Love Struck: (Maddison High School Book 2 - Bully Romance)

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Love Struck: (Maddison High School Book 2 - Bully Romance) Page 8

by Nikki Ashton

  “Hey, babe.” His smile was big and beautiful as he came closer to the screen and kissed it. “God, I’m missing you.”

  I giggled and Lori snorted. “Are you drunk?” I asked as he swayed a little.

  He closed one eye and laughed. “Maybe a little. It’s true though, I’m missing you.”

  “I’m missing you too,” I sighed contentedly and rested my chin on my hand as I stared at my gorgeous boyfriend on the screen. “You’re having a good time though?”

  “Yep, I am.” He breathed out slowly. “It’s been good. The lads are making sure.”

  “Good, I’m glad.”

  We both stared at each other, our gazes never wavering.

  “Adam,” a little voice blasted out next to me. “Guess where we are?”

  Before I had chance to do anything, my phone was pulled from my hand and Lori had it pushed right up to her face.

  “Munchkin, how come you’re with Sarah? Dance finished ages ago.”

  “Mummy went to the hairdresser and Daddy had to go to work, so Sarah brought me to TJ’s. We had burgers, chips and…” Lori turned the phone to her bowl of ice cream for a few seconds and then back to her face. “Are you jealous? We’re having chocolate ice cream.”

  I leaned in close to Lori so I could see the screen; I hadn’t seen enough of him yet. Adam’s mouth dropped in a mock gasp.

  “No way. I’m so jealous. So, you’re having a good time with Sarah?”

  Lori nodded. “Yeah until that girl came over and tried to say she had your hoodie.”

  “Lori no, don’t tell—”

  She totally ignored me and when I tried to take the phone from her, she turned away from me.

  “She was telling lies though, Adam. It wasn’t yours, yours has your name in it. I know because I wrote it. She said you’d been in her bedroom, but Sarah knew you hadn’t. Sarah knew it wasn’t your hoodie—”

  “Lori wait,” Adam called. “What girl? Where’s Sarah? Put Sarah on.”

  “Sarah said it didn’t smell like you,” Lori said proudly as she grinned at me. “She knew it wasn’t yours and she didn’t even know about your name in it.”

  “Pass me to Sarah, Munchkin.” Adam’s voice was soft and cajoling and suddenly sounded more sober.

  Lori passed the phone to me and then without a care in the world, went back to her ice cream.

  “Who was it and what the fuck did she say?” Adam asked scrubbing a hand across his mouth.

  “Mackenna, but it doesn’t matter, I didn’t believe her.” I chewed on my lip. “I might have for one second, but then I thought about last night and I just knew it wasn’t true.”

  Adam closed his eyes and breathed heavily.


  Why didn’t he look relieved that I believed him?

  Why wasn’t he smiling and telling me what a bitch Mackenna was?

  He looked over his shoulder and sat up straighter.

  “Take Lori back to mine. There’s a key in the safe on the wall. The number is 1106. Wait for me there, I’m coming back now.”

  I felt a cold sweat break out over my back as my stomach knotted and bile rose in my throat.

  “Please Adam don’t tell me-.”

  “No, Sarah,” he cried. “No, it’s not that but I do need to talk to you. Please, wait at my house.” His voice was pleading as both his hands moved to grip the phone. “Please babe.”

  I gave him a single nod and then ended the call. I waited for Lori to finish her ice cream, but I couldn’t eat another spoonful, as I felt sick at the thought of what Adam was going to tell me.



  The lights were on in the lounge when Ellis’ dad dropped me off at home, but no cars were on the driveway, which surprised me. It was almost half five. I’d wanted to be home much earlier, but by the time I’d persuaded the lads I’d had enough to drink, we’d missed our bus, only to find out the next one had been cancelled because it had broken down. Tyler had insisted we wait in a bar but Ellis as usual had my back and must have noticed I was desperate to get home, so he called his dad.

  When I walked into the lounge, Sarah was curled up on the sofa, with Lori and they were watching a film. Sarah was at least but Lori was fast asleep with her head on Sarah’s lap.

  “Hey,” I whispered.

