Lord Bowmount went to the Indies. Perhaps he has sent this."

  But the feeling didn't go away. In fact, now it had spread to her heart which was pounding mightily in her chest.

  Katherine stared at the seal long and hard, wondering whose it was. She had never seen the seal, not anywhere in England. And she knew no one in India. Victor was the only one who she knew was currently in the Indies. But if he wanted to send her a letter, why use a strange seal? She tore at the seal and finally unfolded the letter. She made to turn around, her eyes still on the letter, and then flickering to Victoria who watched her from under the duvet. She looked away from her and unfolded the letter.

  The color drained from her face as her eyes scanned the paper which had writing scribbled on it so rapidly, as though the writer was in a hurry to write many letters with little time.

  The letter spoke of a harbor in India. Her throat tightened as her eyes ran through the page, taking in everything the letter said. Her heartbeat slowed for a fraction, before it picked up the speed it left and hit against her rapidly, sending her blood rushing and pounding in her ears.

  Hands shaking, she re- read the words that had stilled her. Lord Victor Willington, Marquess of Bowmount, was on board the ship that sunk in the North China Sea — with no survivors."

  Victor... North China Sea... Their apologies. They were apologizing to her... For his death. It was when she read the last line that everything clicked. Our condolences to you, for such great loss...

  Katherine staggered back as the letter fell out of hand. She stared at it as it hit the floor, hoping that it would disappear, and all of this would be a dream. A nightmare. Nothing more.

  "My Lady!" Mr. Stewart came to her side, held her in place and searched her face. "My Lady... What troubles you?"

  Katherine could barely breathe. She could barely speak. She felt as though the air in her lungs had ceased. Then she started panting, trying to breathe, trying to regain her composure. But she was failing at it. Her tears were coming quickly, her eyes were blurry. She felt weak as Mr. Stewart let go of her to pick up the letter.

  She felt instantly alone and tired. It was happening too fast, like she was losing her mind. She let out a gut-wrenching scream that resonated through the entire house and sent her body shivering. The echoes of her screams filled her ears and clouded her mind. Victoria sat up from her bed, shoved her duvet aside and made to run to her. Horrified, Katherine held up her hand. She shook her head repeatedly, Victoria parted her lips to speak, but Katherine was already signaling to Amelia to hold her there. Without a second glance, she stood up and rushed out of the bedchamber and ran down the stairs.

  The Dowager Marchioness, Darlene, and even Analise, who rarely ever left the kitchen were all running towards her, touching one another to inquire what was wrong. The Dowager Marchioness stood aside, looking from Mr. Stewart to her. Katherine drowned out their voices as reality hit her. For the first time, as she felt herself crumpling and her body crouching, she realized that the letter said Victor was in the ship. He was in the ship that sunk. Katherine rose instantly.

  "Katherine, Katherine, calm down," her mother-in-law said, but her eyes were watering.

  Katherine shook her head. She finally understood properly what was happening. Why she felt restless. Why she was so unsettled, why her eyes were tearing up. Why she didn't want to be there anymore: "Victor is dead. Victor is never coming home."

  With those words, she staggered back and broke into a run as the first tear slid from her eyes. She pulled open the double doors and looked out into the night. But her eyes were too clouded with tears to care. Her heart was too heavy with heartbreak, and her mind was filled with so many questions for her to care. She fled to the stables, mounted a horse and had ridden into the distance when she heard her daughter's voice being echoed in the woods.


  That was exactly why she fled. She could not face Victoria.

  Chapter One

  Katherine blew a strand of hair away from her face as she stood in front of the door, her gaze on the faint carvings on it. The double Italian doors that served as the entrance to Bowmount Hall was all she could stare at as she stood there, contemplating on how to push open the door after being missing for the whole night. She'd fled to the church upon the news she had heard. Victor was gone, and she would no longer see him. He was gone from their lives, forever.

  All she wanted was to be alone, so she could fully comprehend what was going on. So she could wonder where it had all gone wrong. Maybe if he had listened to her, then none of this would have happened.

  The screech of iron wheels made her eyes widen and she tensed. Her heartbeat increased when the carriage stopped.

  "Oh, dear Lord, Katherine!" She heard a loud gasp.

  She would know that voice anywhere. Her eyes were certainly still red, but she could not care less because she knew her best friends had arrived.

  "We've been so worried," Esther said. Her voice was louder than it had been before. They were close to her now.

  "Katherine!" Anne said hurriedly, before she felt her shoulders jerk backwards and Anne hugged her. Katherine blinked a few times, her hands to her sides, her eyes brimming with fresh tears. She began to wonder if it was right that she returned home now. Perhaps a few more days to herself would stop her from crying so much.

  "You had us worried," Anne cried, her head on Katherine’s shoulder.

  Esther stood behind, her right hand raised in confusion and her face scrunched. They had been worried. Lady Anne Huntington, Duchess of Richmond and Lady Esther Hamilton, Duchess of York had been her closest friends for as long as she could remember. They had been with her through everything she'd faced in her life. It was understandable that both of them would be standing before her now, in tears. She wanted to hold them close and bawl her eyes out, but she didn't. She wanted to be strong.

  The front door opened then, large doors pulling backwards, and Mr. Stewart looked out, his first expression was that of irritation, before he took in the sight before him. "Oh dear, Lady Bowmount!" He proceeded to yell into the house. "Lady Bowmount is home!"

  "I am fine," Katherine insisted, pushing herself away from Anne's hold. She held both their gazes for a brief moment before she turned, and without looking at anyone, she walked into the house.

  "Lady Bowmount!" someone called after her, she was not sure who it was. She didn't care to know.

  "Katherine!" It was her mother.

  She stopped walking, and in front of her, in the hallway, stood her parents and her brother, James. She didn't want to see all of them now. She just needed to be alone. She didn't want anyone coddling her. She just needed space, peace, and quiet.

  "Katherine..." her father whispered.

  She wondered what was running through his mind as he stood there, staring at her and saying with his eyes 'I knew something bad would happen.' She didn't want this.

  She nodded at them curtly and repeated the same thing she told Anne and Esther. "I am well." Then she turned and walked up the stairs that led to her bedchamber.

  She didn't want to cry anymore, s
he'd gone through so much, yet she stood through it all. She wanted to have some time alone, some change of clothes and then peace and quiet. From the corner of her eye, she saw everyone watching her as she walked. Only Darlene, her lady’s maid, knew to walk behind her, quietly.

  "Mother!" she heard Victoria call from downstairs, and she wondered where she'd run out from. Katherine didn't want to see her yet. She ignored her daughter’s tearful cries, knowing full well that the people she trusted were down there to care for her.


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