  Sarah looked up at me and I couldn’t find any light in her eyes, only dread. She let out a long breath and then glanced down at Lori.

  “She fell asleep only ten minutes in.”

  I looked at the screen to see it was Frozen flashing in front of us. “She knows it off by heart anyway.”

  I moved towards her and sat down slowly, so I didn’t disturb my sister. “I’m so sorry that Mackenna gave you shit.”

  “What’s going on Adam,” Sarah whispered. “Why did you look so shady when I told you about what happened. I know that wasn’t your hoodie, I believed you weren’t with her, so why did you look so guilty?”

  Sarah’s breathing had sped up and she was talking as though she’d just done ten laps of the school field. I grabbed her hand and held it between both of mine.

  “It’s not bad, well it is, but I don’t want you to get mad about it. Come into the kitchen so we don’t wake Lori.”

  She nodded once and gently prised herself from under the Lori’s dead weight and placed her down on the sofa. Apart from a little grunt, Lori didn’t make any movement or noise.

  “She okay?” I asked. “She never sleeps in the afternoon.”

  “She was a water buffalo at dance,” Sarah explained. “That and the excitement of burger and milkshake at TJ’s tired her out.”

  I nodded and took Sarah’s hand, leading her out to the kitchen and then pushed the door almost closed, so we didn’t disturb Lori.

  “Tell me then.”

  Sarah moved away from me and stood with her back against the breakfast bar. I wanted to move closer, but I knew if I did, she’d probably move again anyway. With her arms firmly crossed over her chest and her neck stretched, I knew she was thinking the worst. She wasn’t in the mood for me to try and charm her.

  “Mackenna kissed me yesterday while we were at TJ’s.” I rushed out the words, wincing as they registered with Sarah. “She came into the men’s toilets and kissed me. I kissed her back for like half a second and then pushed her away and told her to fuck off. That’s when I left and came to your house.”

  My breath was patchy having rushed out the words, but when I looked at the anger on Sarah’s face, I knew I should have probably taken my time and explained things properly. Her nostrils were flared, and she was exhaling hard, thankfully though her hand wasn’t rubbing at her wrist which meant she was feeling strong.

  “You kissed her back?”

  “Yeah, but hardly.”

  “How long is hardly, Adam? Half a second, one second, two minutes, half-a-fucking-hour? Exactly how long?”

  I cringed as I remembered the shortness of the kiss but the fact that it had been coupled with Mackenna’s hand on my dick.

  “Okay, a second, maybe two,” I replied with a wince.

  “What or maybe three or four, or maybe one thousand eight hundred.”

  I blew out a breath. “Shit, that was quick mental arithmetic, babe.”

  Sarah’s nostrils flared. “This is not fucking funny. Not one little bit. Now tell me the truth and don’t even think about lying to me.”


  “Yeah, it was definitely only a second, I swear.” Her shoulders relaxed but I knew I had to tell her everything.

  “But there is something else.”

  Sarah’s eyes gleamed with anger and then narrowed on me. “What?”

  “She felt my dick. She put her hand on it when she kissed me, but I pushed her off after a second, I fucking swear to you.”

  She fell silent, chewing on her bottom lip as she watched me. I didn’t dare move or breathe in case it made her think I was lying.

  “Mackenna White not only kissed you, but felt you
r dick too?” she asked, her tone surprisingly calm and low.

  “Yes.” I let my head drop back as I groaned. “But I swear to you, both were for about a second, then I pushed her away.”

  I knew Sarah had demanded I didn’t lie, but there was no way I was telling her that Mackenna had actually made me a little bit hard. That was something she wouldn’t accept, plus it would be a shitty thing to tell her. She didn’t need to know.

  “Why didn’t you push her away before she got that far?” Her tone had changed, now it was hard, and I couldn’t say I was surprised. If she’d told me some lad had kissed her, even if it was only for a half a second, I’d have to fucking plant him one in the face and kick him in the bollocks.

  “It just happened so quickly. One minute I was telling her to get lost and the next she was kissing me. I swear, Sarah, I didn’t want it, or her. I didn’t respond and I pushed her away, walked out and then came to you.”

  “So, you kissed her and then came and had sex with me. Wow, lovely, Adam, really lovely.”

  “It wasn’t like that,” I protested. “You were angry with me and after she—”

  “Oh, so you kissed her because I was angry with you. You kissed her and then thought oh maybe I’d better make it up with Sarah, oh I know I’ll go around to her house and shag her into forgiveness.”

  My heart thud, thud, thudded in my chest wall as Sarah stared at me with a murderous glare. She took a step away from the breakfast bar and I thought she was going to leave but I couldn’t let her do that, she had to believe me. I moved to stand in front of her.

  “I swear, Sarah, it was just the tiniest moment and then I pushed her away. Now today, bringing you that hoodie, which isn’t fucking mine by the way and I can prove it, she’s just messing with us. She’s trying to cause trouble because she knows me and her are finished and I’m with you now.”

  “Are you though, Adam,” she hissed, “or are you still messing around with her and pretending that we have something special, because call me stupid, but I thought we did. You’re known for being horrible to girls who piss you off, so why is Mackenna so damn brave all of a sudden?”

  I had wondered that myself but had no idea or clue to the answer. “I don’t know.” I shrugged. “Maybe she’s realised I’m changing, and that you have me by the bollocks.”

  “Don’t try and be funny, Adam. I told you, there’s nothing amusing about this.” Sarah’s voice broke and her chin trembled as she stared at me. She looked so sad and hurt and all I wanted to do was wrap her up in my arms and tell her how much she meant to me.

  I strode forward and pulled her against me. “I’m so sorry. I swear it was all her.” I kissed Sarah’s forehead, leaving my lips on her skin and breathing in her soft, flowery smell, determined to always remember it. “Honestly, I only want you.”

  As she looked up at me, her gaze full of doubt, I considered telling her how I really felt. That I wasn’t sure I’d ever want to be without her ever again. That I couldn’t imagine my life without her in it. That she was burrowing herself deep into my soul more and more each day, so that I couldn’t even remember what I did before she came to Maddison Edge.

  “I’d rather you tell me if it was more than you’re saying,” Sarah whispered. “I’d much rather the hurt now than further down the line when…” her voice tailed off and she looked down at the floor, the crown of her head resting against my chest.

  “Sarah, look at me.” She took a few seconds, but eventually looked up so I could look her directly in the eye. “I swear to you, Mackenna White means nothing to me. She kissed me and I pushed her away. I came to you because her lips on mine again made me realise they didn’t feel right. The only kiss that feels right is yours. I knew I had to apologise and make you see how sorry I was. I had to make you give me another chance, and I couldn’t wait another minute. Last night at yours, in your bed, with you, was the best night of my life and I’ll never forget any of it.”

  She inhaled slowly and then gradually let it out as though with her breathe she pushed out the pain and anger she felt. Then when it had gone, she reached up to cup my cheek.

  “Please don’t hurt me, Adam. I’m not sure I could stand it.”

  I didn’t answer, I couldn’t answer because I’d promised myself that I’d never lie to her. I would try my best not to, but the blood that flowed through my veins was black and twisted, it was weak and undependable, it was my mum and dad’s blood and it wasn’t to be trusted.

  My mum finally arrived home at about six, when I’d already fed Lori and sent her up for a bath. Apparently, the hairdressers were rammed, but I didn’t fail to notice that she had a few shopping bags with her. She’d tried to insist that Sarah stay for dinner, but even I didn’t want to sit down with her and Roger, never mind have my girlfriend suffer it too.

  We’d finally escaped, just as Lori came running downstairs shouting excitedly that Roger was home and she wanted to tell him all about having burgers with Sarah and being a water buffalo.

  “I really don’t know why you don’t like Roger,” Sarah said as she drove my car through the streets of Maddison Edge towards the new Chinese restaurant that had recently opened up. “He’s lovely.”

  I gave her a sideways glance and chuckled. “I notice you didn’t include my mum in that statement.”

  “Well, she’s, she’s…” Sarah let out a nervous giggle. “I mean it’s not that don’t like her, but Roger is just… well he’s lovely and your mum-.”

  I grabbed her hand and pulled on it. “It’s fine, I don’t think much of her either.”

  “But you didn’t say you hate Roger either, so that’s a change.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Yeah well, he’s been okay recently.”

  “Whatever.” Sarah’s tone was full of humour and I was glad that we appeared to have got over the Mackenna issue. “So, what’s this place like? Do you know anyone who’s been?”

  “Yeah, Tyler’s mum and dad went last week on the opening night. They said it was really nice.”

  Sarah indicated to turn at the upcoming junction, but I noticed a familiar figure leaving the shop on the other side of the road.

  “Fucking bitch,” I yelled and grabbed hold of the steering wheel. “Do a U-turn quick.”

  “Adam,” Sarah cried checking the mirrors for traffic. “What the hell are you doing?”

  “Mackenna is coming out of that shop.”

  Sarah screeched to a halt at the side of the pavement and within seconds I was out of the car and standing in front of Mackenna.

  “What the fuck did you think your little stunt earlier would achieve, Mackenna?” I yelled at her.

  Mackenna smirked and cocked her hip. “Oh, stop being such a baby. You know and I know you won’t be with her for long and that you’ll come running to me.”

  Anger boiled up inside my head. It’s like I could see her clearly, clearer than I had in TJ’s the afternoon before. She was hard faced and looked like she had a constant smell under her nose. She never said anything nice about anyone and was a bitch to every girl that hung around with her – fuck, she was the female version of me. Or rather how I had been before Sarah.

  Mackenna lifted her hands and I knew immediately she was going to touch me, this time though, I would stop her before she managed it.

  “No,” I snapped harshly as I grabbed her wrists and pushed her arms behind her back. “I don’t want your hands on me. Get the message, Mackenna and stay the fuck away, or I swear I’ll fucking ruin you in school.”

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” We both startled at the sound of Sarah’s voice, which was loud and, even though there was a slight waver to it, explosive. “Get away from him.”

  Mackenna gasped and swung her head in Sarah’s direction. She didn’t speak but just gawped as my girlfriend strode towards us and positioned herself between me and Mackenna.

  “Back off, Mackenna and don’t even think about coming near Adam again. Your stupid little trick didn’t work. I kn
ew it wasn’t his hoodie, so I’m not really sure what you thought you might achieve. And before you try and tell me about the kiss in the men’s toilets, which is real classy by the way, I know all about it. I know how you not only put your lips on him but also your hands, so don’t even try and cause any more trouble.”

  Sarah’s chest heaved with the exertion of her tirade and I actually found myself getting a little turned on by it. This girl who had been through some awful shit in the last year, had stood up for herself against a girl whom I’m sure in her old school, would have been one of the bitches who taunted her.

  She tipped her head on one side waiting for Mackenna to reply, but she seemed to have no clue what to say. Sarah had called her bluff about the kiss and I’d proved it wasn’t my hoodie because I had got mine from the wardrobe earlier and shown Sarah. It worried me though the length’s Mackenna had gone to, getting a similar hoodie to mine just to cause trouble. Whatever her game was, she’d been pretty serious about it.

  “Nothing to say?” Sarah asked.

  Mackenna curled her lip and flicked her dark hair over her shoulder. “Believe me, new girl, he really isn’t worth the effort.”

  “Well in that case you won’t want to come near him again, will you? So, I suggest you…” Sarah leaned close to Mackenna, her mouth right up against her ear. “Fuck off.”

  Mackenna opened her mouth, but evidently thought better of it because she stormed past Sarah, bumping her with her shoulder. We watched as she sauntered past, her carrier bag bashing into her legs.

  “Wow,” I breathed out. “That was fucking hot.”

  “What was?” Sarah cried. “Mackenna’s backside swinging in time with her plastic bag?”

  I laughed and turned back towards her. “No, you giving her fucking shit. It was awesome.”

  I looked Sarah up and down and felt my dick go from semi-hard to rock-hard. She had her hands on her hips and her chest was pushed out and heaving. Not to mention that she’d left her coat in the car and her nipples were hard against the soft fabric of her top because of the cold.


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